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2cf11a  No.158736

18 minute montage of BLM harassment:


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d45194  No.158738

18 minutes of white people being weak lol who would make this

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2cf11a  No.159516


It's useful material to share with normalfags.

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452b0b  No.160272

Is this BLM shit going to redpill white normies?

I mean seeing a bunch of yelling savage niggers in public acting like retarded coons…that should redpill most white folks, right?

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220055  No.160340


It won't redpill a single woman. Women always submit to aggression. That's why they love niggers and other shitskins, and they think we should too. And tons of modern white "men" are male feminist pussies, so nothing short of losing everything to coon crime would redpill them.

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