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File: 69084396e5b6fb8⋯.png (152.48 KB, 591x845, 591:845, Untitled.png)

058bf8  No.172535[Last 50 Posts]

CodeMonkeyZ / Ron quits as 8kun admin

We glow even harder now, boys!


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5c9c82  No.172536

File: 2bc614c9f6785ab⋯.png (42.84 KB, 285x280, 57:56, duh.png)

on election day too no less, that's definitely odd

who is taking his place?

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02e6a9  No.172538

File: 0833b2a1cdedb07⋯.png (124.63 KB, 735x422, 735:422, sweating.png)

Oh fuck.

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6bbefa  No.172541

File: 2553aae536d5567⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, d537fy.png)

But why?

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4a0d47  No.172542

>all those naive qboomers thanking him for his job, instead of panicking out of suspicion

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766e63  No.172545


The CIA niggers are going to start shit tonight using the post election riots and they don't want the white man to have a safe place to organize

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6aaa24  No.172550


lol, we don’t have that here. The site owners personally took the fucking site down BECAUSE of a single white guy.

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54e7b4  No.172551

File: a7555b403c2504b⋯.jpg (19.29 KB, 590x421, 590:421, loololololoollolololololoo….jpg)



>free speech

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ffecde  No.172570

Hunter Biden's laptop strikes again

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34e7fe  No.172584



>CodeMonkeyZ / Ron quits as 8kun admin

what fucking twats these guys both were, 8kun never amounted to much when 8chan was shut down for months. Who has the webm or pictures of Ron in his rumpled shirt speaking before congress of whatever the fuck that "bigshot" thought he was doing, gaday cunts.

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8e1e6c  No.172697

File: 75bd795920fba03⋯.jpg (76.01 KB, 907x1360, 907:1360, pierce55.jpg)


He read the book.

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529dd5  No.172710


Am I suppose to know who is that batsoup sommelier?

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32f297  No.172712

shit.. our circle keeps getting smaller and smaller

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54e7b4  No.172713


You're supposed to know, yes. The only reason you don't is because you thought you were on twitter.

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529dd5  No.172719


Shut up bitch or I'm going to stomp you in a motherfucking mud patch

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ad6993  No.172720


Thanks CZ……

You fought the fight.

We’ll sweep out the dirt…. Last one out, Turn off the lights!

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54e7b4  No.172725


Nah, you won't do shit. You're too busy trying to wrap your smooth brain around knowing who the admin of the site you're currently using is.

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529dd5  No.172733


Like I care lol

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54e7b4  No.172735


It even says in the OP image literally, "I am resigning as admin of 8kun", which means you can look up at your address bar and see "8kun.top" right there and know you're on 8kun and that CodemonkeyZ is, in fact, the admin (resigned). Instead of just saying, "Ok then" to yourself, you had to come in and be all edgy and try to be smart with a "Literally Who" post; but all you succeeded in was showing how smooth your brain is. Then, when called out on it, you pull the internet tough guy shit, which also backfired because nobody is scared of you; so you resort to the "uh durr like i care lol" tryin' to play it cool crap.

You're just a smooth brain. Kill yourself or lurk 2 years before posting again.

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8e1e6c  No.172751

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

But seriously, Joe Biden's supposed main reason for running for prez is because of white people organizing at Charlotteslville. He totally got his ass kicked by Bernie but that's another story.

The launch of the Biden campaign occurred at the home of Comcast chairmen David Cohen.

Comcast owns MSNBC and NBC News and much more.. The day after the launch some big wig from NBC joined the Biden campaign.

One of those Jews run Spo

You know what they want, to keep the flow of information under Jewish control, that's the source of their power.

The Jews behind Spotify also are in the tank for Biden. Remember Rogan snubbed Bernie Sanders, now he's getting a huge deal fr Spotify.

Jewish support for Sanders peaked at 10% and you guys couldn't figure out which candidate to support.

