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b5d813  No.168125[Last 50 Posts]

Republican Senator appears on Fox News late last night confirming that child pornography has been found on Hunter Biden's laptop, but the media isn't reporting on it, and the family is trying to hide it. Furthermore, he alluded to a larger web of "troubling connections" associated with the child trafficking related to the pictures.

How is this not the biggest story in the country right now?

Watch the interview: https://youtu.be/c4qiMo0eaeg

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b5d813  No.168126

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d9a568  No.168163

Well, shit! I guess I won't be voting for Hunter Biden then!

… oh wait

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ac9d03  No.168164

He and Trump are two sides of the same coin. Corrupt, deceitful puppet.

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e9fcd7  No.168177

If it's already been found, should be no problem releasing it so everyone can see for themselves.

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d30514  No.168183


>If it's already been found, should be no problem releasing it so everyone can see for themselves.

Beating and strangling a 10 year old girl while Hunter fucks her isn't something that the public will ever see

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e9fcd7  No.168185


Oh, well then I guess I better just take their word for it. Silly me.

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7d07bf  No.168196


>jew puppet protected by jew media

Why would anyone care? Why the fuck are you even asking, retard? Why are you here if you donā€™t already know the answer? NOTHING WILL EVER BE DONE ABOUT IT. NO ONE CARES.

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f73b32  No.168223


> How is this not the biggest story in the country right now?

Didn't you hear? It's been debunked.

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f73b32  No.168225


> Here's the full clip

< posts clip of some old guy talking without even a single frame of cp


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a7a8b5  No.168227

Congress will have to create a committee to review the contents of drive.

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38010d  No.168230

The way the democrats, big tech, and media have reacted to this ongoing story pretty much tells me that the footage is very real and they're doing everything they can to stop the public from knowing about it.

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e9fcd7  No.168231


It doesn't tell anyone that. We've already seen what they actually tried to censor – smoking crack, snorting coke off some hooker, imperial graft from Mackinderian satraps. If you got something else, put it on the table.

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bcf79f  No.168234


Uh, no. They wonā€™t have to do it. They literally donā€™t have to do anything, and wonā€™t do anything that jews donā€™t want them to do.

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d9a568  No.168245


Why would Congress have to do anything? Hunter Biden is a private citizen who isn't running for public office. Local cops will deal with it if it's true.

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cd602d  No.168251

File: 5d3bf62850a693a⋯.png (99.01 KB, 255x144, 85:48, ClipboardImage.png)

joe biden with devon archer in the white house

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43b636  No.168358


>Didn't you hear? It's been debunked.

Yeah. These faggots never say HOW it's been debunked. They just keep repeating it over and over in an attempt to overwrite reality.

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9f1996  No.168361

A Chinese dissident detailed it all, THREE WEEKS AGO.


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fa9704  No.168369

how long until hunter catches the coof?

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528d1b  No.168374


A ā€œcoverā€ would imply heā€™s going to be in any amount of trouble whatsoever. Heā€™s not.

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bc741b  No.168386


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bc741b  No.168388


This better all come out before the election!

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7d07bf  No.168389


Are you lost, boomer? No one will ever be punished.

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91a5a9  No.168402

File: f45691fd31874f7⋯.jpg (145.57 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 1600113623421.jpg)

No matter how much evidence there is about corruption involving our government specifically democrats and child abuse/trafficking, the media and the FBI ignore it and keep running with fake things. Extremely intimidated. They can do what they want. We are like hostages in this country. In every country.

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bc292d  No.168647

File: 839c3dcdd301dfd⋯.mp4 (7.21 MB, 960x540, 16:9, wK8jvZ76xGjnxcKa.mp4)

Any anons speak Chinese to confirm subs are correct?

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f35e67  No.168654


They are correct

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975909  No.168657

what's really sickening are the things these motherfuckers are willing to do to shut this down. twitter shut down momentarily and now you can't even post the link anywhere. i'm starting to believe that shadowbanning is taking place on other platforms as well. it is kind of saddening not to see right wing media, even the cucked ones, not latching on to this to get at biden. and when the fuck did people, normie faggoty NPC people, start supporting neocons and lifelong politicians? this is going to end badly and i really really hope it's near enough for me to observe first-hand. fuck them and fuck their platforms. DOTR soon you kikes.

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e00a4f  No.168677

File: 7b968cfb787f91e⋯.jpg (102.02 KB, 574x318, 287:159, HunterBidenLaptop.jpg)



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e00a4f  No.168678

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aeb739  No.168727

Can you stop with your fucking shill threads and will you get a fucking real job. just post your shit on the Q board

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aeb739  No.168728

File: 8ebff6115c40fe0⋯.png (209.31 KB, 1065x1316, 1065:1316, Screenshot_2020_10_21_09_1ā€¦.png)

Just a reminder this guy is a pro Trump shill who wants your money

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e7c60f  No.168742


congratulations on 9,5 inch dick to hunter

and congratulations to joe biden for losing this election early

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38010d  No.168756

News agencies and law enforcement confirm that the hard rives are legit and not a Russian hoax.

>The FBI and Justice Department concur with DNI Ratcliffe that the laptop is not part of a Russian disinformation campaign.


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aeb739  No.168771

Well I defiantly thing Joe Biden won't win though I don't think their was any plans to let creepy joe win

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d30514  No.168963

File: 745b0351a19e56b⋯.png (418.23 KB, 390x678, 65:113, 1603376796121.png)

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d30514  No.168973

File: 6216dd55cd35958⋯.jpg (111.95 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, 1603358420631.jpg)

File: f51825f2c01f0cb⋯.png (2.11 MB, 1753x1046, 1753:1046, 1603357874193.png)

File: 2512c0616c51ca1⋯.jpg (149.28 KB, 1125x676, 1125:676, 1603357962231.jpg)

File: e35cff1f9899810⋯.jpg (199.3 KB, 750x937, 750:937, 1603354080652.jpg)

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04e319  No.168978


Good work with the image. Note that any uncensored child pornographyā€“whether legitimately from the laptops or otherwiseā€“will be met with deletion and a ban for the IP posting it. The source of your image (not the imageā€™s image, but the twitter account) is a Q-LARPer, so take care.

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550127  No.168991

File: d46cca1ffa31c8f⋯.mp4 (8.25 MB, 640x360, 16:9, ST_Marcha_Rusa_Guerra_Sagrā€¦.mp4)


>That began the cosmic doxxing


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5216a6  No.169045


phillipshaney account is gone now

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394b3b  No.169050

Im sure something will come out of this once the show is over in two weeks. Just like when Trump arrested Hillary for trafficing children

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394b3b  No.169051


>Good work with the image. Note that any uncensored child pornography

Thats some larp post using an image of some old porn in a fake mail. The point of the "censor" is to hide that it just some adult women.

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04e319  No.169052


Entirely possible. You canā€™t trust a damn thing Q-LARPers say, which is why pizzagate was totally swept up in the Q-LARP hoax.

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5216a6  No.169059


Holy shit the damage control this image has scrounged up.

Q larpers cannot be simultaneously brain dead, and smart enough to plan deception on this scale, as well as have their accounts removed via twitter.

Shills doing damage control will spin this any way they want. What is their goal?

"Nah, no CP on bidens laptop"

Shlomos, did you forget to suck dick today?

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7d07bf  No.169062


Of course it is. It was spamming, retweeting, and @ replying this image to a ton of major accounts. One of them surely reported it for posting CP, and Twitter likely referred it to the feds to be arrested.

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d30514  No.169091



Bans any evidence of child pornography on Biden's laptop from being posted.


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e9fcd7  No.169092


Who is banning it?

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d30514  No.169093



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04e319  No.169098


And Twitter, for deleting the accounts trying to spread said information, and all of the media outlets for censoring comments under their stories where they say theyā€™re not covering the story, etc.

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d30514  No.169104

File: aaaf298fa77c9ad⋯.jpg (205.14 KB, 1497x1767, 499:589, wall_st_journal.JPG)


The dam of censorship in in the process of breaking. The Wall St Journal still is a serious news organization and is having none of it.




Most of the media is ignoring the emails found in Hunter Bidenā€™s laptop, but that doesnā€™t mean they arenā€™t news. Joe Biden has an obligation to answer questions about his sonā€™s influence-peddling and his own financial dealingsā€”notably regarding China.

The New York Post last week obtainedthe contents of a laptop purported to belong to Hunter. The Post has been transparent that it obtained its copy of the hard drive from Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani, who says he received it from the owner of a Delaware computer-repair shop, where it was abandoned in 2019. Mr. Biden derides this as a ā€œsmear campaign,ā€ while House Intelligence Chair Adam Schiff calls it without evidence ā€œRussian disinformation.ā€

Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe says the government has no intelligence to support the disinformation claim. A repair-shop order from April 2019 contains Hunterā€™s name and what appears to be his signature. The shop owner supplied a subpoena showing the computer and hard drive were seized by the FBI in December 2019. And the Biden campaign hasnā€™t said the emails are phony.

The emails regarding Hunterā€™s business in Ukraine have been widely reported. But as intriguing is a May 2017 email thread that includes a discussion about ā€œremuneration packagesā€ for six people as part of a business deal with a now-defunct Chinese energy titan, CEFC China Energy. The Chinese company was international news a few years ago, after the U.S. government charged a CEFC-funded organization with money laundering, and its CEO was detained by Chinese authorities. CNN reported in 2018 that ā€œat its heightā€ CEFC was ā€œhard to distinguishā€ from the Chinese government.

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e9fcd7  No.169105


So post it somewhere else.

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d30514  No.169106


Is this a board that prides itself on free speech or not? Is it supposed to be a viable poltical forum or has it become a rotten nest of jewish Antifa reverse trolls?

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7b5a25  No.169107


>Is this a board that prides itself on free speech or not?

What the hell gave you that idea? This site in general hasn't given a shit about free speech for years, the motto changed from "embrace infamy" to "speak legally" for a reason.

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550127  No.169113

Who in this thread had a biden kussen ja to grand daugher

>inb4 use the google nuevo puto


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d30514  No.169316

File: 2e1d25620521008⋯.png (388.92 KB, 1039x620, 1039:620, 1603480176559.png)

File: 27ad22769a8b35e⋯.jpg (458.48 KB, 750x895, 150:179, 1603486193774.jpg)

Video coming from Hunter's laptop of him boning his 14 year old niece while high on crack cocaine. This is purportedly a screen capture from it.

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d2b32d  No.169561

I'll believe it when I see it on Rindexxx.

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d30514  No.169567

File: 432873a190fdf0c⋯.png (260.24 KB, 574x607, 574:607, 1603573390673.png)

File: d521f1afba71026⋯.jpg (6.03 KB, 212x201, 212:201, 1603575352731s.jpg)


They're posting a shot every hour at GNews


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d30514  No.169569

File: ab8222af6536341⋯.jpeg (65.67 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, hunter_smoking_crack.jpeg)

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d30514  No.169570

File: 48a75f90c04b7b4⋯.jpg (279.68 KB, 1761x1956, 587:652, penis.JPG)


They're dropping huge bombs on the Chicoms and the Biden camp.

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91a5a9  No.169574

File: 42f04f8486bc7e5⋯.gif (1.86 MB, 300x164, 75:41, x.gif)









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7d07bf  No.169576


Trump knew. Did nothing.

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91a5a9  No.169579

File: 503cb469c62be20⋯.png (173.99 KB, 445x509, 445:509, 1603572427661.png)

File: cd93e91830710c5⋯.png (482.31 KB, 412x543, 412:543, 1603575953863.png)

File: aad0d3dc7b1dca6⋯.jpg (99.64 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Coons.jpg)

They say (D)Chris Coons daughter is in the laptop from hell. You know the one. I wonder if he even knows? Imagine when he finds out. He is going to know his little girl, that he thought was an angel, clean and innocent…is a nuclear crackwhore by age 14, sucking and fucking Hunter Biden and probably Uncle Joe and who knows who else. His political ally and friend was fucking his little girl silly and the entire time Coons had no clue.

Imagine the possibilities…

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08b828  No.169580

File: 9e31e1b36188846⋯.png (3.85 MB, 946x4964, 473:2482, mulanhunting.png)

File: e267a7e4a2e1aec⋯.png (1.15 MB, 949x2723, 949:2723, huntingmulan.png)


>How is this not the biggest story in the country right now?

Are you really asking that?

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d30514  No.169582

File: 0e8eb00e823be7c⋯.jpg (51.41 KB, 750x933, 250:311, biden.jpg)

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08b828  No.169583


oh shit! That's the hat from the latest drop! 2nd pic.

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d30514  No.169584

File: 97ee21d2f92219e⋯.mp4 (1.42 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, voter_fraud.mp4)

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91a5a9  No.169586

File: 777d6b2319e67cf⋯.jpg (195.94 KB, 941x432, 941:432, 16035747298009.jpg)

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d30514  No.169587

File: bca994b21184fd7⋯.jpg (43 KB, 640x360, 16:9, t1larg_chriscoons_gi.jpg)


Holy fuck, imagine selling your soul to the devil, just to advance your shitball career of lying cheating and stealing for your masters, and at the end of the day, your masters hand your teenaged daughter over to a degenerate crack addict to be fucked and drugged in full public view…

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91a5a9  No.169588

File: d75418bc72f3142⋯.jpg (59.23 KB, 1486x655, 1486:655, 1603578560151.jpg)


The full footjob video with sound is out. I guess it is the Natalie girl. Look around.

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a9c8cd  No.169590


its the same fucking hat

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d30514  No.169592

Ladies and gentlemen, we are watching the full nuclear pile meltdown of the entire Democratic Party. It's over for them. Thank God we are so blessed to live to see this magnificent event!

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08b828  No.169593

File: 327c4eeff30cdf9⋯.png (644 KB, 1292x659, 1292:659, hatsmatch.png)


Is there a powerful enough anon to make these 2 pic into 1?


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08b828  No.169594


Nah, I'm more of a 'wait to see if it happens this time' type of fellow these days.

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d30514  No.169596

File: 2a84bcaf81cd27a⋯.jpg (626.39 KB, 2282x972, 1141:486, coons_daughter_2.JPG)

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b924a2  No.169597

File: a4fea53bae94352⋯.png (320.23 KB, 588x1057, 84:151, 1603574862037.png)


There is another girl, a brunette wearing the same kind of hat with hb under the money shot. >>169567

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b924a2  No.169598

File: 29bdb9806c569f2⋯.jpg (905.54 KB, 1602x1818, 89:101, hat.jpg)

My opinion, the hat is not a match. They are different hats. These fucking people are filthy rich. They got a lot of hats.

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08b828  No.169599


>saddening not to see right wing media, even the cucked ones, not latching on to this to get at biden.

Now you understand there is no them vs us or blue vs red…all those GOV. people are sick sick fucks and they are all the same no matter what party they say they are with. And they are WHOLLY against us.

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08b828  No.169600


>saddening not to see right wing media, even the cucked ones, not latching on to this to get at biden.

Now you understand there is no them vs us or blue vs red…all those GOV. people are sick sick fucks and they are all the same no matter what party they say they are with. And they are WHOLLY against us.>>168963 an auction?

