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File: 9fa103095a462c1⋯.jpg (467.51 KB, 1424x2032, 89:127, erugheruhger.jpg)

88572a  No.183175

Actual sources, not asspulls.

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84364c  No.183194

File: 6370225117558e3⋯.jpg (154.99 KB, 540x400, 27:20, Lose_the_Jews.jpg)

Jews, like women, are very good at manipulating people. Jews bring it to the next level by trying to manipulate history but it never works out in the long run because they aren't smart enough to come up with long-term sustainable plans. The jew always ends up failing in the end.

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c71273  No.183207

File: 07b993183a6828d⋯.jpg (1.37 MB, 902x2268, 451:1134, jewish_iq_myth.jpg)

File: 52dc49732c12520⋯.jpg (159.5 KB, 800x800, 1:1, iq.jpg)

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6642f6  No.183241

File: 6bccd47ef923f96⋯.jpg (59.6 KB, 867x535, 867:535, jewish_IQ_fake.jpg)

File: 1ef741f0f7cb41f⋯.jpg (291.03 KB, 1416x840, 59:35, iq_european_countries.jpg)

File: d1813eb980ddc40⋯.jpg (100.52 KB, 1033x574, 1033:574, European_nations_science_p….jpg)

File: 22d0160628dd6e6⋯.jpg (72.19 KB, 655x485, 131:97, significant_figures_in_sci….jpg)

File: 8f862acfbd48ff0⋯.png (104.58 KB, 978x639, 326:213, Religion_of_Nobel_Prize_wi….png)


The European IQs are the averages for the GENETIC EUROPEANS…not for the shithole people that are occupying their nations. Average IQ for Europeans is actually the highest in the world. But this by itself is not all that interesting. It is what WE can DO with our IQ that really makes us a treasure on the whole planet.

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b41a8f  No.183262

You can post all the memes you want but are you really smarter than a Jew? I think not. I'm around Jews all through my past, they are far more skilled at speaking than you.

Mean IQ in the US is 90, keep in mind, fam.

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0b37d7  No.183263

File: 32faac832702866⋯.jpg (106.55 KB, 780x398, 390:199, 32faac832702866841ea91700f….jpg)


>I'm around Jews all through my past

Because you're a jew

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5f68d2  No.183269


i dont think mike is jew. i think you are.

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0b37d7  No.183270

File: c7d8fe54d809de8⋯.jpg (39.33 KB, 575x271, 575:271, image_2003.jpg)


TRSodomites aren't welcome here

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77e900  No.183284


They have higher verbal IQs, but lower spatial ones. It really just comes down to their ability to twist words, argue, and deceive.

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c40597  No.183300

File: acd604100a38aa3⋯.png (150.47 KB, 599x324, 599:324, muslims_inbreds.png)


Kikes are inbred just like mudslimes.

Scandinavia has the highest IQs, there was a couple different studies floating around it was around 115 IQ on average some parts of Scandinavia were 120-140IQ. Its been hard to find for me because it was in Norwegian when it was posted. With one of the highest living standards and literacy rates. I believe the actual iq of kikes was around 90 IQ but, they rated very high in deception based concepts like lying.

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48e88a  No.183303

File: fc34da8496e6fdf⋯.jpg (3.49 MB, 3142x2162, 1571:1081, squareandstationary.jpg)


The Ashkenazim are the smart ones, OP. Sephardim and Mizrahim are just garden-variety muds. Of course when you mix them all together, the whole isn't all that impressive.

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99893d  No.186173

File: c03805f28330d0b⋯.jpg (18.98 KB, 474x262, 237:131, 3g2upl4pqufc4m_onion.jpg)


Your pic isn't much of an argument, in fact it's a counter-argument to your point.

85-90 IQ Arabs make up 20-25% of their population, which, together with the amount of mixed-jews (i.e. half arab, for example) jews and the substantial amount of non-Ashkenazi, would make the higher-than-european IQ a reality rather than a lie.


Your calculations fail to account for the increase in IQ (I'd say of around 5 points) caused by not living in a semi-civilized country (Jordan) compared to a fully civilized one (Israel). Not to mention, the average Palestinian IQ, in an even less-civilized setting than Jordan (because of Israeli proto-apartheid), is around 85 during teen years, which means that Palestinians might even reach 90 or 92 in Israel proper at adult age.


First pic isn't sourced, nor is the second (not to mention the fact it doesn't take into consideration, as far as I can tell, the Bottle Neck Effect of cities compared to Rural lands).

Your 5th pic shows a MASSIVE over-representation of Jews within Nobel Prizes, which defeats your point. Nobel Prizes aren't even a good unit of measurement anyways, Obama got one for peace while bombing children.

I'm not defending kikes or muslims for that matter, but if you want to show the truth and be taken seriously you need to have ROCK-SOLID arguments.





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e7cdad  No.186200

File: 9f832418ec9de13⋯.mp4 (13.2 MB, 384x288, 4:3, Enoch_jew_admission_in_con….mp4)


Listen to it straight out of Eunuch's mouth. There's no way to get anything other than an admission of his jewishness out of it.


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d6fe2f  No.186220

File: adc06487d11d0c2⋯.png (124.78 KB, 906x865, 906:865, jewish_inter_marriage_rate.png)

File: 5570067aa617d63⋯.jpg (120.07 KB, 759x1023, 23:31, 1523941349093.jpg)

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