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/pnd/ - Politics, News, Debate

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File: 40b8136cbfeb2fa⋯.jpg (820.74 KB, 663x898, 663:898, AlsoDoge.jpg)

77879f  No.185867

Since the days of mult-section paper newspapers, newspapers have had what they call the "headlines" in a main section. The main section is never dedicated to a single section. It could come from any section. Aggregate threads like "coronavirus general" etc suppress important developments in ongoing events. It makes pnd less useful than Twitter, because happenings can't trend, if they're related to any section of the newspaper. It was a bad idea, I can't say if I would have predicted it. But it ruined pnd.

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8c4163  No.185868

You know we have like ten people here, right? Jim killed the site and it’s not coming back. And we also have a meta thread for this sort of thing.

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6812e3  No.185903


What ruined /pnd/ is the D&C shills who pop into nearly every thread on certain topics to post






There are intellectuals here, and then there are anons whose every post is like the above. They pretend to be good-intentioned, but their behavior is indistinguishable from what a kike/fed would be doing on this board to derail threads. They are fucking cancer, but all too often the people they are responding to get banned instead of them.

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8c4163  No.185907


No one gets banned anymore. We’re not allowed to. THAT’S why the entire board is dead. Anyone can post any spam at any time.

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d8fbc3  No.185918

File: 535b1e97293d942⋯.png (6.17 MB, 2529x3062, 2529:3062, 1606949371727.png)



counter sage. fuck jannies.

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9b431d  No.185922


So this place is dead because its not rulecucked enough and banning more people would fix it?

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d8fbc3  No.185924

File: 7e3bb8d0d57cd08⋯.webm (3.43 MB, 320x240, 4:3, 1593715320982.webm)



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8c4163  No.185928


It just seems strange to me that we–who want a place where only whites can be and nonwhites cannot be, where only truth can be and lies cannot be, where only traditionalism can be and communism cannot be–aren’t allowed to have our own board for our own topics where we can discuss what we want, and are instead forced to allow anyone to spam anything at any time.

Almost as though you can’t achieve or accomplish anything whatsoever in a multicultural hellhole.

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d8fbc3  No.185930

File: 06af8720b2e2f2a⋯.webm (3.78 MB, 480x360, 4:3, 1595457911012.webm)



>muh wish o' dick

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846106  No.185942

File: bdd80ceeaa37a89⋯.jpg (828.38 KB, 2360x2600, 59:65, blessed_josh.jpg)

File: 204b2f6361117ec⋯.png (315.1 KB, 533x762, 533:762, 1438236196064_1.png)


>Jim killed the site and it’s not coming back

Jim didn't just appear out of nowhere, he owned the site even while kikewheels was the admin. The true killers of this site was /intl/ and the prophet Joshua Conner Moon, the true accelerationists and heroes of this shithole, as it was originally conceived.

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b5fe25  No.186100



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06e30c  No.186127

You know, regardless of the Pig Farmer and all his bullshit, now that there's only like ten people using this board (counting me would be eleven) it can be rebuilt from the ground up again.

Is the BO, cupcake, still around or is there another BO?

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8c4163  No.186130


He’s here, but rarely. Note that we’re not allowed to ban anyone for being anti-white, pro-communist, pro-jew, etc. The website owner actively forbids anyone from making any board that has the same principles that /pol/ did, and also actively forbids anyone from remaking /pol/ (and refuses to port the old /pol/ board over, obviously). That’s going to put a damper on your plan.

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4dea1d  No.186152


If all you're going to do is constantly complain, you don't have to be a mod. I should have done this back before you banned all the users. I got more complaints about you than any other mod, you know

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8c4163  No.186157


>you banned all the users because I say you did

Did you even read the post? No one is banned from the board based on ideology. The bans in the ban log are for bot spam, child porn, or rarely lazy shilling (shit like a new thread with an OP that only says “lol u all suck ha ha racism bad”). That’s just spam. You want to ask cupcake if that’s what the ban log ACTUALLY says, you can. That’s what it says.

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7f8b5d  No.191675


you also dont want to flood the board with weak threads or shill posting.

I tested this by posting a weak thread on a board here and an admin deleted,..then again I also find weak posts throughout this fuckin honeypot that are at minimum a month or two old that really should be considered for deletion.

All in all, if something of true significance goes down,..some bloke nigger will put up a thread about it.

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3e9aa8  No.191700


Still better than 4chan

That place is absolutely useless now

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6141c4  No.191753

File: faa994959ed2c48⋯.jpg (37.74 KB, 329x461, 329:461, shylock_738253.jpg)


No 4chan found Reinhold days before the FBI figured out who did the Portland shooting. 4chan is awesome. This place is the stomping ground of an ill tempered little control freak who wants to censor every single post here. He's almost certainly a tiny little buggerbeard jew who fucks ugly chink broads.

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3e9aa8  No.191765


>blacked threads

>tranny threads

>Abigail whats her name threads

>Slide threads

>Pride threads

>Zognald threads

>Joepedo threads

>Random threads that get posted every day on a carousel

It sucks mate

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c36974  No.192023


lol fuck no

4chan is worse than ever, but it still has a tiny fraction of that old spark

8cuck is a husk

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