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You have to go back

File: 7b990a2438ff586⋯.jpg (78.04 KB, 480x319, 480:319, give_trump_a_chance.jpg)

7bb031  No.190142[Last 50 Posts]

Of course, all leaders must be watched for proof they might be a bad leader, or a controlled opposition agent put in place by the enemy.

But delicate war actions sometimes need a leader to pretend to be like one of our enemies, to use as a tool of war deception. Sometimes a leader needs to make secret concessions or negotiations which his followers will hate, or to do things against the group for the sake of optics, because bad optics can be used to build a mob of people against us.

The things you people are complaining about Trump, could all fall into this category and are no reason to turn against Trump during this critical time.

When a group takes a leader, they make a decision to lend him their trust for a time, by giving him a separate standard. It is suicidal to take back this trust before that time is over. Donald Trump’s time is not over yet, especially now.

Even if Donald Trump were a controlled opposition agent, or a bad leader; still, this would be preferred over an open enemy like the leadership of the Biden administration. For Trump to make big open moves to some of our greatest desires, could potentially give the enemy enough optics ammunition to build a wide coalition against us. War is not simple. The German people knew this and did not turn against Hitler even when he made an alliance with Stalin in communist Soviet Russia.

There is no advantage in slandering Donald Trump at this crucial time, but that is why legions of shills are sent here to make anti Trump posts.

Donald Trump’s time is not yet up. Have a little faith. We must give him room to work. You can always turn against him later if you wish, but there is no reason to do so now.

Be aware that half the replies to this thread will be samefagging shills. Don't be peer pressured away from common sense.

If you genuinely disagree, I'm willing to discuss it but give actual logical reasoning to refute what I said here, and not just throw insults, in which case we should ignore those posters as the regular anti-trump shills doing their thing. Don't let them derail the thread.

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66c784  No.190144


You're a faggot and should go ahead and kill yourself for our amusement.

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98c08d  No.190150

File: 00cd25be572896e⋯.jpg (112.75 KB, 500x375, 4:3, Shill_Commandment.jpg)


<If you disagree, use logic and not just insults, in which case we should ignore those posters as the regular anti-trump shills…

exhibit #1: >>190144

>You're a faggot and should go ahead and kill yourself for our amusement.

honestly, you have to consider these are just bots designed to detect pro-trump threads and auto post a random combination of insults.

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66c784  No.190154


Nope, sorry, not a bot. You're just a gigantic faggot and killing yourself would be the only worthy contribution you could make to this board.

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0795e6  No.190155

File: 39af7e460683cb9⋯.jpg (52.5 KB, 1152x206, 576:103, moarpheus_accelerationism_….JPG)


As Zionism falls so to Bolshevism. Go back to the (((DailyStormer)))

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aad394  No.190161


>anyone who disagrees with me is a bot/fed/shill

If you have to make that disclaimer in your opening argument, then you've already lost. Die in a fire and take Trump with you.

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59b936  No.190162

Trump; 4 years of NO war in Syria and no a few hundred marines is not a WAR.

Biden; 4 years of total war on Syria with 1.5 million civilians murdered and the chance of all out war with Russia and Iran thrown in. Nothing held back. I'm thinking $10 trillion + wasted by the American taxpayers on this shit. Syria left in total ruins. Everything, particularly all the precious artifacts of its 6000 year history reduced to dust for the evil vendetta of the jews.

Trump has got to be sworn in for a second term even if it means the Insurrection Act is imposed on these Chicom/zionazi paid/blackmailed assets, the Biden crime family.

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66c784  No.190165


Biden has never been commander-in-chief, so your scenario is a lie.

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66c784  No.190167


Also, invoking the Insurrection Act won't change the election. Biden will be sworn in on January 20th regardless of your feely feels.

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59b936  No.190168


When Biden gets in there's going to be a huge war in Syria. This is a fact. You will see. The #1 reason for the non stop heretofor unheard of torrent of relentless hate agaisnt Trump over the last 5 years has been his refusal to throw US forces into Total War in Syria. You are a fucking little zionazi shill we know and you're doing everything in your power to divert attention from the Chicoms and the Zionazis in your feeble powers. You are a piece of shit.

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66c784  No.190171


>This is a fact

Just like the "fact" that Obama was going to start a massive war with Iran? Nobody believes you anymore. Nothing you have ever predicted has come to pass. All you do is move the date forward and pretend the previous prediction never happened.

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7a65de  No.190173


>implying Obama didn't start a massive war with Iran

Yeah okay uh huh cool beans

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308fd6  No.190175


dafuQ are you talkin about. Obama funded Iran with $150 billion in cash, under the guise a bullshit nuclear deal. Not only did he not start a war with Iran, he ARMED Iran.

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59b936  No.190176


Obama and NATO got Syria into a huge ruinous war with NATO's paid proxies Al Nusra and Al Quaeda . That is a fact. Hillary was balls deep into that shit too. Guaranteed there's a huge war coming in Syria with President Biden.



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59b936  No.190177


He didn't "fund" them at all; that was their own money from the oil trade held in Western financia institutions that had been impounded after the fall of the Shah. He was simply giving Iran it's own money back.

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10ea27  No.190178

File: b93288da20adcbc⋯.png (267.22 KB, 800x820, 40:41, you_have_to_go_back.png)


You are justifying Obama, as he's not some evil demon? Shouldn't you be in leftypol? We're past debating that on this board. Leave.

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757fe9  No.190180


>morpheues likes civic nationalism

>Also likes accelerating

Are you genuinely a retarded or are you morpheus himself, because in last two days I am reading a lot about morpheues after a long time.

