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File: bc1d3e0313bd323⋯.jpg (192.34 KB, 640x961, 640:961, 116153557_651810332128344_….jpg)

91d042  No.147593

The whole world is a puppet show. Most of the political leaders and powerful people are part of the same tight-knit community, they all know each.

Barack Obama, Bill Gates, and his boyfriend who would later transition into Michelle Obama.

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39600c  No.147596


> Bill Gates and Obama's have been close friends for decades

So what? Go play your Bill Gates Supervillain RP games on your fucking Q containment board, faggot.

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8ea9d7  No.147600


Fuck off glownigger. Go bother the dozens of q anon boards out there.

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455fde  No.147604


Okay. This isn’t a thread. It’s also not the Q-LARP board.

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