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File: 8851579e13222e9⋯.png (813.34 KB, 1566x881, 1566:881, Putin_gleeful.png)

b8dfb2  No.194158

> Putin Gleeful After Trumpsters’ Violent Insurrection


What of Putin’s progressives, such as Koncorde, JustARandommer, Analog Devolved*, StreetGangsta*, George Marbulcanti (Kirkburn), BatteryIncluded, Dennis Brown, Boing! said Zebedee, Drmies and the Wikipedia community? They must be cheering at the end of democracy.

* Alt-right LARPers

> Putin’s Progressives


> Koncorde (Kiwi Farms user Large said: "I will murder Koncorde for free"); Koncorde is gleeful at Trumpsters’ Violent Insurrection


> BatteryIncluded; he is gleeful at not only Trumpsters’ Violent Insurrection, but also the coronavirus pandemic


It would be surprised if Putin and Russian officials might be gleeful if he defends the Mortal Engines movie adaptation in a very positive light, and derides my projects (Freespace2 mods included) as bad and to be removed.

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7036fc  No.194171

No one cares about your jewish hoaxes.

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964423  No.194190

the whole charade that has gone in the usa for the last decade was a chinese-russian-israeli join op

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a7240a  No.194209

File: e2ee2b28c820c07⋯.jpg (32.63 KB, 640x299, 640:299, ezrapounddemocracy.jpg)

File: 9eb94344664a0ab⋯.png (879.42 KB, 812x2149, 116:307, JoshHowley_NewColdWar.png)

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4b4f67  No.194604

File: 39ec1d67d6f0aa0⋯.jpg (1.53 MB, 1497x2040, 499:680, Louis_Ferdinand_C_line_2.jpg)

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