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File: 09e536238c119f5⋯.jpg (63.2 KB, 820x637, 820:637, alarm_icon_alert_icon_caut….jpg)

dcd74c  No.158052

MONSTER Energy drinks are the work of SATAN!!! i found this video!



link video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bntfUA6TmLs&feature=youtu.be



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0d8515  No.158054

File: 03714991fc62619⋯.jpg (127.06 KB, 600x792, 25:33, hollywood.jpg)

There are uncountable reasons to be worried about energy drinks and kikes.

This is not one of them.

The M is clearly inspired by the M found in traditional handwriting and fonts from before Antiqua

because they are now gangstaaaaa since tattoos use the letters and criminals used tattoos.

They are trying to appeal to crime culture. Not that it's any better.

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94a76d  No.158103

Yeah, the problem with "energy" drinks is what's written on the label, not the poison in the can

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6e6fa2  No.158121

Go back to >>>/qresearch/

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