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8a7cba  No.171368

Will you help me become dictator of the US? When whites will be' the minority democracy will be useless and socialism and cultural marxism will win. If I become dictator I will change the demographics and make America 100% european, bring back discipline and family values, beliving that you are a women will return to be a mental problem and the constitution will be' safe, the 1950s will come back. We need to fight, we would win, let's take back our country.

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426659  No.171373

Whites are already the minority. There is no peaceful solution.

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a0ab63  No.171422

dictators don't ask for power, they just go take it. you're thinking of dick taster. but, yes, you can be my dick taster.

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069d5f  No.171426


>the constitution will be' safe


You dun goofed, son.

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215111  No.171488


>Will you help me become dictator of the US?

You are a soy drinking nu-male, aren't you?

You are a fedora tipping neckbeard, aren't you?

You are a basement dwelling loser, aren't you?

You are a 300lb unhygienic incel, aren't you?

You are a trap porn masturbator, aren't you?

You are. And you should kill yourself.

Nobody will help you become a dictator. The wishful thinking that someone will just put you in a position of power is a stupid daydream.

Perish your beta faggot fantasies of saving a nation when you can't save yourself from wondering about retarded power fantasies.

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