Your pic isn't much of an argument, in fact it's a counter-argument to your point.
85-90 IQ Arabs make up 20-25% of their population, which, together with the amount of mixed-jews (i.e. half arab, for example) jews and the substantial amount of non-Ashkenazi, would make the higher-than-european IQ a reality rather than a lie.
Your calculations fail to account for the increase in IQ (I'd say of around 5 points) caused by not living in a semi-civilized country (Jordan) compared to a fully civilized one (Israel). Not to mention, the average Palestinian IQ, in an even less-civilized setting than Jordan (because of Israeli proto-apartheid), is around 85 during teen years, which means that Palestinians might even reach 90 or 92 in Israel proper at adult age.
First pic isn't sourced, nor is the second (not to mention the fact it doesn't take into consideration, as far as I can tell, the Bottle Neck Effect of cities compared to Rural lands).
Your 5th pic shows a MASSIVE over-representation of Jews within Nobel Prizes, which defeats your point. Nobel Prizes aren't even a good unit of measurement anyways, Obama got one for peace while bombing children.
I'm not defending kikes or muslims for that matter, but if you want to show the truth and be taken seriously you need to have ROCK-SOLID arguments.