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You have to go back

File: 62461f28f0eba4f⋯.jpg (347.54 KB, 1024x819, 1024:819, LEAVING_USA.jpg)

5cb1ea  No.185992

Emigration from the Unites States, a viable option?

Well, the USA is getting shittier and shittier and poorer and poorer and almost no one here is resisting its obvious creeping authoritarian overtones and measures. Retards lap up Meme Flu propaganda like it's the new holohoax and freak out over non-cattle choosing to not wear the muzzles.

The question is, is it viable for the conscious among us to leave this zombie nation, and if so, where should we go? Europe? Argentina? New Zealand? Even somewhere in the non-white world? Another question is how one would emigrate to another country during the Meme Flu plannedemic.

If leaving the US is ill-advised, where in the US would you argue for moving to? And in either scenario, how would one secure an ample source of income, especially in an era of spontaneous lockdowns?

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d3781b  No.186001

>the last place on earth is shit

>i want to run away to somewhere worse

>lol what’s standing and fighting


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5cb1ea  No.186004


The saging mod is here.

>the last place on earth is shit

No, the US is not the last place on Earth.

>i want to run away to somewhere worse

Really, Europe/southern South America are worse?

>lol what’s standing and fighting

Something not being done by Americans, if Detroit, The Bronx, Chicago, Seattle, Atlanta, and California are anything to go by.

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d3781b  No.186009


>doesn't even remotely comprehend the situation

>has no argument

>has no plan

>just wants to run away

>claims Europe, which has never even had freedom of speech, is better

>claims South America, which is nothing but half-blood spics, is better

Okay, run away. You're doing the white race no favors.

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154067  No.186062


If you think about fighting just know that they're going to try as hard as they can to avoid that situation.


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8a0494  No.186066

File: d38bc49cdb31d9d⋯.gif (203.21 KB, 1342x919, 1342:919, UN.GIF)

I was just reading about Biden's UN rep. She was a board member of one of the migration groups.

Anyways, just as reminder, we will sign up for thew UN Migration Pact.

They say it's non binding to get countries to sign up but it is binding.

The Migration pact makes it illegal to criticize migration.

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98cfab  No.186067


> its obvious creeping authoritarian overtones and measures.

> Retards lap up Meme Flu propaganda like it's the new holohoax and freak out over non-cattle choosing to not wear the muzzles.

You'd find that Europe is quite a bit stricter in its measures than USA. In USA nobody cares if someone dies of a disease that doesn't affect them since compassion and social cohesion are things that go first in a multi ethnic society. Couple that with worship of money and you have a terrible culture.

> emigration to another continent

How much capital do you have? This isn't a concern if you have plenty of money. Eastern European countries are your best bets if you want an overwhelmingly majority 'white' country to live in. These places are continuing to grow economy wise (thanks to favorable trading conditions with EU and still post soviet union recovery). However salaries are currently still dirt low so if you plan on working there be sure to find an international American company who is based there who can send you to work there for an American salary.

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98cfab  No.186068


Couple that with Biden probably going to re-enter Paris agreement which likely will see cost of living go up for every American. Plus probably some space being allocated for climate refugees into the budget.


Is the white race slav, germanic, med, northern?

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8a0494  No.186072

The next four years will be a anti migration PR extravaganza if we play our cards right.

Biden and Haris don't have a chance at re election against a decent candidate like Tucker. Just hope he runs, if he don't then say hello to Pres Cruz.

The GOP made it clear with the Mike Lee bill that they support open borders too. Not one member from either party objected to giving away our best jobs to Indians. Everyone has to get on board with the idea of voting every incumbent out of office. The corporation have way to much power.

Speaking of indians, how the fuck did they end up owning every motel in the country. Some business loan or some shit, anyone know?

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8a0494  No.186073


Shut up and wear a mask,

fuckin retard.

i'll let you in on a lil secret, the people pushing the anti mask propaganda are Jews who get a kick out of manipulating you to sacrifice your grandparents by the thousands every day.

More money to the Jewish doctors and their clinics and pharma. So the Jews have us killing off our elderly and handing over our life savings for medical care.

Remember goy, don't wear the n95 mask, give that to your local (((doctor))).

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a64d38  No.186081

File: 1b35933643ea14d⋯.gif (846.32 KB, 450x259, 450:259, 1b35933643ea14d57cdd84e217….gif)


i wear a military grade gas mask everywhere I go now. It's fucking great. I can go into a fucking BANK with a full mask on and people can't say shit; cause lol yellow plague. I'm loving the looks i get, people know i'm purposefully overdoing it. one Indian (feather) had a full skeleton suit complete with mask and we both started yukking it up. As a non cellphone user, i'm loving that even my face is covered now. I'd wear a full HAZMAT suit to go get a jug of milk if I had one.

and It's not coming from a "save gradma" place for me, it's coming from a "fuck these cameras everywhere" place.

