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File: 53c60fd37e88636⋯.png (43.35 KB, 680x235, 136:47, Screenshot_2020_08_03_at_7….png)

095639  No.147904

ok so these people want to

-take our guns

-they want to defund the police

-a lot of them just want to completely abolish the police

-and now were told to obey criminals

this is just fucking retarded

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822169  No.147908


I wonder if we shouldn’t bring back a general “riot news” thread, because this cuckchan bullshit isn’t going to fly.

Do note that no whites will do a single thing about this anywhere, at any time, by the way. No one’s going to fight back, either racially or in any other capacity.

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7c2824  No.147909

File: 5087a57a8eae9af⋯.jpg (28.22 KB, 332x304, 83:76, tex_antoine.jpg)

File: 88cdb60d6b3b368⋯.jpg (38.91 KB, 545x240, 109:48, img.jpg)


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598c40  No.147937

Why do you like bootlicking so much, might it be a fetish?

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7c2824  No.147969


>Why do you like bootlicking so much, might it be a fetish?

I don't understand the total hatred for the police among some of you. Frankly, I never see them and I've mentioned this to many friends and they never see the police too. My town is very quiet and orderly and there's no junkies or meth heads in sight, a great delight after living in a big disgusting city for most of my life. I know policemen personally. They're just guys doing a job.

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f803c4  No.147978


Well in general the police will actively work against any white nationalists so fuck um, it'd be great if they were abolished. Then the gloves come off.

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6eeeb2  No.147980


>I don't understand the total hatred for the police among some of you.

Then you either aren't a White nationalist or you're not very intelligent.

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