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eb72f8  No.196202

I personally really think something may happen in these coming days. People really have had enough. Some angry Boomer or MIGAtard will shoot, and when this whole fragile fallacy that is our civilization comes crashing down; I want to be ready.

Many are finally seeing the fall, that's been happening for decades, of this great civilization and people; and as we know from history, we don't put up with it forever. While I won't be joining in the activities, I'd like to survive; especially if fun finds me.

My question is what are some essentials all anons should have for survival? I already have a gun and plenty of ammo for hunting, a bow, and have plenty of local freshwater. What are some other things anons would recommend for survival? Any good books?

Do you have any other advice?

Worst case scenario I build up a survival stash and a little knowledge to be used at a later date.

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713ce3  No.196206

Why would anyone help a coward pussy like you anyway who wont be fighting commies, because hes a fucking coward?

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eb72f8  No.196209



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3045c3  No.196210

1) shovel

2) gun

3) blanket

Dig a hole and jump in it

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11d0a5  No.196217

File: 589d92e2fd17ac5⋯.png (43.8 KB, 522x704, 261:352, Red_John_wink.png)



Having said that the most important thing you can possess is a calm mind.

I follow the teachings of Ron Hood (Hoods Woods) you can find most of the videos online.

I enjoy Cody Lundin's approach to things.

You want it quick and dirty have a skill set and like minded individuals you can count on.>>196202

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