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08c3ce  No.196419

You all know the chans are dying and given recent events I have decided to 'put my money where my mouth is' and go to a local IRL meetup. First, you had to be invited so that was the rule of the meetup, you couldn't just show up. Second, it was packed, double the number of people that were there last meeting (I expect it will grow exponentially). Were there agents, probably, but who gives a fuck, they and their families will bleed red just like everyone else when things go south in the USA. I don't blame them for playing both sides of the fence.

Anyhow, you should all know that it was a absolute blast. I don't know if you guys could really conceive of what it is like to be in a room full of people who are 'preparing' in the event of a disaster or 'unforeseen event' who all think and feel like you do. It was amazing. I always thought I was alone…but I am not. We all recognize that there may be ideological differences on the small stuff but no one is going to be sweating people on that anymore. Just to be in a room where everyone thinks like you, looks like you (they were all White) and shares your values and concerns is better than anything most of you could imagine. It was real cohesive White community that is going to stand by each other in emergency situations, plan with each other and grow into a force to be reckoned with; it was mostly male, 1/4 was ex-military's, competent, thoughtful, intelligent.

Now that I have been out in the world to a meet up with my own people I will never give it up. We met together, shared ideas together and laughed together. We are bonded not just through DNA but through ideology for a common goal; the prospering and survival of ourselves, our families, our loved ones and our nation (genetic group). I can't recommend it enough. You guys have to get out into the world and meet people right now.

Also, added bonus; there was no littering, murdering, burning or looting involved. It was a strategic meeting between like minds who are interested in freedom and liberty and the continuation of the White race.

Things we discussed: Radio communications, weapons, first aid, legal precedent and Constitutional Law, supplies, survival skills, MURS communication, self defense, both local government and police/sheriffs (ranked and evaluated for their protection and understanding of the Constitution), international laws such as the Geneva Conventions restriction on live experimentation on humans (the so called 'vaccine' violates the Geneva Convention), medicinal plants and cuttings, etc.

You guys have to get out of this place and get busy in your community.

PS Don't bring electronics, smart watches or recoding devices. We need to learn to operate and think like the Taliban did before so clean operations and meetings must become part of common hygiene…also, people who have the Nanotech GMO engineering (aka 'the vaccine') should be excluded as well since their reality will begin to diverge with human reality soon.

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e78c4b  No.196424


Good to hear, this is normal here (central Europe) but I know it's not in the US. Hiding your power level in a way is what got you all in this situation. Bolsheviks move when they feel unopposed. Had they really had to fight for every change in your language, for every ban of x content, had there be more street fights, they would have moved back into the shadows.

I hope you meet again, and see if you can all bring a friend you trust. Make a program, maybe put some chairs together and have the leaders in the group have a discussion while you listen and ask questions.

Exciting times.

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08c3ce  No.196484


Thanks anon. I am really excited to actually be acting and organizing. Just hoping anons will get off the couch and get out there in the world.

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401f2d  No.196554

Just join a TRS pool party or Patriot front.

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4dd494  No.196864


i wish i could join up something like that but the right is barred from IRL meeting in any form. it gets infiltrated by feds and turned into something violent every time.


do you have more details? i've never heard of these.

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7ca3fc  No.196924


Okay, Mr. Glowstick! We’ll get right on that.

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08c3ce  No.197112


I am using Freedom Cell (Freedomcell.org) and the format we are going with is internationally condoned Civil Defense and relocation of refugees. You can join as few or as many different Freedom Cells as you desire. The people with the most skills like comms and radio should be connected to the most cells so that in the event of an emergency, or natural disaster, wide scale evacuation and humanitarian aid can commence. I recommend becoming involved with your local search and rescue as well since they will have up to date information in any emergency maybe even before the local authorities. This is a way to care for your own family, extended kin, first by making sure they get the jump on everyone else through your knowledge base.

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08c3ce  No.197115


not 'refugees' as in non-Europeans, in our case, but rather White Americans…just so you know.

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ae3c6d  No.197309


Send an email to TRS or send in an application at Patriot Front. For something more optical join the American Kulak Project.

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