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File: a6f2046b29e20f6⋯.jpg (4.91 KB, 339x53, 339:53, ALT_NEWS.jpg)

2454ab  No.191518

Op-Ed by Dan Pierce

January 1, 2020


Jeff, like you, I am not educated in Constitutional legalities but it seems that the last part of 3 U.S. Code § 15 - Counting electoral votes in Congress is the issue.

"But if the two Houses shall disagree in respect of the counting of such votes , then, and in that case, the votes of the electors whose appointment shall have been certified by the executive of the State, under the seal thereof, shall be counted. When the two Houses have voted , they shall immediately again meet, and the presiding officer shall then announce the decision of the questions submitted. No votes or papers from any other State shall be acted upon until the objections previously made to the votes or papers from any State shall have been finally disposed of."

https://www.law.cornell.edu/ uscode/text/3/15

"When the two Houses have voted" ? Does this mean one vote per State? I think it does.

The 12 th Amendment states…

"The person having the greatest number of votes for President, shall be the President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed (270 = Majority of Electors); and if no person have such majority, then from the persons having the highest numbers not exceeding three on the list of those voted for as President, the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President.

But in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote; a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two-thirds of the states, and a majority of all the states shall be necessary to a choice. And if the House of Representatives shall not choose a President whenever the right of choice shall devolve upon them, before the fourth day of March next following, then the Vice-President shall act as President, as in case of the death or other constitutional disability of the President."

https://constitution.congress. gov/constitution/amendment-12/

Now, the main issue is when there are multiple sets of Electors submitted for any State. It is up to Pence to decide which set of Electors are counted.

If Pence counts the 2 nd set of State Republican Electors submitted for the six fraudulent swing States, instead of the certified ones from the State Secretaries and Governors, Trump can go over the 270 electoral majority constitutional requirement. This would bypass the one vote per State requirement in the 12 th Amendment. Now that much of the fraud has been proven to many of those State legislatures (Arizona, Nevada, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Georgia), it will be easy for Pense to justify counting the Republican Electors instead due to fraud. If not all of the six States are contested by at least one Congressman and one Senator and reversed, it could leave Trump short of the 270 required.

Either way, Trump wins.

Great article here…

"In this epic piece, Alexander Macris summarizes legal arguments and notes that the President of the Senate is the only person who has the ability and authority to pick the electors from each state when there are more than one set of electors."

https://politicalvelcraft.org/ 2020/12/28/deciding-the- electoral-votes-january-6- vice-president-pence-shadows- vice-president-thomas- jefferson/

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630f01  No.191519

File: 394488cb5a47e3a⋯.jpg (2.69 MB, 2000x2000, 1:1, migapede_tears_3.jpg)

>trump wins!

Not this time, Israel. Sorry not sorry.

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2454ab  No.191520

File: 31c04cf7d8c1c71⋯.jpg (420.47 KB, 775x431, 775:431, jefferson_fake_news_e14954….jpg)


"Deciding The Electoral Votes January 6: Vice President Pence Shadows Vice President Thomas Jefferson"

Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration of Independence, the man whose face adorns Mt Rushmore, among the most revered founding fathers of our country, only became President because he used his unilateral power as President of the Senate to open and count the presidential ballots. Vice President Thomas Jefferson nullified fraudulent electoral votes from Georgia in the 1800 Presidential Electoral Process.

VP Mike Pence has the unique opportunity in world history where he can keep the nation and its people free or he can sentence the world to generations of slavery in a matter of minutes on January 6th.

Neonrevolt was all over the fraudulent Mueller investigation. He was so effective that Jack at Twitter censored him and kicked him off his site. But Neonrevolt did not go away. He now has written an excellent piece regarding VP Mike Pence’s duties on January 6th. His efforts can save the country and the world or damn all of us and all future generations into slavery. Neonrevolt ends his piece on Pence’s opportunity with this:

You have a choice, Mr. Vice President. Either you will rise up with courage and become the hero who saved the Republic, or you will spend the rest of your days reviled in ignominy as your children, and your grandchildren, and their descendants end up as little more than chattel on the global plantation.

I don’t think I’m exaggerating the stakes. Go with God, Mr. Vice President. Fight for the people on that day. Strike the giants, and cut off all their heads. If you can be entrusted with this immense and Constitutional power – to safeguard the Republic on that day when our enemies would snatch it away from us – we, the people, will know beyond a shadow of a doubt that we can trust you in 2024 and beyond.

