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File: dac7ff88d5b83c9⋯.png (23.99 KB, 1280x453, 1280:453, 1280px_Pornhub_logo_svg.png)

829c7f  No.165019[Last 50 Posts]

Calling all skilled hackers!

Can someone with hacking skill take down Pornhub from the internet? It would help a lot of people conquer porn addiction and jerking off addiction. I can feel a kind of vibe in the air that this kind of degeneracy is on its way out, and Pornhub being taken down would be the cherry on the top. Bonus points of you can take down other major porn sites too, like XHamster and XVideos, sites owned by MindGeek and Hang Bros., etc.

It would be greatly appreciated and you would be doing a massive service to mankind.

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d55527  No.165021

Does your entire conception of “hacking” come from jewish media? The only way the site goes down or any meaningful amount of time is if you go to the server farms and burn them to the ground. Concurrently, because there’s more than one.

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71c0cc  No.165023


Porn is a multi-billion dollar industry and growing every year and your feely-feels tell you it's on its way out? You are a special kind of stupid. If you can't stay away from porn sites, then edit your hosts file. It's not our job to make you stop fapping to BonB gangbangs.

Also, this: >>165021

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a7e580  No.165029

File: b746624387a6485⋯.jpg (40.16 KB, 719x703, 719:703, 6232abuqdud41.jpg)

Yes please. If you could burn down the Pornhub servers I would be plumb grateful. It's hard to make an honest living with that monopoly out there

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a8818e  No.165034


This is tbh way more easy than "hacking pornhub" but i agree is one of the modt dangerous inventions and adictions for the population

T. Ex porn addict

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f73bf4  No.165036

File: 939f66322f79943⋯.jpg (22.26 KB, 324x437, 324:437, cry_some_more.jpg)


Is it so "dangerous" because it makes it unnecessary for men to simp to women in order to get some sexual gratification?


>It's hard to make an honest living with that monopoly out there

If PornHub has a monopoly in your industry, you are not making an honest living.

"Help!!! Men aren't acting like women's slaves any more!"

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d55527  No.165045


>literally defending pornography as though anyone here will ever side with him


Filthy fucking jew.

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5f39c7  No.165065


Standard hivemind shame/insult/threat response. Everyone who doesn't agree with me is a jew. You're pathetic, and you'll never have the power over others you wish you did. Take your own advice.

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fb99cb  No.165068

The only thing people here are skilled at is incessantly whining about things that they make no attempt to resolve themselves. Taking down a popular porn site matters just as much as taking down a popular torrent or onion site, another one will just pop up somewhere else because the demand still exists. If you want it gone you have to eliminate the demand and that will never happen because its hard wired into the human psyche.

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f92b3f  No.165069


Wtf there's shills on here too?

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d55527  No.165073


>oy vey goyim consume porn

>strawman strawman strawman strawman strawman strawman strawman strawman strawman strawman strawman strawman strawman strawman strawman strawman strawman strawman strawman


Filthy fucking jew.

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6cd024  No.165088


If it were so easy to take down any website you didn't like, someone would have destroyed this one.

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8ec270  No.165090

I'm not helping you but I hope you succeed. I would rather dox Chicago drill rappers/gang members and their family to instigate gang warfare.

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eca50a  No.165110


Should had sent him to:






Adult baby diaper fetish board is the 7th most popular board on 8kun.

Vore board (sexualized fetish of swallowing/cannibalizing another human/furry being) is the 8th most popular board on 8kun.

Hypno board full of sissification hypnosis suggestion files being shared by anons is the 9th most popular board on 8kun.

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3cf2dc  No.165113


What the most popular boards on this site are doesn't mean anything when they all struggle to get a double digit PPH. You can say you're the most popular man on earth once everyone else is dead but that isn't saying much.

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49655d  No.165118

The only chance you have of stopping porn is at the top, with lawmakers and officials banning it. Good luck with that.

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052c08  No.165122


Need to raise awareness. It has already begun: https://fightthenewdrug.org/here-are-the-states-that-have-passed-resolutions/

If that gets to health nuts, it'll have mainstream attention.

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d55527  No.165129


>jew puppets will do something jews don’t want

You’re delusional.

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5bdbeb  No.165140


I have a solution against porn. This genius invention called having sex. Yes, before marriage, nobody's who's sane is catholic anymore.

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d55527  No.165145


>only catholics do things that are objectively good

1. No.

2. Kill yourself, jew.

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b2968c  No.165156


You have this misconception.

Reports indicate growth, by more porn transferring from covert markets, resultant from the sex positivity movement.

The meme about growth, existed to attack the sex positivity movement.

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b2968c  No.165158


> porn makes SIMP'ing unnecessary

well, 2/10s

honestly yes, but the more someone engages in orgasms the more extra sexual fluid male anatomy generates.

The pressure from that sexual fluid manifests leverage for kyriarchal conditioning by a female who has no such experience in the vast majority of cases.

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b2968c  No.165159

In other words, a male who wishes to minimize gynational oppression must balance internal sexual fluid pressure levels with meticulous caution.

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f04c91  No.165245


Yeah I'm so glad things like CP are a thing of the past now that they've been banned. I don't know how we'd survive had the demand for drugs not evaporated overnight when the drug war started.

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b2968c  No.165251


Horrible as well as contraventional idea.

Diminish sexuality with disinterest.

Increasing conflict will only do the opposite of what you want. If you wish to help people sincerely, then you will want to push porn into the creative commons, so culture controls the distribution. Where someone will need transparent social interaction to acquire keywords to find porn. Make the exercise more thoughtful less impulsive, so a person actually balances those sexual fluids. Rather than embracing addiction and vulnerability.

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13780e  No.165253

File: 49485467be6d437⋯.jpg (64 KB, 404x404, 1:1, whatamireading.jpg)


>push porn into the creative commons

>someone will need transparent social interaction to acquire keywords

>so a person actually balances those sexual fluids

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f73bf4  No.165263


>Wtf there's shills on here too?

If you truly think that anyone who doesn't agree with you on some point is a shill, then I suggest you reevaluate what a shill is. If all you can do is push your own agenda and have no arguments or ability to discuss anything, then it's you.

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9ddab0  No.165266

File: 4ff5f9306df000f⋯.jpg (50.04 KB, 835x470, 167:94, jew_amy_schumer_induce_vom….jpg)


>Calling all skilled hackers!

>Can someone with hacking skill take down Pornhub from the internet make enemies for life by depriving der juden of a few hours of profits?


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f73bf4  No.165267


Unfortunately telling that to the Everyone is a Jew but Me retards is easier said than done.

