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File: 080c84bf2a2f260⋯.jpg (81.28 KB, 920x518, 460:259, the_worlds_worst_tattoos_e….jpg)

7869ee  No.189668[Last 50 Posts]

Describe your political system.

>Hard mode: without mentioning race

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c79698  No.189673


I dont have one, overall it might be natsoc or classic libertarian.

I pick and choose as i see that fit, from left to right to up and down. From extreme to mundane.

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c79698  No.189674


Or classic liberal.

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b3716b  No.189677


Ethno-linguistic nationalism. Citzenship only for those with verified ethnic ties. Non-citizen nationals subject to extreme scrutiny. The state exists to preserve the language, culture and traditions of my ethnicity. It is constitutionally protected that those without a pedigree cannot become citizens. The national language is the only language allowed for public discourse and media. Within the confines of an ethno-nationalist constitution, citizens vote using proportional representation.

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c79698  No.189682


For me it is really interesting that even french people speak perfect english.

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b3716b  No.189684


>For me it is really interesting that even french people speak perfect english.

English is the multicultural language. If English is your first and only language - then you speak Multiculturalism.

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c79698  No.189685


You have to imagine the burgers that do not have the vocabulary, in terms of creamyness of the language they are cut because they are afraid to use more outer circle words. Constraint, degranged. We aint.

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c79698  No.189687


I m a bavarian.

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ac95b5  No.189897

Only kin allowed, only kin's language allowed, double language for enclaves, bureaucracy only in one language.

Half blood maximum allowed to stay or come back from abroad, no further muttery.

Only kinsman run bank and media where only pro-kin ideologies and strategies are allowed, subversives exiled if useful idiot or executed if conniving snake.

Medical patents ignored, military patents ignored.

Mercifully execute murderers, torturers and rapists if the proof is irrefutable, else lock up then exile.

Carrying any "gender change" operation is punished by execution, promotion by exile.

Exile all other sexual deviants and multicult degenerates.

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b3716b  No.189946

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22f8c0  No.189953



>1. just be nomads n shieeet either hunting and gathering or being pastors in the case of the world hitting the shit

>2. starship troopers larp, with a constitutional monarchy. citizenship is required to vote, you can only be a citizen if you either A) served in the military for a minimum of 9 months, B) have a total income of over 200k, or C) are self-employed as your primary source of income for the past 4 years and make over 100k a year. 1 of these requirements must be met, among with being a man over the age of 25.

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197b7a  No.189955

File: 9b801ffef8ad44d⋯.mp4 (14.31 MB, 640x352, 20:11, godhood_of_our_race_divine….mp4)


You would 'permit' the total destruction just to appease some part niggers? You are nuts. That is the whole point of toxic race mixing, dilution of the God men to niggers…and you are tolerant of this because you have lost your mind…so what if we have to start with 100,000 PURE RACE individuals; they are the only things worth keeping alive on the planet ANYWAY…because partial destruction leads to total destruction of the race.

It is like you think that a body can function once it is cut in half or that half of it is welded to an animal carcass. That is insane…so on the surface you aknowledge that a half man/half beast is 'not your race' but at the same time you want to include that same abomination into your DNA.

I think you are not White at all, otherwise you wouldn't be lobbying for the destruction of the race and turning it into part nigger animals.


not based at all…this is someone who is working for the total destruction of our race.

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b3716b  No.189960


I come from a Baltic nation. To me, "half blood" means one parent has a Russian background. This is the unfortunate legacy of the Soviet history we have. If these blended families support the local culture and raise their children speaking my language, I an accept it. Many of them change their last names even to try to separate themselves from their Russian background (others are assholes and continue to be as Russian as possible).

When I said based, I did not even consider the possibility of having brown people in this society.

It might be hard for a burger like you to understand, because you live in a Mutt country, but over here if an Irish person and a German get married it's race mixing. You see them both as "white", but to me they are different races.

