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9242e8  No.171297

Some one do me a favor and put this to music, I'm not much a musician, but I'm alright with words. You know the song.

>Your great-great-grandfather was one who cleared the earth

>Your great grandfather, he worked it from his birth

>Your grandfather worked to turn a profit on that land

>And your father sold it to become a bureaucrats righthand.

>And as for you my lad… you don’t know what you’ll do

>In your little city condo where your dreams have no value

>Sometimes a wishful thought [breath] to have something of your own

>Dreaming at night

>Of standing on a field you’ve grown.

>Your great-great-grandmother; fourteen kids were born from her

>Your great grandmother was almost equal in number

>And as for your grandmother, three was enough she said

>Your mother didn’t want you, just an accident in bed

>And now as for you my girl, you go from boy to boy

>No more mistakes now love is just a toy

>But some times at dawn you wake up still in tears

>Dreams at night

>of a familys love for you through years

>Your great great grandfather he lived through painful times

>Your great-grandfather he saved every extra dime

>Through sweat your grandfather had million left unspent

>Your father put it all into his retirement

>And as for you my child, your owed to the bank

>A worthless degree taught to you by cranks

>No chance of loans, only angry dreams of flames

>In a drunken thought

>of a nation to reclaim

>Your great great grandparents sure know how to fight

>Your great grandparents held their people as a right

>Your grandparents saw propaganda at its start

>Consumed then by your parents through their broken hearts

>As for you my friend, what say you of pain?

>Nothing now to lose, but these filthy chains

>Turn off that PC time to go outside

>Renew with blood,

>the birthright that is your old tribe.

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0dad24  No.171310

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Fuck you, I didn’t need to be reminded of that song. Hurts too damn much.

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bc506e  No.171318


Go be emo somewhere else like >>>/r9k/

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