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File: 09760c4248f42e0⋯.jpg (13.56 KB, 374x374, 1:1, s0vnxebt1yw11.jpg)

d1a19e  No.163939

I was using what appears to be a Chinese made app. It's an app for meeting people, chatting and streaming. When you start a stream there is a short text with conditions. It says it's forbidden to broadcast content "which involves violence, POLITICS, terrorism, pornography, vulgarity etc". Wtf? Is this how discussion of politics is viewed in China in general or is it just this app, lumping it together with those things?

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4808cb  No.163947

It’s illegal to question the communists when you live in a one party state, so yes, that’s exactly how they see it.

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d1a19e  No.163950


But what about people who study politics in China and make a career in politics, the people in the government have to come from somewhere. Are you saying they don't ever talk about the subject outside of closed rooms?

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4808cb  No.163951


>people who study politics in China and make a career in politics

You mean the people who are born into the families of Party members, who go to Party-approved schools to learn what the Party tells them and grooms them to take their parents’ place as members of the Party? Yes, they literally do not talk about these things that the Party does not want them to say, under penalty of death or being shipped off to “reeducation camps.” That’s how communism works. It’s how communism must always work, because communism is predicated on the absence of objective truth. Since objective truth exists, nothing but communist doctrine (which is always, universally, incorrect) can be allowed to be thought, otherwise communism intrinsically collapses.

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196458  No.163952


must be hard to run a government when you can't talk about how to run it

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4808cb  No.163962


Or maybe you just fundamentally misunderstand how this works.

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a1592f  No.163976

File: e1acbf287fa56b0⋯.jpg (50.79 KB, 496x650, 248:325, Nude_1919.jpg)


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22d3ca  No.163977


they talk about all kinds of things, often rather publicly. you'd think after iraq, afghanistan, the civil rights act, nafta, two world wars, and the immigration act, certain people would figure out that they are ones being fed bullshit about everything.

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317722  No.164034


Ever been to a communist bookstore? You know the kind that have the complete writing of Lenin, the complete writing of Enver Hoxha, the complete writings of Kim il Sung on Juche? That's what you study in a communist country if you're interested in politics. I doubt if they'd even allow any of Bakunin's writings in there.

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11aaf8  No.164039



Are you retarded? They weren't allowed to talk politics AT ALL.

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bfac39  No.164058


The problem is I need the tracking device to uh have a job and a social life. I'll buy your open source GNU + phone just as soon as you can drive the price down to something reasonable

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8bd4f0  No.164137


They don't run shit, all communist governments are run by strongmen ( overt or covert) for this very reason

This is also why the globalists love communism, it's even cheaper to purchase a ruling position there than in corrupt capitalist countries.

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93a852  No.164343

money was always power from the start

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4808cb  No.164356


>oy vey goyim you NEEEEEEEEEED it

No, you don’t. You’re either brain damaged or paid to lie.

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271daa  No.164415


Oh I'm sorry should I have my job offers, doctors appointments, work engagements, travel plans, 2FA, and social calls sent to my nonexistent fucking landline? Yeah that would be real practical if I was a stay at home housewife

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4808cb  No.164451



>because he can’t comprehend an existence without his jewish brainwashing box

>literally thinks anyone is going to believe him when he says it’s necessary

>doubling down on jewish propaganda even after being called out on it

No, you don’t need it. You are either brain damaged or being paid to lie.

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a523e8  No.166696


I'm a multimillionaire (that's more than 30m in cash to you peasant) and I don't have a cell phone. Never have, never will.

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39cf5b  No.186069

File: 94f7160b8ba3ce3⋯.png (135.69 KB, 1108x318, 554:159, trouble.png)


you makin tiktok videos lip syncing to miley cyrus anon?

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