In this epic piece, Alexander Macris summarizes legal arguments and notes that the President of the Senate is the only person who has the ability and authority to pick the electors from each state when there are more than one set of electors.

Macris, using sources on the issue, notes that the only way Thomas Jefferson won the Presidency was when he selected Georgia’s electoral college votes in his favor. Had he not done that, he never would have become President:

[Thus] Republicans [can] point to the historical pedigree of this position, observing that Republicans made the same argument during the disputed election of 1876 and that at least some recent law journal scholarship has supported this position. Unembarrassed by the apparent conflict of interest caused by Mike Pence simultaneously being a candidate for reelection and arbiter of the electoral dispute, these Republicans observe that Thomas Jefferson was in essentially the same position during the disputed election of 1800 and yet the Twelfth Amendment left this provision in place when Congress rewrote the procedures for the Electoral College afterwards.

Wait, Thomas Jefferson pulled this trick? Indeed he did. The 1800 Presidential election was a contest between Jefferson, Aaron Burr, John Adams, Charles Pinckney, and John Jay. Jefferson, as the current Vice President, was the President of the Senate when it came time to count the votes. And he counted them in his own favor! Bruce Ackerman and David Fontana explain what happened in their article “Thomas Jefferson Counts Himself into the Presidency” (90 Virginia Law Review 2004, 551-643):

Thomas Jefferson was remarkably aggressive as President of the Senate. Georgia’s certificate – granting four electoral votes to Jefferson – was constitutionally defective on its face, a deficiency that was announced on the floor of Congress and reported by leading newspapers of the day. To resolve all doubts, we have located Georgia’s certificate in the National Archives, and it does indeed reveal striking constitutional irregularities…

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2454ab  No.191521


Nevertheless, Jefferson failed to pause before counting George’s four electoral votes into the Republican column, declaring the final vote as if nothing were amiss. Had Georgia’s ballot been excluded, the vote count…would have admitted all five candidates into a runoff in the House… Without the decisive use of his power as President of the Senate, Jefferson might never have become President of the United States. (emphasis added)

Read that again: Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration of Independence, the man whose face adorns Mt Rushmore, among the most revered founding fathers of our country, only became President because he used his unilateral power as President of the Senate to open and count the presidential ballots in his own favor.

Vice President Pence can place himself in the history books along side Thomas Jefferson by selecting electoral college votes from states with two sets of votes, by selecting votes that are beneficial to President Trump.

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2454ab  No.191522


Even if you don't like him (which I don't very much either), the United States is fast-approaching a potential consitutional crisis, and potentially a civil war, and as such it should be discussed without restriction of debate.

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630f01  No.191523

File: 7ea9383d9bbe501⋯.png (1.2 MB, 3490x2163, 3490:2163, migapede_tears_2.png)


Maybe in your dreams. There will be no civil war over (((Trump))). I expect to see Proud Goys and other controlled opposition groups to act like idiots giving the appearance of resistance but nothing organic or substantial will manifest. We're gonna throw the Jewish State into a black hole and domesticate the Diaspora. Sorry not sorry.

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2454ab  No.191524


Fuck off shill, counter-sage. I came back to 8chan expecting to see actual discussion on a polticial topic, and instead I got Neo-4chan shill bergades spreading Election Day MIGA-salt bullshit. You are what is wrong with the world.

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630f01  No.191525

File: add440eb632a769⋯.png (2.22 MB, 2493x1437, 831:479, migapede_tears_1.png)


>waaaaah no one is buying into my pro-Trump propaganda

Sorry? Not sorry.

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2454ab  No.191526


Counter-sage and filtered.

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630f01  No.191527

File: 8070768f0754ecd⋯.jpg (46.81 KB, 580x388, 145:97, trump_screetching.jpg)


yfw im not sorry

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6f66f1  No.191528


>It is up to Pence to decide which set of Electors are counted.

Nope. It's actually illegal for the VP to reject lawfully certified Electors. Objections in Congress can overturn FAITHLESS Electors, but that's it. There were no faithless Electors, all 50 States lawfully certified their Electors. Biden won with 306 electoral votes.

There is only ONE legal set of Electors per state. Any other group submitted as Electors must be rejected. Campaigns aren't allowed to send their own slate of Electors and impersonating an Elector is a felony.

Trump lost. He will be gone in 19 days. Get over it.

