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File: f7237007964affc⋯.jpg (6.69 KB, 182x218, 91:109, caesarism.jpg)

483210  No.176409[Last 50 Posts]

If Trump gains the loyalty of the US military, even a small part of it, the age of Imperium will have begun.

There might be a bit of civil war before that, but it's the path that country is headed in. God knows what will happen, but the republic has been shaken to its core. This - if it does happen, and it's not looking like things will just blow over - will be the mother of all happenings.

The parallels between what happened in Ancient Rome and what's happening today are uncanny. History absolutely does repeat itself.

Are you ready for the American Empire? It's gonna be big, the biggest in the world, folks. Believe me.

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5bea8f  No.176410


>If Trump

Stop worshipping jewish puppets already.

>US military

Works for Israel. Does everything Israel says.

>blah blah blah bullshit delusional Q-LARP shit

Just leave.

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a1a38e  No.176411

No one is following an elderly jewish grifter anywhere.

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483210  No.176413



The republic won't last, not because of Trump. he's just a side effect, it could've been anyone else. It's what's happening at large, a shift in political culture that mirrors past civilizations in their transition from contending states to Empire.

Caesarism means taking the rule from government and giving it to one man, which is what's happening. Looks like it's gonna be Trump or someone who finishes what he started.again, God only knows.

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a1a38e  No.176416


I disagree. The US has been in the empire stage for a long time now, it just has a inner political narrative where it pretends it isn't one. I would also posit that the imperial period has been in significant decline for longer than people realize. Collapse is the next step, not transition to empire.

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483210  No.176418


It hasn't come to the Caesar stage though. Yes American culture has been in decline, but overall it's still in the Republic phase with a (subjectively) functioning government, elections etc. It just happened to start acting like an empire abroad recently, however as long as the military and all government power isn't in a single leader's hands, you can't truly speak of Empire.

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dc9da7  No.176434

>Are you ready for the American Empire? It's gonna be big, the biggest in the world, folks. Believe me.

Please… The American Empire has already had its run and is currently in free fall, if you haven't noticed. America as a superpower, with its increasing balkanization and internal conflicts, will come to an end, just as all other superpowers before her. The coming civil war might result in white people in America successfully carving out some land for themselves, but there will likely be no empire.

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f1ab8e  No.176459

I really appreciate these grasping at straws threads where you try to reconcile your lame worldview with trump's complete failure. gimme those tears lil' fagchud

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a29464  No.176549


There hasn't been an overt military coup, and there are still show elections, but the expansion of executive powers has made the presidency as much a dictatorship as Augustus

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e9f2b8  No.176565


>History absolutely does repeat itself

It doesn't, but it does rhyme. I think we're going to see something happen that has never happened before, but I don't think it's going to be a 1:1 comparison. If I were smart enough to predict this "thing" I'd be a rich man, but I am smart enough to know that it's going to be big, it's going to be "not good" and you're going to want to be ready. When though? No one knows, and anyone that says they know is a grifter. Just pay attention and keep your head up. Don't go with the flow, because the flow is going somewhere bad.

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ef26b3  No.176570

Military loyalty will be to uphold oath to constitution regardless of president. That removes the political optics. So if there is major fuckery going on with the election by foreign or domestic individuals then military has to defend The Republic and Constitution. If that benefits President Trump then so be it, If there is direct foreign interference in our election it s an attack on the USA so…..not hard to figure out. .

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c2b9bf  No.176574

You poor fool, the empire stage is over, next is collapse.

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31f8dc  No.176578


Ave Augustus Barron Trump bringer of peace, colonizer of the stars!

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e54b7b  No.176627

Sadly their will never be a man like Caesar again, the Jews will make sure of that. I'm pretty sure no one is going to start a civil war unless their happens to be a massive economic clasp in the next 4yrs.

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005c23  No.176635


Now we're fuckin talking. That's right, all you really need is military & police which he obviously has. Now you'd hope to bring the Senate onboard, kind of like in gladiator, but I definitely could see doing executive orders to spend money (approved by Scotus at knife point).

