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File: 12045095fd870bd⋯.jpg (900.3 KB, 1080x2340, 6:13, Screenshot_20201205_120316.jpg)

a01b0b  No.185820

Look at this shit!


This shit has to stop. They're going too far. You're not going to be able to take your kids out of the electronic, florescent lit soy pods for a night of camping if this doesn't get under control. They'll sniff out the smallest freedom or autonomy.


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970611  No.185829


Okay. What are you going to do to stop it.

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b4980f  No.185835

So kill someone.

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c2f1e3  No.185837

I'm with the other two guys ITT you should kill someone over it

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124979  No.185843



I honestly don't know if this site is 100% feds or it's just autists that have been conditioned to post like feds

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d34397  No.185844


>This shit has to stop.

Not yet.

>They're going too far.

Not even close.

>electronic, florescent lit soy pods

That's where you are right now.

Glad to see /pnd/ is still 100% cucked.

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970611  No.185851



Okay. White genocide is already complete. You will never do anything. No one will ever do anything. It’s over. Stop posting entirely. Don’t make the threads, don’t report on the news; it’s over.

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124979  No.185854


So we should act like niggers and assassinate people who are against burning wood? I honestly think you're a bot

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970611  No.185858


>no argument whatsoever

>shilling for “peaceful solutions”

>doesn’t actually give any or explain how they would ever work


Uh huh. Run along.

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c100fe  No.185891


Stop reacting like a hysterical female, that's exactly what they want you to do. You need to look at this from the perspective of a globalist - one who actually wants to control the world, but knows that the only have a limited budget to do so by force. However, they have an unlimited budget to do so by propaganda, since they already own all of the media outlets which makes it practically free to do.

This article is aimed at convincing the normies that it is actually the wood burning individualist who is responsible for climate change, air pollution, fish kills, and your food going bad before the expiration date. At the same time, it may drive unstable lunatics such as yourself to commit violent acts against the government, further cementing public perception of people who live individualistic lives as dangerous criminals. Ultimately, blame for pollution is shifted off of the people who actually produce it to those who don't.

Try to read between the lines a little bit and you'll be a lot more useful to your fellow man. A shrieking woman is no good to anyone, and a burden to all.

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87dfe9  No.185894

File: 3fe11cf8552a306⋯.jpg (198.84 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, make_the_planet_great_agai….jpg)


>Stop reacting like a hysterical female

1. Some of people here ARE hysterical females

2. Being hysterical and outraging on everything is part of /pol/'s life.

I am still glad OP posted that, or i wouldn't know.


Learn to archive links.


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067600  No.185967

File: 8d80599940015f3⋯.png (4.63 MB, 1920x1200, 8:5, wallhaven_530414_1920x1200.png)

Dice rollRolled 1, 6, 5, 5, 5 + 3 = 25 (5d6)


funny how it's ALWAYS a jewess that screeches about white men and our cultures. no exceptions.

pic unrelated

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