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File: acede86bb74df0a⋯.jpg (100.13 KB, 600x753, 200:251, russian_antisemitic_pppa.jpg)

2bffce  No.182176

Hello friends. It's my last year of school in Israhell(im 18) and im pretty pissed right now. I'm learning their shitty "torah" and the subject was Pharaoh and the Jews but was quickly changed to Nazi Germany and what they did to the Jews. Now instead of teaching me what I came for and helping me pass those damn finals tests I have to listen to her talk about the fucking holocaust for like 20 minutes. Why does this look fine to other people especially leftists in America, aren't they anti propaganda? All my fellow classmates don't seem to realize they're being brainwashed by our school, HALF of the time when I listen to my teacher(s) they start by talking about the subject of the lesson and then start talking about the holocaust and the horrors they "did" to the Jews. They also make stuff up and change things like, they don't tell people that Hitler told the Jews to leave Germany before the famous "Genocide". Now I don;t care what you people say about me, If you call me a kike so be it, but I'm a proud Christian and I fucking HATE Jews and their lies. (I'm a Russian too so call me a subhuman if you really like to)

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563d3c  No.182183

File: a5c15d22c679867⋯.png (151.87 KB, 314x317, 314:317, Greek_Orthodox_Church_of_J….png)


Just join your local Christian church in Israel and don't bother speaking to jews. Complaining about kikes telling other kikes their lies in israel is like complaining about voodoo shamans when living in africa.

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52a1c3  No.182185


Why are you doing high school in Israel?

Do you reveal your power level to your teachers? Or fellow pupils?

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0c2efd  No.182194

File: 79f7bd69497ee07⋯.jpg (51.22 KB, 500x485, 100:97, nxkZ1Gr_1_.jpg)


>I'm a Russian

How the fcuk did you end up in Israel blyat?

Also >>182183

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48db84  No.182199


Are you fucking retarded, mate? When the USSR fell, hundreds of thousands of jews fled the former commie states because they were terrified of being slaughtered by the people they had exterminated for 80 years. He’s not actually a Russian. He’s a genetic jew.

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10b4d5  No.182204


However a lot of non jewish Russians faked being a jew just to escape the collapse of Russia into total shithole and wound up as a result in Pissrahell.

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5b4792  No.182217

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Also look into the family history of every Prime Minister and the majority of their elite.

Israel is run by Russians, or at least 'ex-Soviets', who founded it for the main purpose of infiltrating the US and collapsing it. Which is now happening right before your eyes.

Also see vid related


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729934  No.182218



Just kill yourself.

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5b4792  No.182219

File: d54d8ca951ca586⋯.png (1.7 MB, 2720x1246, 1360:623, keytowhitehousefullannotat….png)


It's both retard; Russian mafia (I mean 'oligarchy') and Chabad Lubavitch are one and the same. And oligarchs like Oleg Deripaska for example are personal friends with Rothschilds. THIS is what muh Russiagate was all about. Stop falling for the fake 'gey liberal West vs. BADEDNREDPILD East' dichotomy.

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b72078  No.182221

File: e5225966829a88d⋯.mp4 (980.17 KB, 360x360, 1:1, nigger_jews_in_israel_riot….mp4)


Escape a criminal shithole wind up in the worlds largest criminal shithole with shithole pedofaggot people. It is funny when you think about it. There are way more niggers in israel than there are in Russia so that boy is about to get culturally enriched as well.

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729934  No.182222






It’s the jews. It’s jews, everywhere. They’re not Russians. They’re jews. They’re not Germans. They’re jews. They’re not British. They’re jews. Russiagate was a jewish invention about a jewish puppet colluding with a jewish puppet to do things jews wanted. There was no collusion. They’re all jew puppets. You fundamentally do not understand and are quite plainly attempting to misdirect.

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b72078  No.182223

File: d2ee6e70231c3b1⋯.jpg (28.71 KB, 480x620, 24:31, bce09beb29a109fc89cca92939….jpg)

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5b4792  No.182229

File: 496937c4829a68d⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1652x1876, 59:67, foundationsofgeopolitics.png)

File: 48b8bc501d9bf4c⋯.png (742.72 KB, 715x660, 13:12, europeanunion.PNG)

File: 16d1806a8c36e7d⋯.png (400.87 KB, 928x642, 464:321, chabad.PNG)

File: cf0dabf32a15368⋯.png (348.96 KB, 1280x981, 1280:981, Belt_and_Road_Initiative.png)