I am definitely on board with this fan fiction, I hope we do it. For the Republic!

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79f53e  No.176751


America will become an empire once it gets tired of Mexico's Drug Cartel BS.

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53deb6  No.176870


Which'll be never, considering the CIA profits quite prettily off of it.

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c8386b  No.176887

File: 80cd4417bfe6b44⋯.png (496.25 KB, 672x912, 14:19, Kikebart.png)

>a civil war is about to break out

Here we go with this shit again. Nothing is going to happen. If you think normalfag Republicans are going to rise up and do anything about this, you are living in a dream world. The only way to start a real revolution would be to teach these brainwashed goons about the jewish subversion that is taking place in our government. Good luck doing that though.

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885c59  No.176894

File: ebca4fd9f660ce5⋯.jpg (146.2 KB, 650x842, 325:421, 1423383482_preview_Techno_….jpg)



i would reenlist if don crossed the rubicon

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92d514  No.176898


He won’t. He can’t. He has been owned by jews from birth.

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cc96db  No.176938


A strongman is coming but it isn't Trump. He's too old and too weak. Our caudillo, our Pinochet, our Füher, will be a younger man. Trump is the transitional figure not the transformative one. We will need a man who is dedicated and deliberate, not impulsive and emotional.

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d13052  No.176948

File: 7554af00c56796a⋯.png (998.19 KB, 960x504, 40:21, Screenshot_2020_11_06_Titl….png)

File: 2863cf2ea118f95⋯.png (132.22 KB, 369x207, 41:23, Screenshot_2020_11_04_YouT….png)

>If Trump gains the loyalty of the US military, even a small part of it, the age of Imperium will have begun.

That's fine. Better than the age of Sodom and sacrificing Children to Moloch.

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62fc1f  No.176955


>There might be a bit of civil war before that

Since there wasn't a civil war during a decade of conflict for freedom of speech there isn't going to be one now that censors' tyranny finally won. On the upside it's not something that is going to last forever, prep your shit up and redpill your progeny in hope of future reconquista from the barbarians that are now at the gates waiting to topple and loots what's left of our subverted cultures.

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0fafff  No.176963


>Leave all the pile of shit to your offspring to deal with

That's some boomer tier fuckery

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62fc1f  No.176994


No, you stupid fucker, I said to do the exact oppossite of what boomers did; distance and isolate yourself from the degeneracy and tyranny of a dying hedonist society and struggle on your own to make the strong men of the future.

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cb7cfd  No.177063

Biden won… because of systematic cheating.

What evidence? There’s nothing but evidence, and has been for days. The Daily Stormer had a good article on it a few days ago.


Whoever the “burden of proof” is on, here it is, this is the proof.

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62a495  No.177215

How fucking delusional are you people. You have to understand that for Republicans you guys are just pawns, nothing but shit at the bottom of their boots that they have to tolerate because it gets their capital gains tax reduced. To ever think that they would risk losing their wealth in a civil war just so that bottom of the ladder, ill-educated, prospectus lacking rednecks feel like they have some control over their shit lives is pure delusion. Real conservatives, like William F. Buckley, would never want to associate with the contemporary MAGA crowd.

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e2bd51  No.177217

File: f8542e37755359a⋯.jpg (96.62 KB, 449x457, 449:457, his_name_was_Duncan_Lemp.jpg)


>but overall it's still in the Republic phase with a (subjectively) functioning government, elections etc

Are you sure about that?

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bfc605  No.177232


What exactly happened that ended the Roman Republic and began the Empire?

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9bf428  No.177258


>run away

>never fight back

>do nothing that matters


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2fa572  No.177338


I'm not an american, so i'm probably not as informed about the state of the US as one, but the first part about the fact that America has been an empire for some time and is now decaying seems true. Not sure about the civil war and i'm pretty sure whites wont be allowed to have their own land so they can continue to exist as a people. I don't see the jews allowing that and i don't see them falling from power.

