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File: 3385fd80e2ef8d7⋯.png (87.89 KB, 640x640, 1:1, islam_who_supports_who.png)

6d78de  No.190310

Iran is fine, but it shouldn't be an islamic state government by force as it is now. Saudi arabia okay, but not Persia. That's really the big problem with Iran. Ethnic arab Shia need to return to Yemen (Shia were originally based in Yemen right?) and work shit out with the Sunni, not create a base of operations in Iran and subvert force feed islam to a people who are more inclined to Zoroastrian religion and secular government. It has taken a thousand years to get expansionist islam to this point of almost being back in the bottle. Everybody is fed up with it, even moderate muslims will agree, and Iran is the last major fortress holding up this whole house of cards. Islamic government in the Arabian peninsula is the most anybody should tolerate now.

Hitler was known to be friendly with Iran, but that was before it forced its common people into Islam. Big difference. Forcing Islam involves propaganda tactics to psychologically box the people into it, unnaturally, and will fall apart as soon as that pressure is removed.

Islam has a lot of negative culture (remove kebab) associated with it that Saudi Arabia is doing a good job of reigning in. But fuck all if you think half the Islamic commoner horde isn't still hung up on ideas like creeping into Spain and forming another Islamic version of the roman empire based on a Turkey sultanate.

Trump put Iran on warning for good reason. They must drop the Islamic shit and just be Persia again. Go to arabia if you want to be a muslim fanatic. End of story. Once Iran's Islamist government fails, the Islamic culture monopoly in Indonesia will be disconnected and fall shortly after. After that, Islam in the Africa won't be able to stand alone, leading to the final cap of a 1300 year Islamic cultural disturbance of the world balance, leaving the Islamic nucleus in Arabia where it belongs to pacify any leftover Islamic war tendencies, where I predict the Arabs will eventually figure out amongst themselves that Muhammad was just a spiritual arab politician significant to THEIR race alone, and will finally stop trying to copycat the development of Christianity out of jealousy.

There is NO WAY the islamic version of Iran is getting out of the cross hairs at this point. Everyone, even china, is fed up with Islam; and we've worked far too long to get here.

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b2a5ac  No.190366

File: cc9733547ef3590⋯.jpg (531.09 KB, 3544x1726, 1772:863, fuckface.JPG)

Aw look at this; OP fuckface got the shit beat out of him over on this thread;


so he copy/posted it on an all new thread by itself in a futile attempt to avoid being labelled an idiot.

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9eed17  No.190368

File: 666af5163f2b277⋯.jpg (301.94 KB, 604x781, 604:781, trump_iran_new.jpg)

>muh iran

fuck off israel

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e6924d  No.190391


You already made this post in the fedora thread.

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d396b1  No.190419

File: 48e6765e97c639b⋯.jpg (91.57 KB, 384x313, 384:313, shrug.jpg)


iran was off topic on this other thread, and deserved its own thread. whag your problem with the logic of this post? do you like islamic government in persia? whats your angle?

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b2a5ac  No.190440


>iran was off topic on this other thread

Nonsense. Not a single person said anything of the sort to your post. You can click on the link to that thread and see for yourself. You were fleeing the drubbing you took there by attempting to run with the same shit over here.

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3a368f  No.190493



Fuck off kike, both israel and iran are absolute scum of the earth.

Cant wait for DJT to fuck you kikes last once all the commiefuckers in America get the rope.

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9eed17  No.190494

File: 5936652f82139e7⋯.jpg (284.3 KB, 1688x939, 1688:939, PSYGROUP_2.jpg)


>muh DJT

fuck off israel

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e6924d  No.190499


Blow your brains out. It’s not even funny as a joke.

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e82be2  No.190554

File: 383ad7c69c1ba94⋯.png (3.98 KB, 256x256, 1:1, f9c170a2d4b85499bdf7fag.png)


islam is preferable to judaism

iran is preferable to israel

kys kike faggot and take your beloved zognald with you

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