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File: ddb07d30d3c8e8f⋯.png (99.4 KB, 950x688, 475:344, ClipboardImage.png)

606f73  No.186286

You can post side-channel encrypted messages or just post images with text in them all over the place and the bots will just keep posting, completely oblivious.




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11fc11  No.186321


Cuckchan and plebbit have been taken over by occultists and shills whose only concern is manipulating the occasional lurker. So they bully and ban real humans who post so they can control the narrative with their bots. Something interesting about plebbit is if you trigger a shill they'll have a bot continually downvote your comment making it look "bad" even though organic human lurkers are upvoting it. If you delete it and repost exactly the same comment while the shill's not paying attention it will rise in score normally because it's not getting botfucked. Also notice how cuckchan OP posts are usually one line questions meekly asking cuckchan for fucking permission to believe something. They want to condition you to consult the bot farm on what's acceptable and what's a thoughtcrime.

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51472b  No.186449


Manipulating the voting machines worked so they assume manipulating websites will be as easy.

With enough time and dedication they can reach the ultimate goal: a website of nothing but bots and the occasional user who naively thinks they're agreeing with a real person.

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28c330  No.186700

File: 8a05368ff57abec⋯.png (508.18 KB, 1195x840, 239:168, judahs_story.png)

File: 1e0af10cb8af6c4⋯.jpg (980.7 KB, 2550x3300, 17:22, time_of_perplexity_18.jpg)

File: 83d057fc5d108d8⋯.jpg (1.2 MB, 2550x3300, 17:22, time_of_perplexity_19.jpg)

Im shadowbanned on cuckchan since 2 weeks. never ahppened before. i can only post text, no images allowed anymore. its not the typical "4chan ban" they just restricted me from posting images. other boards like x or int still work.

these were the last images i could post before the shadow ban

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bb7c36  No.186706

Why would anyone care about our older retarded brother

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e23d5d  No.186711


8kun will never be 8chan.

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e23d5d  No.186712



Kill yourself. The 3rd reich was all about light. Vril and those ling haired occultists were anything bug demonic.

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bb7c36  No.186734


Ok, elder brother*

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28c330  No.186934


and even here are the Shills :^ Kike

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3300f1  No.186997

Most people on 4/pol/ are unironically not even white. Most American flags are literal spics and chicanos and the other western nations are 50/50 white or shitskin.

4/pol/ is filled to the brim with spics

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3ad9e0  No.187004

File: aec55700918d38f⋯.png (35.43 KB, 856x612, 214:153, dumb_mexicans.png)


This someone a year ago or so collected average word samples on 4cuck pol and it all related to beaner mexicans flooding boards because they rage post more then jews when being called out. All the post calling beaners based , "hardworkers"and "white" were beaners of course. The mutt meme is quite literally made about beaners living in the USA waving the flag larping about being White. Its also obvious if you have been around beaners that want to be White and lust after White Women on how they talk.

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3a075f  No.187027

How does one even post on 4dorks. It has all Tor and VPN blocked…. I want to fuck with some loser shills.

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939ca3  No.187032


This is fucking stupid on every level.

- The swastika dates back at least 18000 years, well predating when Draco was the pole star (this makes it one of the oldest human symbols)

- There were multiple floods in past ages, but by far the biggest one was the 10900 BC event that immediately preceded the last (mini) ice age, the extinction of megafauna, Gobleki Tepe's founding, and the dawn of known agriculture. Your Noah flood theory is off by about 7000 years. It predates Jews by about 9000 years.

-Have you found any prehistoric spacecraft we don't know about?

-Werner Von Braun was a rocket engineer. Why would he spend his life building rockets when they're obsolete? Why not claim there's no way to travel into space if the point was to deceive us? And how the hell is it even possible for one man to handle two completely different space programs?

- Thule, Lucifer, Atlantis, flying saucers; you're mixing at least 4 different mythologies together, all mutually incompatible. According to the bible, the earth is only 6000 years old, while Atlantis/Thule predate that, and both include other (far older) gods than Yahweh, which they never mentioned because he was just the made-up companion of inbred goat herders. And none of the old religions even understood space.

-Why would the Nazis lose the war if they had infinitely powerful spaceships that could fly unopposed over Washington? Why leave behind important and loyal men to be murdered at Nuremberg? If they can control space and time, why not turn Moscow and London into a smoking crater? And for that matter, how would a space faring civilization get wiped out by floods? Wouldn't those in space come back and rebuild with their high tech?

