I've been thinking a lot lately on the nature of the great reset and cryptocurrency and for those who have a ton of liquid assets in some digital form.
I'm imagining a type of virus(I'm imagining it being in all kinds of unknown opensource tools by massive identity-less corporations unbeknownst to people not 'in' on the plan), a BitSniffer if you will, that tries to find where BitCoin wallets(or any digital currency) are stored and then basically destroy all traces of them, effectively setting the money on fire.
Now I know a lot of you are likely rather knowledgeable and know how to protect your assets properly. But I assure you there are a lot of dumb people who use these coins who do not keep it nearly as secure as they think they do. And sooner or later their assets are going to disappear for seemingly no reason.
Now, if they somehow successfully start actually deleting people's bitcoins that WILL cause a panic. A highly disruptive panic. I think its a time bomb.
This is purely hypothetical. But I think if you're serious about crypto and have a huge portion of your savings in crypto, it might be time to consider transferring your wealth to non-digital, hard assets(property, minerals, stock in businesses who are going to remain solid during the potential panic).
I obviously wouldn't dump everything. Maybe even keep most of it. In fact, it'll likely soon be a great time to by Bitcoin. The panic won't last forever and once the threat is properly understood, bitcoin should stabilize again. And it's still obviously useful for all the reasons why its useful. (although there's a good chance it won't be worth nearly as much as it is right now)
Just something to think about. Again purely hypothetical, and likely not a real threat to crypto long term, just non-savvy users who's panic will shake the market (of which there are certainly plenty).
This is pure speculation. But with all the security holes largely due to ignorance, and all the non-savvy users blinded by greed, I think it's a matter of when, not if.