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2454ab  No.191529


Go back to 4chan, nigger

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630f01  No.191531

File: ba6596d8271f15a⋯.jpg (122.36 KB, 634x430, 317:215, MIGA_1.jpg)

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2454ab  No.191532

File: c67cd36d90974d5⋯.jpg (53.02 KB, 253x600, 253:600, that_is_illegal.jpg)


The problem people aren't realizing is that Pence has rights as Speaker of the Senate to do things that may or may not cause contestation in the Congress. If Pence does so, even if it is illega, there has been a growing GOP Congressman base saying they also contest the election. If on Jan 6, Pence gets up there, and chooses to Elect the President, under Questionable Legality, what will happen?

This is something that needs to be discussed

Rome is literally falling, and all I get is 4chan Dialate-tier replies

WTF did the shills do to 8chan!!

Pic related

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6f66f1  No.191533


>Pence has rights as Speaker of the Senate

Ok, well, first of all, he's not "Speaker of the Senate", he is "President of the Senate". Just to clarify. The VP's only Senatorial power is to break ties. When it comes to the Electorate, he presides over the process, but he has a very limited role. The VP is more of an observer, not a judge. If two different slates of Electors have been sent from a State, Pence must - by law - choose the official State certified slate. He doesn't get to "just pick".

>there has been a growing GOP Congressman base saying they also contest the election

So what? Do the math. Let's say every single GOP Senator and Representative decides to object to the Electors in various states. Well, then the House and Senate split off and go have debate/discussion. That takes about 2 hours. Then they vote on whether or not to reject the contested Electors. BOTH the House and Senate must agree to reject Electors or it doesn't happen. If the Senate rejects the Biden Electors and the House doesn't, then that's it. The Electors are not rejected. Period. There is no further recourse. The Dem controlled House will not reject Biden Electors and will not object to Trump Electors. The GOP can have their tantrum, but it's a meaningless gesture. Further, remember that the incoming Congress does the election stuff. On the 5th, Georgia will decide its Senators. If both Dem Senators win in Georgia on the 5th, then they will be in the Senate on the 6th during the Electoral proceedings.

>what will happen?

The Sergeant at Arms of the House will place Pence under arrest.

>This is something that needs to be discussed

It has been discussed. Several times. You need to check stickies before making threads.

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2454ab  No.191534


Very well, I apoligize. I did not see the stickied "2020 Presidential Election Thread".

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8f2b4e  No.191535

File: c6185869740be5e⋯.jpg (37.21 KB, 400x171, 400:171, 211840_2_5_50e54.jpg)

File: 45d15156b0b6839⋯.jpg (201.25 KB, 1159x629, 1159:629, mag_brands_andrew_jackson_….jpg)

File: 6bff8f07442310a⋯.jpg (219.23 KB, 1136x853, 1136:853, ezgif_6_607ee9783b88.jpg)


It's not really about Trump…but there will be a civil war and it's been building for several generations now.


Civil war becomes inevitable in the USA

by Thierry Meyssan

The problem is no longer who was legitimately elected President of the United States, but how long can the civil war be postponed? Far from being a fight between a narcissistic TV presenter and a senile old man, the country is being torn apart over a fundamental cultural issue that has been smouldering since its inception.

Here we are: the disaster that has been predictable for the past 30 years is looming. The United States is heading inexorably toward secession and civil war.

Since the demise of the USSR, the "American Empire" no longer had an existential enemy and therefore no reason to exist. The attempt by George H. Bush (the father) and Bill Clinton to give the country a new life with the globalization of trade has destroyed the middle classes in the USA and in almost all of the West. The attempt of George W. Bush (son) and Barack Obama to organize the world around a new form of capitalism - financial this time - has been bogged down in the sands of Syria.

It is too late to turn the tide. Donald Trump’s attempt to abandon the American Empire and refocus the country’s efforts on its domestic prosperity has been sabotaged by the elites acquired to the puritanical ideology of the "Pilgrim Fathers". As a result, the moment so feared by Richard Nixon and his election adviser Kevin Philipps has arrived: the United States is on the brink of secession and civil war.

What I am writing is not a fantasy, but the analysis of many observers in the United States and around the world. For example, the Wisconsin Supreme Court has just declared Donald Trump’s election fraud appeal inadmissible, not on legal grounds, but because "it would open Pandora’s box.

In fact, contrary to the misrepresentation of events that dominates the international press, either the outgoing president’s appeals are judged in law and he is obviously right, or they are judged in politics and proving him right will provoke civil war. But the conflict is already too far advanced. Judging him politically in defiance of the law will also provoke civil war.

