Peaceful Protest in Medina County, Texas Protesting Massive Loss Of Federally Protected Constitutional Civil Rights, Specifically Peacefully Protesting Losses of: Freedom of peaceful assembly, Freedom of access to enjoy public spaces, Freedom of self-expression, Freedom of religion, Freedom of speech, Freedom of political expression, Freedom from excessive taxation, Freedom of real property OWNERSHIP, Freedom from medical tyranny, Freedom of self-defense, Freedom to be secure in your person, Freedom of equal online presence to conduct business, Freedom to report news, Freedom against unwarrantedsearch & arrest, Freedom of medical choice, Freedom of the press, Freedom of online dissent, Freedom to peacefully protest, Freedom to retire, etc. email: for details. This is a private patriotic event by invitation only. Respectful gathering includes all ages. Vulgarity, aggressive behavior or subversion will not be tolerated. U.S.A.!