Then there's forty other billionaires donating to Biden. Sleazy Jewish oligarchs who made their wealth plundering the Russian people. Some switched from Trump to Biden, who happen to be good friends w Bibi.

So be on the look out for War w Iran.

Also while you guys were looking at Hunter's cock there was a real scandal.


Conspiring to plunder the avg Ukrainian, limit their access to medicine as a condition for foreign aid. The antiwhite policies are just mind blowing.

Biden once bragged we'll lock you up for jay walking, now he has white people are in the crosshairs and he has formed an alliance with big tech and law enforcement,

Why does that matter vid related. Btw this is best Alex Jones speech ever.

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b4e381  No.172753

More like hes not going to pretend hes the admin anymore when its always been jim, its just that jim so colossally fucked up from the day he became admin that he decided to appoint his son as the admin instead to try and delude people into thinking things would be different even though they haven't been. Jims censorious whims have still plagued this site and drove off more and more people over the years. Like most recently him permabanning anyone for posting no no drawings causing the only board that was left alive beside this one to die.

My bet is on jim just ending the charade and becoming the admin himself again because all thats left of this sites userbase are the sycophantic Qboomers that are totally clueless about this sites history. Where his son was once the fall guy for every one of jims shitty decisions hes now become the one all the crazed boomers are praising and jim wants that praise so its only natural for him to take over as admin again.

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ce0cae  No.172762

File: 4e46f3c12460e90⋯.jpg (8.46 KB, 194x259, 194:259, fun_is_a_buzzword.jpg)


The only thing of merit he ever did was tell Imkikey to fuck off, and it took him years to finally get off his ass to even do that. So fuck him.

The timing of this is extremely fucking fishy, though. Our alphabet nigger handlers are playing 2d checkers behind the scenes today, for sure.

Shit glows.

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7d5526  No.172770

File: 0c2a4fe3488704a⋯.jpg (637.99 KB, 1806x614, 903:307, patbshared.jpg)


Who supposedly runs it now?


>The site owners personally took the fucking site down BECAUSE of a single white guy

wrong faggot, the alleged suspect was a spic and it was an alphabet op to disperse and consolidate user bases and manage threat potential.




leave this place and kys immediately upon disembarkment.

Picrel for those who were there. Basic ddg search results gave another interdasting I hadn't seen prior.

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06e1e5  No.172774

Technically we don't need to 'organize' we would be much more effective as a mob that was headed by a handful of people. See Lebon, the crowd. I'm gonna go look at Twit-turd though and see what it says on codemonkey's page.

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c5a939  No.172775

Reminder that Ron let imkikey destroy this board until it bit him in the ass and then he let the retard christcucks take over the board.

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16e201  No.172779

File: 169a2bac44d772f⋯.png (55.88 KB, 595x272, 35:16, Screen_Shot_2020_11_03_at_….png)

8kun’s owner steps down on Election Day.

BitChute is deplatformed on Election Day.

Voat begins having server issues on Election Day.

Pure coincidence.

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e90082  No.172784

there is literally no where left to post with humans anyway, its either a place with all machine learning algo bots, or a place with zero pph.

i just want to speak with humans. that is all i ever wanted to do on chans.

that is all.

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e90082  No.172785


cant post new threads on shitchan /pol/ either, upload failed errors.

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7d5526  No.172789

File: 7cbb5c872b3cd0e⋯.jpg (25.13 KB, 600x398, 300:199, ohshit.jpg)

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0f3817  No.172790

File: d0077f86092ef8a⋯.png (142.55 KB, 692x891, 692:891, Kelly_aka_Violet_Jones.png)

File: 1768dd314939a0b⋯.png (75.91 KB, 650x498, 325:249, Kelly_aka_Violet_Jones_2.png)

File: b6f205a1b1de422⋯.jpg (145.48 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, austin_jewess_escort.jpg)


His cock must be so jewish by now

What with the telegony and all

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95c576  No.172810

wasted shekkels in my opinion

this glows like Chernobyl flora

but it won't matter much, this site is just a hollow shell of it's former self, most of the best posters that used to lurk here have already moved on to greener, more decentralized and encrypted pastures

glowniggers are just kicking a corpse to stir up the flies

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95c576  No.172814


Bitchute is back online

it didn't take that long

e-celebs are live streaming and signal boosting how all these coehnsidences have Google's fingerprints all over it

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8e1e6c  No.172821

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

As far as we're all concerned here's the official soundtrack of the Biden era.

