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There's a nigger on the port bow!

File: 3b1f9dc16a6dbd1⋯.jpg (317.57 KB, 1079x1292, 1079:1292, Screenshot_20201203_155418.jpg)

e0d458  No.185461

American politician Mike Lee's Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act! just got passed woo hoo.

Tell me why do you guys hate indians ? we are very hard working,intelligent,highest paid,support Trump and have 12% european genes.

I work for cognizant technologies and will be coming over to the states earliest by 2022.

P.S: It is not indians who are turning some parts of california,newyork into shitstreets it is the blacks,chinks,mexicans,central americans and white liberals.

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e0d458  No.185462

File: 1c6dda19006ba86⋯.jpg (478.46 KB, 1079x1330, 1079:1330, Screenshot_20201203_161121.jpg)

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5d57ee  No.185464


gtfo out of here you streetshitter

words cannot describe how much i hate the misplaced arrogance of the codemonkeys

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6e53ec  No.185465


>Tell me why do you guys hate indians ?

You are imperial bulwarks for jewish rule. You will be killed and persecuted in the coming revolution above all others.

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72961a  No.185474


Labor Dumping, smell bad, greedy, constantly causing problems. I hope we go to war with your country and can wipe you out. Thanks for listening to my Ted Talk.

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72961a  No.185475

Also, you guys haven’t produced any good technology since you came to USA you’re just a part of a pay to play helicopter system and the only reason you’re there is because white men would be furious at all of the illegal shit the boards do now. So we work at real companies in real industries that are some of the oldest and strongest companies in the world. These companies don’t hire Indians. We are going to start our own US based tech firm eventually and created a dynasty. That’s what corporate America is forcing us to do. We will be the best at all things tech, to many Us workers are out of jobs and they’ve got the skills and the brains to do it, just need that creative solution. God Bless the American Worker. Fuck anyone who treats them poorly. The law and order Republicans have gotta go and the commies have gotta go. We get rid of these two groups. Much better place. Law and order conservatism is anti first amendment, same as Islam.

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026529  No.185477


Ever since the GOP ushered in Citizens United both parties take turns fucking over the avg worker.

You may think immigration is about caring for the oppressed or whatever, it's about driving down wages, a global sweatshop if you will.

Indians already own all the motels, and I've never seen an indian do any sort of manual labor, ever.

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026529  No.185479

Speaking of which, 3 days ago.


The same companies behind thew TPP, people overlook this stuff not realizing the plan is to make you compete with them.

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6ced4a  No.185483

Because you're matriarchal. We need real men.

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49de83  No.185489

File: f726487877eee2b⋯.jpg (247.52 KB, 1004x620, 251:155, left_and_right_agree_fuck_….jpg)

Capital Supremacists on the left and right agree: Fuck the American Worker!

With 2 parties like this who needs the illusion of choice? Call it what it is: Corporatocracy!

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49de83  No.185490


Richard Spencer was right when he said that White people have a White people problem. Capital Supremacists are THE problem!

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1c9890  No.185508


>capital supremacists

Who are you and why do you think you can force your brand new buzzword on us without us noticing?

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