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f73bf4  No.165268


>ssion must balance internal sexual fluid pressure levels wit

Yes, but the point of these puritanical laws is to fine people when they invariably partake of the banned substance. As it was for religious states; "Oh no you dirty little sinner, you need to tithe!"

The same goes for carbon credits. They know we can't give up fossil fuels, they just want to make us pay them for the privilege of using them. These puritans are parasites. Remember these people always project, so when someone calls everyone a jew…

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6cfee1  No.165269


>still posting

>literally defending pornography as though anyone here will ever side with him


Filthy fucking jew.

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6cfee1  No.165270


>strawman because he has no argument whatsoever

>gets personally told something

>claims that the statement applies to everyone

Only imkikey has ever done this, you know.

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f73bf4  No.165278


I'm a jew AND i'm a former admin. You guys really need a new playbook, you were using all this shit last election. That's why you will keep loosing, because you don't learn and aren't creative.

>Fucking Jew

>Fucking Jew


>incoherent rambling

Fuck off

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d55527  No.165282


>I’m a jew

Yes, hence why you’re defending judaism.

>former admin

Mod, but delusions of grandeur were imkikey’s forte, too.

>still defending pornography as though anyone here will ever side with him


Fucking filthy jew.

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13780e  No.165285






Does being a broken record ever get old?

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d55527  No.165288



Fucking filthy jew.

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547bf5  No.165362


I hope your Act Blue paycheck is pretty good. You won't be getting it after Trump is reelected.

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a1f7aa  No.165386

Pornhub has the money to spend on some of the world's best cyber security, and they spend it on exactly that. You can't simply erase Pornhub off of the internet because they have a network of redundant servers that can redirect traffic to other nodes if any given server is overloaded or gets corrupted, those redundant servers also share and check against each other's data via the same network. Alternatively, you could try to get access to a sysadmin's computer and shut things down from there, but again, the security within the corporate PC network is probably rock-solid as well, and good luck trying to crack into that system remotely.

The days of old-school sooperhaxorz are at least 15 years dead, and people on image boards have honestly never been good at it. You're better off attacking them through social means; create memes and information dumps which expose Pornhub's habit of hosting child porn and rape/revenge videos. You could even file a class-action against them if you tracked down enough actresses who were the victims of Pornhub's negligence. That would completely cripple them in this day-and-age.

But yeah, don't bother with hacking, and also lurk moar because there are two threads where this post belongs, instead of having it in its own thread.

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1757b6  No.165387

File: 52cb3d54284e93c⋯.jpg (117.6 KB, 700x620, 35:31, rape.jpg)


>he thinks this board isn't filled with newfags who don't even know who imkampfy was at all

>he thinks this board isn't qboomer central 2.0

Six years buffalo queers.

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b48680  No.165393


>Porn is a multi-billion dollar industry and growing every year and your feely-feels tell you it's on its way out? You are a special kind of stupid. If you can't stay away from porn sites, then edit your hosts file. It's not our job to make you stop fapping to BonB gangbangs.

Porn is also soma (Brave New World). It is a drug that helps keeps the masses docile and sedated. For the elites, that is their ideal state for the masses because they are less of a threat that way. I'm no fan of E. Michael Jones, but he's correct in classifying it as a weapon of sorts.

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b2968c  No.165434


Hacking today requires breaking virtualization protocols; multiple layers of virtualization protocols. That requires such a neurological tax, large governments enslave artificial intelligence to do that.

Think to Ghost in the Shell.

Hacking today, looks much more like that.

One also shouldn't go into hacking with the intention of "removing someone from the internet" not only the internet belongs to everyone but that will and should never succeed. Cybersecurity will take professional pride in restoring service. Insurance will cover damages. Complex social graphs will absorb the moral damage. If you hack, hack for information or hack to puppet. To diminish an idea, never go beyond meme war.

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d55527  No.165444


>you’re a paid jewish shill because you AREN’T supporting pornography

This is the caliber of paid shill they send here, folks.Filthy fucking jew.



>doesn’t even read what the post says

>just makes up bullshit

Why even reply? You have no idea what was said.


>jews, communists, and nonwhites should never be removed from the Internet

Well, you don’t belong here.

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b2968c  No.165517


Dear SAGE Anon,

they replied like a redfem

I mean radfem likely Russian.

They wanted to call us BUNNIES


talk soy since they look like losers.

When you spot BUNNY-haters or BUNNY-makers (usually the same entity) please troll them to the maximum of your ability.



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b2968c  No.165518


Lo! What a female biological-nationalist feminist from Russia looks like.

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688700  No.165520

You act like that's the worst thing in society. You fool. How about taking down political frauds, murderers and thieves? Your moral virtue signaling won't end anything. At all.

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b2968c  No.165537


Those are cyclical apocalypses.

A linear apocalypse DOES matter more.

Screw one fraud case, let a few murderers go free, bed the robber barons, but DO NOT permit the last of anything to die.

Objective observers look at bodies, see only a sequence of movements which qualify to fit in a category we call "fraud", "murder", or "theft", but a TRUE objective observer develops carnal knowledge of participants shares their subjective experience by veritably reproducing that participants qualia inside the observers mind within a simulation of the events observed. We can know if someone metaphysically desired their place in that story, irregardless of how immoral from an agnostic perspective.

Stories which do not violate the soul,

do not matter except measuring portions.

Too much of that story; too little of others: can have negative effects on the viewers health, including the viewers who participate the actors.

You wanna pretend like us earthlings want your dream, simply because you can generate the fun necessary to keep the choice in a constant state of ambiguity until your target appears about to make the decision you want to.

You lack either awareness or care that when you do that you change a thinking-being on a fundamental level; you make them someone else; you commit a small act of egocide.

You might imagine we hate ego, that; my deeming ego sacrosanct contravenes with internet culture, but no that idea would only express your ignorance to the spirit. No we deem ego precious; we pretend like deaf-mutes not to hear or speak of evil to allow the irony to permeate; to expose the state-ists in the early stages but to gift a sense of gratification to all the witty clever people who finally acknowledge ego protects the soul securing the mind from programming or erasure.

# Your moral virtue signalling won't start anything. At all.

But, mine will. Hail the 4th estate! KONY 2012!

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3c1a7d  No.165552

File: da810119d18949a⋯.jpg (549.73 KB, 878x599, 878:599, porn_jew_2.jpg)

File: b1f852ffa6fe075⋯.png (2.52 MB, 2995x1182, 2995:1182, porn_jews.png)

File: 6293f4343feb5f7⋯.jpg (102.25 KB, 1200x861, 400:287, porn_jewwws.jpg)

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3c1a7d  No.165565

File: 2f9ca8c476196ce⋯.jpg (134.85 KB, 822x562, 411:281, Jewish_elephant_in_the_Tru….jpg)

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d1a4c1  No.165569


A sustained ddos campaign wild be there closest thing to a actual *hack* that could be executed on a giant like pornhub. With that you need funds to purchase a botnet, or spend the time creating your own.

