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File: 020167cd1dcf5cf⋯.jpg (380.9 KB, 1000x823, 1000:823, 020167cd1dcf5cfd7c2984dc61….jpg)

d1b835  No.194264

Hello 8kun. 1st exodus anon who left after Jim took over. Not sure if this is still the same place but since everything is compromised and there is no truth out there. You may find this interesting. Before one continues,

>[x] yes

>[-] no

>Is OP a faggot? [x] Yes, but not a tranny or homo

>Is OP's request worthwile at this point [x/-] (don't know)

>Is OP's link worth checking out [x]

>Can you get lulz? [x]

In continuation.The trannies and /leftypol/ are trying to frame individuals seen at the march. It's been proven that agitators were not necessarily pro Trump. Since they do not believe in objective truths and in lieu of this, perhaps they should get a taste of their own medicine.Fuck them.


The trannies are trying to compile a list. Remember our list? Remember the twitter campaign of all those names and all those crosses? This may have been around the time when hotwheels was still here. Any autists willing to dump our dear "friends" in this list. Maybe they'd recognize themselves as even if you could nuke it, there's probably a backup and OP is too retarded on how to do it. A house divided cannot stand and the left can't meme. They're using shitty tactics from years ago. If 4/pol/ would stop sucking dick for one second, those faggots could play a role and fuck with them a little bit but that is not the case. First post here in a few years but figured it's worth bringing to your attention.

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1c4bea  No.194271


>It's been proven that agitators were not necessarily pro Trump.

Imagine being such a simping, obsequious conservative that you want to give away credit for busting into the capital building.

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36bc8b  No.194325


Not disagreeing with you but the dude with the buffalo head was seen at an antifa rally just the other day.

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1c4bea  No.194342


Who cares?

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39804d  No.194353

File: 383ad7c69c1ba94⋯.png (3.98 KB, 256x256, 1:1, f9c170a2d4b85499bdf7fag.png)


>using jewgle dox

really, anon? really?

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9f47d2  No.194418


Anon, who gives a shit. They’re all ZOGbots. They’re all Trump supporters. They would willingly lay down their lives to kill ALL of us if the jews ordered them to do it. They don’t stand for anything except communism and white genocide. They DESERVE punishment by the government they love so much.

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