Good luck.

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7d5526  No.172823

File: 739395b77372850⋯.webm (4.3 MB, 640x360, 16:9, chales_edward_coughlin.webm)


psychoproximate redirect and reinforce twitterfag, do your thing.

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d83912  No.173161


weird shit, on the other hand he probably thought this site would give him a lot more profit than expected (or at least retained similar level of users as old 8ch).


> 8kun never amounted to much when 8chan was shut down for months.

Because they were absolutely awful at attracting new or former existing users. Their rebrand was bad and failed hard. A lot of new features could be added as seen on diff boards (e.g. meguca). They didn't do that. They basically took 10 months to find a replacement for cloudflare (which is just ridiculous at that point you can set up something for yourself in 1 month or so).


> You know what they want, to keep the flow of information under Jewish control

They're genuinely concerned of individual actors having a lot of influence. They put it all under Russian and Chinese psyops, but it's pretty obvious a lot of information campaigns do not originate from there. At the moment it's impossible to make a right wing grass roots movement on social media since you just get censored, so you'll have to resort to fake astroturf shit, but even then the platform will attack you very hard. It doesn't do that for the authority figures it installed to disperse the propaganda.

You call out the jews, yes they are an important factor, but NATO is as well. NATO cheered for Clinton, now they cheer for Biden. It's obvious that they aren't at all satisfied with the orange clown that's currently sitting in office since he doesn't listen as much.

> Conspiring to plunder the avg Ukrainian

Lol just look at what Kerry, Podesta and Biden were really doing in Ukraine. Ukraine stuff came out from Ukraine's end since its full of corrupt individuals trying to fuck each other over and plenty of people in positions of power are not satisfied with how America helped them.

> Alex Jones

Would disapprove of your posts since he married a kike and would NEVER criticize jews ever.

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4d44bc  No.173212


>They basically took 10 months to find a replacement for cloudflare

They took 3 months to remake the site from the ground up as a honeypot that can better aid the feds and then put all the content the old site had built up over half a decade in the trash so they could have as little controversy on their shiny new honeypot as possible. Then they spent another month trying to put that site online because hotwheels kept deplatforming it over and over again due to his personal vendetta against jim. Since every domain they publicized would get deplatformed they stopped publicizing them and eventually they managed to get the site to stay up even though barely anyone was even aware it existed or cared to come back even if they did know about it. Believe me it was enough of a shitshow for you to not need to be hyperbolic about it and act like the site was offline for 10 months.

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79838a  No.173237

File: 60604254598aa38⋯.jpeg (10.45 KB, 275x183, 275:183, images.jpeg)

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ec6e78  No.173285


You meet me somewhere. Bring any goddamn artillery you need, cause I got plenty. Meet me somewhere motherfucker.

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ec6e78  No.173345

File: eeaf54d5f45fbe0⋯.webm (2.89 MB, 320x240, 4:3, jonestein_JOOOS.webm)



>muh oppressed black people

such a great speech

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09bdb0  No.173392


because his masters can see that they've lost the election, and he won't be getting any more paychecks

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8d4ead  No.173487

File: 9fdb7b0aa103935⋯.gif (89.93 KB, 674x960, 337:480, 7f35ea8a6.gif)

I think we know why he quit, he was pressured by the Feds. Cocksuckers, we can't have anything nice.

