e32646 No.165103
So Cali was trying to pass some mandatory Ethnic Studies classes aka CRC. The only problem is they were listed among the white and privileged which makes their reaction all the more revealing.
They pressured the governor to veto the bill verifying their power and privilege.
Here's some quotes from various Jewish organizations.
"We are especially concerned that the anti-Jewish and anti-Zionist ideological orientation of Critical Ethnic Studies … will foster a toxic climate for Jewish and pro-Israel students throughout the state, and foment harm against them.”
As an example, the letter pointed to “a unit on ‘Irish and Jewish Americans: Redefining White and American,’ which requires students to write a paper ‘detailing certain events in American history that have led to Jewish and Irish Americans gaining racial privilege’ and asks students to ‘think critically about why and who is allowing this evolution in white identity.’”
“At a time when anti-Jewish sentiment, hostility, and violence has reached truly alarming levels, indoctrinating students to view Jews as ‘white’ and ‘racially privileged’ is tantamount to putting an even larger target on the back of every Jewish student,” the letter stated."
Governor Newsom’s firm action reinforces what we at CAMERA have been underscoring for the past ten years — namely, the critical role of the public in foiling schemes by academic radicals and compliant education officials to inculcate America’s children with inaccurate, dishonest accounts of America’s founding and culture,
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e32646 No.165105
“Students in high school should not be brainwashed by anti-Jewish and anti-Zionist propaganda,” he asserted. “Now it is our time to keep increasing Zionist education, work with high school students even more, and make sure that our community is always ready to protect ourselves against hate.”
The American Jewish Committee (AJC) welcomed the news of Newsom’s veto, stating, “The veto enables the Department of Education to reconsider its ill-conceived plan to produce a divisive program of ethnic studies.”
“AJC urges the Superintendent of Education continue efforts to improve the Ethnic Studies Model curriculum before its final adoption,” it added.
The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) told The Algemeiner that it was “pleased” by the veto, pointing out, “The Governor correctly understood that there were serious problems with the model ethnic studies curriculum, which wasn’t inclusive of all ethnic communities, including Jews.”
So they just admitted the true purpose of CRC. It's clear they support CRC but they want to be classified as oppressed/
So this is the thanks we get, nice.
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9f9c60 No.165107
Are the fires rising? They're admitting to be open zionists, is that new? I have no idea.
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e32646 No.165119
The Cali fires, i'm not sure.
The main point is that Jews invented CRC for whites. They push it relentlessly but now that they're listed as privileged the freaked out.
It's amazing how much damage Trump has purposely done to white interests. All this anti white shit would of been unthinkable before Trump.
Nobody's talking about Trump hiding the fact he was infected then he hired Chris Christie for debate prep.
Chris Christie sent Kushner's father to prison. There's no way that was an accident, Trump's been trolling Christie a couple years. Trump keeps leading him on like he's going to appoint Christie then and the last minute changing his mind.
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1bfcf5 No.165136
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e4feb8 No.165176
The kikes get BTFO by their own scheming.
The jew marxists created CRC to guilt shame and disempower the whites, and now their own weapon is being used against them.
Whatever schemes the jews come up with, we need to reverse them and use them back against the jews.
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14542c No.165177
>The kikes get BTFO by their own scheming.
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4e2fba No.165183
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c227b5 No.165202
This is a calculated operation to turn down the heat on the boiling frog.
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e32646 No.165249
As an example, the letter pointed to “a unit on ‘Irish and Jewish Americans: Redefining White and American,’ which requires students to write a paper ‘detailing certain events in American history that have led to Jewish and Irish Americans gaining racial privilege’ and asks students to ‘think critically about why and who is allowing this evolution in white identity.’”
They also have think about and write all this anti shit. This is some hardcore brainwashing.
Also keep an eye out for schools using "primary sources". Sounds innocent enough but what it means is to look at issues from an anti white perspective.
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5122cb No.165336
>As an example, the letter pointed to “a unit on ‘Irish and Jewish Americans: Redefining White and American,’ which requires students to write a paper ‘detailing certain events in American history that have led to Jewish and Irish Americans gaining racial privilege’ and asks students to ‘think critically about why and who is allowing this evolution in white identity.’”
Kek, I'll take the hit as an irishman if I can take the jews down with me. Remember me white man, with tears in your eyes, the potatonigger who sacrificed all so that the remainder may prosper.
