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File: 258b87945ab6d1f⋯.jpeg (332.35 KB, 1125x843, 375:281, 8D7E7EFB_5905_44EB_B32C_2….jpeg)

94b3ff  No.189156

Take the blue pill, goy.

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92082e  No.189164


Ber garrison is a gifted artist but also a lolbergterian.

I still like his comics though.

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45ba41  No.189168

File: 2769ba58e147437⋯.jpeg (15.29 KB, 235x214, 235:214, download_13_.jpeg)


What's with all the low-effort posts?

DId we need a thread for you to post this?

This place is dieing anon - you need to put more effort in to rekindle the embers.

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7411f3  No.189190

File: 40ad806ef809495⋯.png (245.6 KB, 454x295, 454:295, 2011_06_04_Screenshot20110….png)


What's with the low effort post? Etc etc words words bla

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6b5484  No.189199

Spam the board, goy.

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