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da880d  No.190181

File: 5e9646abb9a6b2d⋯.png (367.31 KB, 1024x804, 256:201, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5889c97c373e22b⋯.png (61.3 KB, 615x326, 615:326, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 66a359c73362593⋯.png (70.61 KB, 1261x449, 1261:449, ClipboardImage.png)

I don't see how it's even possible for a US political figure to not be a shabbos goy. It's outside the overton window for basically everyone, with some notable exceptions.

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0795e6  No.190183


Retard and Moarpheus himself. And I am not a Civic Nationalist.

>I am reading a lot about morpheues after a long time.

I'm on a 2 wee kban from 4/pol/ and decided to lay siege to 8/pol/ at the dismay of BlackCube and related. But to the point: Zionism is falling at the moment and upon hitting the ground grabs for and pulls Bolshevism down with it. No Zionism, no Nazbol, no Historical NatSoc, and no victory for the Synagogue of Satan.

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66c784  No.190184


If I take $150 from you and then give it back to you later, and you use it to buy a gun, did I buy you that gun?


You're an idiot. Your suicide will be the sweetest of all.

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66c784  No.190185



Doesn't exist, you fucking moron.

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0795e6  No.190186

File: 2f8b49586c8d3c3⋯.webm (2.29 MB, 1280x789, 1280:789, 8chan_compromised_DoD.webm)


Oh, right. I nearly broke the cultural LARP. This isn't /pol/ or 8chan. Apologies.

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01566b  No.190203


The whole reason there is a war in Syria right now is because Assad refused to allow the Qatar pipeline to be built through his country, so the West resorted to its usual tricks - stop me if you've heard this one before - arming and funding "democratic freedom fighters" to overthrow a "cruel dictator" and replace him with someone who is more malleable to western interests.

You're an idiot if you don't think Biden is going to start drumming up some excuse for large-scale military intervention in Syria the second he gets in.

Fuck, it wouldn't surprise me if it was part of his inauguration speech.

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c7cea4  No.190208


Blow your brains out.


Blow your brains out.

>war actions

Blow your brains out.

>no reason to turn against a paid jewish shill

Blow your brains out.


Blow your brains out.


Blow your brains out.


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c7cea4  No.190209


Suck off Trump on a different website. You do not belong here and never have.

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c7cea4  No.190211





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70811c  No.190242


Sounds like a pretty logical response to me.

Killing yourself would remove either a snake or the most naive imbecile from the gene pool.

Trump or Biden makes no difference. Both kike and corporate puppets. The End.

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59b936  No.190270

File: e961a62f5701c02⋯.jpg (40.05 KB, 551x310, 551:310, Iran_Parliament_speaker_Hi….jpg)

File: a6c293b423f1d0f⋯.jpg (349.88 KB, 1433x1887, 1433:1887, muslims.JPG)

File: 5d4330aa5677480⋯.jpg (77.87 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, _86242713_gettyimages_2663….jpg)


The Iranians have never done any harm to America.

The Americans have continuously interfered with Iran, even financing SAVAK torturers to keep political control over Iran's oil output.

It was Iran's money and they were simply allowed to get it back. By the way this is a pro Hitler board and Muslims particularly the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and the Shah of Iran were pro Hitler.

>>In 1936, the Hitler Cabinet declared Iranians to be immune to the Nuremberg Laws, as they were considered to be "pure Aryans".[10

>>In 1939, Nazi Germany provided Iran with what they called a Germany Scientific Library. The library contained over 7500 books selected "to convince Iranian readers … of the kinship between the National Socialist Reich and the Aryan culture of Iran".[13] In various pro-Nazi publications, lectures, speeches, and ceremonies, parallels were drawn between the Shah of Iran and Hitler, and praise the charisma and virtue of the Führerprinzip.[14]

For many decades, Iran and the German Empire had cultivated ties, partly as a counter to the imperial ambitions of Britain and the Russian Empire, and later, the Soviet Union. Trading with Germany appealed to Iran because the Germans did not have a history of imperialism in the region, unlike the British and Russians.

From 1939 to 1941 Iran's top foreign trade partner (nearly 50% of its total trade) was Germany, which helped Iran open modern sea and air communications with the rest of the world.[15]

Demands from the Allies for the expulsion of German residents in Iran (mostly workers and diplomats) were refused by the Shah. A British embassy report in 1940, estimated that there were almost 1,000 German nationals in Iran.[16] According to Iran's Ettelaat newspaper, there were actually 690 German nationals in Iran (out of a total of 4,630 foreigners, including 2,590 British).[17] Jean Beaumont estimates that "probably no more than 3,000" Germans actually lived in Iran, but they were believed to have a disproportionate influence because of their employment in strategic government industries and Iran's transport and communications network".[18]:215–216

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59b936  No.190271

File: a97b944e9b5009e⋯.jpg (338.1 KB, 2373x1178, 2373:1178, kamala.JPG)


Whe the US gets balls deep in a huge ruinous war in Syria the lies in your statement will be there for all to see. Trump kept us out of a huge insane war in Syria that the Democrats were hell bent on starting.


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59b936  No.190273


>If I take $150 from you and then give it back to you later, and you use it to buy a gun, did I buy you that gun?

No you gave me back the money you owed me. What I do with my own money is my own private business. Your business is to pay off your outstanding debts. If you don't then you're just a filthy little thief.

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7bb031  No.190298

File: 3385fd80e2ef8d7⋯.png (87.89 KB, 640x640, 1:1, islam_who_supports_who.png)


iran is fine, but it shouldnt be an islamic state government by force as it is now. saudi arabia okay, but not persia. thats really the big problem with iran. ethnic arab shia need to return to yemen (shia originally based from yemen right?) and work shit out with the sunni, not create a base of operations in iran and subvert force feed a people islam who are more inclined to zorastrian religion and secular government. its taken 1300 years to get expansionist islam back in the bottle, everybody is fed up with it, and iran is the last hold out. islamc governments in arabia is enough that anybody can tolerate now.

hitler was working with iran before it forced the common people into islam. big difference.

islam has a lot of negative culture associated with it that saudi arabia is doing a good job of reigning in. but fuck all of half the islamic commoner horde isnt still hung up on ideas like creeping into spain and forming an islamic version of the roman empire again based on turkey sultanate. iran has put iran on warning for good reason. drop the islamic shit and just be persia again. go to arabia if you want to be a muslim fanatic. end of story. once irans islamist front fails, indonesia will fall shortly after, the africa for the final cap to a 1300 year islamic cultural disturbance… there is NO WAY the islamic version of iran is getting out of the cross hairs. Everyone, even china, is fed up with islam.