We must stop interpreting the presidential election as a rivalry between Democrats and Republicans, whereas Donald Trump has never claimed to be a member of the Republican Party, which he stormed during his 2016 campaign. He is not an enlightened man, but a successor to President Andrew Jackson (1829-37). Yes, ideologically, the latter prefigured the "Southerners," the "Confederates.

We must stop pretending that Donald Trump does not represent the majority of his fellow citizens when he was first elected president in 2016, when he has just helped thousands of candidates win local elections in his name, and when he has just won millions more votes than in 2016.

This constitution lasted two centuries only because of the compromise of the First Ten Amendments (Bill of Rights). But in this age of globalization of information, everyone can see that the dice are loaded. This system is certainly tolerant, but oligarchic. In the United States, almost all laws are drafted by organized pressure groups, regardless of who is elected to Congress and the White House. The political staff is just a smokescreen that hides the real Power. Every decision of every politician is noted by these groups and directories compiling their docility are published every year.

The process of dissolution of the United States could be faster than that of the USSR. It was studied at the time in Moscow by Professor Igor Panarin. Demographics have changed since then and have been analyzed by Colin Woodard. The country would then be split into 11 separate states on a cultural basis.

To these problems are added the complaints against the legislatures of some 20 states that passed laws during the Covid-19 outbreak governing elections in a manner contrary to their own constitutions. If these appeals, which are legally founded, are successful, they will have to annul not only the presidential election, but all local elections (parliamentary, sheriffs, prosecutors, etc.). It will not be possible to verify the alleged facts in Texas and elsewhere until the Federal Electoral Council meeting. Texas and other states with similar appeals, as well as those that will have to annul the election, will therefore not be able to participate in the nomination of the next President of the United States. In such a case, the only substitution procedure that applies is for the new Congress, in which the Puritans are in the minority and the Jacksonians are in the majority.

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630f01  No.191536


>there will be a civil war and it's been building for several generations now


you lose. give it up. dumb jew

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5da0ef  No.191537


You have a thread for your jewish false dichotomy already. Stop spamming the fucking board with your worship of this hoax of elections.

Jew Party A controls the house. Jew Party B controls the senate. One will vote for, one will vote against. There will be no overturned electoral votes. Biden won. It’s over. You fell for a literal fucking sham, you goddamn retard. They are literally identical.

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5da0ef  No.191538


>even if

Eat shit. You’re literally supporting white genocide and communism by sucking the man’s cock.

>the United States is fast-approaching a potential consitutional crisis

Wrong. The constitution doesn’t exist anymore and hasn’t for over 100 years. There can be no crisis.

>and potentially a civil war

You will literally never do anything. Ever. No one will. Fuck off. Go spam your autistic LARP posturing somewhere else.


Sage for jew worship.

>I came back to 8chan expecting to see actual discussion on a polticial topic

1. Not 8chan. Website owner killed that because we had actual discussions.

2. Not going to happen here. Board owner bans anyone who wants to support actual discussions.

>Election Day MIGA-salt bullshit.

And yet here you are, doing exactly the same thing. You give a shit about the “election” hoax. They won. They control you. Mentally.


Sage for Trump support.


Sage for Trump support.


>Mike “Israel should be in charge of the United States’ polices, and yes this is a direct quote from him” Pence will TOTALLY do something jews don’t want!

This is how retarded you actually are.

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8f2b4e  No.191540


Your paradigm ignores the massive vote for Donald Trump by the American people in two elections. You have no power, you have virtually no followers. Nobody wants a permanent war footing under a tyrannical regime. On the contrary people want to be left alone to go about their private affairs. That is the American way. You're not going to shut down this debate with your faggot hissy fits.

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2454ab  No.191541


I agree very strongly that there are still many free-thinking Americans who would (and will) fight against their tyrranical lockdowns. But will Jan 6 be the powderkeg we finally need, or will it be just passed over in the colletive lemming herds?

I truly hope the lemming population has left its Platonian Cave this past year and has realized they're being trueted like cattle and that they have the right and the duty to dissent.

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2454ab  No.191545


Are there any reliable statistics of American Demographics for, and against lockdown orders? Are there any polls that can still be trusted? How do you estimate the amount of allies you may have against COVID-treason?

It may be foolhardy to use the metrics of support for the President vs Support for the Electoral College in predicting an upcomming war, as this is but one single factor that does not address all person's interests.

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62b5e7  No.191547

I know the few people who post here don't need to be told, but maybe you have older relatives who will get sucked into donating money to these grifting trumpniggers.