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197b7a  No.189975

File: bc35a906e02f994⋯.jpg (33.12 KB, 395x518, 395:518, russia_is_european_DNA.jpg)



>'I see them as White'…

No, actually I don't see them as the same thing at all. In the larger genetic group, yes, but saying that an Irishman is the same thing as a German is nuts and no one where I live (majority Irish) thinks that I am 'one of them' even though my presence is acceptable to them. We are extended kin and thus brothers, but we are not the same at all. Also, FYI 'European Russians' who weren't purged by the kikes in the Bolshevik attempted genocide on them are also majority our 'brothers' on a genetic level.

I despise the people who 'try to fit in' rather than being proud of their heritage…lying dickheads and traitors to their ancestors. If they will lie about who they are and their ancestry, what else will they do? Totally untrustworthy…just an FYI.

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f37d32  No.189976


>Irish, Polish, and Magyar are that genetically close

WOW, I guess I'm less of a mutt than I thought.

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b3716b  No.189981


I am going to assume you are Irish.

You would have a society where Irish and Scottish interbreding is totally banned? Are you going to make an Irish-only ethnostate within the US?

The point I was trying to make was that I consider mixed families acceptable up to an limit, and that "mixed" to me means two different (but closely related) European races - not niggers.

I'd like to hear you clearly state your policy on intermarriage.

>lying dickheads and traitors to their ancestors

I agree with you in principle, but the issue of Russians in the former Soviet bloc is more complicated than that. If they fucked off back to Russia then sure, be a patriotic Russian. If they stay then they should face the reality that they are in an ethnostate in which they are no longer the dominant ethnicity.

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033433  No.189986


> natsoc or classic lib

You realize these are fundamentally incompatible right?

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b3716b  No.189990


>You realize these are fundamentally incompatible right?

I guess he should have said

< natsoc xor classic lib

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197b7a  No.189991

File: 4483b3f3a1b0b65⋯.jpg (6.36 KB, 343x147, 7:3, paranoid.jpg)


>I am going to assume you are Irish.

You are allowed, although I just told you that I am German and don't 'fit in' in a majority Irish state.

Racial inbreeding (within the European peoples) is valuable at times (when it is carefully considered and planned; BUT they must have a geographic land that they can occupy since they will no longer be part of the genetic stock of their homeland. To form a new division in the Races of Men is a big deal not something casual that may well have many unintended genetic consequences. Speciation is taking place and the kikes are trying desperately to reverse this and stop the specialization of humanity.

So my take on intermarriage is that you have to have some place to put the offspring since they don't belong polluting homeland genetics anylonger…in a way America (WHITE AMERICA) is a genetic experiment on a grand scale…the beast/colored mutts should simply be cast off to live with other beasts or preferably killed as abominations. Certainly they were never supposed to be part of the genetic stock of the new European division of mankind.

Mutts are absolutely repulsive…but thankfully most European Americans do not chose to breed beast mutts. The product of this European division is productive, warlike, intelligent but totally paranoid and slightly insane and unpredictable offspring (see recent bomb in TN or any of the true history of the USA written from the individuals perspective rather than jew publishers). At any rate, none of this division belongs in Europe or any other nation because they are just 'different' enough that they would pollute the parent race.

What needs to happen is the reconquest of the USA and the slaughter or destruction of the mutts and beast men that live in the boarders. If that happens though, the race that remains will be warlike enough to utterly dominate the entire globe (also slightly paranoid) but once shit settles down, and the beasts are driven from our lands, they will turn fat, lazy and productive just like their European ancestors.

But see how much 'trouble' and 'potential' came into the world simply by race mixing among Europeans? This is why any offspring in a division need to be carefully monitored to see what types of traits and characteristics their mixed DNA will produce. We should always take plentiful land from the animal men by killing them and turn it over to the new division for monitoring before any of these 'experiments' take place. That is why they need their own nation to inhabit and without giving them ample space and land in order to examine a product it should never be done.

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197b7a  No.189999

File: 596129c78a7ce13⋯.png (237.67 KB, 712x648, 89:81, dna_niggers_last_common_an….png)


See the speciation happening…Greek/Iranian and Dutch/English are the most advanced race of human speciation although the two bear little resemblance in national character (since Iranians are basically niggers) to each other, they are still the vanguard of human speciation in terms of highly refined genetics.

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b3716b  No.190002


>But see how much 'trouble' and 'potential' came into the world simply by race mixing among Europeans?

