> They see to magically create money too.
Drugs. Maybe whites should start copying cartels as well kek.
> these mother fuckers being everywhere destroying what I would think niggers would have destroyed by now.
Lol just laugh. Being in USA is like being in a hell where the only thing that matters is the number on your bank account.
> My shitty 3rd floor 650 sq ft apartment built in 1948 sold for $635,000.00 two years ago.
You can have an absolutely beautiful home in eastern Europe for that price. Even in my country (Netherlands) with an insane housing bubble (houses up again 12% this year! For five consecutive years) you can buy decent middle / upper middle class homes with that amount where you're relatively safe from seeing sandniggers.
> Get to work.
The problem is the last 5-6 years just owning capital gets you far further ahead than working does. It's extremely demotivating to work, just to see the average house price rise faster on an annual salary than what someone would earn on a median salary.
> Croatia
Do people from the turd world seriously want to work there now as well? The salaries aren't good at all. They also have a similar problem as the west but worse in that their housing prices are going up very fast due to western market penetration. This increase prices most people earning median incomes out of houses.
> it's the system that puts profit far above all else and the people
Yes, that's the main issue. If it isn't a bunch of jews doing it, it are a bunch of whites native to the country who laugh as they loot, pillage and burn their country to the ground for a slight increase in their capital.
> you can only have a vague idea of the power and audacious impudence of the accursed kikenvermin.
I don't think the poster is ignorant about the kike's stranglehold of USA especially since millions of them came before and during the events of WW2.
> railroad scam
For many decades Vanderbilt family was profiting and looting the country dry with their shitty monopoly on it. If it aren't jews it are whites setting up monopolies to extract, loot and pillage whatever is present in a country. It's not surprising this awful shitty family renamed themselves through history and hides their wealth.
> Places like Los Angeles, Malibu, Seattle and Vancouver and San Francisco are absolutely crawling with anglo jews
You missed New York. Even the non kike ones coming from there are absolute human trash. I interacted with them and I saw their attitudes towards others. They somehow think its acceptable to treat everyone earning less than them, or having less capital than them deserves to be treated like subhuman trash.