This is why you should stop listening to preachers, they turn your already feeble mind to mush. If you can't even put your stories into a coherent timeline they're obviously bullshit. If A contradicts B, they can't both be true, so pick one and stick with it.

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7e1b3e  No.187048

File: 8452503f1c64863⋯.png (453.59 KB, 457x600, 457:600, ignorance.png)


he's right you are an idiot. Just because you only just dipped your toes into something doesnt make an expert like people who have studied it for decades. You suffer from something known as confirmation bias and have a child's understanding of the things you are trying to act like you are expert on. This conversation has been had 100's opf times by people way smarter and more informed than you are, there are threads up at this very moment in fact.


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3300f1  No.187114


Spot on. It's fucking ridiculous how many of them there are on /pol/ now. Fucking mongrels invade our country and can't even leave us alone on our imageboards. It's literally in their genes to go places they aren't wanted.

And yeah, they fume much harder than anyone else when they get called out, and lust after white women like there's no tomorrow. You summed up my thoughts perfectly.

God I fucking hate them so much. Honestly starting to wonder if I should rethink my far-right viewpoints since so many spic subhumans seem to share them with me.

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4de20a  No.187115


Yeah I got banned on pol but not any other board.

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6f3828  No.187143



I'm a spic posting on your board from California. I can't wait until you white folk are bred out of existence. Image board culture will belong to the brown man, wh*te bois.

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3300f1  No.187144


They all type like this spic too.

You will never be white. Just go be a normie, pablo.

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7a2e16  No.187175

File: 61316af88cefdaa⋯.png (190.17 KB, 640x366, 320:183, white_nationalist_country.png)

File: 494e6d80870607c⋯.png (3.56 MB, 2048x2048, 1:1, 1603859130619.png)



Not like it's really surprising, last 20 years the internet has been expanded to just about everyone and the government is in every corner of it. Faggots on their phones in bumfuck nowhere or in Shitstainland can even access places like 4chan on occasion. It's not like imageboards were ever anything more then a place for shitposting, having fun, and some occasional insightful things, but you can tell how less and less people are speaking English that things have radically changed. It was inevitable unfortunately with certain people in charge of these tech companies. The only question is how do we fight against it? Personally I think the best option is to simply abandon these places where they congregate like with other websites which have come and gone

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3300f1  No.187200


Yep. I remember when the internet was strongly majority white. Now all these subhuman monkeys have internet access and shit up every website.

There is no solution besides mandatory race verification upon registration and IP blocking certain places. English being a universal language fucks up especially hard in this case - most European countries have specific forums in their languages that work well to block out foreigners.

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79420e  No.187202


I'd ban you too. You seem like an idiot.

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79420e  No.187203


4chan isn't 4chan anymore. You kids might not understand that. It got co-opted many years ago. It's run by tumblr-tard feminists now.

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79420e  No.187204


Goethe and all of German Idealism is poison and the genesis of jewish communism. Neck yourself.

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97514c  No.187283


>English being a universal language fucks up especially hard in this case

This really gets to the heart of the issue.

English being the universal language is an unmitigated disaster for English-speaking nativists online.

We really need an ethnic language with a built-in IQ filter. Something like Latin but less larpy.

Something, anything than the vehicle for globohomo known as English.

Unfortunately constructed languages are always cancer so there's no real solution here unless we agree on using another European language, but at that point aren't we just as bad?

The only thing I know is that being a mono-lingual English speaker is akin to being cursed.

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1f3cdc  No.187286


>Something like Latin but less larpy.

Or you know just use Latin so it's not larpy anymore. Many people already know it and among them are well educated people like professors and priests. It also worked well for the Roman Empire whereas a fanfic language made in some mom's basement has never been tested in the real world before. It's not like it would be hard to convince people to learn Latin and start using Latin for things since it's already offered at most colleges. Meanwhile, you'd have a lot more trouble trying to make people use a mom's basement language with a lot less credibility.

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97514c  No.187288


We should use Hebrew for the lulz.

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f30073  No.187318


Just use ye olde English

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a6f558  No.187323

File: f20ef578af6a28f⋯.jpg (63.84 KB, 904x864, 113:108, d473f7734460300bb8803e9677….jpg)


>4/pol/ is a worse botfarm than it's ever been

>1 post

buget expansion or workforce overflow?

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