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File: 3efb0f8ad2ee3f4⋯.png (6.92 KB, 560x300, 28:15, female_sign_2640.png)

69136c  No.186359

Has any dystopic fiction covered the idea that it's women that ultimately allow the dystopia to happen?

Women always place emotions over any cold hard truths that contradict said emotions. This means the one in control of the media controls entirely how women think and vote since the emotional spin is all that matters (the only exception to this is when family and friends manipulate the woman differently).

It seems most things Jews want to push, they can easily get 80%+ of women behind it, meaning majority supports only requires a small portion of men on top of it.

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fc4903  No.186369

File: 64100edc20d2e75⋯.jpg (60.34 KB, 620x404, 155:101, episcopalians_women_priest….jpg)

File: 13722946d822a6d⋯.jpg (529.71 KB, 1334x694, 667:347, Men_v_women_brains_IQ.jpg)

File: b946d9413cd0a74⋯.png (60.64 KB, 644x362, 322:181, Men_v_women_iq.png)

File: bf687a768607c3f⋯.jpg (112.3 KB, 643x631, 643:631, Biblical_truth_about_women.jpg)

Root cause of the problem is that Catholics failed to keep the jews, pagans and heretics in the ghettos sending only Bishop approved ministers in to try and covert them.

Once they jews were out, they incited the Protestant movements to Divide, Distract and Conquer the Church.

They used the protestants to promote degeneracy, e.g. the Church forbid the ordination of women. Once you've got Eve teaching morals instead of God's law, it's game over! Have an Apple, Adam!

If you want to fix the problem, become a trad Catholic and get Good once again with God's laws

pro-tip: even the Trad Catholics have muted the Council of Basel because it offends the modernist moral sensibilities of this wicked age.

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469c11  No.186383

File: 9b0eda6a6879500⋯.jpg (246.69 KB, 1200x1032, 50:43, cGcgCFc.jpg)


nice half-truth but the bigger picture reveals that the majority of white women vote rupublican, same lie of how we are told that white women prefer blacks, just demoralisation. Also FYI the catholic church is cucked, not that it matters anyway after we found out they like to touch little boys. But of course, praise YWHW, praise the demiurge!

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563b3e  No.186388

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fc4903  No.186396

File: 7d967272259c9ce⋯.png (100.75 KB, 387x759, 129:253, Screenshot_2020_12_10_Whit….png)


Yes, the Freemasons infiltrated the Church and corrupted much of it. Some faithful remain. Irrelevant! as I was pointing out the church teachings that were lost. That those teachings were lost is just another way of saying "cucked".

Your shift of the discussion from women is weak. You can see white men vote more conservatively than white women, so my point stands and your argument is revealed to be similar to Op's point about how women feel and reject reason. The flaw in your thinking seems to be to say "well, colored people vote even worse than women". True, but irrelevant, as your graph even shows that colored women vote more irrationally than colored men; that is compare the white men vs. white women to men vs. women.

I admit your Fedora tip and point out that the godless are the worst voters of them all.

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69136c  No.186460


> the majority of white women vote rupublican

your two-party system reduces voting behavior way too much to allow for the conclusions you present.

over here in Europe, where people can consider as many as 10 varying parties viable choices, you really get a real insight into their values. we have nationalist parties as well as radically green and globalist parties. left and right, conservatives and liberals. the more homogenous ethnic makeup takes the variable of race out of the question and allows a better insight into gender differences.

and the numbers tell us that nationalism is predominantly supported by men, and green and multiculturalist values by women. it's depressing to see how different our parlaments would look if only men could vote.

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8d4fc9  No.186502


Can someone explain to me what the second info meme means (female brains)? What implications does this have?

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d4d9ae  No.186507


>oy vey we have a ton of parties so they’re all real

Your parties have coalitions. Why? To get them to 50%, because you have to have that to do anything. Therefore they always compromise on everything they claim to believe. Also no, you’re literally not more homogenous.

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69136c  No.186510


I'm not saying we get more done but the varied party choice gives more insight into people's values. if you lump 50% of voters behind one party and 50% behind another, it becomes less clear where the voters stand ideologically.

Also I Finland is (so far) over 90% of white Finns so at least in my country's case, homogenity is undeniable. Also it's depressing how destructive our emancipated female population is.

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fc4903  No.186522


The 2nd info graphic points out that women's brains:

1. Have 17% less neocortical neurons and this is not related to body size

2. Fewer synapes per neuron

Then it has a picture of two women with a comic that describes women as bimbos to get your attention.

The point is to back up the next graph that shows women have a lower general intelligence (g), a smaller sigma in the distribution of g, and that the male/female ratio explains why women aren't qualified in occupations that require a high g.

This supports Op's thesis that women don't think like men.

The other two memes, one of 1 Timothy 2 where women are forbidden to teach and have authority over men and yet you have Episcopalian priestesses acting contrary to the Biblical teaching just because they're prissy little self centered emotional bitches who don't give a rats ass about the teaching of the Eternal God supports Op's thesis that they're irrational and emotional in thought.

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3b30a3  No.186526


Probably, but conservatives are incapable of making interesting fiction

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f27eee  No.186541

File: 171bfa8308bd7fd⋯.jpg (269.54 KB, 846x1200, 141:200, a2.jpg)

>Has any dystopic fiction covered the idea that it's women that ultimately allow the dystopia to happen?

That is not completely true, though. Towards the end of any empire, women's rights have always increased. That is how it was with the Roman Empire, Ottoman Empire, etc. The women don't bring about the collapse; their rights are increased when any empire reaches a comfortable point where there are very few struggles, when prosperity is so high that ambitions of equality can materialize. Before that point, equality is low on the agenda since the empire is too busy consolidating and fighting off external forces. Only later, when the decadence sets in, are women's rights considered important.

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3c85cc  No.186542

The central point of The Handmaid's Tale is that a woman created the society which later became Gilead. So, yes.

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69136c  No.186545


you're right but I'm envisioning awful authoritarianism for the upcoming decades, maybe even a century, before we finally see a bigger collapse

but I have to wonder. why are us whites so fucking keen on equality? I can not comprehend what ever made us think we could educate the nigger out of niggers. what made us think women deserve equal rights when they clearly are not equal beings? I guess this is just the inevitable drawback of high empathy that allowed the civilization in the first place.

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cf5380  No.186565


Euripides' the bacchae

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32d426  No.186597


Ironically women being stay at home moms helped propagate this catering to women. They would be vacuuming or whatever and be sold products. Then, the companies had the idea of appealing to their vanity and power fantasies. This is why when women are under control at some point in the future that business practices must be regulated as well.

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7be47b  No.187101


It's insane how perfectly it syncs up regarding Ottoman history. There is a period called "Sultanate of Women" which directly precedes the decline of the empire. Before this period Ottoman Sultans would not marry, they would have various concubines bear their children and have the sons kill one another after the favourite son ascended to the throne.

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a9c252  No.187112


So that's it then?

Niggers in africa will breed 7-8 children and preserve their tribe. But Europeans who created modern civilization will get replaced by foreign people because they don't have children.

Why is the world like this?

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11e961  No.189347


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