Jesus christ you're a midwit, I understand what you're saying - ultimately all nations are just playing pieces for the Rothschilds and City of London banking cartel - but if you take this reductionist view you're also literally playing right into their hands. Like it or not, the US is propped up by organizations/technology/sectors etc. that are completely owned by jews. If you can't see how handled and allowed this catboykami-style final solution, 'it's da jews and only the jews' rhetoric is by now you're completely naive. They WANT you to act like irrational sandniggers - JUST like the Iran (((government))) does with their flag burning and screaming - to scare all the more liberal 'atheist' jews that run the US into rekindling their ethno-religious roots, and running away to Israel, bringing all of their business and tech with them. I know you'll refuse to believe it, but jews themselves have schisms that could easily cause them to fall apart if retards like YOU didn't allow them to do this. Yes, even Hollywood jews - did you notice how quickly they made Seth Rogen shut up when he criticised Israel and how quickly they buried that story? WHY do you think all the #MeToo accused were chosens? WHY do we even know Epstein's name in the first place, let alone why would Netflix help keep his name and story alive? The amount of people and scandals they've been able to disappear, yet they popularise such obviously jewish pedos and abusers? That shit was a WARNING to the anti-Zionists among the more liberal jewish elite. A lot of jews HATE Israel; they're DESPERATE not to be lumped in with them. Haaretz is a good example of this - Israeli media, yet with the things they write about, everyday they're practically BEGGING for the world to stop Israel. Whether you still hate jews collectively is another argument, but surely you can't be naive enough to believe that the relative mainstreaming of jwokeness will hurt the *real* jews in power.

Do you even understand what's happening geopolitically right now? What this whole covid shit is about? Why all these 'peace deals' are being struck by Israel with Arab nations, why China is working with Iran on the Belt and Road - what Russia's 'Eurasia' is all about?

Rothschild is breaking up and restructuring his international franchise; trade routes and blocs are shifting towards the East. They literally WANT the US to fall into racial war and to balkanize.

They WANT you to clap and cheer when the US isolates itself on the world stage (>nO mOrE wArS fOr IsRaEl!!), and when when America's most prosperous companies (pic related) 'collapse', i.e. move to Israel.

Do you even understand what the conflict in the South China Sea is about? Why Taiwan is so important? Ever heard of Taiwan Semiconductor? Have any of your favouritest, most BASED and REDPILLED online personalities or forums EVER talked about any of this? Or have they just told you that the only issues that matter are jews and race? Maybe you should start asking yourself how they manage to stay online, let alone alive and financially sound.

I could spam a bunch of sources here, but these 2 articles are all you really need - understand them, and you'll understand what's really going on in the world right now. And then ask yourself why virtually no one is talking about this. I mean shit, muh greatest ally working with muh greatest enemy China, *against* the US? Surely you'd think more of these online grifters would be talking about this. Couldn't this theoretically cut right to the core of the entire MAGA 'muh chi-coms' boomersphere; with boomers and evangelicals being the biggest supporters of Israel in the US? So why does no one talk about it? Makes you wonder on which side people's bread is buttered.

>2018 saw Israel’s semiconductor exports to China rise by 80 percent. Much of this growth has been attributed to Intel’s increasing sales to China from its recently upgraded Israeli plant, which some have argued served as a way around U.S. trade tariffs

>Chinese interest in Israel’s semiconductor industry is driven by Xi Jinping’s conviction that semiconductors are “essential in China’s plan to dominate the world’s core technologies.”

>Many of the world’s most advanced chips in the semiconductor industry were and are being developed in Israel

>Israeli Semiconductors and the US-China Tech War


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5b4792  No.182233

File: 496b73bff6bf250⋯.png (191.06 KB, 805x504, 115:72, aipac.PNG)

File: 9b47a71cd53fa0d⋯.png (38.79 KB, 952x500, 238:125, late1984.png)

File: bde0b90e90a7039⋯.jpg (799.11 KB, 744x1136, 93:142, bde0b90e90a70390faf4be95e6….jpg)

File: 6c0fd25fabf70a1⋯.jpg (531.11 KB, 541x962, 541:962, 6c0fd25fabf70a1e50929d1347….jpg)


Forgot the 2nd one - this is from a year before Israel's recent deal with UAE

>The UAE signed a massive, $3.4 billion deal with China — and that ‘isn’t a surprise’

>The UAE has emerged as a key player in Xi's BELT AND ROAD INITIATIVE "

>We're living in a very different world than we did ten years ago. It's a multipolar, multi-conceptual world," Brende [president of WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM] said.

