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File: 1aa9f1142300e90⋯.jpg (70.46 KB, 600x600, 1:1, cover.jpg)

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51cf23  No.179506

Hey anons, I found an alt right rapper called Mr. Bond a few months back after going through some bitchute videos and decided to download all of his albums which I have been regularly listening to now. They are pretty good and worth listening to, just remixes of other songs.

I am going to upload all the albums I have, I'm hoping an anon here can tell me if I can find an official page for him or some way to follow him to see if he puts out any new content.


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3dc262  No.179520

File: 2e40dd2f08e5897⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1300x731, 1300:731, heinz_kramm_georg.png)



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71c5a6  No.179580



This guy has been putting music out since at least 2017 (first time I came across it) you just found it?

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51cf23  No.179603


Within the past year, yeah. Know anything else about him? Has he released any more albums?

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71c5a6  No.179607


No not really, you can find his songs on bitchute, spotify and archive.org though

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51cf23  No.179608


I grabbed everything I could off bitchute, don't think he's on spotifiy? Where is the archive?

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d53cdb  No.179845

File: d1466a817528f75⋯.webm (3.88 MB, 640x360, 16:9, varg.webm)


This is nigger music. I don't care what the lyrical themes are. Nigger music is nigger music.

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694702  No.179861

File: 21b146dec320b39⋯.mp4 (11 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Mr_Bond_Holding_Out_For_A_….mp4)

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51cf23  No.180287


What album

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d2f904  No.180395


>This is nigger music.

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who recognizes this.

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7bc07d  No.180447


Post some samples

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a52ac6  No.180467

while this is nigger music and not worth listening to. ive had success giving it to normalfags who enjoy rap. whites who enjoy rap typically like the edgy messages and may be more acceptive to aggressively pro white lyrics. this is due to already finding aggressive nigger lyrics acceptable. i.e sex, murder, drugs.

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d2d59b  No.180500

Full archive to the best of my knowledge. He got shoah'd off of minds.com a while ago.


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45e344  No.180501

Mr. Bond was arrested in Austria on the grounds that he inspired a shooter. That's why there hasn't been new content for awhile.

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51cf23  No.180507

File: 940ba1e5e805ff5⋯.jpg (20.55 KB, 438x350, 219:175, 1581816302487.jpg)

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bc0a98  No.180511



Retards , rap was made by the Irish 600 years ago. Also its to bring new followers you retarded varg worshippers.

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e1fabb  No.180512

File: 15b20d8c0305383⋯.jpg (88.97 KB, 1024x677, 1024:677, 1605129367507.jpg)


>We've been having kike problems for millennia, son

>I've got 88 problems, being fash ain't one

Kek. His raps are pretty good. Not much of a singing voice though

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71c5a6  No.180533

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45e344  No.180546



This doesn't actually say he was arrested, merely "under investigation", so I stand corrected on that claim. He MAY have been arrested by now, but I don't know. Nonetheless this does seem to explain why the music stopped.

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940f5c  No.180556

File: 77855a367d95e40⋯.png (39.2 KB, 580x588, 145:147, ClipboardImage.png)

Mr. Bond is the only pre 2017 personality from the alt-kike that didn't disgrace himself.

Wish I knew if he was on podcasts or some kind of forum/imageboard. I'm completely cut off from any viable social networks of bad goyim now days. 8chan is a joke, 4chan is literally unusable due to 10 hour captchas, and of course both are monitored by tyrants looking for excuses. Perma deplatformed from all mainline social media, twitter alternatives like the fediverse are garbage and barely useable. Kikes completely won with the deplatforming.

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71c5a6  No.180565


Well we use riot if anyone wants to join, opsec encryption etc and we boot schizos and low tier retards that disrupt conversation so anyone who wants is free to join. We have rooms for memes, videos, articles, shitposting and serious discussion


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f07392  No.180627

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Busta Rhymes did a song called Zionist Money, yea it's fuckin based af.

I told you bookmark this site. Check out the Farakhan archive.


I'm going to let you all in on a lil secret, Farakhan 2024, that's your best chance at salvation.

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694702  No.180628



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011b0f  No.180631

File: ba08fea95b0af1e⋯.jpg (22.59 KB, 477x457, 477:457, vargmassacre.jpg)


I know you're just being sarcastic but it reminds me of so many arguments I've had with wiggers that try to justify why they listen to rap by saying "acktually white people created rap". They pretend like it wasn't created by feral apes and mass marketed by a bunch of sniveling kikes. Wiggers get the rope.

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abb0ce  No.180689


Nooooooooo you are supposed to hate the niggerino goyim !!!!!!!

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25d0c6  No.181007



I have known about Mr. Bond since january this year

personally not a fan of him though I know a guy who loves him

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04a6ec  No.181027


Imagine defending niggers and claiming jews want you to hate them and thinking anyone will believe you.

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abb0ce  No.181076


Imagine not realizing the true potential of the niggro. Have you ever seen some cam footage of Williamsburg St. ? Just hooded niggs sucker punching jews all day.

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ddb589  No.181613


Bond deleted his Purity Spiral account after the Germany shooter only managed to kill germans while blasting his music. Last i heard he was focusing on a family and power lifting

you can find a full archive of Bond and other Fashy music at:

https://argentbeacon DOT com/music/

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0fe1fb  No.181619


Just kill yourself. We will never support the existence of any other species. Imagine defending niggers and claiming jews want you to hate them and thinking anyone will believe you.

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1cb107  No.181656


> rap was made by the Irish

By a guy named Tyrone

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464c59  No.186392


He's not being sarcastic. It was called flyting. Rap/Hip Hop is just a modernized jewish copy.

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3077c6  No.188762


larpcumdrinkstani faggot fight.webm

Yikes anon

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71c5a6  No.188786


imagine not knowing Johnny Cash has been "rapping" since the 50's



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d31b9e  No.189095

File: 12a9f4c0083bcb9⋯.jpg (57.17 KB, 509x339, 509:339, istockphoto_635949668_1706….jpg)


This is unironically good wtf hahaha. Mr. Bond's "Fascist" is currently on repeat. https://www.bitchute.com/video/d6wFZ1rNl0LD/

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80747c  No.189345


I have my main ringtone to his music.

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d31b9e  No.189377


what song?

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