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🦀Ruth Bader Ginsburg is dead!🦀

File: c473e3d114a768d⋯.jpg (33.15 KB, 197x214, 197:214, befehl.jpg)

bd7a98  No.162869

What would the world be like in CY if Germany and Japan won WW2?

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98ca45  No.162873


There would be a LOT more Jews in the world.

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4c0a32  No.162888


Europe would be filled with blonde haired blue eyed tall people instead of Muslims!

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80ee1f  No.162889

File: ec284a5a8f9cf96⋯.jpg (268.64 KB, 750x557, 750:557, PICT7249.jpg)

File: 71e87d9707bcd55⋯.jpg (168.2 KB, 1126x744, 563:372, buergle_erstemarskolonie_1….jpg)

File: 38316a5b5b840d8⋯.jpg (239.88 KB, 750x532, 375:266, dernaechsteschritt.jpg)

File: ae45c99ef3aa569⋯.jpg (160.99 KB, 371x568, 371:568, Gartmann_Feuerstrahlen1.jpg)

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cf04f8  No.162935

My guess: Immediately, America and other European Colony States probably would have entered a cold war a against a natsoc Europe. Maybe Italy and Germany might have had some arguments about how they would divide Europe, idk what Uncle A's opinion on Mussolini's plans at Roman Empire 2 were. Turkey would probably get annexed by whites at some point. With Japan taking China, America would have had no allies against the natsocs outside of Latin America so I bet we would eventually shake off the jewry with natsoc influences coming in. I don't know if decolonization would have happened or not but either way Europe would remain string and white along with America Canada Australia etc. South Africa would probably remain white too. Maybe the nigs would be killed do to thr rising popularity of eugenics that would follow, who know. Either way, we'd have reached the stars at this point and be colonizing Mars or even beyond by 2020. Also Uncle A becomes the greatest man since Augustus and is remembered fondly by all. There's even a picture of him in every class room and every spaceship.

This is what they took from you…

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