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62d177  No.169601

File: 5ca58c71e7b71fa⋯.jpg (10.31 KB, 293x249, 293:249, aaaqa.jpg)

Anyone got access to https://socialcatfish.com/reverse-image-search/ by any chance?

I tried to CSI the pictures to see if they exist on any social media, and apparently there are matches.

But its behind a paywall of course

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08b828  No.169602


>saddening not to see right wing media, even the cucked ones, not latching on to this to get at biden.

Now you understand there is no them vs us or blue vs red…all those GOV. people are sick sick fucks and they are all the same no matter what party they say they are with. And they are WHOLLY against us.>>168963 an auction?>>169596

eh…thanks, but with the screen cap of pic in >>169593

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08b828  No.169603


>saddening not to see right wing media, even the cucked ones, not latching on to this to get at biden.

Now you understand there is no them vs us or blue vs red…all those GOV. people are sick sick fucks and they are all the same no matter what party they say they are with. And they are WHOLLY against us.>>168963 an auction?>>169596

eh…thanks, but with the screen cap of pic in >>169593 along with the other pic.

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b924a2  No.169604


To bad the evidence is OVERWHELMINGLY AGAINST DEMOCRATS no matter how much you hate republicans and white people. KIKE. It's people like you that think supporting Trump is against white people. Stupid fucking FBKIKE. Woman whore.

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08b828  No.169605

sorry about the flood. shit didnt post then it did.

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08b828  No.169606

File: b4cd5d6a4a5ebfc⋯.jpg (961.82 KB, 4924x2220, 1231:555, 1603584271057.jpg)

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fa9704  No.169611

File: 60bff0c78405cee⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, BIDENFILE3.png)


I dont thinks so anon. maybe though

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e26ae2  No.169612

File: 101e8dca8ce15b4⋯.jpeg (157.88 KB, 1086x1200, 181:200, E5CB70D9_5FDD_483D_BC17_4ā€¦.jpeg)


itā€™s proof of a sitting vice president being compromised by foreign powers, rabbi, but you already knew that right ;^)

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f534bf  No.169613


are those like extra dildos hanging int he background or something

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b924a2  No.169614

File: 97bedc186f45716⋯.png (476.67 KB, 360x618, 60:103, FatBItch.png)


You're a fucking idiot. Cope more FBkike.

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7d07bf  No.169616


>youā€™re dumb because I say so and you hurt my fee fees I win now

>youā€™re FBI because I say so

>oy vey worship Trump


We donā€™t support judaism on this board. You need to leave.

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2fc46e  No.169617


>Why can't we have things right nooooow!

<FBI sitting on this since last year

And then MSM deflecting any legitimate work

>Biden arrested before election

>Oy vey! He is a dictator imprisoning political opponents!

So far timing looks fine.

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b924a2  No.169618

File: 676162d0059ef7a⋯.jpg (149.46 KB, 1104x939, 368:313, 1603113301146.jpg)


Shut it down agent. Shut it down.

Nigger loving faggot ass kike. Say nigger or kike once.

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776026  No.169619

File: 96f100fb1ad193e⋯.jpg (469.58 KB, 1000x807, 1000:807, looneyjews.jpg)



Keep pretending all you want kike, you have no authority, and only speak for yourself.

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776026  No.169620


Link to the video of hunter getting his footjob. Anyone who can rip it, do so before it gets shut down.

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b924a2  No.169621

File: a9165397218e4f9⋯.jpg (265.36 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 1599334421032.jpg)

File: 241e4c679b5a340⋯.jpg (160.74 KB, 748x731, 44:43, 1600475744650.jpg)

File: 635c0cb66e1086a⋯.png (1.93 MB, 1622x1718, 811:859, 1600913358005.png)

File: 0532ba782f1c60d⋯.jpg (457.54 KB, 2209x848, 2209:848, 1579645749730.jpg)

File: 2a6b7991f5859a1⋯.jpg (415.78 KB, 1458x617, 1458:617, 1595489518751.jpg)

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fa9704  No.169622


new videos are up. watch the ones from Gundam00

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7d07bf  No.169623


What timing? Like your Q-LARP timing? Like Hillary being imprisoned? Like your MUH INDIKEMINTS? What timing are you talking about? Could you maybe be talking about Devin Nunes memo, which was TOTALLY GOING TO LEAD TO ARRESTS GOYIM JUST BELIEVE MEEEEEEEE? Whatever happened to that? Oh, right, YOU DONā€™T EVEN KNOW WHAT MEMO Iā€™M TALKING ABOUT, BECAUSE IT WAS LOST TO ALL TIME.


Biden will not be arrested. Piss off, neocon.


Nigger. Kike (jews are free to use slurs for themselves; they hate it when you actually call them a jew, though). The holocaust did not happen. The USS Liberty was attacked by Israel (which also threatened to directly nuke the US during the Yom Kippur War. Jews were responsible for the Bolshevik revolution. What else does your paid shill script say I have to ā€œproveā€, moishe? Because everyone who actually belongs here knows that only shills try to posture like this. GET BACK TO YOUR FUCKING Q-LARP BOARD.


>youā€™re a jew because you said we donā€™t support judaism on this board

You really, really fucking blew it this time, paid shill.

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7d07bf  No.169624


>literal paid shilling now

Ah good, I was right.

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b924a2  No.169626

File: 3a0d13d7c259273⋯.png (317.12 KB, 720x853, 720:853, 1577684229185.png)

File: 615eaf1adb65dfc⋯.jpg (483.71 KB, 1080x2239, 1080:2239, 1577695133210.jpg)

File: ba739931d565951⋯.png (2.56 MB, 1530x1784, 765:892, DANA_SCHWARTZ_EXPOSED.png)

File: 9aca14763c348fe⋯.jpg (455.24 KB, 1947x1714, 1947:1714, 1592409423444.jpg)

File: eaf763c010cbff7⋯.jpg (533.24 KB, 1080x1513, 1080:1513, 1591757638030.jpg)


Jew Kike FakeBI FatBItch

The kikes hate TRUMP more than anything on this earth

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7d07bf  No.169627


No one will ever believe you, imkikey.

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b924a2  No.169629

File: 4085953af35df53⋯.jpg (435.92 KB, 1100x969, 1100:969, 1590381201733.jpg)

File: fb0c53bad13b522⋯.jpg (266.07 KB, 520x737, 520:737, 1590372645103.jpg)

File: 397784f41581ff8⋯.jpg (236.29 KB, 1577x528, 1577:528, Understanding_how_jews_argā€¦.jpg)

File: 7e4abbee5b465e9⋯.jpg (156.12 KB, 586x1373, 586:1373, 1602990442151.jpg)



I get paid to shill what?

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b924a2  No.169631

File: ab37f62d8670976⋯.jpg (277.06 KB, 1280x819, 1280:819, 1579392701034.jpg)

File: cbbf6e1d6aaec83⋯.jpg (117.54 KB, 1024x621, 1024:621, 1578010325411.jpg)

File: d296aee1f9cc567⋯.png (697.23 KB, 1092x656, 273:164, 1577703545107.png)

File: 055801e39cc6a38⋯.jpg (121.34 KB, 1024x829, 1024:829, 1577683935530.jpg)

File: 0d124810f22e349⋯.jpg (118.26 KB, 703x1024, 703:1024, 1577683917930.jpg)

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b924a2  No.169632

File: 75ae9469a0267e3⋯.jpg (183.47 KB, 1200x928, 75:58, 1577710556546.jpg)

File: 7b9b0a866f5eb85⋯.jpg (330.08 KB, 768x693, 256:231, Screen_Shot.jpg)

It's always the fucking KIKES

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4b457f  No.169633

Damage control shills in full force

Biden is done for. Trump will be the global supreme leader of the NWO

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776026  No.169634

File: ac00ae29e97766d⋯.jpeg (24.51 KB, 480x464, 30:29, another_smug_anime_girl_5ā€¦.jpeg)



>still using the turkroach as a scapegoat

Holy shit, this is sad! You are absolutely terrified of what's happening and can't even function anymore. Is your script even updated? Or are you still in the 2016 cycle.

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b924a2  No.169635

File: b064f4e7cc7ca0e⋯.jpg (246.63 KB, 1200x1600, 3:4, 1603584065057.jpg)

File: 1ecb9acc2d40c6a⋯.png (226.38 KB, 628x331, 628:331, 1603573650475.png)

File: f11891c12cca208⋯.jpg (93.51 KB, 729x1024, 729:1024, 1603583543708.jpg)

File: c0cabbb7148345f⋯.jpg (54.2 KB, 866x764, 433:382, 1603512256758.jpg)


There's more

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b924a2  No.169636

File: 019f46aafc4c821⋯.jpg (128.99 KB, 540x960, 9:16, 1603583887374.jpg)

File: aecc13ff7a8e0ca⋯.jpg (405.36 KB, 750x804, 125:134, 1603578482630.jpg)

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7d07bf  No.169638

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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776026  No.169639

File: 0e8e83d00cc4866⋯.jpg (23.42 KB, 511x564, 511:564, smug.jpg)


It's true. You're broken. You are actually broken.

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4ac39c  No.169640

File: 25b49babe71cf69⋯.gif (498.86 KB, 500x290, 50:29, ford_popcorn_eating.gif)


GTV is promising a new video every hour until the election. This might get good

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b924a2  No.169641

File: 26c1e05e2582bc2⋯.jpg (54.8 KB, 575x1024, 575:1024, 1602735593962.jpg)

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eef2f3  No.169642

File: 62daa81a912b59e⋯.png (747.58 KB, 576x768, 3:4, 432q523fg5.png)


Dubs poster says neat thing. It is sad that he will not because, as I say, only 3/5th millionaires and rednecks will vote for him. I'm neither but I will vote for him because (((they))) are not scaring me saying that republicans vote biden, or that marxists will riot more if we have more Trump.

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776026  No.169643

File: f4c1fee37790557⋯.jpg (75.21 KB, 900x900, 1:1, unnamed.jpg)


And me without any popcorn. Gonna need to go shopping. kek

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7d07bf  No.169644


Hi, imkikey. Bye, imkikey.

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b924a2  No.169645

File: 0002daa09b6e9dd⋯.gif (1.41 MB, 188x145, 188:145, sv.gif)


I know. I'm glued to it.

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536632  No.169650


Someoneā€™s angry. You are too cool with those anti-Semitic comments. Wish I hated everyone like you do, it must feel great! Anyway, Itā€™s called disinformation. Donā€™t believe everything that you see on the internet dumbass. Thereā€™s a reason shit gets taken down, not everything is some big conspiracy. But you probably canā€™t think for yourself so guess that explains it.

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ec232e  No.169651


I can't find a link for that "article", can I have a link?

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536632  No.169652


Youā€™re so cool

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b924a2  No.169654

File: b6cad8cbbe01f68⋯.jpg (522.81 KB, 1419x634, 1419:634, Chris_Coons_little_daughteā€¦.jpg)

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ec232e  No.169657

File: 8b1d97e0ef31594⋯.png (155.21 KB, 832x618, 416:309, ClipboardImage.png)


I literally uploaded a picture of myself and this is what the site says.

The whole site looks like a place made to scam boomers who watched too much CSI

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7d07bf  No.169658


Do you think this works? At all? You think anyone here is going to believe you?

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b924a2  No.169659

File: 213ff360f20538b⋯.png (485.79 KB, 664x696, 83:87, 16035724427661.png)

File: 97d71188b6cff38⋯.jpg (78.98 KB, 480x271, 480:271, 15870780612603.jpg)

Oh shit HAHAHA!

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03c6f0  No.169660

10,000 pictures


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d30514  No.169661

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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7d07bf  No.169662


Oh good, jewish shilling.

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737184  No.169663


It links to the fucking hunter biden leaks from some chinks fucking with the CCP you fucking knob.

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776026  No.169664

File: 16e900fb179ad72⋯.png (60.37 KB, 453x494, 453:494, smugloli.png)


>everyone who posts anime smugs are the turkroach

Every time.

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776026  No.169665


This guy is the same kike shill who has been spamming for fucking months. They haven't even updated his script, it's that bad.

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b924a2  No.169666

File: 0d0553d414de52a⋯.png (2.32 MB, 2000x1348, 500:337, 1603589098619.png)

File: 1512f70a9abd709⋯.jpg (849.58 KB, 1210x1613, 1210:1613, 1603588539195.jpg)

File: 58ee669282dc6dd⋯.jpg (157.71 KB, 720x564, 60:47, 1603588679546.jpg)

File: cde2434f6bcb75b⋯.jpg (119.76 KB, 798x515, 798:515, 160289104330.jpg)


Say kike once moshe. Come on maaaaan.

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42c19b  No.169667


i dont get it. Whats up with the cake thing

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7d07bf  No.169670


It links to the jew hoax board. We need to dissociate ourselves from proven hoaxes. Thereā€™s a reason those fucking boomers are being used as the vassal for this shit. Q-LARP is discredited, so they want to invoke the guilt by association fallacy and discredit legitimate Biden content by associating it with Q-LARP (and some carefully inserted fakes).





Whatā€™s funny isnā€™t that youā€™re reading from a script, itā€™s that you think jews canā€™t insult themselves. They hate when you call them what they are though. Isnā€™t that right, jew?

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b924a2  No.169673

File: 11a2b9b6b4a5cf9⋯.webm (450.66 KB, 720x404, 180:101, 15977014082.webm)

File: 0efb91e91b3f134⋯.jpg (280.08 KB, 741x875, 741:875, Vampires.jpg)


Go away vampire kike jew or contribute to the thread in any meaningful way to prove you're not a FatBItch.

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776026  No.169674

File: 23e6417dea4429a⋯.jpg (117.46 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, wp2482752.jpg)



Again, kike, you only speak for yourself. And I know you're the same one as every other time. You use the same wording and linguistics.

Same script. Same wording. Same posting style. You're too easy to spot. And what's more is that you accuse everyone of being a kike with each post. You count on people having that base, knee-jerk reaction like the useful idiots you use to push your propaganda.


He won't He'll come back and call you a kike and keep spamming.

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f56116  No.169675







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737184  No.169676

File: b78a9c8123bb844⋯.jpg (80.74 KB, 547x499, 547:499, jidf.jpg)

File: cbbafff881b157e⋯.jpg (529.25 KB, 940x672, 235:168, jew_dad.jpg)


It's pretty obvious, schlomo.

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776026  No.169677

File: ea470202244b936⋯.png (525.33 KB, 830x893, 830:893, smugmadoka.png)


Are you his desk neighbor? Hi there.

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b924a2  No.169678

File: 64a15839ca8927c⋯.jpg (352.67 KB, 921x627, 307:209, 1575961794720.jpg)

File: 033fe88a3df1bda⋯.png (399.83 KB, 660x431, 660:431, 1575962968665.png)

File: 6e2598e13bd6284⋯.jpg (912.22 KB, 1180x927, 1180:927, fbi_knows_everything_aboutā€¦.jpg)

File: a982ec8dbf788fe⋯.jpg (164.13 KB, 1600x917, 1600:917, fbi_knows_everything_aboutā€¦.jpg)

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b924a2  No.169679

File: fe02731c6716d49⋯.gif (999.91 KB, 500x270, 50:27, 1546812343189.gif)


We see through their illusions

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7d07bf  No.169681





>not a jew puppet


>doing anything

>caring which jewish party sits in the puppet seat

lol, youā€™re on the wrong board.