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59b936  No.190324

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Communist China is fed up with the Tibetans too. They're fed up with us too for forcing open their doors to sell them heroin. If people on the other side of the world want to do this or that or beleive this or that or run their governments like this or that who are we to tell them otherwise. Yeah Saudis are good people. Keep telling yourself that.

kek. Too stupid for words.

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59b936  No.190325

And let's not forget; it was Jimmy Carter, Zbignew Bryzhinski and the Rockefeller's CFR that cast the shah out of power and flew the Ayatollah Khomeni back into Iran and then put him into power. The Muslim Brotherhood is a USA/CIA British/MI6 financed project.



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e48a2f  No.190331


>and you should too

intellectuals and "White Supremacists" are the minority, brother

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c7cea4  No.190335


Please just commit suicide. You’re too stupid to be legally considered human, much less post here. Fuck off.

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28fa43  No.190344


make this exhibit 2 you faggot/shill/tranny/useful idiot/kiddo/cuck whatever it may be you are wrong or being dishonest and this has been established a very long time ago.

ziondon has been debunked and exposed. So at this point we can call you a faggot since we all know where we are at with ziondon.

Want facts? There:

>married to a prostitute

>daughter is a prostitute (catwalk/mode/nipslip)

>Children jewish converts and married to jews

Those facts are plentiful to discredit him but there are many other facts that can be used. I will stop here for now, if you want more see >>163856

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28fa43  No.190406


That's not an exception that's a pied piper. Israel bad communism good. If you look at any free palestine movement you see the rampant communism in there. Many jews oppose israel but don't support our cause either.

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da880d  No.190409


At least Commies like Tlaib aren't good goys. They name the jew. That's infinately better than Trump.

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0e5aa8  No.190428

Dude… Losing is really bad optics. Losing when your opponent OBVIOUSLY cheated is really bad optics. Knowing the voting system is fake, having 4 years to do something about it and doing absolutely nothing then losing shows he is complicit in what is coming. I'm sorry to say it but that is the situation.

This thing that is going to happen on the 6th will be Pence saying that the election was juuuuuuuust fine. Trump will stand up tall and say golly! I lost fair and square then! Make sure you get your vaccine!

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c7cea4  No.190432


No jews oppose Israel. You fell for the hoax yet again.

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59b936  No.190438


>married to a prostitute

He took Webster Tarpley to court for slander. Webster is a historian from Cornell U. Webster has a huge mouth, and a well covered website. He had his moment in court to offer up proof that Melania was a prostitute. He failed and lost and is paying through the nose for his slander now. By the way Melania's family is Slovenian of Croatian descent. They're one of the wealthiest families in Slovenia. They're well known and popular there.

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fb5745  No.190515


hush kike

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c7cea4  No.190574

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5c67c1  No.190838


Ruinous for whom?

Might actually get the western "elite" in a grave, or at least spice the place up enough the welfare starts to dry up and we can resort to violence unabated by governmental mercenaries that are only loyal to their paycheck;

The way I see this esponentially excalating new cold war, the chinks or even the russkies might soon start to fund and arm any guerrilla opposing yank aligned governments, which might and probably will include NatSocs as well, for you see the rowdy leftist revolutionaries you can witness prancing around lobbing molotovs and chanting slogans are upholding the status quo and are loyal to it, not the ones to fund to actually topple their enemy, and the nastier the world theatre gets, the more likely it is for them to arm no returns asked, then one guerrilla hands over to another and we might see pockets of friendly enclaves, if not entire countries, pop up all over the west.

If it goes as bad as you say it might get good… well… unless it's kosher degeneracy what you wanted to keep.

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8583d2  No.190845

File: e0a85c2b3d4166c⋯.png (437.55 KB, 598x481, 46:37, liberated.png)


>Ruinous for whom?

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5c67c1  No.190865


And you believe they'll even try something on that scale now that Russia is mobilising at this rate?

Ratnik, new thermonuclear warheads…

Look at all the dick waving.

If they do it escalates into a faster series of proxy wars I mentioned if not WWIII.

And as piss poor as the Chink army is, yankland is boned if they get in the conflict on the Russian side, and they might, they don't seem too happy about the hong kong ordeal and have been slowly pushing in the pacific, threatening yank proxies, gaining land.

It won't be an arab spring again.

They probably will stand still, and the more they wait the more it goes all to hell, already got faggots and female soldiers for fuck's sake.

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28fa43  No.190878

File: 9991be67f0c9b09⋯.png (3.46 MB, 2228x1263, 2228:1263, WhoresOfTheWH.png)


>jew law says she isn't a prostitute so she is a good mother

>im gonna ignore the other facts that are as bad if not worse

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28fa43  No.190879


it's not that the oppose israel, its more like they want instead of israel a globalist government that controls everyone under the same guise. They hijack the anti-israel movement to make it pro global israel in a way. So you're not wrong but neither I'm I.

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8583d2  No.190880


I meant more that it would be ruinous for the people the US decides to attack. I agree with your premise that if it went badly, it could be advantageous for us domestically. I also don't really care about what happens to the current people in the US military. If they all died tomorrow, our lives would probably be better.

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c7cea4  No.190886


Blow your brains out, jew.

