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54872f  No.170140

Surprised there wasn't a thread on this already.

In short, GitHub decided to take down all instances of youtube-dl (official + forks) after getting a cease and desist letter (which some are incorrectly calling a 'DMCA request') from an RIAA goon. The claim is that even allowing the program to remain violates 17 U.S. Code § 1201 (Circumvention of copyright protection systems), as it is 'primarily' designed or marketed to get around the bullshit of having to use YouTube's website.

Whether this is some genuine effort to earn a few more beans for the starving folk of the RIAA's executive board, or just another case of crypto-election fuckery from the scaly hands directing the media, this undoubtedly effects most if not all of us. youtube-dl was, along with being an important dependency for a lot of existing software, a helpful tool in general for archivists and anyone who wanted to grab copies of controversial videos before YT decided to shoah them. As well as hampering the development process of the program, this removal is also likely to create a chilling effect among many other dev teams, and anyone who might end up contravening the aims of the copyright industry.

So please spread this around if you can.












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b808e4  No.170290

Github.com is owned by Microsoft so I'm unsurprised.

Gitlab is better anyway and there are even more other options: bitbucket, sourceforge, or hey host your own github instance.

Anyway, last I checked, youtube-dl package is still in the debian distributions. This whole thing sounds to me like "we might be unable to stop you but neither will we help you."

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086801  No.170329

Fucking RIAA kikes. And yes, the sooner we can transition away from github the better. People have been too willing to integrate them into their infrastructure and incidents like this highlight why that is a bad idea. CoC nonsense is another, but don't get me started.

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