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f36895  No.177341

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413cd0  No.177359

Americans are too big of pussies to stand up for what’s right or against the bully media

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480b13  No.177392

I will write here what I think will happen. Made a thread, but jannies are major glownig faggots so they deleted it. Maybe I predicted their plan.

>Fraud votes overturned, no jailtime for fraudsters just like with hillary, major soros backed nigger riots accross america

>Not overturned, trump pussies out, promises future legal action and calls followers to cancel any serious effort to "restore democracy"., denouncing anyone who threatens violence. Legal action will lead nowhere, but will be lenghty and gets semi-memoryholed. in a year or two. Most likely scenario imo.

>Not overturned, trump clings to and uses his power as supreme commander/president to deal with opposition by force. Given that he always proved to be a spineless comformist coward, this is the least likely to happen. He is also somewhat a "deep state" agent, so there is probably an agreement about him peacefully handing over power, making this even less likely.

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81cbfe  No.177398


>my thread was deleted because we already have a thread for election stuff

>so I’ll post it in another completely unrelated thread

>you’re faggots for cleaning up the board

lol idiot

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90b729  No.177877

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90b729  No.177878


True. Remember Octavian was the first Emperor, not Caesar. He just laid the foundation. I see a similar situation here.

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974ff7  No.177879

File: 45caea436b07302⋯.jpg (269.02 KB, 1280x1500, 64:75, b0694c10aaeb7f40f9721c6c37….jpg)


>How fucking delusional are you people. You have to understand that for Republicans you guys are just pawns, nothing but shit at the bottom of their boots that they have to tolerate because it gets their capital gains tax reduced. To ever think that they would risk losing their wealth in a civil war just so that bottom of the ladder, ill-educated, prospectus lacking rednecks feel like they have some control over their shit lives is pure delusion. Real conservatives, like William F. Buckley, would never want to associate with the contemporary MAGA crowd.

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974ff7  No.177888


This board is slow and dead. There is no excuse for deleting legitimate thread, rulecuck.

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96397a  No.178268

imagine compering caesar to this failure of a jewbreeder

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0bf586  No.178326


slow and dead so lets needless split up the same topic into multiple threads. good thinking genius

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81cbfe  No.178341


>my thread is legitimate despite there already being a thread for its content, and me already posting said content in that thread

lol idiot

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7522d8  No.178456

File: ae7b34aa9d048bc⋯.jpg (40.69 KB, 400x400, 1:1, Gun_Owners_of_America_GOA_….jpg)


Regardless of what happens, the right needs to seriously form an organized militia to counter Antifa/BLM orcs.

If the Republican Party was serious about preserving itself, they'd officially endorse Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, etc. The Dems are already funding Antifa de facto through various shell-NGOs, and Dem. district attorneys refuse to prosecute Antifa.

Part of me thinks the kikes just want to let the Republicans be slowly defeated so they can use the brown hordes to vote-in Bolshevism 2.0.

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77773a  No.178470


>the right needs to seriously form an organized militia to counter Antifa/BLM orcs.

Translation: go be killed by feds

>If the Republican Party

Which is not right-wing and has not been since the 1930s.

>was serious about preserving itself, they'd officially endorse Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, etc.

So if jewish shills were serious about continuing to be a jewish controlled opposition party, they would endorse jewish controlled opposition that also hates whites? Really?

>The Dems are already funding Antifa de facto

De jure.

>Part of me thinks the kikes just want to let the Republicans be slowly defeated

Almost as though it’s a fucking controlled opposition party that literally everyone who belongs here has known FOR DECADES or something.

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7522d8  No.178489


I never implied I believed the (R)'s weren't Zionist controlled opposition. I'm just saying that popular demand for the RNC to normalize militias could lead to a break-away branch of the party that Jews can't control. Boomers and normies are already familiar with the GOP so it would serve as a meeting ground via which they can be redpilled. The state persecution of whites is going to make redpilling inevitable as it becomes so obvious that even a retard NPC can see it; at which point we should be there to guide them down the path of NatSoc, etc. We need to lead by example, defend right-wing rallygoers and small businesses like the SA/SS did in Weimar Germany to earn the people's respect.