Don't you think it's suspicious that they did this after the CIA made the "kill all non-whites" thread?

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9d60b8  No.173543


Good analysis here. WTF has codemonkey been doing? Pictures are broken half the fucking time on here, they had 8chan down for months, improved nothing, nothing has improved since then, except now they try to sell 8kun coffee. WTF.

The rebrand was stupid as fuck, if you are for free speech, revel in the notoriety, it's not like the mass murderer didn't put his livestream on FACEBOOK of all places. No one said facebook should shut down though.

So many bad moves. And I don't doubt that this place isn't super profitable. I doubt people are paying much to advertise pocket pussies, and waifu pillows. Though they probably can't advertise that stuff many places either.


Sure felt like 10 months. What a shitshow, they could have retained most of the users even if they just moved tor-only for three months. The anons would have found it.


I missed that one. Gotta check the catalog.

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3699c6  No.173562


A single White guy who didn't even post here, he posted on facebook though. Entire mudslime jizzhads on twitter and facebook who have beheaded and raped girls live yet nothing happens to those website.

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0e53a6  No.173856


>they could have retained most of the users even if they just moved tor-only for three months.

Anyone willing to use a tor only imageboard certainly isn't going to use a cucked one thats run by a clueless boomer, theres already no holds barred onion imageboards out there where you're actually free to post what you want.

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eb15f3  No.173925

File: d5484c4894ac88c⋯.jpg (101.42 KB, 585x800, 117:160, 75147fdc_db3b_4426_9e9e_d5….jpg)

looks like your deal with q is about to come to a conclusion.


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ce0cae  No.174248

File: 9b45546cea8c308⋯.png (3.48 MB, 1232x5988, 308:1497, imkikey_eternally_btfo.png)


>Kampfy was the best thing for 8chan,

You never stop with this shit, and you get called on it every time.

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a80302  No.174314

File: 090165d50c0b554⋯.png (157.33 KB, 904x882, 452:441, 1592313022885.png)


Blame niggers, praise the saints.

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5ae51b  No.174327

File: 101ec81a14441de⋯.jpg (333.57 KB, 540x1000, 27:50, 1434179376690.jpg)

>>174288 (checked)

yeah… it was a better time, but why did he meltdown in this fist place? he had to know that perma-banning users for posting "thot" memes would not stand (let alone doing the same for nigger eventually) I still don't get why he flaked like that.

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71cf4a  No.174771


Codemonkey was always a SJW-lite, don't you remember how he tried to ban porn from 8ch when he took over? He just wanted a place to belong and had nowhere else to go.

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f123b1  No.174785


Yeah, no shit, I was a janny on one. Place is super fucking dead all the time.

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32154a  No.174873

File: 89d202e8f2fac31⋯.jpg (100.44 KB, 640x498, 320:249, x42zrm4hi4x51.jpg)



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e81ef4  No.174899


Porn is degenerate and it should've stayed banned

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2208e7  No.175071

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2c9995  No.175076


Did kikey ever kill himself?

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7936a9  No.175091


My phone internet wasn't working well at all on Election Day. I tried using both of our house wireless signals (one comcast cable, one AT&T DSL) and they both kept crashing/slowing down/cutting out. Instagram seemed stuttery as well, though the problem may've just been lack of a decent internet connection.

I thought that was why cuckchan was so slow, but then other posters commented on it, and noted that images weren't downloading or were very slow. I got a couple of Cloudflare errors.

Suggestive timing. Pretty sure the (((powers))) that be were doing their best to impede communication, last minute redpilling, etc.

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06e1e5  No.175107


>the CIA made the "kill all non-whites" thread?

What is wrong with that thread? That is normal and very typical thinking when you live in a homogeneous nation. That is how it STAYS homogeneous and not the total god awful cluster fuck that the USA is right now.

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8276d8  No.175110


ID's are enabled bud.

You lost track of your fake argument

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d2d4ef  No.175115


Lol. Maybe we can actually improve this site with that incompetent gook out of the way.

