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File: 83a1d2acdc6cd17⋯.png (441.37 KB, 1440x3040, 9:19, Screenshot_20201203_102104.png)

08e6da  No.185493

This is a mutual friend in my group of friends growing up. She was a massive whore then and was always cheating on my buddy and other dudes she was "dating".

So inevitably, she has created an OF account and >pic related is what she posted to Zuckbook in response to the backlash:

White men,

What do we do to reverse these damages that have completely destroyed the very fabric of our nation's culture?

What do we do to rid our society of this toxic degeneracy that has poisoned the minds of our generation and future generations?

What do we do to reestablish healthy norms to uplift our nation of people out of this moral decadence?

What do we do to take back control and set our country back on the path of moral righteousness?

Are we so far gone that nothing can be done? Or do we fight with everything in our power to awaken the masses to the evil they have willingly succumbed to?

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353f70  No.185498

File: 7471820804b1e27⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 45.92 KB, 420x559, 420:559, 95A394A2_33B4_4894_90F9_F….jpeg)

Ignore it, nigger. You just empowered feminism by bringing attention to it.

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019580  No.185499


You can't unring a bell. Stop fantasizing that you'll be a Commander in Gilead and learn to shrug and move on.

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ff5b4e  No.185506

The problem is that it would involve going back to the era of child brides that the west existed in before feminism and western morality today is so steeped in pedo hysteria that even suggesting such a thing would ruin you.

I think the western world is just stuck sniffing its own farts as it falls apart so my advice would be to just move somewhere in which it hasn't happened yet and hope it doesn't happen there too.

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613617  No.185507


>How Do We Reverse The Effects of Feminism?

We don’t. It’s not like anyone’s going to ever fight back against any of this. The fuck are you doing? The fuck is anyone doing? Stop deluding yourself. There won’t be a revolution.

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cd1d2d  No.185509

Disempower them through social dynamics. Dont pay them attention , dont divolge information, dont help them nor give them any breaks, dont look at them. Dont get emotional when dealing with them and always easily replace them. Always act with confidence, dominance and assertiveness. Always put yourself first and always be masculine. There, if every nen acted like this, they would change.

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2c453e  No.185958

Civilizations don't go feminist and then realize the error of their ways and reform.

Rather, they go feminist and then the civilization decays until it eventually falls and is replaced by a different, more based civilization.

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a13800  No.185974

File: a43d2fdbb3d0bbb⋯.jpg (94.29 KB, 974x1068, 487:534, a43d2fdbb3d0bbb4a68bc00852….jpg)


You dumb nigger. Feminism is just another fad, not some dam that has been broken. It'll fall by the wayside as the current regime is replaced with one that values strength. Hopefully by us, but if not by foreigners.

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0cde6c  No.185975


Fads don't last over 100 years.

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9bbd54  No.185977

Am I supposed to know what OF is?

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29ff5d  No.185978


Only Fans

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9bbd54  No.185979


Well, a destructive fad can be long lived if it uses up the momentum of a weakening civilization. The West has nowhere to go but into mediocrity, with women being pushed into places where they do not belong, always at the expense of much more competent men. It's just the slow-acting poison of equality doing its thing.


Thanks, anon.

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9121fa  No.186249

Just call em whores.

These imbeciles just live for the approval of others.

Once enough people call em whores they cave in, only reason why it exists openly is because it's normalised artificially, it's just a perception of normality that these people have, due to their belonging in a circlejerk.

Look at how this dumb cunt is recoiling, she fears the disapproval of others and, as the dumb bitch she is, threatens of blocking if you hurt her feelings, cause she thinks you'll surrender if she doesn't provide pussy.

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16c869  No.186254


That is a possible man face. That might be a tranny, I don't know.

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