"Multipolar, in the sense that we see much more geopolitical competition. It's also multi-conceptual, because there are different ideologies out there. It's not only one that we are used to, WITH THE U.S. AND WESTERN EUROPE WAY OF RUNNING THINGS," he added."

>The UAE government has also partnered with the WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM to launch “The Centre for FOURTH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION” in the Emirates, the first of its kind in the region and the fifth globally."

>"The fourth industrial revolution will shape the whole century,” Brende said. “THOSE NATIONS THAT ARE ON TOP OF THESE NEW TECHNOLOGIES, being artificial intelligence, internet of things, big data and autonomous vehicles, WILL COME OUT OF THIS CENTURY AS THE MOST PROSPEROUS ONES.”


Last two pics are from Strauss and Howe's 'The Fourth Turning: An American Prophecy', written in 1996. Reportedly one of Bannon's favourite - I'm not a fan of him and he has a dodgy past, but note how he is one of the only people at his level and in those circles that constantly talks about the Rothschilds and the banks. And look at how Alex Jones and his glowie friends like Steve Pieczenik disowned him. Pieczenik the same man that goes on InfoWars and talks about how the constitution is outdated, how the US will decentralize and split up, and how the 'strong man' role will eventually go from Pence to Kushner, and Jones doesn't pull him up on it once.

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2dd2c5  No.182234


… I believe that's not an argment

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729934  No.182235


What’s up with the selfie?


>Like it or not, the US is propped up by organizations/technology/sectors etc. that are completely owned by jews.

So I’m being reductionist by telling the truth, and you’re not despite saying exactly what I said.

>it's da jews and only the jews

Ah, I see, you’re just misunderstanding.

>A lot of jews HATE Israel

They don’t. You’ve fallen for it yet again. No jew hates Israel. They all support every single thing that Israel has done, is doing, and is planning to do. They do not, however, agree on the means by which these things are being done, nor do they even agree on the nature OF Israel. The ONLY complain with Israel that the ultra orthodox have is that it was created by fiat international mandate, rather than by fulfillment of their holy prophecy. That’s it. They, for example, are 100% fine with everything else Israel does. They just don’t like that Israel exists in a way which differs from their book. Moreover, the “secular” jews around the world are also 100% in favor of Israel’s existence AND actions. They just don’t like the method by which the actions are being carried out.

>Do you even understand what's happening geopolitically right now?


>What this whole covid shit is about?


>Why all these 'peace deals' are being struck by Israel with Arab nations, why China is working with Iran on the Belt and Road - what Russia's 'Eurasia' is all about?

Yeah, the finalization of the jewish control of the world as a unified body in a political and economic sense. That’s the point of all this.

>They literally WANT the US to fall into racial war and to balkanize.

Yes, and? That’s why we don’t support it.

>They WANT you to clap and cheer when the US isolates itself on the world stage

lol, no, they don’t want US isolationism. They do want collapse, though.

>Do you even understand what the conflict in the South China Sea is about? Why Taiwan is so important? Ever heard of Taiwan Semiconductor?

Yep. Yep. Yep. I’m well aware of China’s desperate desire to establish blue water hegemony such that it can protect its trade without US help (but it won’t be able to do this due to sheer incompetence).

>Have any of your favouritest, most BASED and REDPILLED online personalities

Keep your strawmen to yourself. I ignore all eCelebs.

>Or have they just told you that the only issues that matter are jews and race?

What’s funny is that you’re outlining racial issues.

>Maybe you should start asking yourself how they manage to stay online, let alone alive and financially sound.

Yes, they’re all either literal shills or just limited hangouts. That’s why I don’t listen to any of them.

>And then ask yourself why virtually no one is talking about this.

Because jews don’t want you to know about it.

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45d67b  No.182240



Thanks anon.

I have three questions: do you think this plan to relocate to Eurasia could cause a serious conflict among jews?

Also, why lrave America when it's totally controlled and resource rich.

Finally, could you expand on the Taiwan semiconductor part?

t. one fo the many lurkers

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45d67b  No.182242


*Second question should be: why abandon America

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5b4792  No.182249


Okay tbf I did misjudge you a bit, but

>They don’t. You’ve fallen for it yet again

I simply don't agree; I believe you yourself have fallen for the coming Holocaust 2.0 shill, among other narratives.

