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7ef80e  No.160262

In this document, many studies are linked that show institutional racism within the American justice system. Many of these studies even control for crime rates apparently:


I recently watched the Striker/Allsup debate with Vaush and Destiny and couldn't help but feel like many of these spokespeople for the far right are not very good when it comes to statistics, whereas autists like the latter two appeared to win the debate using this document and the studies found therein.

My question is, what are we to do about this? Looking through every one of these studies is a daunting task for one person, but if we were to all look through them and see what's really going on, we could solidify our arguments on a statistical level. It's no secret that Vaush and Destiny, and their ilk, are quite influential on young millennial, though they are propped up by YouTube. But the point is that if a normal undecided person were to look at this, it appears to be extensively well-sourced evidence for black systemic oppression.

I am fully aware that statistics are easily manipulated. But understanding HOW they are manipulated is critical to our cause.

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0342e1  No.160268

"Racism" is just a made up word created by marxist jews.

Niggers are just mad because they're dumber, poorer, and they act like a bunch of retarded uncivilized coons, and they want white taxpayers to subsidize their retarded nigger behavior.

Most of the statistics coming from the left are just made up propaganda created by nerdy jews.

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0342e1  No.160275


>Face it there is institutional racism against blacks


Niggers aren't humans, they should be discriminated against.

All niggers need to fuck off back to Africa.

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0342e1  No.160295


>ts funny to see someone say this as detention centers and police stations are being burnt down

Less cops on the street means more black on black crime. You think I give a fuck about blacks killing each other? Have at it niggers!

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833e4b  No.160336


most of this shit can be explained with one of two things

1. blacks commit more crime

2. blacks have a lower iq and get caught easier

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833e4b  No.160339

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596917  No.160350


Pretty much this. Of course you can prove "institutional racism" if in fact niggers are more criminal and more stupid, which they are. If your starting premise is that niggers are our equal, then the only explanation is that the system is rigged against them. But they aren't our equal, and the system is actually tilted in their favor. Still, with all the advantages the system offers them, they still manage to fuck up and be criminals.

They will never be our equals, they will always be criminals and stupid. They also don't have the intellect for self-knowledge, so their lack of positive outcomes will always be whitey's fault to them.

We need to cast off the white man's burden.

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