>I am imkikey


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42c19b  No.169682


have you never bought a sponge cake before?

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b924a2  No.169683

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d30514  No.169684


Me neither. Don't eat pastries.

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42c19b  No.169685


ohh well, they all look like that on the inside. The guy who invented them was clearly a pedophile apparently.

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776026  No.169688

File: e397b0656610bea⋯.jpg (55.17 KB, 640x480, 4:3, IMG_6149.JPG)


I'll be your kampfy if that's what you really want. Do you love me that much, senpai?

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b924a2  No.169689

File: 2239f9ac3d0a8ce⋯.gif (296.02 KB, 480x319, 480:319, Landa_puffing.gif)



Oh shit anon…he's starving her?!?!?

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42c19b  No.169691


Fucking monsters. Making her cut cake she'll never have

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b924a2  No.169693

File: 09700774eaeba58⋯.jpg (472.49 KB, 1521x700, 1521:700, GTV_NEWEST_UPLOADED.jpg)

File: fea0c394d1646a8⋯.jpg (269.1 KB, 1118x1730, 559:865, 1603590480503.jpg)

File: 871b8534148a567⋯.jpg (66.4 KB, 600x840, 5:7, 1603589977462.jpg)

File: df0100b5bf9de18⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 1603590208242.png)

There is so much more that will be coming out. This is a real drip drip. I wonder how long before they get raided or shut down some how.

Go to the GTV site, then Newsest Uploaded

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4d0de2  No.169697

File: dcba6e53715fac5⋯.jpeg (69.93 KB, 640x420, 32:21, download.jpeg)


it's almost like the little bit of selective unblurring there on the rings is just so we can confirm that is Hallie Biden's lanky ass

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776026  No.169698


What the fuck even is that? A troll pretending to be a human?

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b924a2  No.169699


Was just looking at that. I think it might be her too. The age, the hair, just about right.

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b924a2  No.169700

File: 6bd759d030ecf51⋯.jpg (192.07 KB, 1079x2000, 1079:2000, 1603592564556.jpg)

File: 3061da9e67f7b34⋯.jpg (438.35 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 1581488922622.jpg)

Could this be one of the Obama girls?

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b924a2  No.169701

File: 7371f1dba22cd48⋯.jpg (29.86 KB, 640x360, 16:9, m_hitting_it.jpg)

File: ab9c6ef352096ae⋯.jpg (80.69 KB, 798x724, 399:362, 1596212824310.jpg)

File: 74c5163ee45380d⋯.jpg (178.63 KB, 1460x1095, 4:3, obama_girl.jpg)


for comparison

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b924a2  No.169702

File: 203eaa91982e7c2⋯.jpg (832.41 KB, 1547x1200, 1547:1200, HBiden_fucked_everyones_kiā€¦.jpg)

File: d20f0e76166733a⋯.jpg (114.07 KB, 596x536, 149:134, 15870780613710.jpg)

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b924a2  No.169705

File: c3029662e70723e⋯.jpg (559.69 KB, 1757x767, 1757:767, 1603592123872.jpg)

File: d90596bf99807a7⋯.gif (161.49 KB, 500x281, 500:281, Bidens_fuck_themselves.gif)

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45bc66  No.169706

File: cdbe6c6380f31c9⋯.jpeg (120.58 KB, 621x799, 621:799, 1440372494188.jpeg)

Imagine being so desperate for power that you pimp out your underage children to other people in power as they pimp out theirs to you for no real logical reason other than because you can and it's what others do.

This whole thing better not get swept under the rug, I want to see it all just melt down.

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b924a2  No.169710

File: 91112360d7d8c09⋯.jpg (188.94 KB, 996x2048, 249:512, 1603593915411.jpg)


half found the nigger

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b924a2  No.169713

File: 0627f69ce2be40f⋯.jpg (600.92 KB, 1217x1437, 1217:1437, 1603593921358.jpg)

File: c9225ac890cc10d⋯.jpg (221.61 KB, 1116x997, 1116:997, 1603594724522.jpg)

File: 62f6428327947c7⋯.jpg (29.71 KB, 474x474, 1:1, Bogged_Down.jpg)

THIS for sure and I have my cap timestamped at Feb2020. This picture came from Hunters Laptop From Hell and the FakeBI made up the story about the hackers again.


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061aa6  No.169716


The "hackers" claim came from Media Take Out, a news outlet run by retarded niggers. Unfortunately, Archive.org is down, so we can't see if any older copies of it were archived.

That being said, it coming from Biden reeks of bullshit, and is probably more well-poisoning.

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061aa6  No.169718

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b924a2  No.169721

File: 6ab806a1198df8f⋯.jpg (233.01 KB, 1528x2000, 191:250, 1603597111751.jpg)

File: 8d69cdeaa9f5268⋯.jpg (817.3 KB, 1528x2000, 191:250, 1603597111750.jpg)

This fucking guy. Look at this shit. This is what the FuckBI and the rest of the goons at the DNC and media complex have been defending. 100% degenerate piece of fucking shit crackhead. At the fucking least, leave the kids out of it you fucking circumcised crypto-kike infiltrator of a con family. They are all crime families working together to fuck us, other people in other countries and themselves.

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0f3cf6  No.169724


wtf is that tattoo? looks like stretch marks

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80745d  No.169733

File: af774539680f484⋯.jpeg (184.67 KB, 732x609, 244:203, 0D05A30E_5C8E_4B3F_B003_Fā€¦.jpeg)

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0cbeaa  No.169734


what the fuck

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3881a9  No.169735


Thanks for explaining nice dubs too

What the fuck is that bird looking thing with the arrow pointing up?

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80745d  No.169737

File: abbb2f761f2c8ba⋯.jpeg (196.89 KB, 1150x618, 575:309, BD732ABD_5445_4979_8C8E_Eā€¦.jpeg)


No idea, Tat could be tribute to his mom though. (Pic)

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80745d  No.169738


You mean the Saran Wrap?

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3881a9  No.169740

File: bb529b3571f8a56⋯.jpg (617.14 KB, 1440x2503, 1440:2503, Screenshot_20201025_014552.jpg)


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2b5934  No.169744

File: 9b738507b0f15a0⋯.jpg (879.74 KB, 1210x1613, 1210:1613, 1603588539100.jpg)

Here we go. This one is better.

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061aa6  No.169746


Nigger, running with obviously fake shit like that is going to help them discredit the real stuff. Try to think critically for once.

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91a5a9  No.169753

File: 5e73a195332432b⋯.jpg (94.55 KB, 338x600, 169:300, pp.jpg)

File: b7c23d38e929c80⋯.jpg (372.72 KB, 1500x844, 375:211, ppelosi.jpg)


This story has a lot on Pelosi Paul. If it's true, it's not outside anything he wouldn't do. These people are above the law and filthy rich.


Feng said that Pelosi Jr., who routinely travels to foreign countries on business trips, represents himself on the phone as the ā€œOffice of Nancy Pelosiā€ in his business dealings. Feng said that Nancy Pelosi spent hours virtually every day at her fatherā€™s clinic in 2006-2007.

Feng said that Pelosi Jr. forced her to have an abortion by threatening her life. Pelosi Jr. threatened to report Feng to Child Protective Services during a fight over their property dispute, according to text messages. Child Protective Services (CPS) is known as Family and Childrenā€™s Services in San Francisco and Department of Family and Childrenā€™s Service in Santa Clara County, where Fengā€™s children were originally seized.

CPS took Ms. Fengā€™s four children, ages 13 and under, the first three born through artificial insemination and the last through a biological father that was not Pelosi, away from her when she was in the hospital having her most recent baby, and placed them in a foster care situation that Feng says is abusive. The original anonymous call to CPS against Feng was based on the claim that Feng was mentally ill because she imagined a false relationship with Pelosi Jr., according to court documents.

We have obtained many photographs, text messages and documents proving Fengā€™s years-long relationship with Pelosi Jr., including the fact that Fengā€™s children called Pelosi Jr. ā€œdaddy.ā€

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3fb122  No.169754

File: fa939a5c5aebd89⋯.jpg (114.54 KB, 1200x1283, 1200:1283, 87bvchgxvcgtg58hg75f4dsa.jpg)


This anon gets it, some coomer from earlier was able to identify a video on pornhub used to spread disinformation. Same with Malia's alleged credit card photo which made imageboard headlines back in 2019. Tread lightly, anons. There's a reason why there's disinfo being shilled en masse.

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c72154  No.169755

File: e4ae88de56fe14a⋯.jpg (398.33 KB, 1289x734, 1289:734, 1923871737230.jpg)

OMG they found the smoking gun! #DRAINTHESWAMP2020 #SaveOurChildren


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aa6cc6  No.169760

File: d51d45f67360931⋯.jpeg (200.64 KB, 1425x2000, 57:80, Biden_with_his_brother_s_ā€¦.jpeg)

File: ca1ddbcd89d1326⋯.jpg (528.89 KB, 1125x876, 375:292, Hooker_Party.jpg)

File: dfd4cf62ec78239⋯.jpg (120.16 KB, 1075x2000, 43:80, Hunter_Prostitute.jpg)

File: b181f183e5a2156⋯.jpg (204.04 KB, 1428x2000, 357:500, Mirror_Selfie.jpg)

File: 3e604121c05fefc⋯.jpg (174.37 KB, 428x540, 107:135, Coke_scale_2.jpg)

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aa6cc6  No.169761

File: ed15c0d712ab2a4⋯.jpg (117.05 KB, 379x540, 379:540, nude_2.jpg)

File: 4744713316bffe5⋯.jpg (156.33 KB, 1428x2000, 357:500, Naked_Pushups.jpg)

File: aab0c07c61d3208⋯.jpg (1.05 MB, 1125x1571, 1125:1571, Stripper.jpg)

File: 6c904926e220adf⋯.jpg (134.02 KB, 1428x2000, 357:500, Apple_logo_BJ.jpg)

File: 09c4739a02e9933⋯.jpeg (125.38 KB, 984x2000, 123:250, 9_Inches.jpeg)

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aa6cc6  No.169762

File: 425bbbaabf0f383⋯.jpg (955.55 KB, 1125x1588, 1125:1588, Dick_pic.jpg)

File: d5c79b0c9ce5c19⋯.jpg (64.31 KB, 241x540, 241:540, Hunter_Biden_online_chattiā€¦.jpg)

File: 90f76fe0cba8938⋯.jpg (52.8 KB, 388x540, 97:135, Hunter_Biden_s_Pornographyā€¦.jpg)

File: 7240cab8916658a⋯.jpg (1.23 MB, 1125x1886, 1125:1886, dick.jpg)

File: 7a4666a935788ce⋯.jpg (1.11 MB, 1125x1894, 1125:1894, Black_Girl_2.jpg)

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c2fa1c  No.169764


>Imagine being so desperate for power that you pimp out your underage children to other people in power as they pimp out theirs to you for no real logical reason other than because you can and it's what others do.

>This whole thing better not get swept under the rug, I want to see it all just melt down.

Watch this, it'll be well worth your time, I promise.

"Blackmail Inflation"


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c2fa1c  No.169766


The woman who appears to be performer fellatio on him in pic #3 is a blonde. We'll have to wait and see if she's Chris Coom's daughter, some Eastern European girl or just some whore.

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d30514  No.169767

File: fb755ee0b707bb7⋯.jpg (209.43 KB, 1080x1833, 360:611, cia_executed_2.jpg)

File: 8632e2fb6dcdcd5⋯.jpg (342.97 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, cia_executed_3.jpg)

File: bf07b9a9cbaf9bd⋯.jpg (285.41 KB, 1080x1899, 120:211, cia_executed_4.jpg)

File: 59469131b067f3a⋯.jpg (157.44 KB, 961x1572, 961:1572, cia_executed.jpg)

OK so it's early Sunday morning Oct 25 and it's looking like the Hunter Biden coke/sex fiend stuff was just the amuse bouche to whet our appetites for this feast of folly.

Now the serious stuff begins.

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d30514  No.169768

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d30514  No.169769

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Now it's not one hard drive or three Biden hard drives…it's THREE HUNDRED Biden hard drives…

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061aa6  No.169770


Those poor glowniggers! But I guess the CIA is actually based now because they're fighting the evil Chicoms, who really control the world, unlike those poor jews who dindu nuffin.

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d30514  No.169771

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The jews of Wall St created modern industrial China to take us down and the Israelis were stealing all the US military tech and selling it straight to the Chinks. This is a complex attack from multiple directions and the worst and best is yet to come. Prepare yourselves for something you haven't imagined yet. We never imagined a 7 month lock down for some virus and here we are. There's much worse coming. The Winter of Darkness??

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d30514  No.169772

File: 6f4209d9734fb18⋯.png (1.79 MB, 1056x2880, 11:30, jewish_faces_in_Communist_ā€¦.png)

The Chinese have been raised up by the jews as another golem to destroy us.

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d30514  No.169774

And Trump signed an important executive order a couple days ago. The purge of the beaurocracy is coming


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7d07bf  No.169777



Get the fuck out of here.

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d30514  No.169778


Nope this has gone far beyond mere Q and is an important historical event. Go bury your head in the sand contemplating something that happened 80 years ago.

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a53497  No.169781

File: 0a13a698f4ebd18⋯.jpg (23.34 KB, 569x428, 569:428, b4f.jpg)

The Hunter Biden CP laptop is the fake news that will eventually get debunked and discredit the emails showing corruption which are real. They are couching the truth in a bunch of lies to discredit the lot. Joe Biden probably released the laptop contents himself.

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7d07bf  No.169782



Then kill yourself.

>gone far beyond mere Q

Yeah, no shit it has; nothing that jewish hoax said has anything to do with this. Theyā€™re spreading false information about it as we speak. Thatā€™s the whole point of guilt by association.


The problem is that it doesnā€™t even matter, since no one will ever be punished.

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a53497  No.169783


It matters to voters with less then 2 weeks to go. Overall you're right though laws only apply to plebs.

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d30514  No.169786


>Yeah, no shit it has; nothing that jewish hoax said has anything to do with this. Theyā€™re spreading false information about it as we speak. Thatā€™s the whole point of guilt by association.

I find it remarkable that the purists of National Socialism on this board invariably spout word for word the exact same shit as Antifa/DNC shills.

It sure wasn't like this back in the old pre Tarrant ban days. But then you purists have your own exciting heros; men who wear fast food clown hats and shout "nigger" on packed airliners. This will lead us to the pure whyte Aryan utopia, surely. And then realists like me will get the rope we deserve.

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7d07bf  No.169788


>it matters to brainwashed cattle who fall for a jewish hoax

So why would it matter to us? Here? On this board? Do you know why this board exists?


>horseshoe theory is real because you donā€™t support my proven jewish hoax that you were instrumental in exposing as a jewish hoax three entire years ago

>oy vey pole is same as auntie fay

>I am a realist lol smug smug smug smug smug smug smug I am better than all of you


Your spam isnā€™t allowed here. Get the fuck out. Itā€™s not a fucking joke. You donā€™t belong, you post proven lies, youā€™re not welcome.