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c7cea4  No.190887



Holy shit, you're retarded.

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28fa43  No.190888

ooops forgot to SAGE

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66c784  No.190908


Oh, shit, thanks for reminding me … forgot to bump.

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b110c5  No.190914

I don't care for Trump but I absolutely support him if he implements martial law of some sort. I don't think he has the balls.

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66c784  No.190916


Martial law ceases to matter for him on January 20, 2021. He will no longer be commander-in-chief. The military will no longer take orders from him. That's in the Constitution. The President's term ends, no matter what, on January 20th at noon. Period. No exceptions.

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fb5745  No.190921


put my wittle peter in yo mouf hole and blow me until the sap runs out jewboy

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5aae0d  No.190954

If you support this kike - Kill yourself. Do this fucking world a favor.

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5c67c1  No.190973


Excuse me?

Did you miss the part where the war in Syria failed miserably so far?

Cause you know, unlike the former Russia aligned countries in north Africa, Russia is actively supporting Syria?

Do you believe the US military is unbeatable? That poorly run pile of faggots and degenerates whose only point is to funnel money into corporate hands? They sure got one great win to loss ratio against literal farmers with rusty AKs and bolt actions, don't they?

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6e8faf  No.190978


>poorly run pile of faggots and degenerates whose only point is

The question is if they have the right point.

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162270  No.191207


Don’t worry so much. A lot of the USA forces will get diverted from Syria once Biden reneges on the Afghan peace deal.

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8583d2  No.191215


>I don't care for Trump but I absolutely support him if he implements martial law of some sort.


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c7cea4  No.191217







Do you think you’re fooling anyone?


Blow your brains out, jew.


>Excuse me

You’re excused. Go back to reddit or your Q-LARP board, you fucking neocon.

>the war in Syria failed miserably

How so? Jews got everything they wanted, including full legal recognition of the land they stole from Syria in the ‘60s.

>Russia is actively supporting Syria

And? Your next line is “RUSSIA IS TOTALLY AGAINST THE JEWS WHICH IS WHY JEWS WANT WAR WITH RUSSIA” as though you actually think people here are going to fall for your retarded jewish bullshit you’ve been screaming about for 30 fucking years now.

>Do you believe

I don’t care, because it’s not relevant. It’s half female, over half nonwhite, and increasingly overweight. They’re invincible because no one will even think about ATTEMPTING to fight back. Not in Europe, where the US military still occupies the entire fucking continent to prevent white nationalist governments from ever taking over again, and not in the US to reclaim the States for whites. It’s just not going to happen. Ever. Take your delusions and fuck off with them.


Because he’s a paid shill.

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c7cea4  No.191218


Thanks, Jim. Thanks for your shit site that wipes my sage.

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f6b6aa  No.191235


Optics is for winning elections.

America does not have elections anymore, just fraudulent numbers.

Therefore, there is no more need for optics.

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d649ef  No.191236

File: a35eaba3be6973c⋯.gif (147.04 KB, 300x194, 150:97, cheers_clockwork_orange.gif)


congratulations, you've got trump derangement syndrome and jew derangement syndrome at the same time.

sorry to break it to ya, but the solution is jews go to israel, not kill the jews. all jews aren't bad either btw, even while they may have racial characteristics that make a large portion of them bad. accept the middle truth fren.

and please come up with another insult besides blow your brains out. youve put it on every thread on 8kun. getting old.

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0795e6  No.191238


>jews go to israel

>not kill the jews

You're a low IQ Zionist shill. The world's choices are not limited to embracing Zionism or committing genocide. Exposing what the Jews have done, both Zionist and Communist, taking control of the nations, and forcing everyone to live by the same set of laws is our solution. The majority of Jews are natural-born criminals, like you, who can't help but to subvert and run harmful propaganda. It won't be long before most die-off in prisons next to drug dealing niggers and skinheads. That's your future.

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560ab9  No.191240


You think Jews can't control shit from Israel?

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7127c0  No.191243

File: 44a8cb81ecdac77⋯.jpg (22.61 KB, 550x338, 275:169, dont_you_get_it_youve_been….jpg)


>forcing everyone to live by the same set of laws is our solution

well ain't that specific. what is that same set of laws, just curious? does it have anything to do with peoples returning to their ancestral homelands to form nationalist governments?

>The majority of Jews are natural-born criminals

he admits it, that good jews exist. thus it's possible trump allied himself with good jews, right?

thus you need an inner plan to differentiate good from bad jew so that you don't accidentally harm a good person. whites don't harm good people as a racial characteristic.

welcome to the middle truth fren.


>You think Jews can't control shit from Israel?

what are you implying? good jews exist and for their sake alone we support them going to israel, or Iraq in my opinion where jews are truly from but that's another thread.

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0795e6  No.191245


>what is that same set of laws

Harmful propaganda, subversion, and etc.. = a decade or more in prison. Let's start with that. DailyStormer kikes, TRS kikes, pro-white genocide kikes, and God knows how many blue checkmarks would be taken out of society real quick.

>he admits it, that good jews exist. thus it's possible trump allied himself with good jews, right?

"Good Jews" who come into power always turn out to be "Bad Jews." There are no good Jews and the only tolerable Jew is the one working in a trade. Trump allies himself with Zionists which are just as bad as Communists. There are no "good Jews."

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59b936  No.191248

File: 1bccde51d2d390c⋯.jpg (23.73 KB, 650x400, 13:8, ivanka_trump_justin_trudea….jpg)

File: b3982e0e636b5b3⋯.jpg (1.82 MB, 2520x1455, 168:97, gettyimages_458769886_copy.jpg)

Trump showed his true colors when he dumped Bannon and Coulter with extreme prejudice and embraced Javanka.

Those two shitheels are globalist scum for open borders. They love Chelsea Clinton and Justin Trudeau.

