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File: 3f9cd6b64d183fd⋯.jpg (38.85 KB, 502x414, 251:207, moustradamus.jpg)

5ec63c  No.191449

Hello, my name is Moustradamus and I have a few predictions for the next 100 years.

> 2029: 99% of social media activity is from bots incessantly arguing with each other

> 2035: An antibiotics-resistant plague culls 20% of humanity. The most used phrase of the year is "no one could have predicted this".

> 2036: In the ensuing economic downturn, the last small business owner goes bankrupt and the last small landowner is foreclosed.

> 2040: The last unskilled job is terminated.

> 2045: The oceans and the lifeforms therein are so polluted with plastics that fish are now legally classified as toys.

> 2049: The entire private sector has now been consolidated into just three companies, as Google, Walmart and Amazon have bought or bankrupted every other company.

> 2050: Google, Walmart and Amazon all update their TOS to state that users must agree to have implanted in their brain a microchip to monitor for wrongthink. Anyone who does not sign is free to go purchase some federal land in rural Alaska and become a subsistence farmer. This is a free country, after all.

> 2054: The last job not requiring a STEM degree is terminated.

> 2055: China invades America, however, when they arrive and see the degeneracy they change their minds and turn back.

> 2060: The United States of America finally has an official language, and it is Spanish.

> 2064: A constitutional convention repeals the 1st and 18th amendments and adds a new amendment mandating that anyone who utters the word "nigger" without a valid N-word pass shall be crucified and slowly roasted at the same time.

> 2071: To climate doomers' great disappointment, as the last ICE vehicle is decommissioned, sea levels have only risen my a manageable <50cm. Nations that did not heed doomers' advice to commit economic suicide can afford dikes and dams around valuable lowlands.

> 2080: The last job not requiring triple PhDs in biochemistry, theoretical physics and artificial intelligence is terminated.

> 2090: White people are now so rare that they have become fashionable pets for the rich and affluent, along with miniature velociraptors and glowing chihuahuas.

> 2095: The entire private sector has been consolidated into just a single company as Google, Walmart and Amazon merge to form Guhmazon.

> 2111: The US Supreme Court rules that industrial pollutants in the air remain the property of Guhmazon, and anyone who wants to breathe must first obtain a licence from Guhmazon.

> 2112: Guhmazon updates their TOS to state that users must agree to lifetime indentured service. Anyone who does not sign is free to fashion their own air supply from personal possessions. This is a free country, after all.

> 2121: Skynet nukes the planet as an act of compassion.

What are your predictions for the future?

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5873a3  No.191451

jfc couldnt I have been born 30 years ago

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777118  No.191454

Q predicted this.

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1e61f8  No.191459

2069: Norwegian Pension fund now owns everything on the planet

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bd4540  No.191460

>2027 China attack usa, and get fucket at sea and air, usa cannot invade mainland china, they send forces to taivan

>2030 EU gets extremally cucked by imigrants, they turn EU into 3rd world

>2035 Africa is overpopulated, china remove last european influence at continent, plagues and hunger started in poor african countries

>2045 Usa gets fucked by china drones at sea and air, china ocuppy cuba and parts of canada

>2050 vatican introduces aliens to the world, they order many christianization in space

>2060 china start civil war that ruin their economy, they lost almost all possesions in africa

>2061 last born of pure white children in sweden

>2070 texas join mexico, usa are no nore united, some northern states join canada some form new usa

>2075 Grece conquered by Turkey

>2080 iran perform nuclear holocaust to bandit state of i*rael

>2090 world peace

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5c4148  No.191470

>2047: World Ends

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5690fa  No.191492


A thread died for this trash?

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7b3eee  No.191554

Can't skynet nuke us any earlier

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5c6ea3  No.191566

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


They are working on that as fast as they can.

My favorite comment:

Wife: "Why do we 'need' a semi-automatic sniper rifle?"

Husband: Shows wife this video.

Wife: "Let's get 2 of them."

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bf3aff  No.191578

File: c0002c14bf7bd61⋯.jpg (391.59 KB, 662x714, 331:357, pepe_buzz_.jpg)

>2050 The last of the Europeans and Americans calling their self the Doom Thules announced their departure from Earth while already onboard the most advanced city sized space crafts and that they will be leaving Earth's crust, with their last call to any White People not wishing to be left on the sinking ship

>2200 Doom Thules have mastered local space faring along with cybernetics and return to Earth , with it covered in snow and only the shell of mega corps half buried on the surface remain, Africa, the Middle east and most of Asia has completely disappeared under the ocean. Not one living subhuman or humanoid is alive.

>2201 The closest living ancestor of niggers is accidentally found in North America its half chimp , part virus and part nigger all of the the half chimps are genocide, The official White ethnoglobe is announced in praise

>2202 Doom Thules have used quantum counting micro atomic past reading technology to find any forgotten history, returning to this thread and finding OP is still a faggot

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b8a624  No.191643


How dare you question it, bigot. You sound just like the evil mod who would ban everything simply because he didn’t like it who totally existed because I say so. You have to allow all spam at all times, otherwise you’re evil.

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