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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Self defense thread archived due to inactivity. Will resticky by popular demand

File: d434c0b39fe479a⋯.jpg (688.62 KB, 1200x1600, 3:4, IMG_20200916_120938.jpg)

81fe91  No.160259

There is a person in the zetas cartel that looks like me. I am a member of Anonymous. AnonOps irc was taken over in 2011 by the texas syndicate I think. This shit goes back to Sabu and LulzSec. They are after me. They got m put in jail where they switch the fingerprints and dna with the cartel member in jails they control such as Sacramento CA and Charlotte NC. They do it to take the identity. I'm a computer programmer and a hacker and an original anon. My head is fucked up. They moved in by me and started drugging me to screw with my head and elicit information out of me.

They tried to get me over the Tijuana border where they cross the border while wearing sillicone apparatus on their faces like on the chin, nose, etc and while using fake identities to cross.. then they kill the target and take the passport and give it to the cartel member that looks like the target. Then they come back using the fake identities so it doesn't show who they really are in the system or on the cameras. I think I'm from Bakersfield. They have been attacking my family for over 10 years. They have been drugging me and fucking with my head for over 10 years.

I am gats00 I am in the hacker wars.

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81fe91  No.160266

They use some kind of scopolamine / night shade / mind control drug on me to make me forget shit all of the time. I don't know what to do. They keep drugging me and Trafficking me around the country. They lie about me, fabricate shit, try to set me up to get arrested. They scare me, fuck with my head. I don't know for sure but I think they killed my mom and did the same thing to her. Please contact the real Anonymous because I am now out of the loop. AnonOps.com was taken over by the texas syndicate in 2011 after the LulzSec releases happened. Anonymous irc servers and places were dns cached and the physical servers were taken control of by the cartel. Anonymous was infiltrated by the zetas and by people they hired to track us down. People employed by sec groups hired by the zetas.

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86e718  No.160337



i think your a nigger faggot

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