Reed Hoffman anmd some other billionAIRES backed Pete Buttiege and they blatantly rigged the primary.
It started with forcing the Straw
Poll to withdraw. Then a coup[le days pause then all of a sudden Peter Buttiege beat Bernie. It was so fucking absurd.
Btw this week Pete Buttiege has a new book about preserving democracy, preserving our right to vote. The hypocrisy is astonishing, so astonishing you know a Jew has to be pulling the strings behind the scene.
David Brock was paid $15 million to cover up the rigging so the "Berrnie Bros don't sit it out.
It worked, i would google about the rigging and the top ten pages of results linked to an article saying how absurd it was to think the primary was rigged. It was just this week i could find other who documented the rigging.