It makes me puke.

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e74ad6  No.191250

File: fff8f789bd32b7a⋯.jpg (258.96 KB, 1193x566, 1193:566, original_natsoc_vs_neo_naz….jpg)


>There are no "good Jews."

You embrace the subversion laid out for you by the people you hate. Whites are the least racially prejudiced race on earth and that's exactly why they subverted original NatSoc to be exactly that, to destroy any chance of the common white volk from unifying under that banner.

There are no good jews eh? Rather, there are no good 'there are no good jews' people.

You combine our highest ideals of white nationalism with bigotry that is counter to white characteristics and thus become a walking talking advertisment that NatSocs and white nationalists are bigots.

You are the highest enemy of the white race because you embrace subverted values that destroy us from the inside.

You are my enemy. see you on the battlefield.


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0795e6  No.191252


One Jew is a Zionist and another Communist. There are no good Jews because they all subscribe to bad ideologies. This is not a bigoted statement but a factual one - even you have promoted Zionism! You are proof that there are no good Jews.

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da880d  No.191253

File: 609a3d8785d71f8⋯.jpg (1.06 MB, 3200x2173, 3200:2173, learn_the_difference.jpg)

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158e4f  No.191258

File: 0c739e22be70035⋯.png (222.22 KB, 571x186, 571:186, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 272323e3c837723⋯.png (90.97 KB, 250x250, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)



internal enemies are a first priority over external enemies, and thus our greatest enemy, because we cannot efficiently fight our external enemy until our internal conflict is resolved.

this anon is perfect example.

he is worse than the worst of all bad jews.

white man, if you want to survive, you must first destroy anyone like this anon.

no surprise this anon is all over every thread on this board like it's his 'job'.

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0795e6  No.191259


Your post is not a counter to what I claimed. There are no good Jews because they subscribe to bad ideologies, whether Zionism or Communism. Prove me wrong.

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0910c0  No.191260


Kek, where you put the muslism and other "inferior " race that end in normandy. KEKAZO.

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043a07  No.191262


We should actually use all manpower we can muster, doesnt matter the colour of their skin or their religious faith, unless you want to be ruled over like cattle by the technocrates and capiltalists.

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0bf58d  No.191267








COUNTER EXAMPLE: Emil Maurice (Hitler's Driver)



>even you have promoted Zionism!

Even Hitler promoted "Zionism": https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Transfer_Agreement

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0795e6  No.191268


Nearly 100 years has proved that Zionism is no kind of answer to the Jewish Question. Name-dropping is not an argument. Zionism is no more acceptable than Communism and there are no good Jews.

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5977a9  No.191270

File: ca53c02ec377639⋯.jpg (228.9 KB, 540x737, 540:737, 08_aug_1935_01.jpg)


I'm not sure which one, but I'm 99% sure one of the guys in that second picture gave this speech:

>And then they all come along, these 80 million good Germans, and every one of them has his decent Jew. Of course, it's quite clear that the others are pigs, but this one is one first-class Jew. Of all those who speak this way, not one has looked on; not one has lived through it.

And one of the others, (maybe the one who looks kinda asian?) distributed bulletins, so his buddies could speak more effectively against the jews, and they included things like this:

>But the Jewish Professor Eduard Gans said:

>“Baptism and intermarriage make no difference at all. To the hundredth generation we remain Jews, just as we were 3,000 years ago. We do not lose the scent of our race, even through ten-fold intermarriage. In any relationship with any woman, our race dominates. Young Jews will result from it.”

>[. . .]

>These examples should be enough to show what the Jews themselves think about “naturalization” and their “incorporation” of members of their race into that of their host people. There has never been a “German” Jew, and there never will be one. As a member of race foreign to us, the Jew is always a foreigner who lives and dwells in Germany, but who will never become a German, not even in the tenth generation. A piece of paper called a naturalization certificate, like those issued by the November state, can never make the Jew a “German citizen.”

>[. . .]

>A Jew always remains a Jew, and must remain so, for his Jewishness, as already discussed, is not a question of religion, but a racial problem. The spiritual direction of Jewry is determined exclusively by his genetic inheritance. Changing over to another religion may alter outward appearances, when religious rituals are performed, but have no impact on the inner nature, which is determined by genes and nature’s racial laws. It would be the same if one demanded than an Aryan, a member of a Christian church, convert to Judaism and become a Jew. That would not succeed, since even the limited remains of his Aryan honor and morality would make it impossible. We need only recall what happens when, for example, someone who marries a Jewish partner converts to the Jewish “faith.” Despite their “membership in the faith,” they are always rejected by their Semitic “relatives,” to whom they are and remain “Goyim.” The descendents of Abraham indeed put them to good use for “advertising purposes,” but want nothing else to do with them. This has always been so, but now that the new state also demands racial separation Judah is whipping up its racial instincts.

Lastly, the guy in the very back actually used to draw cartoons, and pic related is just one example of the hatred he espoused. The point obviously being that no jew can "convert", and will always remain a jew.

Really disgusting stuff that the NSDAP would have never tolerated.

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c7cea4  No.191275




Stop posting on this website. Just fucking blow your brains out.


Reported for spam.

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5977a9  No.191278

File: 5ae89e00a96a335⋯.png (121.32 KB, 569x707, 569:707, Hitler_on_Zionism.png)

File: 8b750dbfdc883c3⋯.jpg (458.47 KB, 776x914, 388:457, On_Kill_even_the_best_of_g….jpg)

File: 033dbb3cef99baa⋯.jpg (23.17 KB, 400x225, 16:9, Rabbi_Menachem_Schneerson.jpg)

File: 078a1d1720a5d8a⋯.jpg (228 KB, 1192x600, 149:75, Bannon_Kikebart_is_the_mos….jpg)

File: d0aef4959cb5a90⋯.png (361.66 KB, 651x692, 651:692, Bannon_Epstein.png)


>Even Hitler promoted "Zionism"

The transfer agreement was a minor "blip", that was controversial at the time, and quickly retired, in favoring them somewhere else, like Madagascar.