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d30514  No.169792


>Your spam isnā€™t allowed here. Get the fuck out. Itā€™s not a fucking joke. You donā€™t belong, you post proven lies, youā€™re not welcome.

ooh you're an important person here. I guess I'd better do what you say. Funny how everything you say is identical to what Antifa DNC shills say. There's a Burger King hat man thread for you to post in. I suggest you go there to read the glorious renaissance of the white race.

The democratic party is in a death spiral and it's awesome to behold. We'll post about that right here and if you don't like it, you can take your pants off and go sit on a greased baseball bat.

Alternatively, you could go running to the jannies and tattle on us for being bad and get us banned and the thread 404'd. Do it.

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7d07bf  No.169793


>gets called out on his shilling

>doubles down on it

Does that tactic work anywhere else? It doesnā€™t work here. Q-LARP is a hoax. If you believe Q-LARP is real, you need to leave.

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a941a5  No.169801


Yeah only /pol/ related hoaxes are allowed here like jews controlling the entire world and collectivizing to destroy the white race for being better than them. Q shit on the other hand is just crazy talk.

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7d07bf  No.169803


>Q-LARP is real

>jews donā€™t control the world



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d30514  No.169805


I don't get how this is Q-Larp. This is not some weird obscurantist Nostradamus style apocalyptic poetry.

It's a hard news story that's being actively suppressed by the jew's media. Joe Biden, the DNC, Hollywood celebs, are in the pay of or blackmailed by the Chinese communists and they're actively shutting down freedom of speech in America and the rest of hte western world. Or is that waht you want as part of your accelerationist agenda? Surely everyone will rise up and water the tree of liberty when the entire western civilization media is like the Soviet Union under Stalin or better yet they'll just get us to go full Pol Pot?

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70b58f  No.169806


>I don't get how this is Q-Larp

They are just trying to shut it down calling it that

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d30514  No.169807

File: 94e7f6092a31811⋯.jpg (202.17 KB, 828x1431, 92:159, Hunter_weird.jpg)

I think our little tyrannical Antifa jew control freak needs another picture of Hunter this lovely Sunday morning. Here you go; you should get some chic shoes like this to go with your Burger King paper crown. You'll really be so cool looking the next time you have an infantile tantrum on an airliner to Jamaica. That will be a big step towards rescuing the white race from it's demise at the hands of the conspiratorial jews.

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04e319  No.169811


>I don't get how this is Q-Larp.

It isnā€™t. Q-LARPers are coming here, claiming that their god is real, and using this as ā€œproof.ā€ Theyā€™re spamming their apophenia bullshit here about how Trumpā€“whose entire family is jewishā€“is magically going to arrest everyone, despite nothing having happened in four years (and three of the LARP itself).

>they're actively shutting down freedom of speech Fuck ā€˜freedom of speech,ā€™ by the way. Only truth should be free (because only truth is free).

>your accelerationist agenda

You replied to the wrong person.

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d30514  No.169815


Well I'm not a Qtard and never have been. Even as a child I thought Nostradamus was a waste of time. But I do enjoy American politics immensely; I thought nothing would top the week of the Chicago Convention in 1968 on CBS news but this year dwarfs that shit. The Democratic party is in full tilt communist mode, supporting Antifa openly. And the news media…I called an old friend and started talking to him about the riots and he watches nothing but TV…he seriously thought all the riots were the work of white supremacists. What the fuck are they preaching on TV these days?

This scandal is awesome and it's just beginning. The sex stuff is OK but the treason shit with selling out American secret agents in China is awesome.

Nov 3 is going to be more fun than Christmas.

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04e319  No.169816


>I thought nothing would top the week of the Chicago Convention in 1968 on CBS news but this year dwarfs that shit.

Does it? Technically the BLM riots are more costly than the riots of the ā€˜60s, but we havenā€™t seen nearly the same level of change (or chaos). People are devolved even further now.

>he seriously thought all the riots were the work of white supremacists. What the fuck are they preaching on TV these days?

Oh, thatā€™s easy. Standard communist dialectical tactic.

if (name == bad){name = new_name; new_name = good;}

They created the hoax of ā€œboogaloo boysā€ out of thin air, when no one has ever used that phrase before they did. We always say DOTR or simply ā€œrace war.ā€ Then they had their paid ā€œboogaloo boysā€ start some riots and fire some guns, explicitly supporting BLM when doing so. Then they had their media report on ā€œright wing terrorist boogaloo boys.ā€ And if talmudvision is all he watches, thatā€™s all heā€™ll know is real.

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d30514  No.169823


Actually the "boogaloo boys" meme was rather fluid. Six months ago the boogaloo was what the right wing was waiting for. That moment the accelerationists wanted the line in the sand that would make us rise up and overthrow their empire of lies. Then, somewhere around Kenosha "the boogaloo boys" were this strange amorphous bunch of armed militiamen who supported BLM but weren't full on antifa.

And the revolutionaries of 68 never came close to setting unheard of wildfires throughout the entire west and creating 500,000 refugees and 30 dead and billions of damage. But then the revolutionaries of 68 didn't have Davos billionaires paying their way.

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6be484  No.169833


LOL. It really makes my day to know the slaves at the FBI have to defend human waste like this like their lives depend on it. Because most "people" in law enforcement in the govt are kikes. Kikes defending pedo kikes circle jerk.

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91a5a9  No.169839

File: b9b1a09a51c5c50⋯.jpg (319.59 KB, 1351x886, 1351:886, StrzokPageSethRich.jpg)

File: 98313989b7737f9⋯.jpg (321.03 KB, 1351x886, 1351:886, StrzokPageSethRich2.jpg)

File: 22874b2e5c3a30c⋯.jpg (410.96 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, EQw_ACCW4AApE15.jpg)

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91a5a9  No.169854

File: c2dfa2a6442cab2⋯.jpg (109.91 KB, 616x881, 616:881, 1602680931126.jpg)

File: 5d4aac7c5eff86f⋯.jpg (100.54 KB, 639x729, 71:81, 1602680577517.jpg)

Hunter is obviously circumcised. I think they are crypto jews.

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d30514  No.169860

File: e20d051af40e232⋯.png (3.48 MB, 1649x1679, 1649:1679, 1603637769213.png)

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785746  No.169861


> The emails regarding Hunterā€™s business in Ukraine have been widely reported. But as intriguing is a May 2017 email thread that includes a discussion about ā€œremuneration packagesā€ for six people as part of a business deal with a now-defunct Chinese energy titan, CEFC China Energy. The Chinese company was international news a few years ago, after the U.S. government charged a CEFC-funded organization with money laundering, and its CEO was detained by Chinese authorities. CNN reported in 2018 that ā€œat its heightā€ CEFC was ā€œhard to distinguishā€ from the Chinese government.

There are emails discussing what Joe Biden will do in exchange for his compensation. No work needed of course. The jewmedia reports this as ā€œemails prove Joe Biden didnā€™t do any work for these companiesā€.

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2b30b3  No.169865

File: 2754b552750dc2d⋯.jpg (398.71 KB, 720x543, 240:181, Jews_for_Trump_pro_Israel.jpg)

File: f674b66cd59331f⋯.jpg (335.3 KB, 2200x1467, 2200:1467, 1018316866.jpg)

File: a157f6482840301⋯.jpg (129.71 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, 160821041728_israel_us_eleā€¦.jpg)

File: b63ecea89fd078a⋯.jpg (160.72 KB, 800x533, 800:533, GettyImages_1029842142.jpg)

File: 88f27d1e8040a13⋯.jpg (70.62 KB, 822x537, 274:179, ShowImage.jpg)


>The Jews hate him so much that they support him

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d30514  No.169875


The orthodox support him. The secular ones hate his guts.

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04e319  No.169879


Imagine believing that.

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91a5a9  No.169883

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Massive Jewish Trump Caravan In New York


>Nigger chimps out and punches window


Looks like the jews will turn NY red now. BASED!

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91a5a9  No.169884

File: 45fa63e192c7fd1⋯.jpg (131.02 KB, 590x600, 59:60, N_punches_window.jpg)

File: 7b97a66d4c7c63f⋯.jpg (356.76 KB, 870x1347, 290:449, NY_going_red.jpg)

>Nigger chimps out and punches window-


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04b0e5  No.169888

File: 7b83d4d9513f61a⋯.png (301.12 KB, 778x448, 389:224, Saban_and_Adelson.png)

File: b7c7ce4056c9daf⋯.png (178.53 KB, 446x746, 223:373, Saban_Kushner_Purim.png)

File: 19fa8353184af56⋯.png (657.06 KB, 764x677, 764:677, Saban_Kushner.png)

File: a5c649c83057e57⋯.png (284.1 KB, 786x462, 131:77, monkeyknifefight.png)

File: 09c3387d9c7dbb9⋯.png (411.45 KB, 1158x1621, 1158:1621, Talmud.png)


As far as jews and actual jewish power goes, orthodox kikes are the worst. While the Talmud's influence is throughout all sects of judaism - and its roots in the depraved mind of every jew - it's the orthodox who follow it to a "T".

But to a large extent, it isn't even that split, but just rank and file jews who hate him, while he's backed by the modern day "Elders of Zion" like Sheldon Adelson. Haim Saban is a top democratic donor who bankrolled both Hillary and Biden, but in 2018, he and the Kushners celebrated the mass slaughter of goyim at a Purim dinner.

Ultimately, they're all on the same team.

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70437a  No.169901


different stitching retards

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d9a568  No.169902


You do realize that these caravans are literally the exact same people driving around from state to state, right? New York will never vote "red" unless by "red" you mean Communist.

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d30514  No.170015

File: 7c514e08857793e⋯.png (25.88 KB, 496x234, 248:117, ffe74bc7dbd93333.png)

Biden hid from the Hunter Biden scandal for 5 days before the debate, then came out and did a few campaign stops over the weekend and now has retreated to his home apparently for the remainder of the campaign. I don't believe any presidential candidate has ever done this before in history. He adamantly refuses to answer all questions on the multiplicity of scandals he's accused of, even casting aside the Wall St Journal as Russian disinfo.

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b9c28d  No.170016


> these caravans are literally the exact same people driving around from state to state

Oh really? Have you been comparing license plates?

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107a39  No.170019

File: 744e8b7a13440af⋯.jpg (17.35 KB, 300x228, 25:19, renhorsetears.jpg)


>3rd pic

If there's one thing that pisses me off around here, it's when a fellow autist proceeds to educate the ADL faggots how they fucked up. "Look at me! I solved the mystery! This is how you screwed up, my hebrew friend! There, now you'll know better for next time!"

Fucking disgusting. When responding to these cunts, just MOCK them, don't tell them how you figured it out.

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107a39  No.170020

File: b76357205828807⋯.gif (1.79 MB, 425x270, 85:54, hitlerzord2.gif)


>Haim Saban

Go go Pur-im Ran-gers!

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c360c1  No.170081


well then I am glad no one knows we are here, and I mean no one knows we are here.

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d9a568  No.170083


No, it isn't.


>not actually checking, just believing it

This is what's wrong with /pnd/.

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c360c1  No.170107

File: c2c04bae3bb001d⋯.jpg (77.91 KB, 988x1024, 247:256, 1603718184901.jpg)

File: 3e7d08dad2e8e13⋯.jpg (33.35 KB, 483x600, 161:200, Child_Abuse_Texts_1_483x60ā€¦.jpg)

File: 164e1e5cb901d38⋯.jpg (35.28 KB, 458x600, 229:300, Child_Abuse_Texts_3_D_Archā€¦.jpg)

File: b22151245409323⋯.jpg (36.57 KB, 454x600, 227:300, Child_Abuse_Texts_4_Jim_B_ā€¦.jpg)

File: ae7b75ac61af5d5⋯.jpg (33.06 KB, 455x600, 91:120, Child_Abuse_Texts_5_Mom_45ā€¦.jpg)

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c360c1  No.170108


how can this Hunter guy get away with fucking his 14 year old niece

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6d1a33  No.170115

Why the fuck are they censoring everything…

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8a1b4e  No.170116


Step 1: Be rich

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d9a568  No.170117


9ch wasn't down, you idiot. Believing something just because someone told it to you is what retarded toddlers do. Are you a retarded toddler?


Because there's no actual evidence except "Dude, believe me."

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785746  No.170127


How do fugly skanks get devilā€™s threesomes?

>They supply the coke

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785746  No.170129


Because they want to post it somewhere where just mentioning the name of his brotherā€™s widow will get it censored.

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aeb739  No.170133

So basically Biden family is the embodiment of the saying a family that stays together sleeps together

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8edbcd  No.170154

Q is obviously real now, its hard for anyone to deny it. That doesn't mean he isn't a bit of a zogbot though.

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8ff0d8  No.170155

He never said there was CP on Biden's laptop

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9eafe5  No.170156


Anyone can make vague nostradamus esque predictions that will inevitably come to pass.

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04e319  No.170158


Q-LARP is a proven jewish hoax. Do not post pro-Q-LARP content on this board. This is not a matter of debate. Itā€™s a matter of the topic and contents of the board itself. You want to circle jerk with the rest of the boomers? Go to your containment board. >>>/qresearch/

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90788f  No.170161


How does a crackhead filming himself fucking adult women and emails that confirm a scandal that was known about before the first "drop" authenticate the Q LARP?


Jonestein and that Folun Gong chink claimed there were videos of Hunter torturing little Chinese girls, which was obviously bullshit.

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aeb739  No.170167


I think your a Jewish shill this is real and q is a gay Jewish hoax

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04e319  No.170171


>this is real

You called it a hoax a few days ago.

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ed0036  No.170178

File: 74581109e6797bb⋯.jpeg (61.12 KB, 562x680, 281:340, 388D7493_1CDE_47CC_B9A3_Fā€¦.jpeg)


Why donā€™t they ask Natalie

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549455  No.170189


My Uncle says I'm the best french kisser

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d9a568  No.170195


Because regardless of what she answered, nobody would believe her. The opposition would claim she was being coerced or that the answer video was a deepfake. Nobody believes anything anymore regardless of the evidence. We are a nation of feels, not facts.