>Translation: go be killed by feds

Don't be so melodramatic. They can't legally arrest you unless you've initiated conflict first, and 90% of the time Antifa/niggers attack first because they're feral apemen. Your self-defeating pessimism is what's holding us back more than anything. The kikes & far left achieved power by making concessions to liberals and socdems and slowly infiltrating them.

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3e312a  No.180487


He's got the DOD behind him now

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b49c41  No.180492


NPCs keep saying this. Scared much? Not like I haven't done this type of things for 2 years, along with my boys. NPC's are hopelessly behind in this area. UN is not coming.

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b5f65e  No.180493


>popular demand for the RNC to normalize militias could lead to a break-away branch of the party that Jews can't control.

Hence why there will never be such demand.

>The state persecution of whites is going to make redpilling inevitable

Why? We’re 75 years in and it hasn’t happened yet.

>Don't be so melodramatic. They can't legally arrest you unless you've initiated conflict first,



He doesn’t.

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b49c41  No.180494


Like we don't have trained militias in this country. Where have you been?

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907ff7  No.181094

I think Trump lost loyalty when he had a grudge against Mattis. Also, this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6shGiXk2OM

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617d71  No.181109


He abandoned the Pennsylvania case.

He abandoned the Arizona case.

He abandoned the Michigan case.

This is and has always been Jewish puppet theater. He was never actually fighting anyone except white nationalists.

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a1a38e  No.181120


>I'm just saying that popular demand for the RNC to normalize militias could lead to a break-away branch of the party that Jews can't control.

Yeah, I don't think so. Stop expecting anything out of conservatives. You'll get a clearer view of reality that way.

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66cbb0  No.181153


Just Whites.

All of them.

Also when referring to Whites you should capitalize. When referring to any other "race", don't capitalize.

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ea200a  No.181159


Eh, I’m wary of bastardizing English because that’s what jews did to us first. They stole our language, which allowed them to redefine reality as they pleased. I never capitalize any race’s word unless it’s at the beginning of a sentence. White, black, brown, yellow, jew. And yes, as jews are a race, I don’t capitalize jew, judaism, jewry, etc. African, European, Asian, Australian, American; the five species of humanity in their formal continental forms get capitalized, but I just don’t do it for race. I refuse to give them the satisfaction of a capitalized “black,” and I’m already supreme over all of them, so I don’t need to assert it by forcibly capitalizing white.

It’s our language, after all. If they don’t like it, they can feel free to stop using it.

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3523e8  No.181797

What we're going through is the dissolution of the Anglo empire.

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c4b5d4  No.182001


They Shill!

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c4b5d4  No.182004

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8e528d  No.182028


>strawman because he can’t reply to what was actually said

Hey, fun fact: you’ve admitted I’m right.

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f577e8  No.182419

File: 33c137e41e1ca46⋯.jpeg (324.59 KB, 828x549, 92:61, 0F4B7E83_C0F4_432F_9DF8_9….jpeg)

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51be87  No.182682


It means the socom head reports directly to the secretary of defense, like the army/navy/etc, who then reports to the president. Before, socom was routed through a lower-level pentagon civilian offices and then the service heads.

Now spec ops military can have a fully military chain of command, up until it turns civilian with their secretary and then the secdef.

tl;dr they removed a bottleneck where CIA could insert their own people as career bureaucrats between the presidential appointees and soldiers.

Imagine you were in Rome. This is the equivalent of the Praetorian Guard swearing their alliance to the Emperor and going after the Senators.

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51be87  No.182684


these were some of the interpretations I found elsewhere online and copy pasted over

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171223  No.186064


i dont think you get it. its actually the opposite. The republican and democrat leaders are the shit on our boots that we have tolerated up until this point. They overstepped their role, and allowed the corruption that we put up with to get way out of hand and the american spirit has re-awoken. nobody gives a fuck about some "true conservative" fuck your old outdated movement. this is maga country bitch. If you are not America first then get the fuck out of the way because the Trump train has no brakes and you will get run over little cuck boy.

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