It would be down for a few days and eventually it would come back. Legal action is required to effect real change in this scenario

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fa8044  No.165580


> take down Pornhub from the internet?

Their DDOS protection is quite good, but would be possible (depends on how long you want though and also how you would avoid getting found out).

> conquer porn addiction and jerking off addiction

Meh, people do this regardless of porn. Even when it wasn't popular slut club culture existed.

> this kind of degeneracy is on its way out

Nah its way bigger now then in the past since teens can just upload their vids and ask for a couple of dollars. This makes being a whore accessible to much more people than ever before.

Also OP I know you're probably very atechnical but prolonged taking down of something like pornhub will likely get you found out and you can get convicted for this. While you didn't achieve anything at all.


In practice with tons of high quality / HD free porn you'd assume that normies wouldn't feel the need to simp out to buy porn vids. Yet they still do for some magical reason that escapes me. And no, it isn't just the extremely niche fetish shit that's selling (since there's such a low quantity of material for it, it sells).

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689362  No.165597

File: d98093d25d4f5a5⋯.png (419 B, 200x200, 1:1, qr.png)


sure thing… deposit 1btc into QR and I'll down it for a day

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f73bf4  No.165784

File: 423226f227e6ef2⋯.jpg (36.6 KB, 500x500, 1:1, artworks_000662158297_jqlu….jpg)


You are aware that the likes of OnlyFans, Twitch, Patreon, etc are decentralizing porn distribution, and doing to the porn industry what the internet did to the music industry: presenting massive competition and forcing the big players into a reduced and hollow business model.

Pointing out who owns these companies doesn't say much about porn in its entirety and the new model it is taking. This point is becoming less and less relevant, and it's women who are pushing it. Do you have any real arguments, or just more Jew memes someone else made?

Don't get me wrong, paying women for tit pics is pathetic, and too much of any unproductive activity is bad, but no one cares about your moral grandstanding.

Women hate porn when their boyfriend or husband is watching it, but love it when it's making them money. Welcome to politics: it's all self interest. This is why feminists and democrats seem to have no consistency. They are perfectly consistent: arguing for what benefits that particular person in that particular instance, regardless or meaning or reason. 100% consistent.

The question is, how does banning porn benefit you?

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f73bf4  No.165786


Men have instincts to provide for women, for reproductive purposes of course. You provide to setup the environment necessarily to produce and rear children. But modern women have used internet based distribution to hijack these instincts in multiple men who never even meet them.

Why? Probably because these men are so listless they don't know how to put their money towards any kind of purpose, so they throw it into a reproductive fire-pit. The mammalian brain isn't perfect, what can I say?

My best guess is this push to attack PornHub and other established porn companies is being pushed by these women (and the companies behind them) to eliminate their biggest competition. I'm never going to pay for porn, or for some e-thot's videos. This is all bullshit to allow the new breed of sex worker to push their economic interests.

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b2968c  No.165846


You based my point about kyriarchy.

By focusing on OP you attack a scarecrow rather than the more concerning argument.

You are obviously the same person who said OP deserved to be raped.

You want OP raped to condition OP's body to create more sexual fluid (with greater pressure against sexual nerve-endings) as well as more hormones. That way OP has a greater vulnerability to information OP has exposure to by female or feminine figures.

Instincts == programming

Not to mention those so called instincts often first require brainwashing in order to program. Children do often comprehend female can accomplish whatever males can without any significant difference in ability. Children get brainwashed then programmed to believe otherwise so that males treat females as caste superiors and so that females interpret that treatment as exactly what it is: caste. Only when that programming gets mixed (i.e. male children receiving female child programming or vice-versa) do females start to misinterpret and feel condescended by preferential treatment. Perhaps because that in actuality hasn't served as misinterpretation but psychological warfare against the gynation to prevent an escalation of privilege into practices conducive of eugenics (more commonly known by the term "husbandry" for a reason) whether at first compelling suicide or eventually to overt euthanize-ation murders.

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b2968c  No.165847


You yourself admitted you don't think that would be the worst thing "in society".

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b2968c  No.165949

File: ee3759d34d5cd9c⋯.png (3 MB, 1400x2100, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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b13a77  No.165952

File: bce75876819a33b⋯.jpeg (27.75 KB, 992x1024, 31:32, fbfcb53609e35656c1502750a….jpeg)


>warfare against the gynation

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f73bf4  No.165954


>You are obviously the same person who said OP deserved to be raped.

Uhh, not hardly

>You want OP raped to condition OP's body to create more sexual fluid…

Are you schizophrenic?

>Instincts == programming

>Not to mention those so called instincts often first require brainwashing in order to program

Programmed by evolution, not by other people. That's not what an instinct is.

> Children get brainwashed then programmed to believe otherwise so that males treat females as caste superiors

That is brainwashing, but we don't instinctively see females as superior. We have instincts to protect women because they make the babies, and because of that they evolved to not put resources into things not related to baby making. They instinctively want to be protected, but they don't like the reason why. So they gaslight everyone that the reason they are held up is because they are superior, to quash their own insecurities.

> females start to misinterpret and feel condescended by preferential treatment

They want special treatment, but they also want to not feel like they are getting special treatment, and don't want to think about what the reasons might be as to why they get special treatment.

That is the cause of the democratic mindset. "I want money, status and power, but I don't want to see these other people without those things!"

To have these necessarily means others do not, but they find that unpalatable. It is the cognitive dissonance of survivors guilt. So their solution is to force all the other survivors besides them and theirs to support those who do not, so they can still have it all and not feel bad about it.

This is the fundamental psychology of those who are power hungry but are not total sociopaths. But of course, they still need to have their enemies: Straight White Males, because we are statistically the best survivors in the modern environment.

>psychological warfare against the gynation to prevent an escalation of privilege into practices conducive of eugenics

It is within the primitive mammalian instincts of women to promote the death of male social failures, because they consume more than they produce. To them, only women and children can do that; women are allowed because, again, they have the babies.

But the weird thing here is that many have become aware of and feel bad about that instinct, so they instead allowed their motherly protective instincts to latch onto those failures and displace that death drive onto the successes.

But you know what happens when you select for failure. They have "felt" their way into destruction.

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b2968c  No.165976


You are missing the truths anon.

