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File: a5e63a72bf7d22e⋯.jpg (579.39 KB, 2160x1545, 144:103, 90862f5671d8c7d5c0bb8b96b0….jpg)

6d9363  No.189220

I deleted the screenshots from my phone but I'll tell you where to find this info. Milwaukee WI website refuses to show in person votes, I can guarantee many other local sites are the same. I'm fairly certain that people are being threatened/bought/blackmailed in wisconsin, look up dropped fraud law suites in Milwaukee alone. And as you already know districs in Milwaukee have more votes than voters. As for biden, look up the policies on the biden/Harris website. Some are a bit troubling. And as for censorship, installing a VPN will allow you to post ANYTHING, I posted the wikileaks link on my Facebook, along with many many other things. The only problem is the FB algorithm don't let many ppl see it unless I post a crap ton of FB approved stuff that gets a lot of likes/shares. I really wish people would file class action lawsuits with the evidence I've shared on FB, but everybody seems to think this will solve itself, or that it'll be ok to try again in 4 years. There's a lot I'm not sharing in this post but trust me, your freedom is literally at stake. Also every single one of you can make a difference, take action and file a lawsuit against the media or local government. 8kun has way more than enough evidence to file a lawsuit no matter where you live.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0d7f2c  No.189221

File: 3ff33a5b271fdf7⋯.png (559.53 KB, 592x657, 592:657, wigger_genocide.png)

No one here cares.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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