Judaism as a whole is a cult (not to mention a mishmash of all kinds of ethnicities, of actual semites, turkic-meds, spanish, french, slavs with virtually no semitic blood etc.); not all 'racial' jews are members of the cult, and not all members of a cult are willing participants of their leaders' goals. Not to mention that reducing them to the be-all end-all is retarded, as the pandora's box has already been opened, and you could just as easily argue that the majority of pure aryan whites today are spiritually/psychologically 'jewish'.

Arguments (as in public debate/rhetoric/lobbying etc.) over the power and influence and hypocrisy of this cult is one thing, but lumping all jews together and painting the issues of the world as being intrinsic to jewish blood is another. It's the 'cult leaders' we should be focusing on, who even if all jews were wiped out or otherwise oppressed, would simply move on to another group of people. I would argue they already have, or are planning to at least - say whites and asians for example.

This is one reason why I've always proposed the superiority of, first defining the exact actions/psychology/ideas/culture etc. that we're referring to when we talk about 'the jew', and then attacking those attributes themselves, allowing the 'jews' - racial and mental alike -to expose *themselves*.

>lol, no, they don’t want US isolationism

Have you not noticed which countries are moving in everywhere the US is leaving or calling to leave? How much influence Israel and Russia have in Syria or the EastMed, how the EU went from wanting a 'European Army' *with* the US to oppose Russia, to working with Russia against the US, who are now withdrawing from Germany?

>(but it won’t be able to do this due to sheer incompetence)

It WILL if Israel continues to steal US high-tech and pass it off to China, which the breaking up of the US and scaring away of Silicon Valley jews to Israel would allow them to.

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5b4792  No.182251


>do you think this plan to relocate to Eurasia could cause a serious conflict among jews

I think it already has in certain ways, which is why they sent these warnings down the chain, like Epstein, and shootings at Chabad synagogues, and pushing of wignat white nationalism itself. Patrick Little was a good example of this imo; Californian guy comes out of nowhere, gets the money to hire a blimp and what REDPILL text does he put on it? Anything like 'Google USS Liberty' or even 'Israel did 9/11'? No, something unintelligent sounding and inflammatory like 'yids rape kids'.

Even from more simple personal preference, I don't believe most US jews exactly *want* to move to shithole Israel or Russia, and I'm sure most of them simply just wanna raise and support their families like anyone else, and don't want to live under (more) authoritarian and mafia-owned government.

>why abandon America

I believe it's a convergence of their own plans, and what was generally already happening/what the people themselves wanted. Mainly it all comes down to the US constitution and the liberalism of the West in general. No matter how you feel about the merits of authoritarianism/liberalism itself (and I'm not a libertardian myself), it absolutely also benefits *them* to have that Russian/Chinese/Arab government way of running things, to work with systems and nations where oligarchy and mafia is normalized, where the militaries are far less scrupulous about war crimes and national backlash to poor dead brown babies etc.

But also, with how intelligently their AI micromarketing algorithms work these days, it's a bit of a feedback loop, and it's also just a result of betting and profitting off the rise in support for authoritarian right/left government and anti-Americanism/Anglo/West that was already happening anyway.

>could you expand on the Taiwan semiconductor part?

Largest semiconductor foundry in the world. Look at all their customers too. Noticed how Intel is dying and AMD is on the up and up recently?

Ownership of Taiwan is quite literally ownership of the keys to the Fourth Industrial Revolution (i.e. artificial intelligence, 'internet of things', Orwellian 'smart cities', big data, 'clouds', quantum supercomputers etc.), which itself is the key to ruling the world into the future.

Notice how these are all the same technologies that this virus (read: controlled demolition of the economy) has helped justify? Facial recognition, drones and robots reminding people of 'social distancing', 'cashless society', tracking apps, eye/hand scanners at entrances, driverless cars to replace the trucking industry (bye bye white male employment) etc.

I capitalised the World Economic Forum in that first article copypaste for a reason - the same people that organised that virus simulation with the Gates Foundation only a few weeks before the initial outbreak, are the same people now talking about a Great Reset, primarily centred on these technologies;

>How the Fourth Industrial Revolution can help us beat COVID-19


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422835  No.182252


sub human kike fag why you making a blog post about your school work lol? Every school in the (((west))) does this shit why would you think it would be any different there?

