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File: 86fe1f3d00b6296⋯.jpg (349.04 KB, 3640x695, 728:139, Really_makes_you_think.jpg)

2aba3e  No.187207

Do they really expect us to think the Germans were this efficient?

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e82bba  No.187212


Holohoax. L o l

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e4ec0e  No.187223


>there was only one oven in all of Germany

>they put people in coffins before cremating them

Some holes in your argument, son.

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ce79f5  No.187230


>it's a nigger

they're not sending their best

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756a04  No.187244


I am sure that the kikes were shuttled all over the planet, to diverse ovenry, in order to burn them all.




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756a04  No.187245


It is almost like when you are caught in a bald faced lie you feel compelled to up the anti to a level that is impossible for anyone to believe.

>"well, if they believed this, they will certainly believe that kikes were folded up and shipped UPS global at the end of the war so that their body burning could be done more efficiently"

lol…just fuck off already

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e4ec0e  No.187270



According to OP's argument, there would have to be 1 single oven working 24/7. If it takes 3 hours to burn a person to ash, but you have - let's say - 10,000 ovens, redo the math for 6 million people.

If you're going to present an argument, at least be prepared to explain the plot holes in it.

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0839a5  No.187275

File: 4f5e05cbad89044⋯.png (42.33 KB, 875x592, 875:592, ClipboardImage.png)


Okay so, lets assume that only about 90% of the bodies were cremated. That gives us 5400000 dead jews who were cremated. That gives us 16200000 hours of pure cremation.

Assuming one oven did that, that'd mean that to cremate all the bodies that we assume were cremated, there had to be 1848.0493 YEARS of cremation.

I made a graph and it shows the minimum, MINIMUM, amount of ovens needed to cremate 5400000 jewish bodies, within 6 years, assuming the ovens ran NONSTOP, 24.7.

Did the Nazis have 308 cremation ovens lying around?

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e4ec0e  No.187280


>Did the Nazis have 308 cremation ovens lying around?

There are 20,000 crematoriums in the US. Germany could easily have had thousands of them. If Germany had 10,000 crematoriums working 24/7, it would take a mere 75 days to cremate 6,000,000 bodies.

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77560e  No.187287

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


There's no fucking way the Nazis could be slaughtering like without white guilt kicking in and having all kinds of whistler blowers.

It's fucking ridiculous that there's people in jail for questioning the total.

The fucking ADL will be teacher all school students their impossible story and they will believe it 100%

The ADL also trains all federal law enforcement..

Watch how they train officers, they emphasize over and over to not look at them AS A GROUP. If the did they would see that they're all members of the fifth column.

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756a04  No.187304

File: 1b2d56a8547cd83⋯.mp4 (4.81 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Auschwitz_NINE_MILLION_MUR….mp4)


90% were creamated? With what gas resources and where is the ash? Germany didn't have the gas supplies to even begin to do this. Also, remember, Germany was a Christian nation where it is frowned upon to cremate back then. There is no way that they could have managed this; it is literally impossible. Also, where are the ashholes buried? That is minimum 6 pounds of ash per body (MINIMUM!!) that is (MINIMUM!!) 36,000,000 pounds of ash. You would need heavy equipment bulldozers and such to manage this…fuck you jews…Western Europeans are not buying your stupid fucking lies anymore.


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756a04  No.187306

File: 3a4769f98e9d992⋯.mp4 (4.83 MB, 854x480, 427:240, based_nigger_holocaust.mp4)


It is ridiculous and criminal that people have gone to jail for seeking truth in this situation.

But the holocaust is BIG BUSINESS as they scam Western Europeans and fleece them for a crime that never happened.

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0839a5  No.187310


Yes but that's ignoring transport costs, possibly backlogging, etc. not to mention 20k crematoriums across 3.8 million sq. miles, means that there's 0.005263158 crematoriums per sq. mile. That means that assuming that the density of crematoriums is the same, which is highly unlikely, it's more then likely lower, that means that there's only 1673.457894737 crematoriums.

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1bd4bc  No.187316

File: f20ef578af6a28f⋯.jpg (63.84 KB, 904x864, 113:108, d473f7734460300bb8803e9677….jpg)


>Do they really expect us

>stale holohoax crumb


>peak galactic dominion homo

>utter fellatio godfather supreme of the coucil on universal cocksucking faggotry for all


>faker than fake gay, and gayer than gay fake

Holohoax debate isnt allowed here faggot, only confirmations which you've either missed out on or are not too intent on pursuing if unknown or expounding on if not.

do the most honorable and commit thyself to disembowelment by BB dragon dildo #9

plox and thox

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77560e  No.187324

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Fuck that, the Jews need to explain why they were crying about 6 million many times long before ww2. They went with that number because it' matches some religious bullshit.

Regular people can't imagine that those old "survivors" are totally full of shit. If there was any systematic killing there would be all kinds of whistle blowers among the Nazi ranks.