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144c4c  No.175127


I guarantee you hes still going to manage the technical side of the site because theres no way in hell money grubbing jim is going to pay someone else to do that when he can get his son to do it for free.

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ce0cae  No.175131


I think he shits up cuckchan these days. Sad.

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c83bb4  No.175362

File: f31566cca67683a⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1341x741, 447:247, freedomzine_celebrates.png)


>I guarantee you hes still going to manage the technical side of the site

That's cute that you think anybody has been doing that lately.

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54e7b4  No.175369



lol no

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a80e74  No.175413


>fought tooth and nail

did his mom forget to serve him tendies? what actually was he fighting and why would you just give up?

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1e8cf9  No.175983

File: ac15f9b930592cb⋯.jpg (12.98 KB, 360x311, 360:311, ac15f9b930592cbca7d0020f5e….jpg)


> then put all the content the old site had built up over half a decade in the trash so they could have as little controversy on their shiny new honeypot as possible.

And all of the old content was its biggest asset. Coming back when 8ch relaunched as 8k and seeing a fragment of what it once was is one thing, but then hearing dozens of boards rejected because of arbitrary reasons was another. Why did half of the porn boards get brought back but then a bunch of useful resources get purged? Cucktianity is one that comes to mind. Ron deliberately denied boards used for archiving shill activity because it would spark animosity or some reason.

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03d564  No.187418

File: 8a6bf33aecd47f4⋯.jpg (236.29 KB, 750x630, 25:21, Trump_tweet.jpg)

Apparently Codemonkey is prominent enough for the current (still sitting) president to retweet him.

https://twitter.com/CodeMonkeyZ/status/1338642806101794818 (twitter link, no archive for verification purposes)

https://www.justice.gov/opa/speech/remarks-deputy-attorney-general-jeffrey-rosen-malign-foreign-influence-us-elections <- stuff linked by codemonkey

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4fbfa7  No.187420

>we failed to rig the election for trump

>now its time to retire outside the u.s.

jews, man.

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95df18  No.187642


>So be on the look out for War w Iran.

The Iran thing is all noise. America and the west are secretly in alliance with Iran; The Iraq invasion effectively gave Iran half of Iraq and Khomeni was put in power by the US. Politics is very odd business; when someone says something often it's the opposite of what he intends; look at what he DOES not what he SAYS. Same thing with the assassination of Sulieman; this was a big favor to Khameni who was very fearful and hated him as a potent rival.

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43ae04  No.187665




wtf? I can't even post a two word response on cuck without being permabanned instantaneously. I have seen his posts, how does he get away with it? That's it…I have decided you all are glowniggers.


DJT might not want to look too deeply into 'foreigners' influencing our elections. That pack of malignant jews is only angry because 'unapproved foreigners' are now influencing our elections.


Iran is a jewish/part nigger shithole full of lewd sexuality, sex changes, drugs and drinking.

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16e201  No.187674


>I know literally nothing about the jews.txt

Fuck off. You don’t belong here.

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fbd225  No.187696

Are any of the oldfags/founding fathers of ichan even still around to take the torch here? Lowcard disspeard, Benji is said to have gotten married and has a kid now, Vince is a tranny, Mark is a huge lolcow stuck in a 2014 time loop and hell even Swami is MIA.

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4f73ee  No.187783


so who's the admin now?

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da3b16  No.187787


A lot of them tried in 2015 when jim first took over and shit the bed but all that did was create indecisiveness. Even now with mark making a new version of 8chan you aren't going to use it because you think hes a lolcow but others are using it so right there is an example of the indecisiveness that prevents anyone from officially "taking the torch".

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607c98  No.187819


>wtf? I can't even post a two word response on cuck without being permabanned instantaneously. I have seen his posts, how does he get away with it? That's it…I have decided you all are glowniggers.

Yep, cuckchan just wants bot posters.

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