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422835  No.182253


Well he isn't completely wrong the "jews" are actually khazarians which could for all practical purposes be considered Russian. Also all the crime families are part of the criminal pyramid that runs the world it is just headed by khazarians via the banksters and their ultimate ideology is talmudic at the top but the layers of criminals under them are mostly just in it for the money and w/e other goodies they have been offered or blackmailed with. Russian mafia still plays a major role in global jewry scams, they obviously have a lot of connections there in high places from the Soviet days

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422835  No.182254


I believe his point that just screaming "jews" at everything all the time without being able to connect and define the different ties between the groups just makes people like us look like "antisemites" to normies the media describes us as.

I know most of the droolers on the chans have a very simplistic black and white view of everything because it makes it easy for their tiny brains to not have to do any research or understand anything beyond that but try to not sperg out at everyone that has more of nuanced and educated view on the world screaming "da jooz" at them like a fucking retard.

This happens way too often on this website because 99 percent of the donkeys piggy back the work and research done by the 1 percent and try to reduce it to its lowest common denominator than screech "kike" and "shill" at anyone that tries to talk about anything at a level higher than screeching "da joooooooooooz"

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422835  No.182255


Don't argue with retards mate there is nothing to be gained from it, you can't turn a hoe into a housewife. It's cool to respond with a post like this though because you are essentially just using them as a sounding board for a good post for other anons so all good there but once you make a good post like this don't respond to them anymore just yelling at a watermelon headed retard.

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45d67b  No.182281


Awesome thank you.

One last thing, what do you think will happen to the regions outside Eurasia and whats Europe's role inside of it?

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729934  No.182283


>just screaming "jews" at everything all the time without being able to connect and define the different ties

Yeah, but we do that constantly. It’s why we exist.

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2bffce  No.182287


Sorry for the late reply, My parents. My whole family was born in russia and i was cursed and was here..

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2bffce  No.182289


No i'm not, there is nothing in me that resembles a Jew. I'm 100% white. (slav subhuman bla bla)

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5b4792  No.182363

File: f8463690ba3c039⋯.png (77.38 KB, 606x622, 303:311, albertpike.png)

File: bd3fc1eb90c5043⋯.jpg (69.69 KB, 640x377, 640:377, heartland_640x377.jpg)

File: f73280fcd64a921⋯.jpg (18.72 KB, 680x318, 340:159, EZs2WhVXkAAjjk9.jpg)


Well if you mean everything directly surrounding Russia-China, old concepts like Mackinder/Spykman's 'Rimland' and Pilsudski's 'Intermarium' (and Prometheism) will apply - and the EU, and specifically Germany (and France particularly in the French-speaking African and Muslim world) will play a crucial pivotal role. If everything else goes to plan, EVERYTHING is riding on how Germany acts, and the strength and membership of the EU, or whatever possible future variant.

Brexit was part of their plan, but the common prediction that it would lead to a domino effect of nations similarly withdrawing doesn't seem to have manifested, at least not in the scheduled timeframe. Whether this was actually their plan, to just get rid of the UK and retain the EU is up for debate, but I believe one of the main reasons behind the immigration waves was that they'd predicted civil war-like conditions by now, that every flooded nation would withdraw from the EU to regain control of their borders. And while ironically the degeneracy of the West has liberalized and weakened a lot of Muslims, they also have a problem with Europe now being filled with ethnicities that generally don't like Israel and jews. Which is why they pushed the muh Islam distraction that their (((alt-right))) focused on, which like clockwork is now being artificially pushed again, with random Muslim terrorism out of nowhere, and Macron using the same tier of rhetoric that would've once got Le Pen cancelled.

Again, the issues need to be clearly defined; being outbred in your own country by shitskins is a legitimate issue, but on all other aspects they are our ideological (religious, patriarchal, nominally anti-degeneracy etc.) and anti-Zionist allies, or at least strategic assets. They want us to destroy each other.

Iran is also an interesting piece of the puzzle that too could play a pivotal role - to cut a long story short, I believe the conflict between Iran and Israel (at least their current governments) is largely theatre to help build up both Greater Israel *and* the 'Persian Empire', where Iran will have control over all the -stan countries. This is what the Armenia-Azerbaijan shit is about, about strategic control of the 'Rimland'.

But if you mean everything outside the Eurasian 'continent', it'll literally be 1984 and Mackinder. Africa will probably always be a mad scramble of Chinese/French/Arab/Israeli/Russian etc. interests (and Israeli water tech in Africa is a good example of how they plan to use their tech sector to paint themselves as the heroes in this virus/fourth industrial revolution). And they will build up the 'Anglo Empire', and eventually pair North and South America, in part to solidify the argument that concepts of liberty only lead to chaotic favelas, narcos and gang violence. You can already see this with how they turned trap into the modern mainstream 'pop' music (with fairly popular tracks that *literally* teach you how to 'drill', rob and scam now, see: 30 Deep, Terror Reid and Teejayx6, respectively), and how much latinos are being pushed in popular media lately.