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49eb64  No.170200

File: d942a4356062aee⋯.webm (Spoiler Image, 1.19 MB, 850x480, 85:48, Nothing_to_see_here.webm)

File: 7c36d32116ba807⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.07 MB, 1267x633, 1267:633, 1603657060054.png)

File: 4962915c2118588⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 706.33 KB, 676x545, 676:545, 1603657703567.png)

File: 3c33766ec8735fa⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 348.83 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1603656661847.jpg)

File: 4fb59b520dde13b⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 762.25 KB, 455x874, 455:874, xn.png)


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49eb64  No.170201

File: d7ee9855feedd68⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.11 MB, 1336x833, 1336:833, 1603687790611.png)

File: fbe70806d426580⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 50.55 KB, 431x333, 431:333, 1603702461151.jpg)

File: 081eb0fce3c1e09⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 213.81 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 1603695736572.jpg)

File: b31f37320cb19ff⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 1.07 MB, 2048x1359, 2048:1359, 1603701739701.jpg)

File: 0b9e60eb2d1a843⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 1.24 MB, 2560x1057, 2560:1057, 1603703183566.jpg)

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49eb64  No.170202

File: 6e0f57f1a5cc593⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 229.98 KB, 1100x681, 1100:681, 1603657486829.jpg)

File: 4ff13a58af1f8f7⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 1.73 MB, 2950x2366, 1475:1183, 1603658431012.jpg)

File: 1db976424fa4c2c⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.27 MB, 1533x745, 1533:745, 1603659906604.png)

File: 560569ed4320f23⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 798.11 KB, 1028x1404, 257:351, 1603658717532.png)

File: 714bb68d72da090⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 140.36 KB, 650x488, 325:244, 16036908494510.jpg)

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49eb64  No.170204

File: 9ea854905601df9⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 67.62 KB, 500x249, 500:249, 4juee2.jpg)

File: 0b2a46436ba11ec⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 62.07 KB, 500x281, 500:281, 16029440176.jpg)

File: 80b2102c4be362a⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 108.86 KB, 1080x1326, 180:221, 1603694844760.jpg)

File: 4f68194f37949e7⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 186.84 KB, 640x561, 640:561, 15902183302.jpg)

File: ca7664e6567694f⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 419.51 KB, 997x800, 997:800, 1603661795668.jpg)

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49eb64  No.170205

File: 5e9220dae40c4e7⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 242.44 KB, 290x472, 145:236, 1602740718102.png)

File: d6b0a5ebe4bc708⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 352.92 KB, 1267x633, 1267:633, 160359710732001.png)

File: 77d06d57a383241⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 776.87 KB, 579x1527, 193:509, 1603596254809.png)

File: 6e4867221efd9f1⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 141.57 KB, 354x274, 177:137, huntb.png)

File: 40a7a653ac36bfa⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 192.38 KB, 359x465, 359:465, 1603719830560.png)

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49eb64  No.170206

File: 33964a491050080⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 326.73 KB, 413x904, 413:904, 160358433039021.png)

File: a5c961001053ba0⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 62.61 KB, 298x298, 1:1, 1603675028467.png)

File: 6a79cba2b95afe8⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 551.81 KB, 1000x823, 1000:823, bi.png)

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d9a99e  No.170229

File: b75f54af643c2ba⋯.jpg (69.3 KB, 510x296, 255:148, marvelrhino.jpg)


>tfw Biden Jr.'s cock is smaller and thinner than yours

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d9a99e  No.170234

File: ace47f4733f3c63⋯.jpg (12.46 KB, 300x231, 100:77, blackadder02.jpg)


>Why did all of Biden's children marry jews

Medieval practice of arranged marriages for political/land gain.

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3eed59  No.170242


Pics or it isn't true.

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3eed59  No.170244


That first one is missing some jet fuel as he is coming in for the landing.

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3eed59  No.170251


No one would ever know or guess that those were his kids. DNA decimated. Fuck, I am glad that these people huff their own shit and are breeding themselves into oblivion.

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7b95cd  No.170254

File: 98235eac22f1a06⋯.gif (602.45 KB, 320x213, 320:213, DB23CDCF_B7D3_459D_AC8C_44ā€¦.gif)

File: 3e16d9d3a3780eb⋯.png (4.62 MB, 2595x1871, 2595:1871, C332493D_A633_4C82_BE74_6Eā€¦.png)

Lol moar evidence. Lol this is just great.

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499c21  No.170256


All I can glean from this is that some footfag is happy to finally have an excuse to be looking intently at an underage girls feet.

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d6666b  No.170257

File: 3f7919711eddf99⋯.jpg (103.61 KB, 960x540, 16:9, snapshot.jpg)

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7b95cd  No.170260


The marks are the exact same on the girl. Itā€™s clearly his niece. Anyone want me to drop a security breach that can be used to data farm people doing similar activities. I get excited at the thought.

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499c21  No.170262


Theres circles around nothing in half the photos and just because you're excited by little girls feet doesn't mean you have to share your collection of them with the world.

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874556  No.170263


Lol I want to add fuel to the fire. Anyone know where I can contact Russians in Mine Craft to tell them about it?

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2d1183  No.170270


You also inadvertently admitted that the feet all all little girls aka hunter Biden is still banging a little girl by your omission. Iā€™ll probably never get paid for my info. Trips of 6 or 7 decides if I leak it or not. Itā€™s thousands of retards with incriminating stuff. I found a notch below of CEO on there. Itā€™s funny. Will need advanced programs to actually make use of it.

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faa00e  No.170271


It's impossible to tell if they're underaged in this.

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03901c  No.170274

File: 07b2be16da4a10e⋯.png (380.97 KB, 461x521, 461:521, Biden_1.png)

File: 0f46b110a129fb7⋯.png (2.24 MB, 3912x1848, 163:77, USA_FUCKED.png)

File: 3b0564e32ae3baa⋯.png (1.45 MB, 3424x1496, 428:187, clinton_china.png)

File: 3147e62e61578c6⋯.png (2.26 MB, 5728x2520, 716:315, FEDERAL_COURT_ANON2.png)

File: d4726b847ad45ac⋯.png (710.22 KB, 1346x3719, 1346:3719, FEDERAL_COURT_ANON.png)


If they are underage they would be in possession of CP and everyone who has them, shared them , saved them or is hosting them would also be liable of crime ( right)?

>the absolute state of this timeline

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7d07bf  No.170276


Theyā€™re visibly not.


>reposting Q-LARP bullshit

Youā€™re better than that.

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d41497  No.170277


You people are no fun. Atleast if you say yes you get to see if Iā€™m telling the truth. This place is so gay right now.

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7d07bf  No.170278


We donā€™t give a shit about your bullshit spam jewish gematria post numbers here. We also donā€™t give a shit about your Q-LARPing. If you had real information, youā€™d just post it without whining about it. You wouldnā€™t obfuscate. You wouldnā€™t tease. You wouldnā€™t be cryptic. Youā€™d just release it, like a real white person does. You have nothing. There is no magical fantasy of Q-LARP. There are no heroes. There are only villains. The ZOG will not arrest the ZOG.

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49eb64  No.170281

File: 58318618862403f⋯.jpg (273.72 KB, 940x621, 940:621, 1603766920220.jpg)

File: 88641e87b28c88d⋯.png (1.48 MB, 828x1792, 207:448, 1603764215009.png)

File: c6a1f122e673cd2⋯.jpg (1.24 MB, 2595x1871, 2595:1871, 1603760928740.jpg)

Doing the FBI's work for them is getting tiresome. They should be deleted from the government. It's over. They are proven corrupt and compromised.

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d41497  No.170283

File: b3d2ab12d8f18a6⋯.jpeg (51.67 KB, 300x300, 1:1, EC4A788C_295B_40E4_A3FB_4ā€¦.jpeg)


I donā€™t give a fuck about you and your schizophrenic Hi Hortler fantasies. I have been (((fortunate))) enough to experience the real side of things. If I donā€™t get something out of it. Iā€™ll die with my info happily. I will enjoy the misery of countless people being destroyed for my kike numbers 666 or 777. There is nothing to prosecute as no one is doing anything illegal in any way shape or form including my self uwu nigger. But itā€™s about as socially acceptable as this threads shit. Play my kike game if you want to the gold mine. If not get fucked.

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03901c  No.170300

File: b03761c7192ec8c⋯.jpg (112.55 KB, 600x709, 600:709, 1601073057156.jpg)

File: a37e6e410d1f0a3⋯.png (489.32 KB, 492x653, 492:653, smug_rubgy.png)


>Post Sources/Evidence on Islamics fucking the USA

>Same with China

>Gets triggered

>Qtard ad-hominem

Did the Jewmedia melt your brain nigger? Can't break your Enourmous Cognitive Rigidity?

>check his past posts in the thread

oh wait, just a fucking shill.

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d00441  No.170322


Are you actually retarded?

Do you want me to believe you don't know what a rollcake is?

Are you a nigger or something? Or some sorta kike? What kinda filthy race does not produce rollcakes?

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6b10fb  No.170328


what video did those screenshots come from what the fuck

bidens btfo

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d30514  No.170332

File: 1c5e9760ca41c7e⋯.png (792.31 KB, 934x961, 934:961, hunter_obama_2.png)

File: c8843b78e83ab06⋯.jpg (464.03 KB, 3768x1555, 3768:1555, obama3.JPG)


Now it's getting very serious…

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7d07bf  No.170335


I was speaking specifically about your images of the janitor LARPer claiming literally everything that Q-LARP said is real. Stop posting that shit. Youā€™re better than that.


It really, really isnā€™t.

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7d07bf  No.170339

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27e0d0  No.170346


very bored with all this now. the blurring is old, and it as no effect, gtv.org are going to look like idiots when this is all over because they look like idiots now.

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dc39b6  No.170353

All this thread has taught me is that Hunter Biden fucks many women with his big cock.

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d9a568  No.170355

I'm still trying to find the spin. Considering where the information is being disseminated, is it the Russians trying to rile up the incel community by showing that Hunter Biden gets laid and, thus, incels should vote for Trump? I mean, Trump gets laid. That's how children are made. All Trump's kids get laid, too, and there may even be some video evidence of it out there on a laptop somewhere.

I just don't see the point. Pedophiles? All the videos and pics and shit they're using as "evidence" is nothing but adult women. The fact that he might have fucked his niece? Well, she's an adult too. It's a strange thing, but not criminal.

What is the purpose?

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a201a5  No.170365


Yea, they seem to have put the primary focus on salacious but petty shit. There actually was some damning stuff released, involving business deals, but they know that's not what gets people's attention.

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ad4769  No.170367

File: da795813f7af34f⋯.jpg (268.24 KB, 1838x2000, 919:1000, 22_4.jpg)



but, but, but, he is fucking

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809440  No.170376

File: f227d7ce0b0eb3f⋯.jpg (752.62 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, 1603810231933.jpg)


same bracelets on left wrist

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743326  No.170395


not even remotely the same bracelets and the hooker doesn't even have her caterpillar eyebrows, you're reaching far too much.

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7a54ca  No.170398


The Epoch Times/Falun Gong glownigger crowd got a hold of the material and is trying to use it push their Chinkspiracy narrative.

The problem is they're all retards, and their narrative itself is retarded, so they're doing an awful job of it. All that's ultimately going to happen is the actual jewkrain scandal is going to be overshadowed by "revenge porn".

Nobody's going to believe that self-shot porn with adult women is part of a blackmail operation.

Also, fuck the Uyghurs. They want to wear baggy clothes and talk like niggers? They deserve to be turned into soap and lampshades by the chinks.

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b1fae6  No.170400

File: 9a030dd055ab154⋯.jpg (48.97 KB, 746x590, 373:295, dog_hug.jpg)


>his bichon-frisse or poodle is in bed with them

>he looks as disgusted as I feel

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b1fae6  No.170401

File: be78bfa2486ff96⋯.jpg (39.12 KB, 640x425, 128:85, man_Get_your_mind_out_of_tā€¦.jpg)


>I donā€™t give a fuck about you and your schizophrenic Hi Hortler fantasies.

Then get out, faggot.

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71cf7f  No.170407


Iā€™m seeing the same things youā€™re seeing.

Dude might have a cup of eyebrow grease built up on his glasses. Makes everything look the same?

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aeb739  No.170410


I disagree but I do believe some part of this was planned because it's just too convenient that this happens to come out at this time of year I mean the whole story smells like a glownigger.i think this is part of some Jewish opt to get more votes Trump n

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7a54ca  No.170418


It was definitely released now by Jewliani as an October surprise, but what these Bannon-linked chinks are doing seems to be a separate operation, specifically to spin it as a chinkspiracy.

China isn't our friend, but they aren't our enemy either. Bannon is comparing them to NS Germany, all the old neo-cohens are becoming China hawks, and in a move that destroys Jonestein's new narrative, Soros is very anti-China. Even if all the atrocity propaganda is true, it doesn't effect White people in the slightest.

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d9a568  No.170420

Good News Everybody! Hunter Biden has dropped out of the POTUS race! The leaks worked!


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92c551  No.170421


How has your slush fund not run out yet? You canā€™t possibly hide this, and yet here you are, copying and pasting the same shit in every thread.

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d9a568  No.170422


>doesn't know what the :^) means

Fuck off, newfag.

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49eb64  No.170424

File: 8c18a323464d3a0⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 264.81 KB, 540x812, 135:203, 1603827100827.jpg)

File: 680086fe209fc47⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 265.67 KB, 540x812, 135:203, 160382710082007.jpg)

File: f08713458875b89⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 79.54 KB, 448x257, 448:257, Hunter_the_Jock_Dinky_Xi.jpg)

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d30514  No.170427


>Jonestein and that Folun Gong chink claimed there were videos of Hunter torturing little Chinese girls, which was obviously bullshit.

I disagree. We've still only seen a small fraction of the contents of the drives and there's 35 drives now.

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d30514  No.170428


Well Chicom use of slave labor has massively affected everyone in the west so you're dead wrong.

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d30514  No.170430


Uighurs in concentration camps rank just about the same level of anguish as nigger foetuses being aborted by deranged bloodthirsty jews.

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7d07bf  No.170431


>using emoticons on an imageboard

>calling others newfags

Answer the question. Why are you copying and pasting the same things only paid jewish shills say when your narrative has already been destroyed?

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7a54ca  No.170432

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


That's the fault of the countries who outsource, not China. Blaming them for that is like the people on the left who think that the ZOG Emperor should have paid higher taxes as a charity. It's retarded.


If they had it they'd drop something. Right now they're grasping for straws, releasing totally legal sex acts with broken English conspiracy articles.

The focus should have been Burisma. They're totally discrediting in with this shit. Not that I care, I'm not a votefag.

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d9a568  No.170437


>doesn't know that :^) was literally born on imageboards and has a specific use

Yep, newfag. Probably also a kike trying to convince people that Hunter is Joe. Nobody cares what you have to say. gb2 reddit.

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71cf7f  No.170447

File: a5aae70b5b31eb3⋯.jpeg (89.15 KB, 576x1024, 9:16, BFF956A5_0C6C_4590_80EF_Aā€¦.jpeg)


What is this distorted pic suppose to prove?

How about the original pic that appears to just show Paul Jr. helping the girl cut a pumpkin roll.

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aeb739  No.170452


Incest isn't legal I'm pretty sure

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71cf7f  No.170453

File: 28a0d3ed153cf74⋯.jpeg (11.86 KB, 191x255, 191:255, D7463D2F_D680_4EF2_8C1E_2ā€¦.jpeg)


Donā€™t post this crap! Itā€™s fucking Fake the way youā€™re trying to present it!

The text is photoshopped! Stevie Wonder can SEE that shit!

Thereā€™s plenty of dirt on Paul Pelosi Jr and the rest of his family, without people putting out things that could hurt our findings over someone trying to make up shit thatā€™s obviously on a false pretense!

The original is down the thread………

If you want to find dirt, look up ISOLEP ENTERPRISES…

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7a54ca  No.170454


There's no actual proof of incest, just "they both wear (slightly different) hats".