You are too caught up in generating a debate, you don't care about being less wrong. You're trying to avoid empathizing with an uncomfortable perspective, so you want retreat by applying memes you haven't thought critically about which conveniently do not accord with the uncomfortable perspective which if true has an associated course of action rather than appear hopeless and feed your observer complex.

In short you wanna make up shit to argue about so that you don't feel compelled to do shit, make decisions, or say some credible fucking facts. Rather than this convenient bullshit.

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b2968c  No.165978

Schizophrenia iz fake as fuck.

You don't even know the fuck your insult means.

You means schizoid, and even if it fucking was schizoid that would mean there was effort put into the thing. In reality, that is all schizoid really means.

To use schizo as an insult, only MOTHERFUCKING ADVERTIZES your infancy and need to be MOTHERFUCKING spoon fed HIGHLY DIGESTIBLE bits & pieces.

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b2968c  No.165979

File: 35110ff0e3501fa⋯.png (38.36 KB, 320x445, 64:89, ClipboardImage.png)

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b2968c  No.165980

People experience plurality not schizophrenia.

Only egocidal maniacs with plurality experience that shit from movies and creepypastas.

Idiots who try to kill someone they share a body with.

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9c3b93  No.165992

File: 9732fd1fb0fca8e⋯.jpg (8.89 KB, 225x224, 225:224, images.jpg)


>You are missing the truths anon.

Then point them out.

>you don't care about being less wrong

I always care about being less wrong

>You're trying to avoid empathizing with an uncomfortable perspective

Which is?

>the uncomfortable perspective which if true has an associated course of action

And what action do you speak of?

>rather than appear hopeless

I never said I was hopeless nor did anything I posted indicate that.

>In short you wanna make up shit to argue about so that you don't feel compelled to do shit

I wasn't arguing about anything, I was laying out my viewpoints on the situation. And instead of offering some counter viewpoints, you accuse me of being combative while you are the one getting defensive and attempting to insult me.

I'm compelled to do plenty, but nothing impetuous or stupid.

>or say some credible fucking facts

What did I say that was not factual, and why was it wrong?

>Schizophrenia iz fake as fuck.

>To use schizo as an insult, only MOTHERFUCKING ADVERTIZES your infancy and need to be MOTHERFUCKING spoon fed HIGHLY DIGESTIBLE bits & pieces.

You're defensiveness at my pointing out your very strange statements, and downplaying the existence of mental illness shows that you likely do have issues with such. Otherwise you would have taken it as the rather light statement that it was instead of getting obviously butthurt and attempting to insult and shame me.

Your pepe betrays you.

>People experience plurality not schizophrenia.

Dissociative Personality Disorder and Schizophrenia are very different.

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b2968c  No.166000

Anon you still are acting like a child.

Asking obvious questions you don't want to think about.

You need to read up on plural ideology,

if you wanna refute me on that, its pretty well based.

Difficult to believe people have tried to educate you,

I think you've just been avoiding it since you know

what the fuck plurality means.

Another uncomfortable perspective,

you use memes which you haven't thought critically about to retreat from.

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9c3b93  No.166006


Refute you on what? You haven't made any statement in contradiction to any of mine. What exactly are you trying to put forth?

You mean ethnic and religious psychology?

I know what plurality means, as in a fracturing of personality modes. I don't really see what you're getting at.

What uncomfortable perspective?

What memes have I not though about?

Can you actually lay anything out instead of just making vague statements as if they are profound?

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b2968c  No.166007

You haven't mentioned your mistake directly.

Agreeing by default of not denying a mistake,

is weakness.

If you criticize another,

you must criticize yourself proportionally.

You advertise your pretentiousness this way anon.

You have to approach a new perspective

sociopathically AND empathetically

to form a less wrong reduction of the argument.

You haven't tested your interpretation,

or tested very critically the episteme

with which you test accordance.

NOW I can't expect you to do the later actively,

I only suggest you passively practice more skepticism

toward your own apriori knowledge, not in this instance.

Your first and foremost mistake is realizing that hardware only has a statistical difficulty constrained effect on software. If someone prefers a certain program's aesthetic, they will run that program regardless of whether that program runs fast or slow. Neuro-physiology can only constrain speeds, which guides reverse engineering processes. Hence how most brains solve the Poverty of the Stimulus problem proposed by Noam Chomsky.

There is no such thing as biological determinism, unless you raise the organism in a lifeless environment, especially one without external memory devices such as other people or writing/drawing forms.

What we talk about only refers to statistical incentives.

But, environmental incentives easily and readily overrides whatever niche biological incentives (which probably only apply to fractions of humanity anyway) you decided to talk about. We have to know about those in an abstract sense, but personal identification with neuro-physiological incentives should likely (not definite) have no place in the fourth estate.

If you sincerely do not intend to abuse memes for an escape from the conversation, then you need to think more about why the memes exist and where they do and do not apply in any sincere sense.

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b2968c  No.166009


<had not read this post yet

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b2968c  No.166010

No I am not gonna endear you.

You are not a child. I am not writing esoterically.

You can figure out what I mean on your own.

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b2968c  No.166012

I'll admit I wrote all this pretty sloppily.

If I knew you personally, I would probably endear you more, as well as watch my grammar more carefully.

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d55527  No.166015


Might want to learn what endear means before using it again.

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9c3b93  No.166019


Fuck off sage-anon, adults are talking.

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b2968c  No.166114


Try toome up with a name which won't get me in trouble.

I want to infiltrate the fed after all.

What would my Jewish friend think?

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d55527  No.166115


lol, eat shit, kiddo

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b2968c  No.166145

I could say indulge, but I mean endear.

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ad6599  No.166308

Honestly pornhub isnt even the worst of it. There are a bunch of pedo sites on the deep web that law enforcement conviniently ignores for some reason. Pornhub is the tip of the iceberg that people see, thats why it was a big deal that some of that stuff got onto the site. They should be shut down, but there is so much shit that should be priority to it.

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d55527  No.166310


>for some reason

Because they own and operate the sites. This is even publicly known. As long as they themselves don’t upload new content, they’re allowed to do this.

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ad6599  No.166316


I wish them luck then, but what glowniggers should be doing other than catching the small fish is infiltrate the private sites, ID producers and map out networks. These sites on their own are only good for catching the dumbest of the criminals on the bottom of the pyramid.

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982698  No.166317

File: 6257809e17c4cea⋯.jpg (81.77 KB, 750x913, 750:913, 6257809e17c4ceabb1d652fb41….jpg)


Well yeah, because the pedos at the top of the pyramid are their bosses. They only set honeypots for the small fry in order to maintain the illusion of combating pedophilia

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ad6599  No.166318


If you are talking about high level pedophile networks, most of them I would guess they are beyond using pornography, but rather engage in the crime more directly as you have seen with epstein and his clients.