This is a whole other argument, but ultimately I believe this is what that disputed 'Alfred Pike WW3' letter was referring to when it talked about 'unleashing the nihilists and atheists' who would cause a spiritual backlash that would ultimately justify luciferianism. They will use the Americas as an argument against true liberty, and instead utilise 4IR tech to give the world their own psuedo-libertarian (read: libertinism) model, where realistic simulation will allow everyone to live out their wildest fantasies, and complete god-like omnipotence and omniscience will allow them to catch/cull any *true* dissidents, before they even commit a crime. Possible glowie Jason Reza Jorjani raises a similar concept in his latest book 'Prometheism'.

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6fddf5  No.182378


>still reposting that fucking hoax

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ab3e87  No.182380

bump, shill meter's goin off frens

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5ea618  No.182404

File: b97d46b8a113767⋯.png (164.98 KB, 1285x776, 1285:776, World_Wars.png)


It's funny how so many people will push that, which is directly out of a William Guy Carr book, while denying The Protocols, because around 1/5 of it was inspired by another work - as if jews are somehow incapable of plagiarism.

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5b4792  No.182412


Similarly it's funny how people can recognise that the Protocols being a 'forgery' doesn't stop it from being true, yet deny the contents of the 'Pike letter'

Either way like I said, it's another argument entirely and ultimately irrelevant to the rest of my post

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422835  No.182444


Do you know what Duganism is? This is basically what he laying out for you. There is a good vid on the GoyTV bitchute channel on this. Try this



Yes I know. It turns off people who have triple digit IQs from coming here to share information and makes them not want to bother however so it needs to be reeled in. Some of our smartest people that come here to share information are often attacked by schizos and donkeys and I even suspect shills to get their posts deleted and temp bans etc. It has even happened to myself and is a real problem. It isn't as bad as it used to be in regards to the bans but you still have a lot of schizos and fed posting faggots trying to radicalize and shout down people posting good higher level information. Just check out the Adam Green thread for an example or even the Austrian terrorist attack thread (which I made). Just be mindful of it is all I am saying.


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422835  No.182445


Nice, I was gonna mention this letter

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422835  No.182447


Fun fact: Those that try to claim this isn't legitimate are using word magic. They never say it is a fraud they only say it is a forgery. A forgery is a reproduction of something to lookas close to the original as possible like counterfeit money. So they aren't saying it isn't real they are only claiming that the produced copy is a copy not an original (as they could likely account for all the originals they made and the person that leaked it made their own copy to distribute). not only that but calling it a forgery then by very definition of what a forgery is they are admitting the original it was copied from is real

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45d67b  No.182460



Thank you two, this makes thing clearer.

Of course I assume the US will resist this. For example there was an attempt to pass a bill to bring semiconductor production back home. I also guess India will be a problem for Eurasianists too.

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d3a1ff  No.182757


It's not a letter from Albert Pike, it's commentary from William Guy Carr's awful book Pawns in the Game. The letter quoted by Carr directly after the commentary is also fake, but to his credit, he didn't even try to pass off the "Three World Wars" part.

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6856e7  No.184065

>all my fellow classmates don't seem to realize they're being brainwashed by our school

well theyre not going to go against theyre on people especially the most collective "people" in the world its like forcing a dog to act like a cat it just doesnt work

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973a55  No.186963


No a lot Russians are acting like the Chinese in Canada and Australia and are buying real-estate across the world so the can make countries serve them and even run Russian mafia organizations within them. I remember seeing their establishments in Germany and France knowing full well they would be fine with me since I am from an ex-USSR country but I would avoid them anyway since some of them are insane. They are also doing this in Israel too and Jews are trying to do it vice versa too (both under the disguise of “economic development”) but it causes there to be some whites in Israel who may not be Jewish but is kept around since the Jews want their shekels.

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4012cf  No.187477


You are a faggot, can you just google Murder Inc or Jewish mafia? Many of them were jews that flew out of Russia bcuz of antikikery. It's the same with the modern russian mafia.

So just stop saying "russians!" because theres a big chunk of aryans over there.

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48db84  No.187502


>blah blah blah it’s the russians

Yes, you would be wrong. Nothing you said is correct.

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