Yes colonialism was hands down the stupidest and most destructive thing Europeans ever did to themselves. They created powerful nations divorced from their home countries, and channels for subhumans to flow back to those same home countries.


>What needs to happen is the reconquest of the USA

I see what an uphill battle even small nations have to retain their ethnic identity, I have some hope that here in my country we might succeed for a few decades more at least. But we are already very pure compared to the West. I just can't imagine the USA un-browning. Every time I say this I get accused of being a demotivational shill - but I have never had it explained to me in a way that seems plausible. There are just not enough white skinned people there who want it enough to got to war.

For this reason, when it comes to the other side of the Atlantic, I am an accelerationist. The best thing for Northern and Eastern Europe would be for the USA to collapse into a burning shitheap as fast as possible, so that we can point to it and say SEE - LOOK WHAT HAPPENS!!!!!

I am very open to being convinced otherwise. If anyone has a realistic plan for saving the USA from the brown I will listen.

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197b7a  No.190003


*Danish not Dutch (my bad)

…although the Dutch are the highest IQ nation on the planet the Danes are at a more advanced level of speciation/specialization. You can double check this in your own DNA to see if there are any 'further' branches or specialized genetic groups (further mutations) that extend from your own genetic lines or if you are the most advanced of your heritage.

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033433  No.190005

File: 8320280ed0738bc⋯.jpg (51.18 KB, 465x426, 155:142, 1452912748628.jpg)


> xor

I get that, but it's a bit like saying I'd like nationalism or globalism.

Classical lib is just progressivism with a bit of "but I didn't explicitly ask for forced trans kids" thrown in. Much like civnat is just accepting globalism instead of actively promoting it. By not putting up barriers against decay and external influence, you're effectively guaranteeing decay and foreign influence.

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b3716b  No.190011


>Classical lib is just progressivism

Totally. I really like the ideas (Hayek for example). There is some great enconomic insights there, but ultimately the liberal will sacrifice culture for economics. I don't trust liberals at all, they will be the first to start importing browns to work in their mines (just look at silicon valley to see what individualism/liberalism turns into)

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197b7a  No.190012

File: 302b59ae90a5def⋯.jpg (17.62 KB, 257x196, 257:196, haitian_massacre.jpg)

File: e6d65f1e2e25f2a⋯.jpg (304.87 KB, 962x641, 962:641, haiti_after_matthew_roads.jpg)


Yeah, I tend to think of colonialism as a genetic experiment that ran amok. In my own families case their migration was due to Catholic persecution (30 years war) and a response to being exterminated by globalist forces who were illegally occupying our home nation, so there was no other option.

At this point I am glad to see that accelerationism is taking hold. I don't like what is coming, but anything is better than slow genocide (yet again) by kikes and their nigger genetics.

This time we will need to FINISH THEM to prevent further genetic abomination and massacres of our own peoples (as in Haiti). We need to make it 100% clear to the world that racial mixing and its unintended results will be closely monitored and controlled rather than a insane free for all.

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f37d32  No.190013


Or hear me out, a nation built on colonialism and expansion attracted those kinds of Whites to populate it. The culture attracted people with those genetic traits who once small in number in their nations of origin ended up creating a group where gettin' shit done and killin' is just natural. Look at Australia, criminals who didn't give two fucks were deported there and they developed into a no fucks given nation that's relatively conservative compared to most modern White nations.

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b3716b  No.190017

File: feb0bf73cfb22f4⋯.png (1.82 MB, 1015x800, 203:160, ClipboardImage.png)



Isn't Australia the poster-child of multiculturalism?


>This time we will need to FINISH THEM

Well good luck. I think the Brasil option is more likely. Maybe you can partition a whites-only enclave.

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b3716b  No.190018

File: 1bf3ec7c4796a0a⋯.png (859.08 KB, 800x450, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9170d4557a90ec7⋯.png (228.43 KB, 400x400, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c6d9c9b1704eb24⋯.png (558.64 KB, 800x450, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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d2789a  No.190019


>criminals who didn't give two fucks were deported there

I would assume most of the "criminals" to Australia were debt prisoners. Could be wrong. That was a common path for the indentured in colonial America, as well.