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b2968c  No.166345


Anon, I consider that fine.

We need to take bottom-up killing interest strategy.

If we divert sexual expression into physically impossible scenarios or into inanimate figures (i.e. architecture), then we will diminish porn across the table rather than target pedophilia.

Might I add that child sex slaves get employed primarily for psyops?

Might I add that pedophilia rarely occurs by accident that would-be predators also turn out prey on a rather big food chain?

The lolita scenario I consider a comparably innocuous downstream consequence in most cases. In the cases where someone spontaneously decides to worship a child, that energy can get transformed in so many constructive ways we shouldn't concern ourselves with that scenario at all unless one personally finds their self in a position to directly affect either an immature party or a mature party engaged in disproportionate romance. We need to concern ourselves with giving zeal to asexuality.

Rehabilitating and securing people from the effects of child sex slavery.

Both the mature and immature victims.

Porn needs taken down too, but not in a top-down approach; we need a bottom-up approach like I said.

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ad6599  No.166352


I would be fine with them put into gulags and worked to death to be honest.

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b2968c  No.166396


What about you? What if Epstein sent an army of children trained from birth to seduce you and turn you into a pedophile.

Would you send yourself to the Gulag?

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26552b  No.166436



You sound like you have no idea how sexuality works by saying that someones sexual expression can be diverted and suddenly they want to fuck something totally different. Do you honestly think you can be made to get sexual gratification from being fucked in the ass by other men and be aroused at the sight of male nudity while your attraction to women vanishes?

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ad6599  No.166438


That was such a retarded three sentences anon, that I dont know how to answer this.

Obviously as a healthy male, I'm not attracted children and to females before they show heavy signs of sexual maturity.

Sexual preference is the kind of thing that doesnt really go away easily if at all. Same way as you dont become a faggot from getting raped by a pack of feral niggers in prison, so this is not even changed by sexual interaction.

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b2968c  No.166440



How are ppl turned into sex slaves anon?

You never encountered hypno-porn?

You think hypnosis only works from a file?

Why else employ children in psyops?

Naivety supports the training of hypnosis.

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6de8b9  No.166444

File: 8e71043b24a4877⋯.png (374.99 KB, 646x767, 646:767, 1600043338214.png)

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ad6599  No.166446


Its funny how they instantly recognize themselves oy veying, even if the author didnt mean to portray a jew.

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26552b  No.166460


Hypnosis isn't real and slavery isn't something you consent to, people are turned into sex slaves against their own will.

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b2968c  No.166478


Thanks CONTRARIANanon for stating the obviously false.

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b2968c  No.166497

Slavery refers a psycho-social condition where one depends on another whom that one does not wish to, and has no means to rid that dependence.

Hypnosis refers to any event whereby an aesthetic activates cognitive constructs which game experiences of fun within a mind to cause change, often change based on specific variances in the stimulus. Induction occurs by an external entity generating shocking measures of fun at very particular paces with very particular suggestions to program a cognitive construct.

For convenience, I coined a word for that kind of construct:

a cryptiethic nanaki.

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0d390b  No.166522

File: 8eef2be1345161d⋯.png (420.02 KB, 752x317, 752:317, keen_eyes.png)

Truth is : Most normies don't give a fuck about nofap and semen retention, they just want to jack off because "hahaha it feels so good! xDDDD"

What's the point of taking down the biggest porn site if the coomers will just go to another porn sites? The jew won. We are already brainwashed by him.

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5c9010  No.166523

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1af521  No.166524


>If we divert sexual expression into physically impossible scenarios or into inanimate figures (i.e. architecture)

You sound an awful lot like the left wing social engineers that want to try and bend human nature to control people for their own benefit. What has caused you to have such an obsession with asserting control over other people's sex drives?

You have already demonstrated you have an intimate knowledge with fractionation/plurality. Using dissociation to cause guided fractionation to produce slave personalities is a part of black magic / MKUltra conditioning used in these child sex slavery outlets.

From the things you have said maybe you have more than a passing knowledge of these things?

FWIW, just because some evil people take advantage of others for sex doesn't mean the sex drive needs to be suppressed. That would be like calling money evil just because some people steal. Money is labor, and is a part of life. So is sex; you'd have no life without it.

Catholic priests are a pretty good example of what happens when you try to force people to be celibate. If you try to suppress your sexuality it will come out in nasty ways. Porn is just an outlet for it.

>We need to concern ourselves with giving zeal to asexuality.

Man you sound like a fun person. Why do you feel the need to make sure no one else has any pleasure because you had bad experiences?

>Porn needs taken down too

Porn didn't cause these people to propagate cyclical abuse up children. And you aren't just against porn you're against sex period. You would probably be better served dealing with your own trauma rather than trying to fix it by attempting controlling the rest of the world.

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1af521  No.166526


>Slavery refers a psycho-social condition where one depends on another whom that one does not wish to, and has no means to rid that dependence.

If that's your definition of slavery, then we are all slaves. We all are bound into networks of interdependency we can't fully break away from.

Just because we need jobs/personal relationships doesn't make us slaves. Slavery requires manipulation to skew the balance of labor trade. If the democrats get their way, exerting greater taxes on the productive to support the non-productive we will definitely be there.

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b2968c  No.166589


Now here, on this point

>all are slaves

you've made a grave mistake, which Harlem culture has known about for decades.

The early principle "duality" causes most binary choices to gravitate toward un-ambiguity.

By which, I mean to say presented for a long enough while with a system behavioural choice from a binary set,

almost any being eventually makes a random decision.

If you have the option to grow or shrink the total set of possible roles in a community,

you will eventually decide on one unconsciously.

Ubuntu has gotten characterized that a community has a proprietary obligation to always strive to expand

the set of possible roles in that community to more perfectly include each prior participant.

Most Harlem language conventions, develop from a spirit of abstractly ensuring

that if a kyriarch neglects ubuntu then the people should rise-up to mature their own self-sovereignty

to learn how to sustain and rule one's own self. That spirit makes the n-word precious, and why the distasteful

jokes express an ignorance to the beauty of what that word has become

as well as subvert the free will of life on earth to keep us more trapped and more enslaved in our personal matrices.

I get that we must acknowledge the racial bias which the game theory

at present has set up to make that word regress into an authority or status symbol.

We can subvert that by making tasteful jokes in celebrating the new spirit of the word.

If we want to disparage dumb language developments, then we can say "slave language" and

that will disparage them more than an ignorant usage of the n-word.