Hitler wrote about the sham of "zionism" in Mein Kampf, and the NSDAP's position on the matter was reiterated time and again.

>“The Reich Government cannot lend itself to taking part in a manoeuvre that would tend to let the Jews chase the noble and valiant Arab people from their homeland, Palestine. These talks can continue only if the British Government is prepared to host the Jews in Britain, not in Palestine, and it ensures that they will stay there permanently.”

– The German Foreign Ministry, headed by Joachim von Ribbentrop (informing the British in 1944)

>“Our view on the Jewish question is as follows: the position taken by America and England regarding the Jews does not interest us in any way. What is clear is that we do not want to have them in Germany and in the German living space, given the decades of experience since the [First] World War, and we shall not join in any discussion on the matter. If America wants to take them, we are glad of it. But it must be ruled out, and here a guarantee will have to be given to us, that the Jews whom we allow to leave [continental Europe] via Switzerland can ever be sent back to Palestine. We know that the Arabs, just as much as we Germans, reject the Jews and we do not want to partake in such an indecency as the sending of more Jews to that poor nation tormented by the Jews.”

– Heinrich Himmler, Chief of German Police and Minister of the Interior (note written in 1945)

>Stephen Miller

Just say "Ezra Cohen-Watnick", you know you want to. The Miler fixation is Q-tier, and there's no reason to think anyone - jew or gentile - involved with Trump's Israel-first regime is "good"

>Isaac Kappy

A mentally ill jew, who threw accusations about celebrities with nothing to back it up, helping to usher in the new era of internet censorship and forever poisoning the well when it comes to pedo rings in Hollywood and elsewhere. He's an example of how, even if a jew might want to do something good, they'll fuck it all up

Bobby Fischer, who faggots like you love to bring up, had this to say about so-called "good jews":

>"What’s the difference between a good Jew and a bad Jew? The good Jew fucks you slower."


>thus it's possible trump allied himself with good jews, right?

Great point. How do we know Chabad Lubavitch aren't good jews? Same for the Kushners, Roy Cohn, the Adelsons, etc. I bet Epstein was even a good jew when he was associating with GEOTUS,


>implying Bannon was good

He's a Goldman Sachs shabbos goy who ran what was by his own admission "the most pro-Israel publication in America". If that's your example of when Trump was good, then he never was.

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cb8393  No.191303


You are one dumb motherfucker ain't ya? I'm telling you the war in Syria won't go anywhere if it goes on in the first place cause yanks got too much to lose now.

And if yanks keep pushing it into a full blown conflict again one of two things happen, first option it starts deranging into a mess of proxy militias inside Europe funded by the east to destabilise the west and stays like that for a prolonged amount if time, maybe decades, and they will most likely fund right wingers or native ethnic based militias inside large western nations, especially good in my specific case (protip you fucking genius: these pseudocommie internationalist bunches we got screeching in the streets, protected by the state and media, are funded by the state, not by foreign agents).

Second option it escalates further than that to the point it's a pseudo world war, probably after a bunch of increasingly cocky proxies,

they probably won't even draft, they'll just send their armies along with the proxies similar to a middle east deal extended to Europe, the pacific and south america, this is better than nothing, but it makes my, and other Nationalist factions situation harder than what would otherwise be a simple quarreling with the local camo wrapped state servants and coppers with maybe yanks and NATO joining in only after a large foothold is gained.

It doesn't matter if they're kiked, which is debatable for the chinks, they got the potential to arm me just because I'm an enemy of their enemy.

Why would it evolve into that? Because right now China and Russia can attack the US head on and got a chance to win, the disparity is not even comparable to a decade ago, they got no fear or countering, especially China, which is pushing eastwards as well.

So either nothing happens or the situation may benefit us.

In the end either canditate makes no difference, really, the outcome is the same but the speed changes.

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8583d2  No.191307


>I'm telling you the war in Syria won't go anywhere if it goes on in the first place cause yanks got too much to lose now.

I think there is an argument that the US simply isn't viable without attempting a war. It's economic system cannot survive, it's ruling class cannot survive. The position of the jews and hindus is eroding as they captain the ship into absolute defeat. They are also clearly losing the narrative as they try to blame China for anything. The AmNats cannot get credible traction on the issue with anyone but the dumbest conservatives. Indians are no match for the Chinese intellectually and their country will be utterly destroyed if they aren't able to leverage US power into a multi-pronged attack on China. It could be an inflection point where they feel they need to go to war to survive.

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28fa43  No.191378



It's not about good or bad jews. Take the white race, emasculate them, cuck them, put them in a foreign nation and let it play out for 1000 years and white culture will change into the same parasitic jewish culture. Giving an example of a jewish chaufeur to prove that some jews are good must be one of the dumbest thing you can do. Their culture is poisoned, you can live alongside jews for hundreds of years if you prevent them from practicing their culture. Of course you take the risk of being subverted. And the other jews you linked are as dirty as any other jew in power left or right wing.

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c7cea4  No.191431







Imagine being as stupid as you are.


Commit suicide. Nothing you have said is legitimate in any form. Every word you have posted is a lie.

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cb8393  No.191434


>Good jew exist

Nobody said that, schizoid mongoloid, good jews do not exist, jews range from useless to dangerous, and the useless will be dangerous as well for they will start harvesting what their degenerate kinsmen planted and stick with them in an attempt to survive.

And by the way, I ain't the one telling people to actively support a kike, unlike you.

>Syria no happen

Indeed, Syria will most likely go nowhere even if Biden gets in because…


…because Russia is already a military threat big enough to be a deterrent, and got the chance to drag China, that already got the west by the balls economically and literally gives zero fucks about sacrificing hordes, into a war with the US.