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2454ab  No.191548




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62b5e7  No.191550


That map is decades out of date. Doesn't look like something that's been relevant since the 80s, at best.

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5da0ef  No.191551


>Your paradigm ignores the massive vote for Donald Trump by the American people in two elections.

It directly addresses it as the JEWISH HOAX that it is. Both parties are identical. They vote identically. Identical policies are put in place no matter who sits in the fucking seats. Donald Trump has dedicate his entire life to serving jews. All of his grandchildren are jews. Everything he has ever done has been for Israel and against the existence of whites. Sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up. You got played. It’s a fucking HOAX.

>You have no power, you have virtually no followers.

No shit, so why should we care about your jewish narrative at all?

>Nobody wants a permanent war footing

Literally repeating jewish propaganda.

>under a tyrannical regime.

And some more of it.

>On the contrary people want to be left alone to go about their private affairs


>That is the American way.

Piss off, jew.

>You're not going to shut down this debate

There is no debate. You’ve posted nothing but jewish spam. You have no argument, no explanation for why you support Trump, nor any explanation for why you think white nationalists are ever going to support someone who has publicly called for our extrajudicial murder by the US military. Get the fuck off this dead website and suck the ZOG emperor’s cock literally anywhere else.


>there are still many free-thinking Americans who would (and will) fight against their tyrranical lockdowns

Proven falsehood.

>But will Jan 6 be the powderkeg we finally need

Spoiler alert: no. You’re still shilling a jewish hoax narrative.


>Are there any reliable statistics of American Demographics for, and against lockdown orders?

The US white population peaked, at minimum, 5 years ago. Minimum because that’s when they felt confident enough in their victory to announce it publicly, so it may have been at least another 5 years prior.Literally everything else is irrelevant.

>in predicting an upcomming war

There will be no war.


It literally is. You’ve done nothing but defend him the whole fucking time, repeatedly, and against all fact and reason. Get the fuck back to your Q-LARP board and fantasize about your magical civil war that will never come, ever, because you’re too busy cheering on the ZOG that is slaughtering the only people who would ever oppose them.

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2454ab  No.191555


What would you think the new map would look like? I've seen that map before, and I believe it was made in '12 or maybe '17. Would any anons be willing to collaberate with me on making a speculative new map?

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62b5e7  No.191556


I don't know what a new map would look like. The country is so overflowing with foreign brown people it's not even funny. I just don't know why anyone would take that map seriously when Providence is full of Dominicans and the Atlanta suburbs are full of Koreans and Northern Virginia is little israel/Pakistan and Houston and Dallas are dothead central.

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62b5e7  No.191557


The area of NJ they call "New Netherlands" probably doesn't even crack 15% White.

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2454ab  No.191559



Would all these Dreamer Beaners even participate in a Civil War? If anything, I think they'd go into hiding. This would be a war of real Americans, actual White People, with all those other niggers, spics, third-worlders, and more just either standing on the sidelines else forcibly drafted.

You have to think in real terms. A lot of these people are too stupid to pick a side, and they are a symptom, not the problem. I sincerely doubt that the war would include them, and the aftermath would be even less likely to have them congregating in their own colonies where they are now.

America, in a state of Civil War, would be no different than a Third-World Nation is seen today. All these people would probably become refugees to either Canada or Mexico, fleeing the "Amerikkka" that is now in flames.

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62b5e7  No.191560


>Would all these Dreamer Beaners even participate in a Civil War?

What? What do you imagine the theoretical civil is? Are you trying to pretend it is anything other than non-Europeans and their interests against the European peoples? This whole thing seems like its some weird exercise to pretend the problem is something different than that.

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5da0ef  No.191561

File: 80ea085812e3cf8⋯.jpg (59.64 KB, 600x353, 600:353, brockman_full_custom_59f6a….jpg)


In an ECONOMIC collapse, a currency travel map will give you a broad idea of regionalism, though note that this is entirely based upon the easy and free flow of trucking (and therefore goods, services, and fuel) throughout the US. But we won’t have an economic collapse.


In a RACIAL collapse, you want to look up the dot map, because that’s how things will fall apart. Not on broad regions, necessarily, but rather literal fucking neighborhoods. But we won’t have a racial collapse.

What we’re going to have is what we have now. Whites stop having kids, nonwhites keep having more. One by one, house by house, day by day whites will continue to be slaughtered by their neighbors until the power just goes out in most places, the water stops running, and the US is turned into Africa. And no, there won’t be anyone fighting this. You’re clinically delusional if you think there’s going to be overt racial conflict–or ideological conflict–in the US at any time.

