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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Fuck Jews

File: b51f5117598267b⋯.jpg (209.44 KB, 458x666, 229:333, Screenshot_20210108_094710….jpg)

576315  No.194228

"Now, Mike…. do you remember those all expense paid vacations we sent you on, to Jeffrey Epsteins island, on the Lolita Express? Remember all the pretty young girls we hooked you up with?

Well, WE remember…… and just to refresh your memory, we took a lot of pictures and video of you and those girls enjoying yourselves.

It would be very unfortunate if those pix and video ever got out. Your family would be devastated, your career ruined, and you might even end up in prison. So just to make sure that never happens, you're gonna do us a tiny little favor on January 6th, and then all those nasty pictures and video are just gonna disappear. Don't fight this, Mike….. there are other ways this could go. Judge Scalia and Andrew Breitbart come to mind. But I know you'll do the right thing, Mike…. you're a smart guy and you know whats best for you and your country. If this works out the way its supposed to, we will make sure you get a sweet, cushy job in our administration with all the perks and opportunities for graft and bribery that you could ever want.

I'll see you on the 6th. Take care.

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21305a  No.194591

File: 1d8355917a54295⋯.png (541.3 KB, 682x385, 62:35, 1610042847687.png)

File: cfa7f91be892dcc⋯.jpg (265.33 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, 1610042108948.jpg)

Free Masons betrayed America

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9d8d1f  No.194597


Yes, you already spammed this thread identically yesterday. Sage and report.

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