Lemme rephrase for your atrophied brain: accelerating in Syria will cause a severe counter by a now militarily capable Russia, that got the potential to start funding proxies, as yanks are less likely to respond with a direct attack if they do, unlike a mere decade ago.

>Nothing you have said is legitimate in any form. Every word you have posted is a lie.

And which part is not true? You believe muh russia is funding antifa you mental defective? You believe proxy war can't be extended to an already destabilised Europe because muh magic?

You got the balls to say that the only thing different between kike candidate Trump and kike candidate Biden ain't exclusively that the former might do the exact same things but slower, domestically and internationally?


No, you're a moron because you fail to comprehend simple sentences and logic you utter fuckin reprobate.

Get your Trump praise into the containment board, we don't support kikes here.

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c7cea4  No.191455


>nobody said that


>all jews aren’t bad

Pay attention.

>[buzzword only paid jewish shills have ever said]

Kill yourself.

>you’re telling people to support jews because I say you are

Show the class where that has happened in any post here. Go on. I dare you.

>accelerating in Syria will cause a severe counter

Let me rephrase it for your paid shilling script: THEY DO NOT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT THIS. THEY ARE OPENLY WILLING TO SLAUGHTER WHITES WITHOUT QUESTION. They’ll do whatever the fuck they want because THEY OWN ALL THE NATIONS INVOLVED IN THIS HYPOTHETICAL CONFLICT. It’s just more cannon fodder for them.

>you believe [more strawmen]

Yeah, we’re done here.


You’re fucking humiliating yourself.

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c7cea4  No.191456

Sage because Jim is a brain damaged retard.

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cb8393  No.191627


>all jews aren’t bad

>pay attention to this guy that ain't you, ain't agreeing with you, while I stated you said all jews ain't bad

And can you point out where I did state it instead, as YOU were accusing ME of that.

>you’re telling people to support jews because I say you are

You're in a thread defending Trump, I'm saying either candidate makes no difference, you keep mumbling against me. What is anyone supposed to conceive from that?

>Let me rephrase it for your paid shilling script: THEY DO NOT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT THIS. THEY ARE OPENLY WILLING TO SLAUGHTER WHITES WITHOUT QUESTION. They’ll do whatever the fuck they want because THEY OWN ALL THE NATIONS INVOLVED IN THIS HYPOTHETICAL CONFLICT. It’s just more cannon fodder for them.

Oh sure man, Ukraine? Never happened, ignore all the conflict on the Russian border. HK? All organic.

All these countries are a hivemind maaaan, no internal factions, no opposing military strategies, they're all the same, same strategies, they just never made a world government because… uuuh…uh… reasons.

>you believe [more strawmen]

>[more stawmen]

>Literally the opposite of the concept I'm talking about, a concept anyone would think you're opposing.

So are you just trying to be a contrarian just to be a contrarian? Your only opposition to my argument is tangential schizoid sperging?

>ur a paid shill cause I say so… we're done here

Great fuckin rebuttal my man, the world government are a hivemind and I'm a shill, you write several posts containing nothing, I assume you're attempting to defend OP, as you're literally saying nothing at all, and then turns out you're against everyone with a schizoid response, absolutely majestic.

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a59bc5  No.191636


>pay attention to this guy that ain't you

So don’t reply, then? I don’t know what you’re so salty about; if I was talking to someone else, why jump in?

>You're in a thread defending Trump


>I'm saying either candidate makes no difference


>you keep mumbling against me

Nope, never said anything other than it’s a jewish puppet theater and that the retarded OP has fallen for a hoax. And then I mocked you for being unable to read.

>Oh sure man, Ukraine? Never happened

Not relevant to what we’re discussing.

>ignore all the conflict on the Russian border

You know absolutely fucking nothing about the neoconservative narrative regarding Russia. You don’t know who’s involved, the history, the purpose, the outcome; all you care about is what the jews in the fucking media tell you, and you believe everything they say on the fucking face of it without question.


Same. Goddamn. Thing.

>All these countries are a hivemind

And the strawman because he has no argument. Every time.

>they're all the same, same strategie

Your next line is “Democrats and Republicans are toooooooooooootally not controlled by the same people because they LOOK like they’re not!”

>So are you just trying to be a contrarian just to be a contrarian?

Are you literate? Either pay attention or fuck off. You claimed no one said jews are good. I quoted the other post to prove that you lied, and that you aren’t paying attention.

>my argument

You don’t have one. You’re literally just posting the jewish narrative as though it’s actually true and acting surprised that people here are calling you out on it.

>[strawman strawman strawman strawman strawman strawman strawman]

Yeah, we’re done here.

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d30e28  No.191665

we support trump because he's closest too us.

when someone closer to us comes along, we support him instead.

we continue applying political pressure until things gradually shit to fit into our mold

slow and steady, constant application of political force

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cb8393  No.191666


>So don’t reply, then? I don’t know what you’re so salty about; if I was talking to someone else, why jump in?

You started this, dumb cunt, and I should be the one paying attention?

>Nope, never said anything other than it’s a jewish puppet theater and that the retarded OP has fallen for a hoax. And then I mocked you for being unable to read.

Nope, you responded to my post saying absolutely nothing, then I mocked you for being a waste of space.

>Not relevant to what we’re discussing.

Relevant to what we're discussing, relevant to the post you replied to, and I should be the one paying attention?

> You know absolutely fucking nothing about the neoconservative narrative regarding Russia. You don’t know who’s involved, the history, the purpose, the outcome; all you care about is what the jews in the fucking media tell you, and you believe everything they say on the fucking face of it without question.

Enlighten me then, genius, oh don't tell me, the Russians and the yanks were conniving to do this, it was aaaall theatrics wasn't it?

