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🦀Ruth Bader Ginsburg is dead!🦀

File: e0faf07895d4813⋯.mp4 (5.02 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Belgium_elementary_excursi….mp4)

File: a9da40e6199a675⋯.webm (2.68 MB, 236x426, 118:213, culturally_enriched_germa….webm)

c0a7f4  No.161557

So what the fuck is happening in Europe?


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98ba77  No.161559

Well you see, it all started in the 18th century when Amschel Rothschild became mayor of Frankfurt

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6f38ca  No.161560


Are you to say that Australia is currently any better? Victoria and NSW are fucked, mate. This shit is happening in every white country; this ain't the time for D&C.

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662d36  No.161568


>This shit is happening in every white country; this ain't the time for D&C.

Agreed. I live in Australia and it's just as bad as the worst white countries.

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0d366b  No.161594

File: 4085116bec25d2b⋯.webm (6.94 MB, 450x360, 5:4, monkies.webm)


Oi m8, wots wif all the African niggers down in straya?

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d8bd34  No.161611


You have to admit that they are the perfect consumer.

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f16835  No.162653


Go on.

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