If you want to know what actual sexual blackmail looks like, read 'The Franklin Cover-Up' or look into Epstein. Fucking Lawrence King wasn't out there telling politicians to record themselves fucking grown women, and then having them give him the tapes.

There's a real scandal here, and its being overshadowed by an unholy alliance of braindead Trumpniggers and anti-China CIA niggers.

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d30514  No.170475

File: 4c60e6a7bbd5d81⋯.mp4 (8.28 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, tjLv79MTrDHi1wv2.mp4)

I don't know the context of this or when or how it was taken but if the chicoms or whoever has been doing surviellance on Hunter can do this then they have the conversation between Hunter and Obama in teh Oval Office too . This is all absolutely crazy.

>>170427 (You)

>>If they had it they'd drop something.

Haha sez you. Flail your tiny hands with all your might. This shit is huuuuge and when they're done, they're going to utterly destroy the Biden Crime Family, the DNC the probably a big chunk of the Republican Party and the Communist Party of China. This isn't just some Falun Gong freaks. You will see. Open your eyes and stop assuming you know it all. We know nothing. Listen.

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92c551  No.170478


Why are you paid to spam the same things in every thread?


For someone who claims not to be a Q-LARPer, you sure sound like one.

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d30514  No.170479


>For someone who claims not to be a Q-LARPer, you sure sound like one.

And how is posting shocking evidence "Q LARPing??

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d30514  No.170482

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d30514  No.170484

File: 778ad74f8a2ead3⋯.jpg (79.89 KB, 920x669, 920:669, 920x920.jpg)

File: f280a461c83d149⋯.jpg (22.06 KB, 480x319, 480:319, 480x480.jpg)

File: c35fe29b3c8f72f⋯.jpg (117.73 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)

>>anti-China CIA niggers

There's been some very cogent reasons to be anti-China for some time that have nothing to do with being a glow in the dark.

China is the jew golem turned into a juggernaut. You're not going to distort the narrative with that kind of impunity here.

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aeb739  No.170485


Are you a q larper because nothing is going to happened as long Zionism and Jews dominate us politics

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d30514  No.170494


>>nothing is going to happen

Shit is happening and yes the jews are running it. The jews are running china. Scroll up and see "jewish faces in Communist China" that I posted. The takeover of the USA by communist China and the growing censorship is being done by the jews through the CCP.

As for Q I was watching that Bubolinksi interview and he mentions that as a naval officer he had to have Q Clearance

>>Q clearance or Q access authorization is the Department of Energy (DOE) security clearance required to access Top Secret Restricted Data, Formerly Restricted Data, and National Security Information, as well as Secret Restricted Data. Restricted Data (RD) is defined in the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 and covers nuclear weapons and related materials. The lower-level L clearance is sufficient for access to Secret Formerly Restricted Data (FRD) and National Security Information, as well as Confidential Restricted Data, Formerly Restricted Data, and National Security Information.[1][2] Access to Restricted Data is only granted on a need-to-know basis to personnel with appropriate clearances.

>>A Q Clearance is equivalent to a United States Department of Defense Top Secret clearance.[2] "For access to some classified information, such as Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) or Special Access Programs (SAPs), additional requirements or special conditions may be imposed by the information owner even if the person is otherwise eligible to be granted a security clearance or access authorization based on reciprocity."[2]

>>Anyone possessing an active Q clearance is always categorized as holding a National Security Critical-Sensitive position (sensitivity Level 3).[3] Additionally, most Q-cleared incumbents will have collateral responsibilities designating them as Level 4: National Security Special-Sensitive personnel.[4] With these two designations standing as the highest-risk sensitivity levels, occupants of these positions hold extraordinary accountability, having the potential to cause "exceptionally grave" or "inestimable" damage to the national security of the United States[citation needed].

Steve Bannon was a US naval officer.

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92c551  No.170501


Q-LARP is a proven jewish hoax. We know this already.


>how is

Hmm, letā€™s see.

>This shit is huuuuge

>they're going to utterly destroy the Biden Crime Family, the DNC the probably a big chunk of the Republican Party and the Communist Party of China.

>You will see.

>Open your eyes

>We know nothing.


Literal Q-LARP spam. No one sane believes anything youā€™ve said. No one will ever be punished for any of this. Only Q-LARPers actually think the ZOG is going to arrest the ZOG.

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b1fae6  No.170504


He looks like Jordan Peterson's retarded brother.

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d30514  No.170510


So what is your solution to it all?

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a5b22d  No.170521


Physical violence against the ZOG. There are no peaceful solutions. No one is coming to save you.

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d30514  No.170535

File: a930e0bd86e104e⋯.jpg (413.15 KB, 1485x2025, 11:15, leyendecker_cover.jpg)

File: 7aea83e7b463ec6⋯.jpg (11.6 KB, 337x150, 337:150, images.jpg)


Totally impractical for numerous reasons. My thesis on that account is that if you can't even begin to challenge them in the business arena or the political arena what do you think is going to happen to you in a shooting war? There's a long long road if ever to convince the people of the US to go and fight ZOG if ever. The US is a Cromwellian nation long before it even became the US. And Cromwell was obsessed with creating an Israel.

It's no good retreating into comforting fantasies of a pure NAZI reich anywhere. The American people didn't do it in the 30's and they're not going to do it now. So what do you do then? I dislike Trump more than you do beleive it or not. I hated him in the seventies when he filled the pages of People Magazine at supermarket checkout lines with all his antics in Studio 54 etc. If the white race cannot affort to raise families because all the industry has been stripped out of it and sent to China what do you do first to stop the hemmoraging from that wound? If the Chicoms use their immense wealth and influence to slam down on freedom of speech how are you going to communicate your message to anyone?

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7a54ca  No.170536

File: 67b2620d5a78f27⋯.png (73.48 KB, 708x592, 177:148, Soros_China1.png)

File: d2b75c531399176⋯.png (390.7 KB, 703x685, 703:685, Soros_China2.png)

File: 3a962ee2bac3dce⋯.png (150.7 KB, 676x724, 169:181, Soros_China3.png)

File: fbf4be85f54958f⋯.png (24.08 KB, 587x265, 587:265, Bill_Kristol_regime_changeā€¦.png)

File: 0778294665bd680⋯.png (32.55 KB, 623x887, 623:887, China_vs_ZOG.png)


If you couldn't tell Q was a LARP just by reading the first few posts there's something seriously wrong with you.

It wasn't Bannon, or any kind of government insider. Although, it probably morphed into a ZOG psyop since the original "drops".

>The jews are running china. Scroll up and see "jewish faces in Communist China" that I posted.

Times changed. Currently, China is seen as a threat by ZOG.

>The takeover of the USA by communist China

Does that mean people like Soros and the Neo-Cohens are heroes, try to stop America from being taken over?

>the growing censorship is being done by the jews through the CCP

Nigger, the growing censorship in the US has nothing to do with China, and contrary to the Trumpnigger claims about "China-style censorship", they have more freedom of speech than we do.

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d30514  No.170557

File: de3dd744bd2460c⋯.png (70.78 KB, 631x836, 631:836, 1603869082151.png)

File: 987ba77cee90bce⋯.jpg (64.01 KB, 850x400, 17:8, 1603869354942.jpg)


I've already told you a hundred times, I'm not a Q tard. Never have been. Don't like Nostradamus or that kind of Nostradamus apocalypse style format at all. The vague mystery of it is as repulsive as the dramatic music stuff.

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d340f8  No.170559

File: 8ef289f2e87136d⋯.png (132.46 KB, 667x355, 667:355, Not_BPEL.png)

Eyy, my dick is like 13inches yo.

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9bb050  No.170606

Good thing you faggot mods culled the other threads.

No wonder this place is such shit

>Yes, the Biden family are pedophiles. No, you may not post their illegal sex tapes on this board.



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9bb050  No.170610

File: 32b1438b25229cc⋯.png (985.99 KB, 3644x1436, 911:359, THISFAGGOT.PNG)

to the faggot from the other thread


>Your son being a degenerate faggot is scandal

>Yeah ā€¦ in the 1800s. How much of a nigger are you, exactly?

Holy cope brah.. I would giggle if the entire family died tomorrow. Don't give a shit about Mr. trumpguy

You on the other hand do. I am only thankful to this fat orange jewish puppet for one reason. His persona given to him by jews(similar to WWE wrestling) has brought forth the hatred of America and her founding ideals. Nazis? when the entirety of America was booing the KKK on Jerry springer in the 90s while sending money to susan surrandons starving African child scam while addopting orphaned black kids, hoping aids infested faggot pedro on mtvs real world would make up with his nigger boyfriend.. I would have never imagined the jews could mass manipulate the idea white Americans are inherently bad and evil… Still blows my mind. YOU STUPID NIGGER PLEASE KYS

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9bb050  No.170623

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a5b22d  No.170631


>Totally impractical

Things only paid shills say for 400, Alex.

>if you can't even

Okay, so youā€™re dead. Itā€™s over. You lost. Explain why you havenā€™t just killed yourself. Right here, right now. I want an explanation if you don't. Your position is that there is no hope whatsoever, so either kill yourself or shut the fuck up. This website exists for a reason. Youā€™ve invalidated everything youā€™ve ever said here by claiming thereā€™s no point in continuing.

>I dislike Trump more than you do beleive it or not.

You really do not.

>If the Chicoms use their immense wealth and influence to slam down on freedom of speech how are you going to communicate your message to anyone?

You realize itā€™s the jews, right? The chinks have no power whatsoever. Itā€™s the fucking jews. You donā€™t even know who the enemy is; no wonder you canā€™t fucking do anything.

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a5b22d  No.170633


>wow I spammed a new thread without reading the catalog and it was deleted ha ha thatā€™s censorship lol u faggot u all suck wow I win

>I want to post child porn youā€™re all faggots if you donā€™t let me

You deserved to have your thread deleted.

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d30514  No.170643


>You realize itā€™s the jews, right? The chinks have no power whatsoever. Itā€™s the fucking jews. You donā€™t even know who the enemy is; no wonder you canā€™t fucking do anything.

Yes, I posted that above several times. Jewish Faces In Communist China, and the jews of Wall St financed the rise of modern post Mao China. I watched it happened an it contributed to my virulent hatred for jews.

We are each tiny little molecules in the body politic of the world. Most of us struggle just to keep a roof over our heads and food on the table and pay doctors and dentists. Few have even figured out that the jews own the Federal Reserve and are printing money like maniacs. What to do? Well for starters how about provisionally, tentatively going along with Trump's populism and defense of the middle classes in America (ie white people)? That will at least somewhat slow down the full frontal assault on us by the bolshevik kikenvermin. It's going to be a long struggle with many fronts but at least we won't be replaced overnight by a hundred million African niggers in one year of insane immigration invasion.

I've heard your tyrannical tantrums on this board for some time now and I've yet to hear you make one suggestion on how to bring about a victory for our side unless of course it's a suicidal and futile attack on the poorest and most insignificant targets like that sap that wasted his life and talents as a classical pianist to shoot some really old yenta in a synagogue.

How did that work out? How did that advance the cause even one millimeter. You're incredibly dense. Pitiful actually.

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5294b6  No.170644

File: 1c7f2915e989c61⋯.png (2.81 MB, 2458x1306, 1229:653, huntergatherer.PNG)


nobody spammed shit faggot

I read this thread. my thread was about hunter fucking a dude. totally different and deserving

Nobody posted CP faggot.

It's not like this place has so much action a quality thread getting engagement should be deleted. Fuck you and your faggot horse

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aeb739  No.170653


Thats not a guy a I refuse to believe

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d9a568  No.170654


>my thread had a slight difference, so it should stay!

No. You add your shit to the pile in the corner. Just because you have a peanut in your shit doesn't mean it's not shit. Condense your shit.

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7a54ca  No.170717

File: 84bb3a12b02f4a6⋯.png (445.27 KB, 630x640, 63:64, Bolton_China.png)


You're basing everything on dated information. Yes, Mao's regime was extremely kosher, but modern China not so much. In 2020, they're on good terms with Hezbollah, Syria, Iran, and of course North Korea - all Israel's enemies.

You still haven't said whether or not you think "people" like Soros and the Neo-Cohen Iran hawks are actually heroes, standing up to the evil Chicom conspiracy to blackmail the relatives of politicians for engaging in legal sex acts which they record themselves.

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7a54ca  No.170718


>Iran hawks

I meant "China hawks", but they're all the same kikes anyway.

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a5b22d  No.170727


>youā€™re stupid because you called out the jews

K, bye. Fucking imbecile.

>What to do?

Physical violence.

>Well for starters how about provisionally, tentatively going along with Trump's populism

Nah, fuck your ZOG emperor, fuck your jewish hoax, fuck your support of communism, and fuck your lies.

>and defense of the middle classes in America

Which heā€™s not doing. So why would we listen to you?

>That will at least somewhat slow down the full frontal assault on us by the bolshevik kikenvermin.

Will it? Because he publicly champions UBI.

>I've heard your tyrannical tantrums on this board for some time now and I've yet to hear you make one suggestion on how to bring about a victory for our side

1. Youā€™ve heard nothing no such thing.

2. If you had actually been paying attention, you would have seen the suggestions. You havenā€™t been.

>You're incredibly dense. Pitiful actually.

Nice strawman. Glad to know youā€™re worthless. Enjoy white genocide, I guess.


>totally different

The content belongs here.

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3171eb  No.170765

Merging thread:

There can be only one motive for asking for removing a prosecutorā€“preventing judicial investigation. Bidenā€™s motives for asking for removing Viktor Shokin,the Prosecutor General of Ukraine, can only be preventing judicial investigation.

Biden say that the purpose was accelerating judicial investigation,but Biden never answered the question what the legal case case was. If a judicial investigation had been delayed,the manner of accelerating judicial investigation is pointing out the judicial case and maybe asking for parallel investigation controlled by other prosecutor, but not asking for removing a prosecutor.

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a404ae  No.170778

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d30514  No.170782

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Exactly. The arrogance, the chutzpah of this asshole is astounding. And you can bet the entire family is shitting bricks as their enemies are coming at them with daggers drawn. And you shouldn't assume it's the Trump faction or Falung Gong either. It might be someone really evil. It might be Hillary and the Clinton faction. You can never tell with people so deeply tangled in such insanely devious intrigues..

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f12583  No.170911

File: ca6809e0a134f25⋯.jpg (1.69 MB, 3763x1831, 3763:1831, ca6809e0a134f25c4136612bd0ā€¦.jpg)

Merging thread:

Hunter biden text messages 100% confirmed to be talking to natalie

Look at the 2nd row, 2nd column at the end of the text messages. Clearly says "Nat", not only that but the chinks forgot to censor "NB" next to all the text messages.

My thread on halfchan got almost instantly archived

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ff4d13  No.170948

File: 123d38e7d6869fd⋯.png (73.53 KB, 1200x725, 48:29, 1200px_Tor_logo_2011_flat_ā€¦.png)

Why not put the pics on TOR? Did everyone forget it exists?

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404b8f  No.170951


Any onion links posted here would get deleted because all thats left of this site is spineless pussies.