You dumb nigger, regardless of the whole scope of the thing, NATO took Russia's buffer and the bulk of the strategy against em is to stop em from exporting resources and taking control of their allies, no matter how much you wanna complicate the thing.

Also jewish media? They just say muh ukraine wanted democracy and bad Putin took Crimea by force, so suck my balls.

>Same. Goddamn. Thing.

Not really. The media did try to spin it as muh democracy, but not even close to what they did with russia, as my specific country tends to shit its pants in the case of china, practically not even close in amount of funds and devoid of militias armed, mainly proxy operation latching on malcontent nonetheless.

>And the strawman because he has no argument. Every time.

You claim all countries got the same military strategy and are all controlled by the same people, you do treat em as a hivemind. Absolute horseshit.

>Your next line is “Democrats and Republicans are toooooooooooootally not controlled by the same people because they LOOK like they’re not!”

As further proof of what I say, you believe all countries are at the same level of theatrics of yank parties and you call what I say a strawman.

That's a false equivalence, you mongoloid, and now this is a strawman.

>Are you literate? Either pay attention or fuck off. You claimed no one said jews are good. I quoted the other post to prove that you lied, and that you aren’t paying attention.

Are you literate? That nobody implied ME but I'll even accept anyone that answered me, and you claimed I said jews are good, to which I was responding, that would make what I meant pretty damn obvious, go ahead and show where I did say that, I beg you. And I should be the one paying attention.

>You don’t have one. You’re literally just posting the jewish narrative as though it’s actually true and acting surprised that people here are calling you out on it.

Jewish narrative? Jewish narrative is muh exporting democracy you mongoloid, what I post is basic notions of asymmetrical warfare, is that jewish now?

Acting surprised people are calling me out? I see only you being a mongoloid and responding negatively to me by literally saying nothing, you waste of space.

>Yeah, we’re done here.

You literally offered no response, called anything a strawman, and implied I am not welcome here while the only dumb nigger answering negatively at all to me while providing nothing of value is you, great fuckin job you mongoloid.

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a59bc5  No.191671

File: 3de709cd8db88e7⋯.png (150.2 KB, 1280x650, 128:65, 1280px_IMF_DDS_svg.png)

File: fedffad246f134e⋯.png (207.77 KB, 1280x650, 128:65, 1280px_WTO_members_and_obs….png)


>we support trump

No. We don’t. Kill yourself

>because he's closest too us.

No, a communist who has publicly said all white nationalists should be murdered by the US military is not closest to us. Kill yourself.

>when someone closer to us comes along

Which won’t happen, you fucking dumbass.

>we continue applying political pressure

Doesn’t work. You were literally just shown this. It does absolutely fucking nothing. You’re a retarded piece of neocon shit that a jew wouldn’t even eat.


>You started this

So be the big man and end it. Go on.

>Nope, you responded to my post saying absolutely nothing


You’re done.

>enlighten me

You realize that the whole “Russia” bullshit came out of Stalin’s purge of Leninist jews, right? And that they came to the West and started demanding war with the USSR–not to get rid of communism, but simply to overthrow Stalin so that they could restore their ‘20s revolutionary government, right? And that therefore the war cry against Russia hasn’t ended for thirty fucking years after the USSR fell because it’s literally not about being against communism at all–since neoconservatives ARE communists–but rather being against any governmental ideology which is not to their liking, right? Of course you don’t. You know none of this. You watched jew media, they said RUSH UH BAD, and you immediately started worshipping Russia because jews *told* you they didn’t like it. Meanwhile 50% of the assets of the Russian Republic are owned by only 10 oligarchs, seven of which are jews. Piss off, retard. Read a history book.

>NATO took Russia's buffer and the bulk of the strategy against em is to stop em from exporting resources and taking control of their allies


>as my specific country tends to shit its pants in the case of china

You don’t really have any reason to. China hasn’t won a war in 400 years, and that was against unarmed Russian peasants. China lost a war against Vietnam when the latter had literally been at war with France and then itself for 40 fucking years straight. China has absolutely no ability to project power either on land, sea, or air, and its army only received modern underpants in 2016. Soldiers aren’t given body armor because it’s too bourgeoise. I’m not fucking joking. Their only tactic–for decades–has been “have more soldiers than the enemy has bullets.” They’re not anything to worry about.

>You claim all countries got the same military strategy

Never said that. Try again without the strawman.

>and are all controlled by the same people

Yep. They are. Get it through your fucking head.

>you do treat em as a hivemind

Nope. Literally screaming at you about how their outward behavior is part of a theater production for which you’re falling. Maybe read the post and respond to what is said, rather than to your jewish fantasies.

>you believe all countries are at the same level of theatrics of yank parties

Nope. You’ve confirmed that what I said is literally what you think, though.

>That nobody implied ME

Then say you. You don’t speak for anyone but yourself. “Nobody” was proven wrong. I linked right to the subhuman bastard who gets to post here as though he’s human. He absolutely believes good jews exist, or he’s paid to believe it. Either way he needs to be killed. You were wrong; get over it.

>Jewish narrative is muh exporting democracy

The jewish narrative is claiming that the nations to which it’s being exported aren’t already in jewish control. The IMF and the WTO are the bearers of policy. All banks use fiat. All banks are run by jews. That’s where all control stems.


You’re done. Just fuck off with your jewish fantasies, then. Of course there are magical evil demon nations that are toooooooooootally opposed to jews and definitely present a serious threat to them and absolutely would stop them from doing anything they wanted. Pay no attention to all the jews in their governments or how they do anything jews want, too, oh no; ignore that completely!

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849820  No.191706

File: aff351cf28a5b22⋯.gif (4.94 MB, 245x256, 245:256, nod.gif)

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c7cea4  No.191729


Eat shit and die. Everything he said is objectively false.

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