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7d2a10  No.195180

Can't believe shit the media says.

Trumpers are saying that Nancy Pelosi's laptops were taken from the Capitol and have evidence of treason.

People saying that an Italian defense contractor used Italian government satellites to hijack and switch votes that were transferred from Dominion to their servers in Germany.

There's so much theory & bullshit being promoted, I honestly can't tell what the fuck is going on anymore. Maybe all of this is to induce mass confusion and pull the wool over our eyes?

Anyone know what the fuck is actually going on?

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c5fead  No.195191

Maybe you should have realized that leftists and swamp are pretending to be MAGA and making outlandish claims to discredit legitimate claims? They want you to be confused so if something legitimate drops, you throw it in the pile with all the literal whos on Twitter talking about how everything is going to be over in two weeks.

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7781fd  No.195206


Trump is a jewish puppet. Trump has always been a jewish puppet. There is no one fighting the ZOG. They all vote identically. They all do everything that jews say. You are a fucking retard and you are falling for jewish hoaxes.

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68672a  No.195298


OP, just keep watching 4chan, the truth usually takes 2 days to filter true from all the israeli/china psywar tranny etc bullshit.

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d95c9b  No.195299


Agree with this.

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e33f1c  No.195338


So there's no sides? It's half dozen the one, six of the other? What is the point in anything then?

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7781fd  No.195388


Finally you understand. Stop falling for jewish hoaxes. Stop claiming that peaceful solutions exist.

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063e96  No.195462

Fed needs a reboot. That's all. Might as well get rid of The Constitution and replace it with hard communism mixed with Islam and Satanism for the US while they do it.

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8bf3c3  No.195879

File: b8dca14febb3c86⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1366x3891, 1366:3891, Quantum_on_Earth.png)

File: da2010080106af6⋯.png (3.13 MB, 1366x5079, 1366:5079, 2021.png)

File: fcc6aa3a05a03ae⋯.png (270.02 KB, 1366x1049, 1366:1049, a.png)

File: feded44cd92753b⋯.png (325.65 KB, 1366x1179, 1366:1179, b.png)

Here is the REAL truth

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3a8574  No.195881


>get rid of The Constitution and replace it with hard communism mixed with Islam and Satanism

I doubt anyone would be able to tell the difference.

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