Suppose you are running a kingdom. One day, strange men show up at your gates carrying incredible riches, to spend it on whatsoever they desire. They claim to be visiting to conduct business, and will magnify your prestige greatly throughout the world. Would you let them in? Perhaps a fool would, but the wise would be naturally suspicious of their motives. A paranoid king may rebuff them at the gate, to send them off to plague some other principality. A cruel king would at once execute them and seize the wealth of their caravan. However, a prudent king ought permit them to enter, but not without the surrender of a great share of their treasure. Therefore, if their intentions are true, and honest, and virtuous, it will be shown by their prosperity in the community in spite of their initial modesty and at due time they ought to be awarded their down payment back. If their intentions are corrupt, deceitful, and destructive: first, the seizure of their wealth may drive them away already, however if they still wish to enter the extent of their influence will be limited and they may be driven off before they ruin the community wholesale. Those hurt by their actions may be compensated by the portion of their cargo seized.
Yet in our time we are expected to accept all manner of strange and perfidious men into our borders without consideration so long as they carry some share of gold or talent. With all the chaos that these practices have brought about, is it not due time that we should evaluate what we may do to see that they deserve the privilege of free enterprise in our great country, if they truly pay homage to its traditions and institutions in their behaviour? Or are we simply being robbed blind with no compensation by wicked men and corrupt authorities? Food for thought.