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e63f17  No.194962

They all have to go.

All of them.

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9b35bc  No.194971

Is it really that big of a deal though? Do you realize Trump can get on any platform and probably boost said platform by at least 40 million extra users overnight? Regardless of what you think of the man he does have clout.

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e63f17  No.194977


decapitation is usually a big deal, if not directly then for what it suggests is happening

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352036  No.195011


>nonwhite, non-American

>literally calling for communism his entire campaign

>literally calling for the imprisonment of white nationalists


Sage and report spam threads.

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352036  No.195012


Nothing is happening. Trump is a jewish puppet. Literally always has been.IT’S A SCRIPT. IT’S A FUCKING STAGE PLAY. IT’S A HOAX. THEY’RE ALL OWNED BY THE SAME PEOPLE, YOU FUCKING RETARDED PIECE OF SHIT.

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