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8a0494  No.186086

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Gavin Mcinnes did a great job explaining how to move to Canada. I've watched this a couple times because it's pretty damn informative

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d3781b  No.186121


Hey, subhuman. The virus does nothing. There is no pandemic. Keep your jewish propaganda off our board or it’s going to be banned.


Imagine being too stupid to know what white people are and thinking that you belong here.

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2ed858  No.186148


There are a number of grant programs for immigrants. One gives them an interest free loan of something like $2 million dollars to buy a business property that they do not have to start paying back for 5 years.

Another program allows immigrants and only immigrants to then run these businesses that they purchase for a period of 5 years without paying any tax on the business except for employees FICA, Social Security, and unemployment taxes. These same people will not have to pay any personal taxes during this 5 year time period.

Most of these businesses that they purchase are then run through the loop hole that they can sell the business at the end of the 5 year period, repay the initial loan and keep the rest. So what do they do? They will sell the business to a family member, either a spouse, sibling, parent, or one of their children. They will then run the business through their entire family until they run out of people or see some state regulation looming that is too costly for them to pay for, in which case they generally tend to let the business fall into disrepair and exit the business at the deadline for that regulation.

That is what happens to so many gas stations, motels, laundry mats, dry cleaners, and ethnic restaurants.

Watch them closely and you will see they either close within 5 years of opening or switch owners.

The shit part of this is, these loans are not available to American citizens themselves. Most of these immigrants walk away from these businesses as millionaires yet the natural born citizens completely get shafted on any sweetheart deals.

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05dfb8  No.186167


Did you also learn how to stuff a dildo up your ass from him as well?

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482852  No.186177


Fleeing is not freedom, it's surrender.

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732fd5  No.186226

File: ddd21bb92ec57b4⋯.jpg (95.34 KB, 1208x718, 604:359, BidenPublicConfession.jpg)


If they cheated this election to win, WHY in the ever-loving FUCK do you think they would not cheat in EVERY election henceforth??? There won't be another Republican administration. Understand that simple fact. It is single party rule under the democrats from here on. Although really what's the difference since the Republicans are retarded shabbos goy slaves too?

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d3781b  No.186228


Imagine being such a fucking retarded nigger that you think elections actually matter–have mattered at all for the last 60 years–or that your Jew Party A will ever win against Jew Party B again. This is what happens when Q-LARPers and their milquetoast ilk aren’t explicitly forbidden from posting here.

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5ea768  No.186236


> The virus does nothing.

> There is no pandemic

Did you need to watch 10 hours of Alex Jones and David Icke to come to that realization?

> Keep your jewish propaganda off our board

Newfag doesn't remember the covid threads when they started I guess.

> Imagine being too stupid to know what white people are

Goodluck defending if turks, arabs and jews are white. US gov says they are white.

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b41390  No.186260


I'll let you on a lil secret you retard, saying asymptomatics can transmit the disease is pseudoscience.

Saying masks are guaranteed to help is unsubstantiated.

The mortality rate is comparable to a common flu, whose second most prevalent type is a coronavirus.

Common flu somehow disappeared this year.

The restrictions will undoubtedly cause more deaths than any magic flu, all health organisations agree on that.

The flu allegedly causes any type of ailment from alopecia to erectile disfunction after you healed according to debatable studies with faulty calculations and data, the effects change every month according to the media.

The fact that coronaviruses are so spectacularly widespread makes plenty of people appear positive regardless of them actually having magic flu or not, allowing to extend martial law indefinitely.

This is a coronavirus, it will mutate fast, the media claimed there were three strands in February, expect "Covid-21" somehow appearing globally somehow with the same symptoms, oddly the same as common flu and with the same mortality rate.

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8a0494  No.186355

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Yea no shit, well Biden may of actually beat Trump. Biden did not beat Bernie, we had the establishment running scared. Even Judge Judy was deployed to MSNBC telling blatant lies about Bernie.

We could of made it so one sided that they would have to give bernie but nooo you dum,b fucks actually thought Trump was based.

If you didn't vote your just fucking stupid period.

Anyways Iowa, they put in Buttiege to steal the election. First task was getting them to drop the Iowa Straw Poll, Pete's campaign complained about something and they dropped it.


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8a0494  No.186357

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I'm going to make it simple for you. There's alot of very effective propaganda out there and it's easy to get mislead.

Purge your memory of everything you think you know about Covid, everything. This channel is the only source you need, he's a lung doctor working everyday treating Covid patients for months.

Start with the vaccine. There ya go, i was embarrassed for you spewing all kinds of non sense.

Your welcome bro.

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830474  No.186379

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Republic of Molossia

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830474  No.186385


>Start with the vaccine. There ya go, i was embarrassed for you spewing all kinds of non sense.

>Your welcome bro.

How about a vaccine for common cold that no vaccine was or ever will be made causing unfortunate side effects like sterility? When there are already very few to no white babies born…

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