White people are nice and have a exploitable guilt complex.

Now that we are neck deep in a pandemic we can reflect on the German efforts to prevent typhus.

You know how the Holocaust museum has big piles of shoes and hair. That was for their own good, pic related.

Even if every word of the Holohoax is true it wouldn't hold as candle to what the Jews did to the Russians.

What could be worse than being plucked in the middle of the night. Tortured in the most barbaric ways then sent to a Gulag where you

slowly starve, freeze and work yourself to death. Giving them just enough bread to prolong the misery.

That was some evil shit that we couldn't even begin to comprehend.Everyone was pretty much 100% innocent, arrested on some Jewish bullshit

Notice the Jewish look of the guards in the drawings. I imagine stuff like this happens all the time to the Palestinians.

Decade after decade after decade after decade, evil af

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756a04  No.187325


And those are the modern number after the turkniggers were let into Germany to breed out the German people. I am telling you, there just weren't that many crematoriums in the past. It was an unusual way to dispose of a body and would have only been done with something that was diseased or infectious. Now it is common, but back then it was abhorrent.

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1bd4bc  No.187327

File: 0e64b0eeb6a4096⋯.webm (1.73 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 1597009619745.webm)




gtfo, stop shitting up the fucking board. you ruin things that could be mutually understood on a productive level by allowing rational inquiry to occur, rather than succumb to the more important issue of as to why you are unable or unwilling to assign precedence to your faculties of intellect over emotion, or incapable for any reason including all of those which would prevent you from doing so. Just go back.

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756a04  No.187328


Oh no anon…you need to add their shit up and get the REAL count of how many murders they have performed globally to really understand how much of a mind fuck the holohoax actually is…start with their 'communism' and then think about things like the collapse of the Roman Empire (which the parasites fed off like they were sucking blood straight from the vein) while millions suffered to get some true figure of their disgusting and putrid parasitic xenomorph behaviors.

"For those who prefer totals broken down by country, here are reasonable estimates for the number of people who died under Communist regimes from execution, labor camps, famine, ethnic cleansing, and desperate flight in leaky boats:

China: 40,000,000

Soviet Union: 20,000,000

North Korea: 3,000,000

Ethiopia: 2,000,000

Cambodia: 1,700,000

Vietnam: 365,000 (after 1975)

Yugoslavia: 175,000

East Germany: 100,000

Romania: 100,000

North Vietnam: 50,000 (internally, 1954-75)

Cuba: 50,000

Mongolia: 35,000

Poland: 30,000

Bulgaria: 20,000

Czechoslovakia: 11,000

Albania: 5,000

Hungary: 5,000

Rough Total: 70 million

(This rough total doesn't include the 20 million killed in the civil wars that brought Communists into power, or the 11 million who died in the proxy wars of the Cold War. Both sides probably share the blame for these to a certain extent. These two categories overlap somewhat, so once the duplicates are weeded out, it seems that some 26 million people died in Communist-inspired wars.)" - Matthew White, Atrocities 2011 pg 455-456

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756a04  No.187330


<It lets out an emotional scream of despair>

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1bd4bc  No.187332

File: 579c82d25a80dd5⋯.webm (2.07 MB, 960x540, 16:9, 1597367960151.webm)


nigger just. Calm your shit, it's 1-bait. Appreciated fervor tho, hone it faggot.

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1bd4bc  No.187333


and, go back.

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77560e  No.187461


Haha that's pretty funny.

So anyways, here's some recent headlines fe Israsel.

>Opinion: Is it Necessary for Israel to Investigate the Shootings of Palestinian Children?

They're having a debate on this, let that sink in.

December 14, 2020

>Israeli Soldiers Abduct Seven Palestinians, Search Many Homes, In West Bank

December 14, 2020

>Israeli Soldiers Shoot Two Palestinian Teenagers In Tulkarem

December 14, 2020

>Israeli Army Destroy Walls, Staircase, Near The Al-Yousifiyya Historic Graveyard In Jerusalem

December 14, 2020

>Israeli Settlers Burn 400 Olive Trees South of Hebron

December 14, 2020

>Two Palestinian Brothers Forced to Demolish Homes in Jerusalem

Yep since Jews don't do manual labor

December 13, 2020

>Updated: Israeli Army Abducts Five Palestinians In Bethlehem, Two In Jerusalem

plus i'm pretty sure it's ok for the IDF to rape Palestinians,

They've been doing this for decades and not a shred of remorse at any point.

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fdbeec  No.187717


You shouldn't be using the infamous 6,000,000.

It should be 6,000,000 juden + 5,000,000 goy = 11,000,000 total.