I say n-word to even talking in a technical sense,

because the potence of the word should resound

like when one screams "fire" or "gun".

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b2968c  No.166642

We all might qualify as slaves in a way,

but we aren't each other's niggers

until we live and breath our pursuit of liberation.

Not until then, if we still struggle.

Most people simply need to try.

Those cattle who don't try don't deserve the word.

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489b66  No.166662


>The early principle "duality" causes most binary choices to gravitate toward un-ambiguity.

<People naturally polarize into different factions.


>By which, I mean to say presented for a long enough while with a system behavioural choice from a binary set, almost any being eventually makes a random decision.

Those choices are not random, they are based upon what benefits people.

>If you have the option to grow or shrink the total set of possible roles in a community, you will eventually decide on one unconsciously.

Those decisions are much more complicated than based on a single persons subconscious. Are you talking about the reduction of low skilled labor due to automation reducing the number of jobs for low skilled workers?

>Ubuntu has gotten characterized that a community has a proprietary obligation to always strive to expand the set of possible roles in that community to more perfectly include each prior participant.

If Ubuntu means "I am because you are", it likely means that you can only exist because of others in your society that perform functions that people need. No man is an island. However, the problem is with the people that don't fit into any role and do nothing productive.

If you're disabled, that's one thing. But what we have is a bunch of people that are just too stupid and lazy to put forth the effort to become skilled and do the necessary jobs. There is no Unbutu for such people, they just want to take control of the system to keep the governments checks coming. But you can't have an ever increasing number of dependents supported by a shrinking working class, it will collapse.

>Most Harlem language conventions, develop from a spirit of abstractly ensuring that if a kyriarch neglects ubuntu then the people should rise-up to mature their own self-sovereignty to learn how to sustain and rule one's own self.

It is not business's or government's responsibility to come up with do nothing roles to keep the unemployable employed. It is those people's responsibility to either find a place within existing structures or to create their own. They should "rise up" for their self-sovereignty by becoming more capable, learning to take care of themselves and their family, and building new economies withing their areas. Not by banding together to get political power in order to enslave those who are capable because they can't do any of that.

>That spirit makes the n-word precious, and why the distasteful jokes express an ignorance to the beauty of what that word has become as well as subvert the free will of life on earth to keep us more trapped and more enslaved in our personal matrices.

Who is trying to subvert who's free will? The people working and struggling want to be left alone. It's the left that wants to "eat the rich" because they can't make it. They always talk about their freedom and choice, until they fuck up and then no one else gets to have their choice. If they had done what they were supposed to do they might not be in the situations they are in now. The phrase "beggars can't be choosers" exists because if you're asking for help to have to accept it on the terms of the people providing help. They refuse to do that and try to take control, steal, attack and threaten people for it.

>I get that we must acknowledge the racial bias which the game theory at present has set up to make that word regress into an authority or status symbol.

It's not status symbol. It's pointing out when someone is a piece of shit. Don't want to be called that? Don't be a piece of shit.

>We can subvert that by making tasteful jokes in celebrating the new spirit of the word.

>I say n-word to even talking in a technical sense, because the potence of the word should resound like when one screams "fire" or "gun".

You mean like: "Look out, it's a nigger!"

I was subverting by making a joke, see :)

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b2968c  No.166670


>not random

the implies a conscious difficulty.

When we talk about the choice between potent feeling and impotent feeling,

"benefit" has no bearing on the decision. One merely decides if they want to feel more or not.

However in a structure of social abstraction community's collective decision effects every individual,

turning those who contravene from that decision into society's niggers

dragging those unwilling slaves into or out of life along with them.

Often the most socially abstract depend on employees or followers

for art and sensation meaning that a slight deviance in a leader's choice to live

causes an exponential effect on the group's experience of living.

A decision of preference qualifies as random to the unengaged observer.

<grow or shrink the set of possible roles

>shrink the set of economic roles?

No I mean character archetypes aswell,

not merely economic opportunities.

We should shrink procedural labor.

We should grow art of life.

Ubuntu means the set of possible roles should always increase

to support broader searches for evermore accurate identity

if economic roles shrink, then we should strive for a net gain in social roles.

> "I am because you are"

Excellent that you should remember that maxim,

you haven't misapplied the maxim,

but that serves as a low priority.

Identity extends external to one's mind.

Self forms the interface between identity and ego.

If I refuse to call you "white" and instead insist on calling you a Kekistani,

I reshape you self in small part to interface with your ego,

by selecting your identity in one small context.

The identity I negotiate with others in other contexts might counteract your selection,

but ultimately my ego which sustains my qualia exists because of choices by others.

"I am because you all are."

> pointing out shit

I see I haven't convinced you, anon.

Consider all that bad history..

That bad history exists because

Englishmen believed that their culture

would more likely turn slaves into free people.

Aristocratic idealist Englishmen felt that way..

The experiment had very ugly results,

but if we can turn that ugly history

into a subculture called Harlem

dedicated to inspiring

liberation movements.

Wouldn't that give the story a happy ending?

Can't we end racial tension,

by giving a racial culture the prerogative

to create resistance to slavery all around the world?

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0c5fbc  No.166686

They have money so am sure some people have been working on putting ransomware on their networks. Physically destroying the servers isn't an option as they're hosted in data centers all over the world. You could burn down the hq in Montreal though. Maybe even get away with it, gay French Canadians and all. You fly or drive in for the weekend then exit Canada as the fire is still being dealt with.

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489b66  No.166700


>When we talk about the choice between potent feeling and impotent feeling, "benefit" has no bearing on the decision. One merely decides if they want to feel more or not.

And what makes a feeling potent or impotent? It's the consequence your subconscious believes will occur from said event. It is absolutely about benefit. You don't decide to feel, your limbic system does.

>However in a structure of social abstraction community's collective decision effects every individual, turning those who contravene from that decision into society's niggers dragging those unwilling slaves into or out of life along with them.

Yeah, that's what it means to live in a society. The attempt to answer that age old question: "What should we do?" Those who have something to contribute have some authority to guide policy, by withholding their contribution.

But when you contribute nothing and simply threaten to get what you want, why should society give a shit how you think things should be done? If you want power, take the consequent responsibility along with it.

>Often the most socially abstract depend on employees or followers for art and sensation meaning that a slight deviance in a leader's choice to live causes an exponential effect on the group's experience of living.

Yeah, well then they need to qualify a new leader among themselves and do something other than run gangs, sell drugs, and lobby for gibs.

>A decision of preference qualifies as random to the unengaged observer.

Just because they don't understand the reason doesn't mean there isn't one.