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c227b5 No.165360
For the record, the "Irish weren't White" stuff was bullshit. It was a fringe Anglo thing, the kind of Anglos who usually farted around with jews in Know-Nothing circles, who peddled that shit. If they weren't White, they wouldn't have been able to immigrate and get citizenship.
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7fde5b No.180811
> the "Irish weren't White" stuff was bullshit.
> It was a fringe Anglo thing,
>If they weren't White, they wouldn't have been able to immigrate and get citizenship.
>Jews, Russians, Poles; Italians all emigrated to the USA; none of them are "White"
Lol. It was as serious as it gets; Anglo supremacism based on Religious Racist Zealotry taken directly from the Semites Bible; Anglos conscious they were their own In-group.
>Using White as an Identity
The Puritans destroyed Memory of Anglos as Europeans and left them as Spiritual Jews. That's why the whole " X is not white" comes from instead of saying "X is not Anglo"; Puritans deconstructed their own Ethnic Identity and self-referenced for the nickname the Asian Indians gave them ( Imagine if Han Chinese changed their Group Identity to that of "Yellow").
And you even fall for the same "Bullshit" by calling Irish "White" ; it's a deconstructed Atomised perception. Don't even use that Category.
Anglos should not have let anyone but other Anglos or European Protestants enter the USA. All Minority groups worked together to fuck them up; Catholics and Orthodox joined the Commies, Black Supremacist and Jews to destroy the Cultural Hegemony of Anglo WASPS in the 60's.
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3066e9 No.180928
This appears to be what always happens to these dip shits if you really study history. Every scheme they come up with only works to a point, especially finance as it is a pyramid scheme and eventually collapses on itself as it is the only possible outcome. Bizarrely they are pretty decent at short planning and extra long planning but it is the gap in between where they always step on a rake. They can't quite connect them together for a smooth transition from the short term schemes to the long term goal. Not only that, but the backlash from their scheme is fire and brim stone. Like negroes it appears there is something wrong with the Jewish mind, I actually wrote about this where I explain that they are like problem gamblers. On some level they know they are fucked when it all catches up to them but they can't stop rolling the dice because it is a compulsion. Here are the articles for anyone interested. They are pretty high level esoterics so fair warning, most people wont fully understand them.
The Hitchhikers Guide To Clown World
this is the second half of a two part article
What is Reality Part 2: Philosophical Interpretations
to fully understand it you need to read this one first but it takes years of study to fully understand it just FYI
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8e3ebb No.180984
Remember only Jews and their DC puppets support CRT and this open borders bullshit. They use the media to paint a false reality.
Going into Election Day in 2020, Trump seems poised to do even better with minority voters. His gains in the polling have been highly consistent and broad-based among Blacks and Hispanics — with male voters and female voters, the young and the old, educated and uneducated. Overall, Trump is polling about 10 percentage points higher with African Americans than he did in 2016, and 14 percentage points higher with Hispanics.
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8e3ebb No.180991
Perceptions of Trump as racist seem to be a core driving force pushing whites toward the Democrats. Why would the opposite pattern be holding among minority voters — i.e. the very people the president is purportedly being racist against?
Let that sink in and remember the black community knows about the secret relationship between blacks and Jews.
Farakhan never sold out, he's pissed off he's being called a liar, banned from entering England.
Check out this offer he gave to the Jews.
I may have to see what's in the those two books.
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3066e9 No.181016
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e4feb8 No.181132
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b4b7f3 No.181378
Try to get Tim Wise to tell you what he thinks about Rwanda, and watch how fast he licks the asshole of Paul Kagame, who has butchered more niggers than even King Leopold did.
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ed5196 No.181457
Tiny Tim Wise with his drivel and his lies
We are the sons of privilege he said
That means "Hey there goy! I am a merchant boy, and the white race is better off dead"
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8e3ebb No.181484
Speaking of tiny tim I was reading Occidental Observer and they say wise's comments are a must read for every white person. ok
i'm going to go read it myself. brb
In the comments there's hardly any support.
The Jews paint a false reality of support. That's why the yt comments on every major Jewish group are turned off. The ADL will seem like it has some nation wide mandate and you go to their yt and there's almost never over a thousand views.
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9adf4e No.181590
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72b18f No.190083
The ADL supports CRT so much their CEO wrote an oped defending it.
It's a trip when you see just how hypocritical and totally full of shit the Jews are by default.
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d6fcd8 No.190085
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Behold the dynamics of the Jewnited Snakes of Niggermania
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