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d4f70e  No.170977


Some Ching Chong (Chinese) site I believe. They say they are the rightful leaders of China but donā€™t seem to be part of Taiwan. Seems like CCP shit posting the USA tbqh. Want the links to the site? Not sure what videos they have exactly.

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e6f5f5  No.170983

File: c0c5457f1ab4e12⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 199.62 KB, 610x398, 305:199, get_well_soon.png)

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d9a568  No.170986


>bawww why can't I link to ceepeeeeeeee D: D: D: D:

stfu pedo

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7d07bf  No.170993

Merging thread:

A lot of people take issue with the Hunter Biden laptop case origin story - why would this guy hand over laptops full of incriminating videos, emails, and texts, to a laptop repair shop, and never pick them up again? Even for a crackhead, this makes no sense.

I agree. Here's the thing: he didn't.

One of the girls did.

Cry for help? It's not like these girls can go to the authorities. The FBI, predictably, sat on the evidence as political blackmail instead of investigating, as soon as they got their hands on it.

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7d07bf  No.170994

Merging thread:

Hunter Biden Rosemont Seneca Leaked Bank Statements https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/6003585-Rosemont-Seneca-Bohai-Bank-Records-Listing.html


April 14 2014 $1.2 million wired to Beverly Hills Escrow Trust..

Joe will win. the corruption is unquestionable at this stage. so is the incestuous pedo situation. it's a matter of legal action. will we see any? how soon? is there a chance that the election will be invalidated?


Depends how much the various rival alphabet agencies help Joe to cheat/prevent him from cheating. I see the DIA/NSA on Trump's side, maybe the NRO too. The FBI and CIA are Trump's enemies.

Nov 3 will be interesting.

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91e2da  No.171004


so the kikes are saying that ccp blackmails high ranking deviants, not them?

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a9d24f  No.171028

File: 926a4cb2a7a88b0⋯.png (95.99 KB, 1197x331, 1197:331, fuck_off_shitty_writing.PNG)



I'm still here

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7a54ca  No.171089

File: d0aef4959cb5a90⋯.png (361.66 KB, 651x692, 651:692, Bannon_Epstein.png)

File: 078a1d1720a5d8a⋯.jpg (228 KB, 1192x600, 149:75, Bannon_Kikebart_is_the_mosā€¦.jpg)

File: ae12cc4e43d16f0⋯.jpg (121.41 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, Bannon_on_Ethno_nationalisā€¦.jpg)

File: 9a6cff40ea9c995⋯.jpg (9.36 MB, 6104x7144, 763:893, Shabbos_Bannon.jpg)


Pretty much. The chinks who are releasing the pictures are also linked to Bannon, who met with Epstein 2018.

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785746  No.171115


The kikes make sure that the deviants are high ranking, then everyone tries to blackmail them.

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d30514  No.171126


>so the kikes are saying that ccp blackmails high ranking deviants, not them?

How can you blackmail an entire tribe in lockstep solidarity asserting their utter deviance, perversions, and hateful child fucking blood drinking evil for 3000 years?

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49eb64  No.171133

File: 33267e817ee50a6⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 400.47 KB, 1100x618, 550:309, 1589259302114.jpg)

File: 6554e12f17d5d19⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 228.23 KB, 600x572, 150:143, 158570041953.jpg)

File: 74b8c4302abac85⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 122.11 KB, 759x422, 759:422, download.jpg)

File: b99a44c00bb1da1⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 129.04 KB, 512x342, 256:171, Barry_Joe_and_Hunter.jpg)

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7d07bf  No.171190

Merging thread:

The Third Wave (Email 1 Declassification): About AK Burisma https://reurl.cc/Z7E2M6

Ultimate Battle 8: How Does Biden Family Lauder the Dirty Money


The Third Wave(Email 4 Declassification): Devon Archer reported to Hunter about the itinerary of Burismaā€™s executives to US,Mexico and Kazakhstan


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7d07bf  No.171226

Merging threads:

The Third Wave(Email 15 Declassification): 6/19/2015 Vadim Pozharskyi emailed Hunter Biden; Devon Archer, asking their delivery address for the framed Cyprus BoD meeting photo


The Third Wave(Email 16 Declassification): 5/14/2012 Kathy Chung, the director of Scheduling at US Senator Mark Udall, following up on Hunter Bidenā€™s job offering


The Third Wave(Email 17 Declassification):5/7/2014 Vadym Pozharskyi wrote to Devon Archer & Hunter Biden to discuss the timing & content of the meetings during their upcoming visit to Kazakhstan


Breaking News] The Biden Family sold American jobs to Communist China


A sex tape of Hunter Biden and Yifei, Liu, the Mulan actress


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7d07bf  No.171229

Merging thread:

This guy with the picture from Natalie Biden said today will be the greatest political apocalypse of all time so where the fuck is it?!?!

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475119  No.171234

File: 4d940adf4ed2e2a⋯.jpg (117.73 KB, 650x867, 650:867, ZomboMeme_29102020023613.jpg)

bring up the scandal in the media now! At least on trump friendly media! Election is coming soon…..Get the fuckin Biden stuff out now!

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7d07bf  No.171236


Are you really that dumb?

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e9fcd7  No.171240


It's probably beyond bothering at this point. Most of the people who eat up the China bullshit from the kikes will be dead in 10 years.

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447cae  No.171258

File: bc80119767d19af⋯.jpg (307.28 KB, 1080x1440, 3:4, lebron.jpg)


Ultimate Battle 9

They're all going to get destroyed; big tech moguls, big Hollywood starts, all the big sports stars, they've all be recorded doing all sorts of shit on their luxury trips to China. Gnews has it all.

I hate those fuckers. I can't wait for this.

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70b58f  No.171266


>the fuckin Biden stuff

Yes, Biden has stuff in his closet, and this is a good time to bring it out with evidence… actually few weeks earlier would have been more effective

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04e319  No.171280


Imagine actually fucking believing that.

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e9fcd7  No.171283


I mean, what do you expect these trumpniggers to say at this point? They don't have any compelling message at all.

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447cae  No.171290


>Imagine actually fucking believing that.

If they're listening to Hunter's phone conversations and recording them wiht crystal clear clarity and video recording him smoking crack with the Mulan star in Peking, then it's more than probably that they're as good as their word and they have the goods on those celebrities that got bought off by the Chicoms. That does seem reasonable, no?

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447cae  No.171291

File: 937aa9bee72af16⋯.jpg (234.71 KB, 1066x1386, 533:693, florida.JPG)


Trump is winning. Maybe you like the shutdown though so you won't like that.


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e9fcd7  No.171298


If we're being honest, the shutdown is what stopped immigration not Trump. So, on that front yeah. The shutdown is what is fucking up niggerball leagues not Trump. And it forced Trump to show his ass by refusing to give White Americans more stimulus checks or to waive/pause mortgage/rent payments in the face of the shut down. Very illuminating.

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e9fcd7  No.171300


Why would it matter if some celebrity was bought off by the Chinese? Why would it matter if they were up to salacious drug and sex activities on the communist party's dime in China? This is Finkel-think, a focus on characters and story lines in place of hard reality. The mass relocation of American means of production was a process begun in earnest in the 1980s through the 1990s. You're whistling past the graveyard because you want to avoid substantive discussion.

Instead of whining about some uppity, bought-off nigger like Lebron James, nationalize the airwaves and take the NigBA off of television, seize its arenas and freeze the assets of players, coaches, and league itself. Ditto for Hollywood. Then nationalize massive swaths of industry and plan step by step the elimination of reliance on Chinese products, materials, and services.

Yeah, but see that's a dramatic and sweeping solution that leaves very little room for rent-seeking and outrage grifting.

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7afed9  No.171301

File: bfd6b9381f06878⋯.png (170.71 KB, 1230x843, 410:281, 6vNsomq.png)


Your chart shows In Person Early Votes only, IPEV.

When you change it to All Votes there are more Democrats.

Still have election day, a lot of Republicans are holding out for that day.

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7d07bf  No.171304


Okay. Andā€¦ what does that mean? Nothing. Itā€™s already all public. They are unpunished, undamaged, and literally still running for office, not being hanged from lampposts. No one will ever do anything about this or anything else. Do you people even remember the Nunes memo? Of course not. You have no fucking idea what Iā€™m talking about, but you sucked their cocks then all the same. ā€œTHIS IS IT ALL THE BAD GUYS ARE GOING TO BE EXPOSED OY VEY THE ZOG WILL SURELY ARREST THE ZOG THIS TIME!ā€ And nothing happened. Maybe you remember the Panama Papers? What happened then? Nothing. Again. How about Epstein being literally murdered? Nothing happened. The CIA weapons deal in Vegas whose lies remain public doctrine? No one did anything. 9/11 discrepancies; nothing. USS Liberty attack; nothing. It does not matter who has what information, where, or when. It genuinely is completely irrelevant. The sooner you realize that, the better.


>Trump is winning

No one cares. Go suck off your jew puppet on any other website but this one

>maybe you like the shutdown


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7a54ca  No.171306


>video recording him smoking crack with the Mulan star in Peking

There's zero chance that's true. They're just trying to smear her because she doesn't support the ZOG-backed Hong Kong antifa.

>they're as good as their word

They've already pushed enough disinformation to show that they can't be trusted.

Hunter is a sexual deviant who uploaded his own content to Pornhub, he wasn't being blackmailed by chinks with it.

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447cae  No.171315

File: 9c1b5515c972025⋯.jpg (143.98 KB, 560x561, 560:561, 1282538135285.jpg)


>> hates jews

>>proposes communism as the solution to jews

>>communism = judaism

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8cf114  No.171340


>How is this not the biggest story in the country right now?

Because it's a LARP:

Hunter, while living in California, decides to fly 3,000 miles to Delaware. All to drop off a laptop for repair, coincidentally at a huge MAGA fan shop. 😉 he decided to never pick up his own laptop. 😉

Thereā€™s security footage of it, but it got lost. Epstein style. 😉 But donā€™t worry- the MAGA man swears he saw him drop it off. Turns out he has a mental condition where he CANNOT RECOGNIZE FACES (Iā€™m not joking) he knew it was hunters though, cause of the stickers on the laptopā€¦ 😉 MAGA man, naturally, didnā€™t just erase and resell the laptop, but did the totally normal thing of duplicating the hard drive and spending hours sorting through thousands of emails to find one that suggests Hunter mightā€™ve tried to arrange a meeting with daddy Biden 😉 no evidence any meeting ever occurred, but who cares.

In comes Rudy Giuliani, cyber security expert, and talking set of teeth -who was tricked by Borat, and periodically butt dials reporters on accident -he has ā€˜confirmedā€™ the info not even the FBI could. 😉 Rudy was so worried about the intel, he sat on the laptop for months until 3 weeks before the election. 😉

Naturally, it proves Hunter was into pedo devil sex too, but the proof is secret and for Rudyā€™s eyes only. 😉 thereā€™s a video of said drug fueled sexcapades, but again, you just gotta trust rudy 😉

Rudy refuses to send any electronic proof of the emails to anyone. But itā€™s definitely real, and definitely exists 😉 Heh. Again- not a single news agency has actually seen any proof, except for photos of printed emails. This is why ThEY WoNT CoVeR iT

He was ā€˜confirmingā€™ it the same time Trump received an intel briefing that Rudy was unknowingly being used by Russian operatives to spread disinformation. Lmao.

Rudy, tired of getting made fun of, tweets some more ā€˜source materialā€™ text messagesā€¦ except the text is in an app that didnā€™t exist at the time it supposedly happened, andā€¦literally in Russia. Poor guy.

This was all also investigated by a real Post reporter who refused to put their name on it, as no part of it could be verified. Several news outlets also passed on the story for the same reason, including FoxNews and WSJ. Ended up written by Sean Hannityā€™s producer. Lol.

Now comes a guy named Bobulinski - alleging he, uhh met with Biden to discuss a Chinese business deal😉. He has proof, of course: ā€˜documentsā€™ he says 😉 naturally, he actually hasnā€™t released anything.

The WSJ opinion section finally publishes a Bobulinkski piece. Note: opinion section, not news, as they still couldnā€™t verify anything. It alleges the above Chinese deal.

They very next day, the WSJ news section refutes the entire thing, using Bobulinksiā€™s own source material. 😆

Here comes Tucker Carlson. He is about to release a bombshell. All the emails. Proving everything. Unfortunately, these apparently only existed as single physical copies. The emails. Electronic mails. Only existed as one physical copy. (Got that?). Sadly, these printed non-electronic emails were lost (stolen!) in the mail, and no one ever made a copy 😉, so we may never know which dog ate Tuckerā€™s homework or who made-up this made-up story.

Next up is Martin Aspen, Swiss intelligence operative. He is the basis for many of these allegations and brought it public in a dossier that the PRESIDENT received.. it turns out he is not real. Literally, they made his face on a face generator and gave him a cute linkedIn profile at a fake company. Probably just a cover for the deep state. 😉

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7a54ca  No.171357

File: bafdb950b12b552⋯.jpg (517.35 KB, 840x839, 840:839, capitalism_and_communism_2.jpg)

File: cf628a67eb1cb1f⋯.jpg (35.91 KB, 450x520, 45:52, Hitler_Capitalism_Bolsheviā€¦.jpg)


Capitalism and Communism are both equally jewish, with the only real gentile system being fascism/national socialism. But what really matters isn't what semitic enomic system they're under, but whether or or not they're controlled by jews.

Unlike ZOG, China isn't controlled by jews and is instead being targeted by the neo-cohens.

Even though they're abandoned it themselves, I blame Kike Eunuch and the TRSodomites for this wave of neo-B'nai Bircherism and "National Capitalim", with all their Pinochet helicopter autism.


You're from reddit. The story about Hunter dropping off the laptop is probably bullshit, but the contents of it our obviously real, as is the media blackout.

>Here comes Tucker Carlson. He is about to release a bombshell. All the emails. Proving everything. Unfortunately, these apparently only existed as single physical copies. The emails. Electronic mails. Only existed as one physical copy. (Got that?). Sadly, these printed non-electronic emails were lost (stolen!) in the mail, and no one ever made a copy 😉, so we may never know which dog ate Tuckerā€™s homework or who made-up this made-up story.

They were on a flashdrive, which was recovered by UPS. As much as I hate Trumpniggers, you snarky anti-Trump faggots are somehow even worse.

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e9fcd7  No.171381


Having a planned economy with strategic nationalization isn't incompatible with fascism or national socialism. It's pretty much required.

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7bb9ef  No.171409


Yet if the roles were reversed no one in the MSM would question it.

>it's ok if we do it, but not you goys!

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447cae  No.171432


Trump and Obama have been constantly spied on by the CCP through the Secret Service.

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447cae  No.171433


A dirigist economy will always end up being, if not catastrophic, crippled in its responsiveness new challenges. France initially obtained a great advantage with the centralization of government under Louis XIV but then lost that advantage to the more flexible and responsive individualism of Brtish businessmen whho could start up new companies and workshops in response to fluctuating demand.

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e9fcd7  No.171449


No, no, no.