>We should shrink procedural labor.

>We should grow art of life.

That "procedural labor" is what produces the things we all need to live. What you are saying is "We want you all to do the necessary work while we enjoy our lives with the products of your labor." Sorry, no.

>Ubuntu means the set of possible roles should always increase to support broader searches for evermore accurate identity if economic roles shrink, then we should strive for a net gain in social roles.

The question is: "Is there anyone willing to trade their productive labor for yours?"

If no, then tough titties. People will not work themselves to death and have no life of their own to support unproductive people "growing their art of life."

>If I refuse to call you "white" and instead insist on calling you a Kekistani, I reshape you self in small part to interface with your ego, by selecting your identity in one small context.

My identity isn't determined by how others choose to label me. Call me whatever you want, but I'm not going to necessarily do whatever you want.

>The identity I negotiate with others in other contexts might counteract your selection, but ultimately my ego which sustains my qualia exists because of choices by others.

Your ego and qualia is your own business. How other people comport themselves personally and economically is not.

>Englishmen believed that their culture would more likely turn slaves into free people.

They though they could incorporate people that never developed agriculture into their economic systems. They took tribes that had been beaten in war and turned into slaves by neighboring tribes and tried to bring them into their societies to help them. You know what they say about good intentions.

>The experiment had very ugly results, but if we can turn that ugly history into a subculture called Harlem dedicated to inspiring liberation movements.

If you actually want independence then you have to be independent. Which requires people be capable of taking care of themselves or otherwise trading their labor for the labor of others. They are not striving for independence they are striving to be government dependents.

>Wouldn't that give the story a happy ending?

It doesn't end, it just repeats. What exact ending do you think can happen?

>Can't we end racial tension, by giving a racial culture the prerogative to create resistance to slavery all around the world?

I don't want slavery. But when you have a group of people pushing to get the money of others by force of the government, what exactly would you call it?

>I see I haven't convinced you, anon.

So far as I can tell you havn't even put forth what your proposing? Which is what people do when they know what their proposing is so horrible most people won't openly support it.

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b2968c  No.166709


>limbic system

I mean the difference between

knowing the state of your body/mind, and

experiencing that state.

Like knowing you've burned your hand,

as opposed to experiencing a burnt hand.

Does one prefer to feel or to experience numbness?

When a cultural leader a socially abstract thinker an important decision maker a credible arbiter of truth

decides consciously or not to perceive less experiences

to empathize less with the group who depends on that person's actions

that group suffers in whatever categories which that group relied on that other to perform for them.

Depend on those sources, at-will, but

always have the resources ready

to learn the tasks which need done

if that source fails.

Never allow one single point-of-failure.

> power

You can't prove any such thing exists.

People get into positions of influence, by allow their internal

mental environment traumatically shaped by collective experiences

that diminishes in many cases the pre-existing spirit.

The person who actually leads,

often turns out very different from the person who decided to lead.

Very few people have a direct potent influence on the world,

most of those people have an anonymous influence greatly detached

by proxies far removed.

< procedural labor

I mean the opposite of automation.

Not to say we end economic output,

though we could certainly also shrink

that a little bit as well, but in more

meaningful ways.

> identity not determined

Now you changed the meaning of the word identity.

What one calls another forms a small part of one's mental environment,

very much only a minor example.

What one calls you IS your identity,

it does not change your identity.

It might or might not change your self.

What you did there: you confused self with identity.

In the Jungian sense, you cannot interchange either id, self, or ego.

All 3 have very different meanings which I explained.

> yours or mine?

Um, you've got qualia too,

unless you don't care if you wake up

to find your body controlled

by an imaginary friend with

you the new imaginary friend.

ty for your attention


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489b66  No.166718


>When a cultural leader a socially abstract thinker an important decision maker a credible arbiter of truth decides consciously or not to perceive less experiences to empathize less with the group who depends on that person's actions that group suffers in whatever categories which that group relied on that other to perform for them.

Sure, but one groups dependency does not constitute an absolute responsibility of the leader conforming to that groups wishes. If you don't like what the group is doing, they can try to remove themselves from that dependency, produce and trade. If one group is responsible for another groups survival, the dependent group also has the responsibility to conform to the leader groups paradigm and meet their demands. They have to hold up their end.

> power: You can't prove any such thing exists.

You are going on and on about kyriarchy and systems of power, and now you want to say power doesn't exist? You are CONTRIARIANon, but you are contradicting yourself.

>The person who actually leads, often turns out very different from the person who decided to lead.

Yeah, because they realize the futility of it all, and that they will be damned no matter what they do. Politics is a joke because it's devolved to mass rule, and most people are stupid and only vote for what benefits them personally.

> procedural labor: I mean the opposite of automation.

More automation means raising the skill threshold of employment, because all the low skilled jobs are now automated. That's a big reason why there are so many unemployed people now.

So are you saying that those people who's jobs have been automated should now get to enjoy "growing their art of life" while everyone else works, including the people that produce and maintain the automation that replaced their work?

>Not to say we end economic output, though we could certainly also shrink that a little bit as well, but in more meaningful ways.

Such as?

>In the Jungian sense, you cannot interchange either id, self, or ego.

Id, self and ego are all internal to the individual and not based solely on the viewpoint of others.

My point it, how you categorize or view me does not have sway over what I believe or what I am going to do.

>Um, you've got qualia too

I didn't claim i didn't, I said YOURS are your business, mine are not.

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b2968c  No.166742

> remove one's self

Yes, but one needs resources

often information resources

to succeed in that.

< Fake news: "power"

> But, Kyriarchy?

Kyriarchy describes a system for social influence

designed to condition obedience to an idea or aesthetic

through a fluctuation of oppression or obedience

across a diverse range of vectors for id

id or identity exists out of one's own mind

except in ambiguous plural experiences

id by definition represents the part

which we negotiate for, where-as

self develops from exposure to id or ego

through isolation we can shape our self

very resistant to identity.

That puts someone in a great negotiating position, since

one can continue to act according to the identity they wish ascribed to themselves,

without giving any regard to prescriptive identity.

> futility

No, rather I mean kyriarchy shapes hierarchy.

Kyriarchs have a very potent very detached very anonymous influence.

> enjoy "growing their art of life"

I wouldn't consider social life immediately superior to economic life.

Social life has a greater potential for art, but a greater requirement for ethical depth.

Economic life can more often create necessary moral developments.

< in more meaningful ways.

> such as?

Listen to Kalle Lasn speaking about design.


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a189bf  No.166769

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>information resources

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a189bf  No.166777


>Listen to Kalle Lasn speaking about design.

That didn't seem to contain anything about how we can downsize economic activity and still be ok.