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ac95b5  No.190108


You imply my ethnicity didn't have the common sense not to fuck niggers, unlike our penis mutilating friends west, those half a dozen that did will most likely fall within degenerate and get the boot or never come back because ebil nazi state.

I don't have problems with the rest whose blood is half other white european or the decent number of half slavs abroad, couple of generations of proper upbringing and they're abysmally mutt enough to look pure, and no retardation regardless of purity, as europeans ain't niggers.

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ac95b5  No.190109


Baltic man gets what I mean.

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06dedf  No.190351


>The state exists to preserve the language, culture and traditions of my ethnicity.

Human language is the ultimate proof that humans can live and prosper without a government, so making the state the arbiter of language seems like a faster and more inevitable road to absolute totalitarian rule than communism/socialism could ever hope for.

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06dedf  No.190352

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ebd1c3  No.190364


Race. Sage and report for spam.

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9ffd8c  No.190383



If we are successful in achieving white nationalism, at some point we will be required to figure out how to govern a country with a homogenous white population, this is good practice.

Besides, we can just ignore the "without mentioning race" part of the OP and still mention race in our description of our ideas for a perfect society.

I will take up the challenge, however, keep in kind that this is a work in progress.


here, it doesn't mention race, I tried to find a way to create a society that disproportionately benefits whites without doing having race-specific policies.

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ebd1c3  No.190389

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b6ba4d  No.190399


If you want to successfully govern a White nation, you should remove government. It is a jewish system that has never benefitted anyone except the jews. Without government, jews wouldn't even be a problem in any nation. Government is the great 'enabler' of the jews.

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9ffd8c  No.190408


Can't argue too much with you there right now, as it stands, the police and military are the largest obstacles to the white mans survival, with them out of the way we could eliminate the Jews and niggers overnight. Even with all their advantages that they currently posses, It would be a very one-sided fight.

but i also have a suspicion that even with the police and military we could win if we just rose up together, I think we could beat them in a war if we actually knew we had brothers to back us up on the field.

The biggest obstacle here is potentially ourselves, we are too afraid to do anything, we want to be good people, and good people don't do terrorism.

We also are isolated, and we don't see anyone who would assist us if one of us was to do anything of the sort.

If even a fraction of us rose up tomorrow, we could retake all the countries represented here, it would be so easy, we know how to do it and a lot of us are capable of doing what we imagine we could, however, most of us will not.

We procrastinate and make excuses, telling ourselves "if X occurs, we will be able to go" "when Y comes, that is when we do it", "I'll do it tomorrow" ad infiitum, as things get worse and worse around us.

The "breaking point" that we said should kick off a happening comes and goes without incident, no meaningful resistance was ever put up.

Opportunities dry up as we wait, we could have had meet-ups to discuss what to do in coffee shops the way our ancestors did, but none of us ever tried to. Now that the lockdowns have hit, we cant do that anymore.

We wanted perfect, and because we were waiting for the perfect opportunity, we gave up every opportunity we had.

Lots of us are outsourcing our struggle to Trump, but he was never truly with us to begin with, and if he loses, whose going to be the next to stand up to the establishment? no one, because those of s while now, are too demotivated to act.

Better to stay inside, "self-improve" and wait to be snatched up by the cops with no one even knowing or caring what had happened to you.

We have so much power, but because we never use it, it is as if we have no power, we lack a fasces, and none of us have the balls to try ad build one at all.

TOR is empty of Pro-White revolutionaries, as are all the message boards and image boards, yet far left "activism" thrives on these places, you aren't even interested in TALKING about what can be done, I assure you, your enemies are nowhere near that shy.

All of you disappoint me, the best any of us can do is some ineffectual lone wolf activity Brevik or Tarrant, hoping in vain to inspire anyone to action. But they attacked the wrong targets.

If they were smart, they would have gone out with toolboxes, not weapons, and went after infrastructure (power, communications, transport, other utilities), not after people.

They thought they needed to send a message tat would cause others to rise up, but they failed to realize that most people already know the things he knows, it's not a lack of inspiration, but opportunity and security.

Turn off the lights, cut the communications lines, take out the streets the cops need to get to you.

