>It was bait
>It was all planned
>It was 7d chess
>It was a sting operation
>It was a 130k spike
>It was sharpies
>It was burnt ballots
>It was illegal votes
>It was fraud
>It is still being counted
>It will get overturned by the Supreme court
>It was a media conspiracy
>It is going according to QAnon's plan
>It will be changed soon
>it won't all be revealed until it reaches the Supreme court
>It will be Civil War
>It will be Clarence Thomas that saves him
>It is the betting sites
>It was the censorship
>it will be Barr that saves him
>It will be the media uncalling the election that saves him
>It was the shuffle
>It will be the rejected ballots that save him
>It will be the intelligence agency that saves him
>It was the radioactive watermarked ballots
>It was the dead votes
>It will be Boris' hidden message that saves him
>It will be the public executions that save him
>It was Dominion
>It was Benford's law
>It was the virus
>It was the courts
>It will be the Texas suit that saves him
>It will be the faithless electors
>It will be the senate
>It will be Pence overthrowing the election results
>It will be the insurrection act that saves him
>It will the storming of the Capitol that saves him
>It was a false flag (The storming of the Capitol)
>It was never about Trump
>It will be two more weeks
>It will be trusting the plan that saves him
>It will be the Airforce One flight to Texas that saves him
>it will be the flight back from Texas that saves him
>It was Italy
>It will be the red folder that saves him
>It will be the coin passed to Pence
>It was a deepfaked concession
Don't mind me, just compiling a list of copes.