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447cae  No.171476

File: 7c306ef6bbde1d8⋯.jpg (457.13 KB, 999x420, 333:140, Untitled.jpg)

File: 4c1a6614a785640⋯.jpg (52.56 KB, 640x279, 640:279, US_10_000_1882_Gold_Certifā€¦.jpg)

File: 01c4e204ab3e04a⋯.jpg (77.75 KB, 768x332, 192:83, RRfGqdj62G8KxYRpyf9Sd8_120ā€¦.jpg)


Yes yes yes. It's been proven again and again that a centrally controlled economy simply cannot work. The economy is too complex too organic to be run by any one man or god forbid any all encompassing bureaucracy. Bureaucracies never end up working right because they're more concerned with their own self aggrandisement than actually facing the brutal realities and tough decisions necessary to even begin to fulfill their ostensible function.

The only reason you never saw this problem develop in the third reich is because it simply didn't last long enough and it operated as a wartime command economy for much of its duration.

The problem with capitalism isn't capitalism. The problem with capitalism is having a central bank issuing fiat currency owned and run by jews, particularly the jews that also own the Bank of England, which is The Crown, that is to say the eternal mortal enemies of America and the American system.

Get rid of the Federal Reserve, get rid of the IRS, return to a gold and silver based economy run by Congress without international judaism meddling in it, with revenue provided by high tariffs, not income taxes, and you get a booming economy that will never stop, that will have embarassing surpluses rather than endless deficits. Currency will be bimetalist; gold for international exchangee, silver for internal commerce.

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e9fcd7  No.171483


Filtered for being a jew.

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4c64bc  No.171491


Wait, how is he a jew for being against something jews support? Heā€™s right about the problem with fiat currency and fiscal policy. That seems to be the overarching problem with any form of economics, no matter the level of government control. Private banks are unacceptable. Fiat currency is unacceptable. Get rid of them as a baseline (death penalty for even suggesting they exist), and then we can discuss the level of good government intervention in the economy all damn day.

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785746  No.171505


What do you think Lebronā€™s fetish is?


Itā€™s not a matter of believing anything will happen except a ton of embarrassment. Sometimes things fall into the ā€œwrongā€ hands, like when the CIA/NSA hacking/planting tools got released.

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447cae  No.171506


I'm holding out for career ending scandals, Fatty Arbuckle and the bottle of Champagne level.

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e9fcd7  No.171526


No, he isn't right.

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e9fcd7  No.171528


Explain why you would ever want money to be scarce?

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7d07bf  No.171532


Are you fucking retarded, mate. Are you legitimately brain damaged. Not a joke. YOU CANNOT PRINT CURRENCY AD INFINITUM. THAT MAKES THE CURRENCY WORTHLESS. If your money is gold (or silver), it is FINITE and extremely limited. It also cannot be arbitrarily increased. Thatā€™s how value is maintained. In the Roman Empire, an ounce of gold bought a tailor made menā€™s suit. In the US in 1913, an ounce of gold bought a tailor made menā€™s suit. 1 ounce of gold was convertible to $18. In the US in 2020, an ounce of gold buys a tailor made menā€™s suit. 1 ounce of gold is no longer convertible to dollars, but may be purchased forā€¦ $1878. This is what happens when you infinitely print worthless paper currency.

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e9fcd7  No.171533


Then why haven't we had a currency collapse right now? If you have sovereign money, you actually can print to infinity. It's embarrassing listening to you dumb ass Austrians.

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e21520  No.171539


You faggots are arguing semantics like two kikes without trying to reach a conclusion.

Establish a few things first;

>What sort of society are we talking about

>pro-capitalism, pro-fascism


Cool, youve watched two youtube videos. Gold standard is retarded. In any society. Like a digital currency youll just end up with the same ones hoarding it en masse to control its value.

The power in Hitlers Germany was the fact his currency was effectively based on labour. Germans worked, and if they did the state printed money. It sponsored work programs and forced every German to rely on the quality of his own work. When a currency is employed to keep the nation healthy and working, then the value of that currency goes up with the health and wellbeing of that people. Which is why you saw such a huge boom before the kike had to step in and destroy it. And because its a state issued currency, entirely controlled, you can stimulate your people in the best ways imagineable. Going from loans to paying women to be homekeepers. Which in turn produces more babies, which makes your currency more valueable and powerful.

A currency that dies when its people do; thats what we need.

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7d07bf  No.171540


>then why havenā€™t we had

1. We have. The US dollar has lost 99.1% of its purchasing power since 1913.

2. Weā€™re literally undergoing one right now, thanks to QE1, 2, 3, and now 4ā€“which has no limit and no end point. All the metrics are saying the fed has no choice but to directly monetize our outstanding debt and print exponentially faster, causing hyperinflation. Weā€™re four years from Weimar at most.

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39745b  No.171560


It's funny how people will use the Federal Reserve when making the case for the Gold Standard, yet Eustace Mullins, whose book is what all modern criticisms of the Fed derive from, warned against it in that very work.

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447cae  No.171588


Trump and Obama have been constantly spied on by the CCP through the Secret Service.>>171560

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447cae  No.171592

File: bd7e5a138a10eeb⋯.jpg (162.28 KB, 805x577, 805:577, 1896GOP.jpg)

File: a35d0a785ae9ea1⋯.jpg (2.2 MB, 1600x1134, 800:567, Bryan_Judge_magazine_1896.jpg)

File: 371df0d9748acb6⋯.jpg (246.03 KB, 660x853, 660:853, 1_gL_TnD54qFOXKVEQYs5aig.jpg)

File: d923c9d7d8bd2dd⋯.jpg (587.54 KB, 1466x1600, 733:800, Bimetallism_Bicycle_001.jpg)


>It's funny how people will use the Federal Reserve when making the case for the Gold Standard, yet Eustace Mullins, whose book is what all modern criticisms of the Fed derive from, warned against it in that very work.

Because a gold standard alone is absolute Jewish tyranny; they have the market on gold cornered.

That is why if you go back and carefully reread my post you will see that I did not advocate a gold standard. I advocated bimetalism. Nobody can effectively gain the monopoly on silver because silver is globally far more plentiful than gold. Thus I advocated bimetalism. If you go back to the pre 1930's and read up on monetary policy you will see that bimetalism is in a sense antisemetic. I have often suspected that Joseph Conrad's novel Nostromo, a story of an American financed silvermine on Sulaco Bay, is not a sad contemplation of the vain hopes of bimetalism in the face of covert judaic opposition. If you haven't read it allow me to warn you that the first 80 pages are extremely boring as he goes to great length to describe the landscape that serves as the stage set of the entire drama.

>>In the United States, bimetallism became a center of political conflict toward the end of the 19th century. During the Civil War, to finance the war the U.S. switched from bimetallism to a fiat money currency. After the war, in 1873, the government passed the Fourth Coinage Act and soon resumption of specie payments began (without the free and unlimited coinage of silver, thus putting the U.S. on a mono-metallic gold standard.) Farmers, debtors, Westerners and others who felt they had benefited from wartime paper money formed the short-lived Greenback Party to press for cheap paper money backed by silver.[26] The latter element ā€“ "free silver" ā€“ came increasingly to the fore as the answer to the same interest groups' concerns, and was taken up as a central plank by the Populist movement.[27] Proponents of monetary silver, known as the silverites, referred back to the Fourth Coinage Act as "The Crime of '73," as it was judged to have inhibited inflation, and favored creditors over debtors. Some reformers, however, like Henry Demarest Lloyd, saw bimetallism as a red herring and feared that free silver was "the cowbird of the reform movement, likely to push the other eggs out of the nest.[28] Nevertheless the Panic of 1893, a severe nationwide depression, brought the money issue strongly to the fore again. The "silverites" argued that using silver would inflate the money supply and mean more cash for everyone, which they equated with prosperity. The gold advocates said silver would permanently depress the economy, but that sound money produced by a gold standard would restore prosperity.

>>Bimetallism and "Free Silver" were demanded by William Jennings Bryan who took over leadership of the Democratic Party in 1896, as well as by the Populists, and a faction of Republicans from silver mining regions in the West known as the Silver Republicans who also endorsed Bryan.[29] The Republican Party itself nominated William McKinley on a platform supporting the gold standard which was favored by financial interests on the East Coast.

>>Bryan, the eloquent champion of the cause, gave the famous "Cross of Gold" speech at the National Democratic Convention on July 9, 1896, asserting that "The gold standard has slain tens of thousands." He referred to "a struggle between 'the idle holders of idle capitalā€™ and 'the struggling masses, who produce the wealth and pay the taxes of the country;ā€™ and, my friends, the question we are to decide is: Upon which side will the Democratic party fight?" At the peroration, he said: "You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns, you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold." [30] However, his presidential campaign was ultimately unsuccessful; this can be partially attributed to the discovery of the cyanide process by which gold could be extracted from low-grade ore. This process and the discoveries of large gold deposits in South Africa (Witwatersrand Gold Rush of 1887 - with large-scale production starting in 1898) and the Klondike Gold Rush (1896) increased the world gold supply and the subsequent increase in money supply that free coinage of silver was supposed to bring. The McKinley campaign was effective at persuading voters in the business East that poor economic progress and unemployment would be exacerbated by the adoption of the Bryan platform.[31] 1896 saw the election of McKinley. The direct link to gold was abandoned in 1934 in Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal program and later the link was broken by Richard Nixon when he closed the gold window.

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49eb64  No.171627

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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447cae  No.171645

File: c4d82340a52524e⋯.pdf (2.18 MB, Patrick_J_Buchanan_The_Deaā€¦.pdf)

File: 6a906b8295d33ff⋯.pdf (6.67 MB, Patrick_J_Buchanan_Churchiā€¦.pdf)

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447cae  No.171647

File: 20377f3221d758d⋯.jpg (49.41 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2c9819ffd4c00c1e9d9c3a26b8ā€¦.jpg)

File: eb91b1a7d0bc448⋯.jpg (1.18 MB, 2608x3353, 2608:3353, John_Law_Casimir_Balthazarā€¦.jpg)


>>currency base on labor

Really? What labor? An illiterate janitor mopping a floor in a school? Some rough kid packing gyproc on to construction sites? A scientist in a lab that may or may not be producing something of value?

It's too abstract, too opaque a concept and too easy to cheat. You can't cheat with gold silver and copper unless of course you have cocksuckers burying tungsten rods in gold ingots that is. Finding some units of value is hard but history going back 3000 years shows that there's only a few unit of value that can easily be exchanged, held and transported; gold silver and copper. I think some Jap tried to corner the market on copper and succeeded in doing so for 15 whole minutes once. The Hunt brothers tried to corner the silver market and failed, and damn near went bust trying.

As for any fiat currency it's all fated to follow the sad history of John Law.

If Federal Reserve currency hasn't gone bust yet it's only because the entire world is being held hostage and forced to accept it in their accounts at the gunpoint of the USA. The first thing that the Western Bankers did when Khaddafi died was create a Federal Reserve Bank of Libya. He got a knife up the ass literally for daring to create a gold based currency independant of the paper currency of the Federal Reserve.

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447cae  No.171652

File: ad8267d44344c54⋯.jpg (60.95 KB, 768x527, 768:527, GettyImages_140876526_5a90ā€¦.jpg)


If they tell us that the gold standard is the standard of civilization, we reply to them that this, the most enlightened of all the nations of the earth, has never declared for a gold standard and that both the great parties this year are declaring against it. If the gold standard is the standard of civilization, why, my friends, should we not have it? If they come to meet us on that issue we can present the history of our nation. More than that; we can tell them that they will search the pages of history in vain to find a single instance where the common people of any land have ever declared themselves in favor of the gold standard. They can find where the holders of fixed investments have declared for a gold standard, but not where the masses have. Mr. Carlisle said in 1878 that this was a struggle between the "idle holders of idle capital" and "the struggling masses, who produce the wealth and pay the taxes of the country," and, my friends, the question we are to decide is: Upon which side will the Democratic party fight; upon the side of "the idle holders of idle capital" or upon the side of "the struggling masses"? That is the question which the party must answer first, and then it must be answered by each individual hereafter. The sympathies of the Democratic party, as shown by the platform, are on the side of the struggling masses who have ever been the foundation of the Democratic party. There are two ideas of government. There are those who believe that if you will only legislate to make the well-to-do prosperous, their prosperity will leak through on those below. The Democratic idea, however, has been that if you legislate to make the masses prosperous, their prosperity will find its way up through every class which rests upon them.

You come to us and tell us that the great cities are in favor of the gold standard; we reply that the great cities rest upon our broad and fertile prairies. Burn down your cities and leave our farms, and your cities will spring up again as if by magic; but destroy our farms and the grass will grow in the streets of every city in the country.

My friends, we declare that this nation is able to legislate for its own people on every question, without waiting for the aid or consent of any other nation on earth; and upon that issue we expect to carry every state in the Union. I shall not slander the inhabitants of the fair state of Massachusetts nor the inhabitants of the state of New York by saying that, when they are confronted with the proposition, they will declare that this nation is not able to attend to its own business. It is the issue of 1776 over again. Our ancestors, when but three millions in number, had the courage to declare their political independence of every other nation; shall we, their descendants, when we have grown to seventy millions, declare that we are less independent than our forefathers?

No, my friends, that will never be the verdict of our people. Therefore, we care not upon what lines the battle is fought. If they say bimetallism is good, but that we cannot have it until other nations help us, we reply, that instead of having a gold standard because England has, we will restore bimetallism, and then let England have bimetallism because the United States has it. If they dare to come out in the open field and defend the gold standard as a good thing, we will fight them to the uttermost. Having behind us the producing masses of this nation and the world, supported by the commercial in~erests, the laboring interests and the toilers everywhere, we will answer their demand for a gold standard by saying to them: You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns, you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold.

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447cae  No.171654

File: 4c324f9dec572a2⋯.jpg (46.47 KB, 470x470, 1:1, 2015ASESDB.jpg)

File: a791a0e0cee4730⋯.jpg (110.42 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2020_Gold_Eagle_rev.jpg)

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475119  No.171673

you dumb americans can be happy we have fiat money, cause nobody of you would live in a house on credit and drive a car on credit which he would be never able to afford.

They are lending money cause its generated out of thin air, but it gives you the chance to live a high standard by just holding it up with little cashflow.

Nevertheless it will go back to a more restricted unit i.e. crypto, and the deflation will make hundreds of millions homeless. Prepare. You will be begging for fiat then.

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7d07bf  No.171722


Nah, we have tangible assets. We won't be begging for anything.

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49eb64  No.171725

File: 08602e3f6776ebd⋯.jpg (161.37 KB, 800x450, 16:9, Biden.jpg)

File: 3ae40bbc38c2dcf⋯.jpg (55.48 KB, 400x243, 400:243, Untitled.jpg)

"What the hell is the matter with these people?"

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90f561  No.172099

Merging thread:

A song about Natalie and Hunter Biden

SPICY! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRrQ13PFrF8&t=8s

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8a1b4e  No.172105


I dont think you know how economics or the arsenal in my closet work. When we go to crypto the economy will be greatly improved but the only homeless will be the niggers and the jewish orphans that are going to be created

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286f22  No.175314

No surprise there. Raping children is part of his jewish religion.

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