Then people will know they can do things and not be immediately be arrested, then people will be able to be a little more bold, then people will know how to snowball the existing chaos into even more chaos, especially if they live in a city, first take out all the infrastructure, then you can have the freedom to move onto other more vital installations.

The people, they know where the rich are, where the schools are, where the news HQs are, where the courts are, where the gov't buildings are, where the corporate buildings are, where the tech buildings are, they know where the airports are, those are the places of power, those are the prime targets.

Not a synagogue, not a mosque, not a church, these places are meaningless and expendable for the enemy, it's retarded hitting any of those places, which are at best forward bases of operations for the enemy, easily sacrificed for the prize of getting a dissident fighter and milking him for all he's worth.

Take lessons from the Troubles of Ireland, how they did war was genius and it set the example of how a modern urban rebellion should be carried out.

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b3716b  No.190413


>Take lessons from the Troubles of Ireland, how they did war was genius and it set the example of how a modern urban rebellion should be carried out.

Decades of conflict. Northern ireland border the same as it was as the start.

Yeah real successful.

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9ffd8c  No.190417


Got a better idea?

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ebd1c3  No.190420


Same thing, but actually attacking the right people. Doing anything whatsoever, in fact. That would work. We’re doing nothing, and doing something is required.

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3d1bf4  No.190422

Jungle low effort boxxed copy of american capitalism with a weak currency for the masses, a socialist elite and ((((them)))) at the top.

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736d6b  No.190429

File: de484211754ee51⋯.jpg (132.65 KB, 640x981, 640:981, Two_treatises.jpg)


>Classical lib is just progressivism

A "liberal" by todays meaning is a slur for a leftist

A "Classical Liberal" by the old definition is basically a right wing libertarian

A classical lib isnt progressive at all

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9ffd8c  No.190465


Start a place on TOR, Invite people over.

We can talk about this in more detail there.

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ebd1c3  No.190469


No, we’re not talking about it at all. This isn’t something you talk about. You don’t plan, you don’t organize. You just go do. Talking equals arrested and killed by feds. Every single fucking time. No, there is no encryption that is sufficient. No, there are no secure channels. No, no one can be trusted. ANY possible communication results in failure. We saw that quite recently, in fact. Only a few days ago (no, not Nashville).

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82b5c5  No.190492


>We saw that quite recently, in fact. Only a few days ago (no, not Nashville).

We did?

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3b7c73  No.190547


Thats the way we need to be. Flexible and draw upon any political thought to confront whats in front of us.

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b2b411  No.190566

Radical-Centrist Dictatorship aka Benevolent Despotism aka Enlightened Absolutism

with me in charge of course

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82b5c5  No.190590


>with me in charge of course

I am aware you are joking BUT…

Everyone always thinks they are more capable of managing other peoples lives than the actual person is…it is sad really. People can't even get their own shit together in their lifetime (or in multiples) but they want to have 'charge' over other people.

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b3716b  No.190593


>Everyone always thinks they are more capable of managing other peoples lives than the actual person is…it is sad really. People can't even get their own shit together in their lifetime (or in multiples) but they want to have 'charge' over other people.

t. JP

Not wrong though.

From my own experience of managing people in a work context, the hardest thing to deal with is that everyone is fucking dumb (makes sense because if they were smarter than me then they would me MY boss). It's amazingly difficult to make a herd of dumbasses productive.

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94c7a6  No.190609


Yep. Got covered up pretty well, but it was still on local news. Bunch of “white nationalists” were going to actually do something that would have mattered, at least in a little way, but they talked about it. So they were nabbed by feds. You don’t talk about it.

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f0acfe  No.191319

It's run by Jews and red Chinese, administered by a million little tyrants and steered towards racial balkanization and eventual self annihilation.

Wait, you mean the system as it is or the halcyon ideal?

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bd570c  No.191321


uuuuuuuuuwuuuuuuuuuuu, would nap them females though.

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e5843e  No.191404

File: 7118689b1499e4b⋯.jpg (175.93 KB, 880x942, 440:471, 563890_1_high.jpg)

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bd570c  No.191414

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fb85c2  No.191483


Religion? WTF stop there?

There is no belief higher than Truth. <- Now that is what I am talking about.

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825674  No.191487

Plebs who lack taste must be kept low in the social hierarchy.

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