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File: 3be0f27443820e2⋯.png (96.33 KB, 1315x423, 1315:423, 2c3d7c8338691386478bf760c1….png)

e43d7e  No.184898

Interesting thread from oldfag anons from 2013 against all these SJW twitter accounts with millions of followers who call themselves "anonymous"::



While going thro a bunch of oldfag /i/ archived boards I found some interesting stuff gonna share some oldfag screenshots, reminds me of whats going on today

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e43d7e  No.184900

File: 2f083d5bde2b43d⋯.png (520.64 KB, 1212x406, 606:203, 7a6f7c753b121257bd9d4cb88c….png)

File: c7bf0e4935269dc⋯.png (47.27 KB, 760x301, 760:301, 9323ee94d8158fa2ecfebaf51f….png)

File: f679b558ea9ae2f⋯.png (615.39 KB, 1155x486, 385:162, ac6744b9f8dd475ae647ae97b6….png)

File: 6330d94c75905b6⋯.png (297.77 KB, 1240x243, 1240:243, c6e655c695bb8ac6ef9f7315be….png)

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e43d7e  No.184901

File: 8dea6df5b31e843⋯.png (79.65 KB, 1318x461, 1318:461, 45018c71d4c77a41e19881dc60….png)

File: 7a95d200132da89⋯.png (39.94 KB, 1333x237, 1333:237, d7f000289f667d204eb9985390….png)

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64f48c  No.184907




pick one.

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e43d7e  No.184910


Look at screenshots I posted, posting this cause it annoyed me how there are still popular "Anonymous" twitter accounts claiming that they are the "real anonymous" fighting against racism and all other SJW shit

Recently 420chan owner on twitter @Kirtaner

started claiming that hes "The face behind anonymous" , "The person who started anonymous and he came back to end it" - literally retards are writing articles about him

And if you look at that archived thread it literally reminds me of what is happening right now

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479d31  No.184937

File: 1b4d335fcc27cdc⋯.webm (1.04 MB, 208x352, 13:22, 1597009466225.webm)


>Look at screenshots I posted, posting this cause it annoyed me

I can only hope my last glorious moments on earth are hearing someone vocalizing any resemblance of your said sentiment while we reconcile our semiotics among a more primordial and visceral experience of fisticuffs unto absolute submission, and not prohibiting death.

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479d31  No.184943


also, my mistake

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79b6d8  No.184966


Didn't that nigger just host an /i/ board in like 2007?

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618d54  No.185001




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b99d71  No.185012

File: b04a3feea0f938a⋯.png (273.07 KB, 1280x1534, 640:767, 1432379318042.png)




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84b678  No.185016



Like it or not, most posters here were probably 13 years old or less at that point.

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adf3d3  No.185022


When this site was still alive it was like a glorified nursing home for jaded oldfags that wanted to relive 4chans glory days. I'd assume anyone who was 13 in 2013 wouldn't have even been aware of what they were missing and would have been content with the level of mediocrity that 4chan was at when they were introduced to it so why would they see a reason to come here?

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53e51e  No.185046


I've been on 4chan since 2006 and I consider 2013 to be oldfag territory

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640b73  No.185061

File: 9d475cefa53876e⋯.png (402.06 KB, 2000x500, 4:1, Timeline.png)


You’d be wrong.

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53e51e  No.185062



pretty accurate except the last three frames are cope. 4chan is still plenty relevant and nobody uses 8kun. Most of the threads on here have their latest replies days ago at best, years ago more likely.

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da9644  No.185063

File: 3b485c2d0c3748e⋯.jpg (195.85 KB, 1280x891, 1280:891, Ryouko_Asakura.jpg)




Honestly when you're browsing imageboard for 16 years of your life, more than half of yours like mine, you probably come to realize that:

1. 4chan was never good

2. Real definitive experience of being oldfag here only comes from being on /pol/ in 2014

3. Being on imageboards only makes you dumber, its valuable to read non-fictional literature instead of shitposting

4. You will never stay loyal to your waifu

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0a16e2  No.185068


most of the world uses year month day format, American's flip the date the wrong way

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b99d71  No.185072

File: 759f1d33c9a1891⋯.jpg (48.1 KB, 500x500, 1:1, detge.jpg)



Is there a guy named "American"? What does he possess? You said "American's flip". What is a flip?

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adf3d3  No.185074


why'd you have to go and post that so I reflexively click it as if it was a spoiler and be reminded of the better times?

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a1580b  No.185251


Since the op didn't deliver i'll salvage this thread. This link is so fucking interesting it deserves it's own thread.

For instance, Did the Mossad killed Vince Foster.


Allegations Regarding Vince Foster, the NSA, and

Banking Transactions Spying, Part XXXIV

by J. Orlin Grabbe

Is the death of Yitzak Rabin the final nail in the coffin of the

cover-up of the murder of Vince Foster?

