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File: f6da0fffc25f3e6⋯.jpg (188.6 KB, 1049x700, 1049:700, Kalash_People_Woman.jpg)

cb28ff  No.187205

When western steppe herders mixed with neolithic iranians, the result was aryans. In europe WSH ancestry reaches at 50% in Norwegians but only 5% in british. In europe western herders mixed with anatolian farmers and other groups creating modern Europeans. Am i correct?

The haplogram d found in Europeans, kalash, north africans is developing faster in kalash people and they have it at higher rates. This haplograph is related to brain development.

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fbe327  No.187208


Actually it was a mix of Atlanteans and mongols that created aryans. The first Aryans probably looked a lot more Asiatic like the yamnaya or modern finns and slowly bred out the more asian genes over time as they moved west/north. Most aryans today have a genetic link to ghengis khan in fact

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bc053d  No.187210


<is [x] white


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81c50f  No.187218

File: a39d71c715dd10f⋯.jpg (124.79 KB, 1683x1028, 1683:1028, yogigirl.JPG)

I saw a girl on a Youtube video and she was white but didn't look like white faces I've seen before, but after I saw pictures of Kalash I think that's what she looks like. It's definitely more ancient.

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7c05a0  No.187221



Nope aryans didn't look asiatic, why would they and atlantisian? Really? LoL. Yamnaya mixed with early European farmers and created western steppe herders then these herders moved back to steppe and expaned in couple of directions, the ones that went to iran mixed with neolithic iranians and then moved to india, pushd the natives living there southwards and took over their land. Their population was low so they kinda got absorbed by other invaders but kalash and some other groups remained isolated.

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7c05a0  No.187222


Sorry, first time here

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fbe327  No.187225


You dont really know what you are talking about but I am not here to tutor you so you can believe whatever you want. If you want to find the truth you can go to my website, if not, w/e do w/e you want


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fbe327  No.187226


look at the faces of the berbers you will find answers there


Atlantean Aryan Bloodlines


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e1fef0  No.187227

File: fd3e1c26ec08956⋯.gif (1.73 MB, 500x500, 1:1, 1603825665908.gif)



so berbers and the basque are the closest remnants to pure blood atlanteans left on earth? that's if I'm correct in the fact that rh negative blood is an atlantean trait.

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3f870e  No.187229


I watched the video another gentleman had linked(the aryan bloodlines) and i gotta its pretty amazing. I want to learn more about it, should i try reading the books mentioned in the video? And one more question, steppe theory still holds right?

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da0dba  No.187377

File: 2788ed26765a665⋯.jpg (387.89 KB, 1024x615, 1024:615, gettyimages_163189400_1024….jpg)

I can say with certainty that this thread was started and posters are poos.

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a95c75  No.187395


Nah I'm Norwegian and probably 50% better than you

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fbe327  No.187472


Not just them, but give or take yes. Pure celts too possess high rates of red hair and blue yes, RH negative etc. I follow their entire "journey" to modern day on my website with all the proofs. If you ever have any questions just leave a comment there somewhere if you want

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fbe327  No.187473


Yes, one faction of Atlantean survivors landed in modern turkey, most claim mt Ararat, the Caucus mountains etc and spread out from there first going east, then coming back west. Gobleki tepi is 12k years old and on this trail and right by Ararat.

Yes you can read those books in the video, in fact I am all for supporting Robert Sepehr and the people who do this kind of work but he does have his own jewtube channel with lots more material and I have most of his videos on my own video archive I will link for you below. Try this first however to directly address your steppe question

The Real Israelites – The Scythians


here is robert's channel


and here are playlists I made in my archive to link everything together in the best way imo so it all flows together step by step


We need good sharp people like you guys in this thread knowing the full scope of what we have been lied to about and what the truth really is so cheers mates. Leave comments on the videos or website any time I will be glad to help you fill in any gaps if you need me too. Gods bless

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fbe327  No.187474

File: cabbfd5c990b8de⋯.gif (3.32 MB, 578x768, 289:384, CosmicShiva.gif)

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