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62b5e7  No.191562

It's not like the friction fraying at America's core is tension between Francophones in Aroostook County and Finns in Minnesota or Germans in central PA.

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5da0ef  No.191563


What friction? What tension? Everyone worships the jew. They do everything jews say, without fucking question. Hate this because we say so. Love this because we say so. Do this, don’t do this; we say so. Doesn’t matter what the actual divisions are. The US exists to worship jews, and as such it will never collapse.

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62b5e7  No.191564


>This would be a war of real Americans, actual White People, with all those other niggers, spics, third-worlders, and more just either standing on the sidelines else forcibly drafted.

Yeah. On second thought and second reading, my impression is that you're a kike.

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2454ab  No.191567


Every post you have made in this thread, under both of your IDs, indicate you are a kike. Your schizoposting 4chan-tier ramblings and completely divoid-of-substance argumentative style is not welcome here. I have not used 8chan in a long time since I heard that the DoD had DNS connections to the site. I now come back, and I see that this is the quality of poster left on what was formerly /pol/?

This is an argumentative discussion on possible outcomes within the next few months surrounding a former stand-in of Rome to the world. The west is finally falling after at least 2 decades of prediction that it would, and I made this thread to talk about it. Instead, I get called a kike.

I'm whiter than you, mohammad. Go fuck off and die. I am an Aryan, you are not.

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62b5e7  No.191568

File: 05a3359dd8fb9ed⋯.jpg (87.71 KB, 900x720, 5:4, fellowkids.jpg)

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5da0ef  No.191569



Just fucking kill yourself.


Just fucking kill yourself.

>Your schizoposting 4chan-tier ramblings and completely divoid-of-substance argumentative style

The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.

>is not welcome here

YOU are not welcome here, neocon.

>I have not used 8chan in a long time

No one cares. We didn’t miss you. The site was destroyed by your kind anyway. Fuck off and leave us to die in peace, you goddamn jew.

>what was formerly /pol/?

You know nothing at all. /pol/ was killed by the site owner. It’s dead. It’s over. We’re not ALLOWED to have our own place. Piss off, you worthless fucking jew worshipper.

>This is an argumentative discussion on possible outcomes within the next few months


Get it through your fucking head. You don’t have an argument. There is no discussion here. You have ZERO evidence for ANYTHING you have said. Meanwhile I can cite and source the last CENTURY of human history to prove that no one is going to do a goddamn thing about the ZOG. And I’m absolutely certain the other guy here is knowledgable enough to fill in any gaps I have, or to prove me wrong if I’m wrong. You, on the other hand, have NOTHING. Shut the fuck up already. You can’t even REPLY to what you’re being told here.

>The west is finally falling

It fell a century ago. Your refusal to recognize that doesn’t matter; it just means you, personally, refuse to recognize it. Look up hypernormalization (you won’t; you don’t give a shit about truth or anything that violates your “TRUMP GOOD” narrative).

>after at least 2 decades of prediction that it would

So you were wrong for 20 years and now you expect people to believe you? Okay, dipshit! Get the fuck back to your Q-LARP board. Any day now. Magically everyone bad will be arrested by the “good” people who are literally owned by the same jews as the “bad” people, right?

>and I made this thread to talk about it.

But provide no citation. But post no evidence. But have no documentation. But worship jews.

>Instead, I get called a kike.

That’s what happens when you FALL FOR JEWISH NARRATIVES that every one of the 10 white people remaining on this godforsaken excuse for a website already knows are lies.

>I'm whiter than you

Confirmed that you’re not white at all.


Confirmed that you think only dune coons hate jews, and therefore that you support jews.

>Go fuck off and die. I am an Aryan, you are not.

Reminder that you’ve yet to give a single explanation for why any white nationalist would EVER support Trump, his (((Republican))) entourage, or anything for which they stand, and therefore cannot explain why anyone would ever fight for them in your magical civil war hoax.

Whew, that one was fun. Don’t get to beat the shit out of shills as often as I used to.

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2454ab  No.191596

Early morning anti-shill bump

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5da0ef  No.191604


Sage. Report. Answer our questions, you fucking subhuman coward. We’re the only ones engaging here. We’re the only ones having a conversation. You refuse to prove anything you say, and you reject anything that disproves your fantasyland. Sage. Commit suicide, you worthless piece of shit.

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