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756a04  No.187721


Cereals? They have changed the number so often that no one can keep up. I find it most interesting that it is always some 'round' number though…like give or take 138,429 and no one cares…6,000,000, 9,000,000, 500,000, 3,000,000, 11,000,000 it is always rounded right on the nose with is so impractical that it is a dead giveaway that the entire thing is false.

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d2321b  No.187743


The holocaust didn't happen. Cry about it.

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cda2af  No.187763

File: 79432842ddfa912⋯.jpg (99.29 KB, 800x772, 200:193, l_6094.jpg)

The Holocaust was a hoax, but the oven math is kind of a dead end now, since the currently claim is that only around half of them (maybe as low as 2 million) were cremated, and the others were buried in mass graves or burned in those heaps of bodies where women burned faster than men, or whatever.

There were also multiple ovens at each camp. According to PBS, there were 46 at Auschwitz Birkenau. But of course, that isn't proof of any kind of genocide, in fact, in whatever city you're in right now, there are probably many more crematoria ovens, and, unfortunately, nobody's throwing jews into them. The camps were like little, contained cities, so they had to have what any regular locality would have to deal with the dead, plus they were dealing with a typhus outbreak.

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756a04  No.187770


It is hardly a dead issue since it was all based on lies. That very fact alone means that these claims need investigation and REPERATIONS of the stolen money from Western Europeans NEEDS TO BE RETURNED due to the fact that the GIBS ME DAT of those kikeniggers was based on lies.

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ce79f5  No.187775

File: 0eaf926fb3ff05a⋯.png (349.44 KB, 813x2127, 271:709, Occidental_Dissent_Nationa….png)


The ones who push the "just drop it" stuff are always jews trying to weasel in and get in front of where they think "populism" in the West might go. Don't ever drop it. Hammer it forever.

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cda2af  No.187793



I'm not saying to drop Holocaust revision, but doing oven math, especially when based on the assumption that the entire 6 million was cremated - which is no longer part of the mythology - is a dead end.

We need to mock and demolish the Holocaust fairy tale, but only in the ways that count.

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ce79f5  No.187794


>I'm not saying to drop Holocaust revision

Yes, you are saying that. You're saying that because you're a jew.

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d2321b  No.187795


>the others were buried in mass graves

Where are the graves, then.

>or burned in those heaps of bodies

Which is the same math as the ovens, since burning bodies requires fuel that did not physically exist in Europe. No, ovens are not dead, nor are graves, nor are corpse heaps. Nothing is dead. It's all a lie.


>doing oven math, especially when based on the assumption that the entire 6 million was cremated - which is no longer part of the mythology - is a dead end.

No. It isn't. Because literally every aspect of any part of the narrative is provably false.

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756a04  No.187798

File: f648dd3e87e6942⋯.jpg (12.8 KB, 272x185, 272:185, auschwitz_creamatorium_aka….jpg)

File: b5a50561e79eeec⋯.jpg (48.84 KB, 686x511, 98:73, traditional_bread_oven_mod….jpg)

File: d4222bac146e741⋯.jpg (246.45 KB, 1300x971, 1300:971, traditional_bread_oven.jpg)

File: bcac9af0fc389f0⋯.jpg (165.14 KB, 1300x953, 1300:953, bread_ovens_industrial.jpg)

File: f1d29602bae35b1⋯.jpg (98.05 KB, 720x723, 240:241, industrial_bread_oven.jpg)


Well, that and those were bread ovens that were used to feed people, not burn people.

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cda2af  No.187813


I never implied that the mass graves or piles of burning corpses exist, just that that's how the majority of corpses were said to be disposed of in the current incarnation of the Holocaust myth.

The Auschwitz-centric version, where it was all about the so-called death camps, was retired ~30 years ago, around the time of the Zunde trials. The new one states that somewhere between half and two thirds of the supposed victims were killed by the einsatzgruppe, not death showers.

>Because literally every aspect of any part of the narrative is provably false.

Yes, but 6 million cremated bodies isn't part of the narrative now. Auschwitz alone dropped from 4 million to between 1.2 and 1.5 million - really much, much lower, obviously.

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cda2af  No.187815


Actual cremation denial is retarded. They were dealing with typhus outbreaks, so of course they would need ways to deal with the dead, so they wouldn't have piles of infected bodies to deal with, which would only make things worse. It's the same reason they had the Zyklon B, for delousing.

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756a04  No.187816


It is NOT a FUCKING 'NARRATIVE' to us Europeans. It is theft, subversion, lies, and worthy of the FUCKING ROPE.

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d2321b  No.187836



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13acc5  No.187837

lmao you guys are idiots. The official story is that 11 million died during the Holocaust, why exclude the 5 million non-jews?

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d2321b  No.187839


No, the jew who invented that narrative admitted it was a hoax several decades ago. No one believes it nor ever has.

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2aba3e  No.189892


It's a story all right and, if I were to place this story in a library, I'd place it right next to Harry Potter and Artimes Fowl.

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