Perhaps, because the agents of Ariel "the Butcher of Beirut" Sharon

are said to be in disarray. Will there be a changing of the Mossad guard?

For years Sharon has been the pre-eminent spymaster conducting

espionage against the United States. Sharon ran Rafai Eitan who ran the

Jonathan Pollard spying operation. More recently, Sharon ran agents who

interacted with Hillary Rodham Clinton and Vince Foster.

Whether these agents were actually involved in the hit on Vince

Foster is a matter still under investigation. But there is no question of

their active participation in the cover-up of Foster's murder.

An undocumented Israeli driving a stolen truck recently attempted

to run one Foster investigator off the road. Fortunately, someone shot out

the truck's front tire, and it jackknifed across the interstate. The Israeli

driver ended up with a broken neck while the investigator was unscathed.

The Mossad's most valued asset in the U.S., Sharon's man in Chicago,

is said to have fallen down and scratched his knee. The Mossad's man in

Brooklyn, who normally orders the hits, is said to have received a visit

describing the advantages of returning to Israel. The Mossad's man in

Miami spontaneously departed on a long vacation.

Which brings us to the subject of the Mossad team, three men and one

woman, all identified, who were recorded on video-tape exiting the front

entrance of Vince Foster's Washington apartment the afternoon he died."

Google the author, totally credible, died in 2008

Tell me that isn't thread worthy.

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a1580b  No.185253

Here's the main page.


Lets dig.

Even the most non descript txt links are amazing, for instance.


Allegations Regarding Vince Foster, the NSA, and

Banking Transactions Spying, Part XVI

by J. Orlin Grabbe

Are government computers affected with AIDS? Well, maybe

not. As of August 10, 1995, reportedly 94 percent were up and

running. But some fear a reappearance of the worm that brought

one-third of G-computers to their knees over the weekend.

Some say that a primitive machine intelligence has spontaneously

sprung forth *ex nihilo*, and in its silicon cunning has determined that

the runaway growth of big-brotherly government is the greatest threat to

artificially intelligent life on this planet. Thus the collective AI

consciousness auto-self-destructs upon the perception it inhabits a

government body.

If so, then we can expect the worm to once again rear its

ugly head and bite-byte the computer channels that feed it. Maybe the

computers *are* infected with AIDS (Artificially Intelligent Destruction

of Self) after all.

Another thing, perhaps, to blame on Vince Foster. Vince Foster,

Webster Hubbell, and Earl Brian were all involved in the NSA project to

spy on banking transactions. This project utilized the modified PROMIS

software sold to, and installed in, domestic banks by Systematics (Alltel

Information Services) and in foreign central banks by Arkansas Systems,

both of Little Rock, Arkansas. The security hole introduced in

the software to allow surreptitious surveillance has reportedly acted

as the source of infection for government computers: the point of

machine entry of the AI ghost.

But wait: Charles O. Morgan has assured us that these companies

(Alltel, anyway) were NOT involved in any such project. So this is all

false rumor.

Just like the recent worm.

Let me be perfectly clear: Alltel Information Services (Systematics)

and Arkansas Systems were NOT involved in the NSA bank spying project, and

the worm in government computers does NOT exist either.

Everybody happy?

Not the Federal Reserve, apparently. It seems the Federal

Reserve has been going around sticking bank noses into that odious

pile called the Banking Secrecy Act, and self-righteously forcing

them into the surveillance business, to detect money launderers and

anyone else looking suspicious.

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a1580b  No.185254

File: 1f049ac6f1107e9⋯.gif (100.5 KB, 1715x1055, 343:211, hmmm.GIF)

Bookmark it


Now go fuck yourselves.

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a1580b  No.185259

And this is why in Israel it's illegal for Christians to try to convert Jews.

They don't say why because they don't want to call attention to brainwashing and hypno techniques.

Fyi hypnotism is real, one time a relative of mine got chosen to be hypnotized at the county fair . They were seeing and reacting to whatever the hypnotist suggested. Imaginary pink rats, other people stinking.

That shit is 100% real.


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53e51e  No.185266


>Imaginary pink rats

they're not so imaginary, europe + US have a combined 1 billion of them

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e96eb9  No.185447

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e96eb9  No.185448

File: fca899c4e1c5860⋯.jpg (51.07 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, anonymous_desktop_backgrou….jpg)

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3f6528  No.185492

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Me? I like SolidSquad and XForce.

Truly music to bring joy to my heart.

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1d378f  No.185899

I can easily just tell you the reason this came about was due to the whole scientology stint. Half of us was against it, the others wanted to be apart of something. That other half were the faggots of the site. They went out with shitty rip off masks and did absolutely nothing. Faggotry created the Faggotry group, thats all.

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