People need to learn to live with less and stop consuming more than they produce. At the same time we need people like AOC to stop crying about immigrants while wearing $500 watches and Al Gore to stop lecturing people about carbon dioxide while we tours the world in a private jet.

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b2968c  No.166850

Adbusters magazine makes less consumption their MO.

They consider the issue a crisis of meaning.

Only by making un-consumptive activities more meaningful will consumption decrease.

That makes that no simple task.

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b2968c  No.166945

We need helpful directories with resources in the public domain for the crowd to update.

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76535b  No.166959



YOU STUPID FUCKING LOW IQ RETARDED NIGGERS ! what the fuck is this kind of cowardly argument - "oh well, i guess it's hard wired into the human psyche, better give up goys !" the next thing you'll say in the future - "oh well pedophilia or incest porn is now super popular and hard wired into the human psyche, there's no point in fighting it" WTF!!! first of all WHO THE FUCK SAYS YOU NEED TO ELIMINATE IT, it's obvious you can't but at least try to fight the fucking scurge (i know it's an endless but it's absolutely fucking necessary), you need to try and limit it, try to regulate it and try to bring back social shaming for indulging yourself in this kind of filth or try to advertise it daily like a horrible societal disease - "hey man it literally fucks your brain up sometimes irreverseble" kind of message (there's all this science data backing you up and most of the normies don't have a clue about it because you can find it only if you dig deep but it's not like it's censored or hidden); or how about pushing for hypertaxation of the porn industry, how about hard criminal laws against weird sexual fetishes or pedophilic tendencies or avoiding taxation (black market) so as to discourage the average person in pursuing it, i know these require some kind of institutional power to have in your control but it's not like it's pointless. I'm from an ex-soviet country - do you know how hard was back then (even during the 90's) to find something remotely pornographic on the market (mainly the need was supplied by americunt hollywood or low budget movies with their erotic scenes). I know you might say - but now it's the Internet faggot ! do you not see faggot how easily the internet can be managed and censored ! china does it, russia does it, even that shithole egypt did it at one point during their spring revolution.

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db4b65  No.166997


It was pretty meaningful to the '70s hippies, but look what they became. For the most part, people don't downgrade their standard of living unless they have no other choice.

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e20117  No.167008


Theres already the harshest criminal law for a non-violent crime enacted to try and stop CP yet its more prevalent now than it ever has been and even the most technologically inept person can easily get a hold of it.

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c6eaff  No.167011

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>Embrace the suck anons

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db4b65  No.167019


The real question is why you think porn needs to be restricted (and don't conflate normal porn with cp, that's a bullshit leftist style tactic and you know it)

Harms your children to see it? Be a fucking parent and restrict it to them. Other adults don't need your protection.

Bad for your health? How so? Junk food is bad for you health, but you don't want to ban that.

We're not making white babies fast enough and families don't hold together? "Empowered" women and no fault divorce is the cause of that.

Why don't you tell us the real reason you are so against porn?

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b2968c  No.167058


>wants to end obscenity on the internet

>says N-word


stupid regressive

diminish interest in porn

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b2968c  No.167059

orgasms cause people to fade away

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b2968c  No.167060



lost all credibility with me

by exaggerating

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b2968c  No.167061

> doesn't comprehend actual damage by child sexploitation

> records a pseudo-authoritative TEDx video


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b2968c  No.167062


Consumption has gone down a lot.

You can't accelerate nor should you minimalism.

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283217  No.167065

I can still use my imagination, i don't care if its gone or not

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75bbe2  No.167103


Why not expose leftist doxxers instead, FBI-Chan?

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f73bf4  No.167140


>orgasms cause people to fade away

What the hell is that supposed to mean?

It may come as a surprise but some people enjoy sex, and others enjoy having sex with them.

You never answered why you are so sex negative. In fact, you never really answered any of my direct questions. I get the feeling you are coming at this from an unhealthy perspective.

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0559d3  No.167152


They sound just like a sex negative feminist that thinks all porn is bad and exploitative to women, if you've ever argued with one you'll know they didn't come to that conclusion rationally but emotionally and there is nothing they can say to back up how they feel. They just feel its bad therefore its bad.

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f73bf4  No.167154


>They sound just like a sex negative feminist that thinks all porn is bad and exploitative to women

From the conversation so far, I've already determined this is a leftist woman, and must be a feminist from all the kyriarchy talk. Never answers a direct question.

She either got diddled and views all sex as bad, or no one wants to fuck her so does her best to make sure no one else gets to have sex either.

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ea1bd9  No.167373


lel @ OP, this.

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2e0b4e  No.184731

File: 1e28ead43ba7c0b⋯.png (28.72 KB, 200x200, 1:1, logic.png)


please stop clogging the board with your grossly misplaced sense of self righteousness,..

control your own actions and stop being a fuckin liberal telling everyone whats best for them.

even if this was possible,..which it isn't,..

exhibit A: >>165021

people will still fap one way or another, and the revenue generated is well worth wrapping in a tightly knit security blankie.

exhibit B: >>165386

also,..people will jump on the opportunity to fill that gap,..figuratively speaking kek

exhibit C: >>165029

exhibit D: >>165088

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d55527  No.184737


>please stop clogging the board


For fuck’s sake.

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a5af52  No.184739


maybe he did it to annoy sagefags like you


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d55527  No.184742

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a5af52  No.184743


bump (I can do this all night)

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d55527  No.184744


No. You can’t.

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a5af52  No.184745

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db597d  No.184746

>seriously implying that big porn isn't the most secure shit in the entire world

Pornhub has better security than the fucked Pentagon.

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3a341d  No.184872

I'm bumping this thread because it is good.

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4f140e  No.185328


They'd just go to any of the millions of other porn sites, retard.

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4af321  No.185382

The fastest way to make these kikes lose money is to obtain their content and post it yourself for free.

Be the illiterate nigger wage ruiner of the porn industry, same applies for any other kike run industry, aid in pirating everything, from books to movies.

Only way to let people with half a brain know that porn is a dopamine receptor frying drug is to plainly state it without sounding like a preaching fanatical christcuck.

If you wanna make porn look bad to left wing political degenerates spin into the fact that porn is the mercification of muh wahmen and freaks and the white devil beats his meat to it.

No way of directly stopping these assholes unless you fill em kikes with lead or send a bunch of luddites to molotov the servers, I doubt of the lasting efficacy of these strategies in the current state we are.

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341a37  No.185986

>Calling all skilled hackers!

Oh come on now don't you boys have the cream of the crop already on your payrolls?

Would you like us to leave a name and number after the b33p?

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